
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring alternative sources of income with AirbnbAirbnb is a low-cost side hustle for those new to earning extra income. Share your spare room or property to join millions of hosts and start earning today.

      Monetizing what you already have, such as hosting a space on Airbnb, can be an easy and effective side hustle. The speaker, Nicole Lappin, shares her personal experience of using Airbnb to generate income while she's away writing. She emphasizes that it's a great option for those new to side hustles as it doesn't require big startup costs. Meanwhile, she expresses her concerns about the ongoing debt ceiling debate and its potential impact on the economy, but remains optimistic that resolution will come. Overall, she encourages listeners to explore alternative sources of income and stay hopeful during uncertain times. If you have a spare room or property, consider joining the millions of hosts on Airbnb and start earning today. Visit Airbnb.com/host to learn more.

    • Understanding the complexities of state and local government securitiesState and local government securities, or 'slugs', provide funding without raising taxes but come with restrictions, ensuring financial stability.

      The inability of the political system to agree on a national budget raises concerns about deeper issues. To better understand this complex issue, let's examine a smaller aspect: state and local government securities, or "slugs." These securities, available only to state and local governments, are a type of non-marketable treasury. While they provide a source of funding for the government without raising taxes, they come with restrictions. State and local governments must keep enough cash on hand to meet their budgetary needs and cannot give excess funds to private investors like Bob to manage. These funds can only be held in demand deposits or fixed deposits. The restrictions are in place to prevent mismanagement and ensure the financial stability of these entities. This example illustrates the complexities of the larger budgeting issue and the importance of careful financial management at all levels of government.

    • Economic Challenges for Cities and StatesThe debt ceiling standoff and inflation can create additional costs and uncertainties for cities and states, potentially leading to project delays or alternative funding sources. Inflation, caused by supply chain disruptions, increases consumer costs, and the Fed's interest rate hikes may slow economic growth.

      The debt ceiling standoff and the closure of the slugs window can create additional costs and uncertainties for cities and states, potentially leading them to delay infrastructure projects or seek alternative funding sources. Meanwhile, the inflation issue, as exemplified by the price of cars, arises from supply chain disruptions and results in increased costs for consumers. The Federal Reserve's efforts to combat inflation using interest rate hikes can further complicate matters, as they may slow economic growth. Overall, these interconnected economic challenges require careful navigation to avoid negative consequences for individuals and businesses.

    • Car prices remain high despite increased productionAutomakers control pricing, preventing dealer discounts, causing high car prices, impacting CPI

      Despite a return to normal production levels and a more robust car supply, car prices haven't dropped significantly for most manufacturers. Dealers, who finance their inventory through loans, are eager to sell cars to reduce their interest payments. However, automakers with pricing control prevent dealers from offering incentives and discounts, keeping prices high. This situation has larger implications, as car prices heavily influence the Consumer Price Index (CPI). In April 2023, new vehicle pricing slightly decreased, but used car prices unexpectedly increased by 4.4%, significantly impacting the CPI. This illustrates the challenges of controlling inflation and the ripple effect of car pricing on the overall economy.

    • Buyers and dealers face economic pressures, but manufacturers remain unaffectedBuy shorter car loans, make large down payments, and consider hosting on Airbnb to mitigate economic challenges

      Both buyers and dealers are feeling the pinch of rising interest rates, leading to a desire for cheaper cars. However, manufacturers are less affected and continue to try to sell cars at higher prices. For buyers, taking the shortest loan possible and making a large down payment when purchasing a used car can help mitigate the impact of interest payments and depreciation. Additionally, hosting a spare room or property on Airbnb can provide an opportunity to monetize what one already owns, making it a smart side hustle. Overall, being proactive and creative in managing expenses and income can help individuals navigate economic challenges.

    • Exploring Affordable Travel and Effective Hiring SolutionsAirbnb hosting can turn travel expenses into an opportunity, while LinkedIn Jobs offers access to a vast pool of top talent, making vacations more affordable and hiring more effective.

      Hosting on Airbnb can help offset the cost of traveling, making vacations more affordable and stress-free. Meanwhile, LinkedIn Jobs offers access to a vast pool of highly qualified candidates who may not be actively looking for new jobs, giving businesses an edge in hiring. These are just a few of the valuable insights shared during the Money Rehab podcast episode. For those feeling guilty about vacations or struggling to find the right hire, these solutions might be just what you need. Airbnb hosting can transform travel expenses into an opportunity, while LinkedIn Jobs can help businesses tap into a pool of top talent that might otherwise go unnoticed. And if you're dealing with money-related questions or challenges, don't hesitate to reach out to the Money Rehab team for advice and potential one-on-one interventions. Remember, investing in yourself is the most important investment you can make. So, take these insights to heart and start exploring the benefits of Airbnb hosting and LinkedIn Jobs today.

    Recent Episodes from Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin

    Tips for Acing a Grant Application and Getting People To Care About Financial Literacy with Jailin Griffiths (Global Head of Purpose at Nasdaq) and Three Grant Winners

    Tips for Acing a Grant Application and Getting People To Care About Financial Literacy with Jailin Griffiths (Global Head of Purpose at Nasdaq) and Three Grant Winners
    Today, you’re going to get tips on investing, building generational wealth, teaching kids about financial literacy and applying for grants— and you’re going to hear this advice from three stellar recipients of the Nasdaq Foundation's Quarterly Grant Program. But first, Nicole sits down with Jailan Griffiths, the Global Head of Purpose for Nasdaq, to talk about the work Nasdaq is doing to further financial literacy, and the voice all companies should be listening to when shaping their mission (spoiler alert: it's their employees!). Read more about Nasdaq’s purpose-driven work, including the grant program, here: https://www.nasdaq.com/nasdaq-foundation  Check out the report Jailin mentions around their New Investor Initiative called Transforming Investor Identity, here: https://www.nasdaq.com/new-investor-initiative. Learn more about Judy Herbst & Savvy Ladies here: https://www.savvyladies.org/ Learn more about Sarah Dieleman Perry & Neighborhood Allies here: https://neighborhoodallies.org/  Learn more about Gayle Villani & GO Project here: https://www.goprojectnyc.org/

    Encore: Nicole Negotiates Her Rent!

    Encore: Nicole Negotiates Her Rent!
    Originally aired April 19, 2022. Money Rehabbers want to know: can you negotiate your rent after signing a lease? Be a fly on the wall as Nicole negotiates her rent with her landlord! Can Nicole get a better deal? You’ll have to tune in to find out!

    Former Disney Star Christy Carlson Romano and Brendan Rooney on Losing All the Disney Money, Healing Financial Trauma and Working With Your Spouse

    Former Disney Star Christy Carlson Romano and Brendan Rooney on Losing All the Disney Money, Healing Financial Trauma and Working With Your Spouse
    You might think that Brendan Rooney, who had a "normal" middle-class childhood, enlisted in the Marines, and then went to Columbia University would have very little in common with Christy Carlson Romano, former Disney Channel child star who, in her words, made— and lost— millions of dollars. And yet, the married couple say their childhoods were not that different when it came to the hard financial lessons. Nicole sits down with Christy and Brendan, who run the podcast network Podco, and talk about what it's like being business partners with your romantic partner. Then, Christy talks about her financial journey after rocketing to superstardom so young, and how she made— and lost millions. We talk about when spending can turn into a form of self-harm, and her advice to anyone looking to build a healthier relationship with money. To watch Christy's YouTube video "How I Lost All My Money," click here. Learn more about Brendan and Christy's podcast network here.

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    Book Recommendations:

    The Best and The Brightest by David Halberstam

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    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    “The Ezra Klein Show” is produced by Annie Galvin, Jeff Geld and Rogé Karma; fact-checking by Andrea López-Cruzado; original music by Isaac Jones; mixing by Jeff Geld; audience strategy by Shannon Busta. Our executive producer is Irene Noguchi. Special thanks to Kristin Lin and Kristina Samulewski.

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