
    Podcast Summary

    • Wondery Plus subscribers get early access to '10% Happier' episodes and a free work-life challenge with Dr. Laurie SantosWondery Plus subscribers can join a free work-life challenge with Dr. Laurie Santos to improve their relationship with work using science-backed strategies, and early access to '10% Happier' episodes

      Wondery Plus subscribers can access early episodes of "10% Happier" and a free work-life challenge featuring Dr. Laurie Santos. This challenge, starting November 8th, includes daily conversations and guided meditations to help listeners improve their relationship with work. Dr. Santos, a professor of psychology at Yale University and host of "The Happiness Lab," provides science-backed strategies to increase time affluence, challenge work dislikes, use rituals, job crafting, and handle success at work. The challenge is available for free in the 10% Happier app. Additionally, listeners are encouraged to check out "The Happiness Lab" podcast. Whole Foods Market sponsors the show and offers high-quality products for hosting brunches during Easter.

    • The impact of time affluence on well-beingPrioritizing joyful activities and using convenient services can enhance time affluence, leading to reduced stress and improved happiness.

      Time affluence, or the feeling of having enough time, is important for our well-being. According to social scientists, this sense of time wealth can have a positive impact on our health and happiness, while time famine, or feeling overwhelmed and short on time, can have negative effects similar to those of unemployment. To make the most of your time and improve your overall well-being, consider prioritizing activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as listening to audiobooks or ordering groceries for delivery. For instance, you can take advantage of services like DoorDash for convenience and save time for more enjoyable pursuits. Additionally, you can try Audible for a 30-day free trial to discover new audiobooks and expand your knowledge and entertainment options. By focusing on time affluence, you can reduce stress and improve your overall happiness.

    • Taking control of your time for happiness and well-beingMaking deliberate decisions to prioritize self-care and invest in time-saving activities can lead to increased happiness and well-being, despite feelings of guilt.

      Making deliberate decisions to take back control of your time can lead to increased happiness and well-being. The speaker, who recently left a long-term job due to the demands on her time, emphasizes the importance of recognizing when something has to give and making an active decision to prioritize self-care. She suggests reframing time-saving activities, such as ordering takeout or hiring help for unwanted tasks, as valuable investments in one's schedule. It's important to acknowledge the guilt that may come with these choices, but ultimately, the time saved can lead to a greater sense of ease and fulfillment. The speaker's experience serves as a reminder that our time is a precious resource, and it's essential to prioritize it wisely to avoid burnout and maintain overall well-being.

    • Investing time and money to save yourself timeResearch shows a 4-day workweek can lead to increased productivity and happiness. Prioritize and make the most of your time to focus on enriching work.

      Investing time and money to save yourself time in the long run can lead to greater overall well-being. This can include outsourcing tasks like cooking or cleaning, or making the most of small pockets of free time throughout the day. Research suggests that a four-day workweek could be an effective way to achieve this, leading to increased productivity and overall happiness. By prioritizing and making the most of your time, you can feel less time-starved and more able to focus on the deep, innovative work that truly enriches your life. So consider where you might be able to save time or outsource tasks, and make a plan to use your newfound free time wisely.

    • Quality of breaks matters for productivity and well-beingInstead of wasting time on mindless activities, prioritize activities that provide flow, social connection, and fun for high-quality breaks.

      Taking breaks is essential for productivity and well-being, but the quality of those breaks matters. Guilt can hinder us from taking meaningful breaks and engaging in activities that truly recharge us. Instead of wasting time on mindless activities like scrolling through Netflix, we should prioritize activities that provide flow, social connection, and fun. For example, playing an instrument with a child or learning a new hobby can be both enjoyable and fulfilling. By recognizing the importance of high-quality breaks and making intentional choices about how we spend our free time, we can avoid the guilt and make the most of our downtime.

    • Engaging in fun activities with children strengthens bonds and provides personal growth for adultsAdults can learn and bond with their children through playful, connected activities. This not only enhances the parent-child relationship but also offers personal growth and identity shift.

      Finding activities that provide playful, connected flow with our children can be a source of fun and bonding for both parties. This concept, as discussed with Dr. Laurie Santos, is defined as fun. It's essential for adults to engage in these activities, not only to bond with their kids but also to learn something new and avoid appearing bored and uninterested. Tom Vanderbilt, a journalist, shared his experience of feeling unfulfilled while watching his daughter learn, leading him to join her in her activities and learn together. This not only strengthened their bond but also gave him a sense of identity shift and personal growth. So, whether it's drum lessons, chess, or surfing, adults can learn and have fun alongside their children. Additionally, discovering new brands like Quince that offer high-quality essentials at affordable prices can contribute to personal growth and wardrobe upgrades. Lastly, exploring companies like GEDIFY, dedicated to relieving knee and back pain, can help adults alleviate discomfort and engage more fully in these fun, connected experiences.

    • Focus on what aligns with your strengths and values in your jobJob crafting allows individuals to transform their work experience by focusing on aspects of their job that align with their strengths and values, leading to higher job satisfaction and a stronger sense of purpose.

      Every small adjustment in our jobs, no matter how mundane they may seem, can lead to significant improvements in our overall job satisfaction and well-being. This concept is known as job crafting, which encourages individuals to focus on the aspects of their job that align with their strengths and values, even if they are not explicitly stated in their job description. A great example of this comes from a study on hospital janitorial staff members, who found that those who saw their job as more than just cleaning up vomit, but rather as an opportunity to make patients laugh and feel better, reported higher levels of job satisfaction and a stronger sense of purpose. By embracing the flexibility within our jobs and focusing on what we find valuable and fulfilling, we can transform our work experience and make it less stressful and more enjoyable. So next time you're feeling stuck in your job, try incorporating some elements of job crafting to help you find meaning and purpose in your work.

    • Finding joy in monotonous situationsThrough job crafting and incorporating fun activities, individuals can make monotonous situations more enjoyable and fulfilling. Establishing work-life boundaries is also crucial for maintaining balance.

      Even when faced with monotonous situations, such as pre-med coursework or a humdrum job, individuals can find ways to make their experiences more enjoyable and fulfilling. This can be achieved through job crafting, which involves utilizing personal strengths and interests to enhance one's role, or by incorporating fun activities into daily routines. Additionally, during times of blurred work-life boundaries, such as during a pandemic, it's essential to establish rituals to create mental separation between work and personal life. This can be as simple as shutting down a laptop and covering it with a towel at the end of the workday. Overall, taking charge of one's circumstances and finding ways to incorporate personal passions can lead to a more satisfying and balanced life.

    • Creating Separations for Better WellbeingDesignate a workspace, establish routines, mindfulness practices, recognize and address social comparisons for improved wellbeing.

      Creating physical and mental separations between work and personal life can significantly improve wellbeing. This can be achieved through simple actions like designating a specific workspace, establishing routines such as family dinners, or incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation. Recognizing and addressing social comparisons is also crucial for maintaining mental health. Our brains are wired to focus on those who seem to be doing better than us, but by becoming aware of this tendency and shifting our focus to our own progress and accomplishments, we can reduce the negative impact of social comparison.

    • Comparing ourselves to others can lead to negative emotions, but we can reframe our perspective and find joy in our accomplishments and in others' success.Reframe perspective, focus on progress, practice empathy, and cultivate joy through Moodita meditation to reduce negative emotions from comparisons.

      Comparing ourselves to others, especially those who have achieved more than us, can lead to negative emotions like contempt, sadness, and anger. However, the bronze medalist's reaction can serve as a reminder that we can reframe our perspective and find joy in our accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. By focusing on our progress and practicing empathy towards others, we can cultivate feelings of sympathetic joy and reduce our unhappiness. Moodita, an ancient Buddhist meditation practice, can help us develop this skill by encouraging us to take pleasure in the success of others. By closing our eyes and imagining someone we know doing well, and repeating phrases like "may your happiness increase," we can train ourselves to feel genuine joy for others and reduce our own comparative thinking.

    • Cultivating happiness and success for ourselves and othersResearch shows that doing good for others can increase overall happiness and success for everyone involved. Practices like Metta and Mudita help us cultivate compassion, happiness, and equanimity towards ourselves and others, benefiting both parties and the collective.

      Happiness and success are not zero-sum games. Contrary to the common belief that good things happening to others means less for us, research shows that doing good for others can increase the overall happiness and success for everyone involved. This concept is emphasized in meditation practices such as Metta (loving-kindness) and Mudita (sympathetic joy), where we learn to cultivate compassion, happiness, and equanimity towards ourselves and others. These practices can have significant physiological, psychological, and behavioral benefits. Therefore, instead of harboring resentment towards our rivals or competitors, we can choose to be happy for them and see their success as an opportunity for us all to grow and add to the collective happiness and success. Love and kindness, like these practices, are not fixed traits but skills that can be trained and developed.

    • Managing and acknowledging emotions in the workplacePracticing emotional intelligence, letting go of negative emotions, creating an inclusive workplace culture, and utilizing resources like therapy and hiring platforms can lead to better performance, health, and productivity.

      Managing and acknowledging emotions in the workplace is crucial for both personal and professional growth. Suppressing emotions can negatively impact performance and health. By practicing emotional intelligence and letting go of negative emotions, individuals can reduce emotional burden and improve overall well-being. The workplace culture should be more inclusive and conducive to emotional expression, allowing for healthy metabolizing of emotions rather than suppressing them. Employers can utilize tools like therapy and hiring platforms to support their employees' emotional and professional needs. Embracing emotions and creating a more inclusive workplace can lead to better decision-making, improved relationships, and increased productivity.

    • Suppressing negative emotions at work can harm mental and physical healthIgnoring negative emotions can lead to emotional stress, physical symptoms, and extreme emotions. Practicing mindfulness and emotional intelligence can help us respond to negative emotions in a healthier way.

      Suppressing negative emotions at work can have detrimental effects on both our mental and physical health, as well as on our relationships with colleagues and loved ones. Negative emotions, such as sadness, anger, and overwhelm, are like warning signals that something is wrong and needs attention. Ignoring these signals can lead to a build-up of emotional stress, which can manifest in various ways, including physical symptoms and extreme emotions. Practicing mindfulness and emotional intelligence can help us respond to negative emotions in a healthier way, allowing us to deal with them before they escalate and cause more harm. By acknowledging and addressing our emotions, we can prevent the negative consequences of emotional suppression and create a more positive and productive work environment.

    • Labeling workplace stories can improve communication and relationshipsRecognizing and articulating negative thoughts can challenge and rein in negative thinking patterns, leading to less frustration, better decision-making, and stronger relationships in the workplace. Understanding the root cause of disliked aspects of work can lead to more meaningful solutions.

      Recognizing and labeling the stories our minds create, especially the negative ones, can help us manage emotions in the workplace. Dan shares how practicing this with a trusted colleague or partner can lead to better communication, stronger relationships, and increased self-awareness. Dan's CEO and he use the technique of acknowledging their amygdala's fears and biases, framing them as their own thoughts rather than facts. By articulating these thoughts out loud, they can challenge and rein in their negative thinking patterns, leading to less frustration, anger, and better decision-making. This practice not only helps individuals but also fosters understanding and empathy between colleagues. Dan also mentions that many people hold a misperception that they hate work, but in reality, they may just dislike certain aspects of it. Understanding the root cause of these feelings can lead to more meaningful solutions and a healthier work environment.

    • Setting Intentions for Happiness During Leisure and WorkSetting intentions can help us be more present and engaged during leisure and work, enhancing overall happiness. Practice focusing on goals and the present moment to improve leisure time and job satisfaction.

      Our perceptions of happiness during work and leisure may be distorted. According to a study, people often feel more engaged and in flow at work than during leisure time. However, when asked which they would prefer, most people choose leisure. To improve our leisure time and increase overall happiness, setting intentions can help us be more present and engaged. This practice, called sati in ancient languages, involves remembering and focusing on our goals and the present moment. By intentionally disconnecting from work during leisure and focusing on the joy and experiences, we can enhance our overall happiness. Conversely, setting intentions at work, such as creating awesome products or having good relationships, can improve our engagement and job satisfaction. By regularly setting intentions and practicing mindfulness, we can better align our actions with our goals and increase our overall happiness.

    • Counteracting negativity bias and seeking dopamine hitsJoin the Work Life Challenge on 10% Happier app for intentional practice and positivity in work life through educational videos and guided meditations.

      Our brains have a natural negativity bias and a strong pull towards dopamine hits, which can negatively impact our experiences and memories, especially in the areas of leisure and work. To counteract this, intentional setting and practice are necessary to help us focus on what truly matters and create positive emotions. Dr. Laurie Santos, from the Happiness Lab podcast, emphasizes the importance of this practice and encourages listeners to join her upcoming Work Life Challenge, a free meditation program starting November 8th on the 10% Happier app. By combining educational videos and guided meditations, this challenge aims to help individuals navigate their work lives with more intention and positivity.

    • Balancing business and leisure while travelingFrequent business travelers can earn rewards and discover new places, while everyone can save money with Bakers' offers and membership benefits.

      Traveling for work comes with its perks, whether it's earning rewards points towards airline status or discovering new national parks. But it's important to remember to pack for both business and leisure. Meanwhile, saving money is a priority for everyone, and Bakers offers not only low prices but also digital coupons, fuel points, and membership benefits to help customers save even more. So, whether you're a frequent business traveler or just looking to save on your grocery bill, these offers can make a big difference. And if you enjoy listening to "10% Happier," consider joining Wondery Plus for early and ad-free access to new episodes.

    Recent Episodes from Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

    The Science Of Getting Out Of Your Head | Annie Murphy Paul

    The Science Of Getting Out Of Your Head | Annie Murphy Paul

    An acclaimed science writer on how to upgrade your mind by using more than your head.

    When you think about thinking, most of us think of it as a supremely solo pursuit. You’re in your head, concentrating and cogitating, all by yourself. But the science shows that if you want to improve your thinking, you need to get out of your head. Today we’re going to talk about a concept called “the extended mind.” Your mind isn’t just in your skull: it’s in your body, it’s in the people around you, it’s in your surroundings. The best thinking requires that you break out of what the writer David Foster Wallace called “the skull sized kingdom” and access these other resources.

    This may sound abstract, but our guest today makes it very practical. Annie Murphy Paul is an acclaimed science writer whose work has appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Scientific American, Slate, Time, and The Best American Science Writing, among many other publications. She is the author of Origins and The Cult of Personality, hailed by Malcolm Gladwell as a “fascinating new book.” Currently a fellow at New America, Paul has spoken to audiences around the world about learning and cognition; her TED talk has been viewed by more than 2.6 million people. A graduate of Yale University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, she has served as a lecturer at Yale University and as a senior advisor at their Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. Her latest book is The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain

    In this episode, we also talk about:

    • How to use your surroundings to think better 
    • My favorite of the three areas of this book – thinking with our relationships
    • Why “groupthink” isn’t always a bad thing (OR you can say, the benefits of thinking in groups)
    • What she called “extension inequality” – that this benefit of the extended mind isn’t available to all people

    Related Episodes: Ancient Secrets to Modern Happiness | Tamar Gendler

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/anniemurphypaul

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    Download the Ten Percent Happier app today: https://10percenthappier.app.link/install

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    On Having Your Own Back | Bonus Meditation with Jess Morey

    On Having Your Own Back | Bonus Meditation with Jess Morey

    Connecting to self-compassion can be really tough. Ease the struggle by imagining your loved ones sending care & support your way.

    About Jess Morey:

    Jess Morey is a lead teacher, cofounder and former executive director of Inward Bound Mindfulness Education which runs in-depth mindfulness programming for youth, and the parents and professionals who support them across the US, and internationally. She began practicing meditation at age 14 on teen retreats offered by the Insight Meditation Society (IMS), and has maintained a consistent commitment to meditation since. Diving head first into meditation at such a key developmental stage makes the revelatory perspective of mindfulness & compassion her natural home turf, and gives her an easy, conversational teaching style anyone can relate to.

    For more information on Inward Bound: https://inwardboundmind.org/

    For more information on the Contemplative Semester: https://www.contemplativesemester.org/

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Compassion For Yourself.”

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    Three Buddhist Practices For Getting Your Sh*t Together | Vinny Ferraro

    Three Buddhist Practices For Getting Your Sh*t Together | Vinny Ferraro

    Practical advice from a straight-talking, formerly incarcerated, occasionally profane dharma teacher.

    Vinny Ferraro is the Guiding Teacher of the Big Heart City Sangha in San Francisco and has led a weekly sitting group for almost two decades. As a fully empowered Dharma Teacher thru Spirit Rock/IMS, he has taught residential retreats at Spirit Rock, Insight Meditation Society, and the Esalen Institute. Currently, he leads Spirit Rock's Year to Live course and teaches retreats and daylongs through Big Heart City and meditation centers across the country. He is a respected leader in developing and implementing interventions for at-risk populations. leading groups in schools, juvenile halls and prisons since 1987. He has led emotional intelligence workshops for over 100,000 youth on four continents.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Alignment
    • Vinny‘s concept of “flashing your basic goodness”
    • Noting practice
    • The deep satisfaction in not seeking satisfaction
    • Redirecting awareness
    • Being an “empathetic witness” for yourself
    • When to opt for distraction
    • Not taking what’s not yours 
    • Vinny’s ancestor practice
    • What is the connection between seeing our family patterns and not taking what is not ours?  
    • How loyal have we been to our suffering?

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/vinny-ferraro

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    The Science Of Overcoming Perfectionism | Thomas Curran

    The Science Of Overcoming Perfectionism | Thomas Curran

    Actionable advice on working with one of the few socially acceptable vices.

    Whilst striving for perfection might seem logical on some level, it’s not actually attainable. And the research shows it can lead to burnout, stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, reduced productivity, and reduced resilience.

    Thomas Curran is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics and is the author of The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The definition of perfectionism – it’s more than just high standards
    • The 3 flavors of perfectionism
    • The surprising findings on perfectionism and gender 
    • Perfectionism VS imposter syndrome 
    • The root of perfectionism 
    • The variables that lead to perfectionism 
    • Thomas’ critiques on capitalism and growth mindset
    • How to actually implement mantras like “progress not perfection” and “embracing good enough”
    • 4 elements to combat imperfectionism 
    • The recipe for achieving inner abundance
    • How to make good work without caring what other people think of you?
    • And parenting and perfectionism 

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    Sign up for Dan’s weekly newsletter here

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    Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/thomas-curran

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    What Is Happiness Anyway? | Bonus Meditation with Jay Michaelson

    What Is Happiness Anyway? | Bonus Meditation with Jay Michaelson

    What is happiness? Investigate how happiness is created, what it’s really like, and learn to access the simple happiness of right now.

    About Jay Michaelson:

    Rabbi Dr. Jay Michaelson is the author of ten books, including his newest, The Secret That Is Not A Secret: Ten Heretical Tales. In his “other career,” Jay is a columnist for The Daily Beast, and was a professional LGBTQ activist for ten years. Jay is an ordained rabbi and has taught meditation in secular, Buddhist, and Jewish context for eighteen years.

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “What Is Happiness.”

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    Dua Lipa On: Radical Optimism, Falling On Stage, And “Writing Yourself Into A Good Idea”

    Dua Lipa On: Radical Optimism, Falling On Stage, And “Writing Yourself Into A Good Idea”

    Talking creativity and sanity with one of the world’s biggest pop stars.

    British-Albanian singer-songwriter Dua Lipa emerged as a global pop sensation with her captivating blend of sultry vocals, empowering lyrics, and infectious beats. Born in London in 1995 to Albanian parents, Lipa's musical journey began at a young age, inspired by her father's own musical career. She hosts the podcast Dua Lipa: At Her Service, and her latest album is Radical Optimism

    In this episode we talk about:

    • What she means by radical optimism – and how it applied when she literally fell on stage
    • How she resists the temptation to fully armor herself
    • Her famous work ethic and packed schedule  
    • Her non-negotiable daily practices, including meditation
    • Her social media hygiene (specially, how to stay sane when nearly 80 million people follow you on Instagram alone)
    • And we have a great conversation about creativity, including how she builds psychological safety with her team in studio and on tour
    • Why she had to write 97 songs to make this one album
    • And her concept of “writing herself into a good idea” – as she says, “You have to be shit to be good.” 

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    Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/dua-lipa

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    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    A research-backed plan for getting your sh*t together in every possible sphere.

    We’re going to talk about some smart strategies today with Emma Seppälä, Ph.D. She is a psychologist and research scientist, with an expertise in the science of happiness, emotional intelligence, and social connection. She is the Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and she also teaches executives at the Yale School of Management. She’s been on this show before, to discuss her best-selling book The Happiness Track. And today she’s back to discuss her new book, Sovereign: Reclaim Your Freedom, Energy, and Power in a Time of Distraction, Uncertainty, and Chaos

    In this episode we talk about:

    • What she means by that term, sovereign
    • The neuroscience of emotion regulation
    • The science of intuition – and how to work with it when you’re a critical thinker
    • How our past can unconsciously bind us 
    • The impact of trauma
    • The latest evidence for the benefits of meditation
    • And how to cultivate what scientists call Positive Relational Energy

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/emma-seppala-764

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    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    The creator of somatic experiencing shows Dan how to heal trauma through the body.


    Peter A. Levine, Ph.D., has spent the past 50 years developing Somatic Experiencing. He holds a doctorate in Biophysics from UC Berkeley and a doctorate in Psychology from International University. His work has been taught to over 30,000 therapists in over 42 countries. He is the author of the new book, An Autobiography of Trauma.

    Content warning: This episode includes discussions of rape and violence.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • How to do somatic experiencing. You’ll see Dan play the role of guinea pig + make weird sounds
    • The difference between somatic experiencing and talk therapy
    • Somatic experiencing practices we can implement into our lives
    • Why some people feel horror/terror at the thought of re-occupying the body and how to overcome those fears
    • What the research says – and how these practices around body awareness have gone from the fringes to entering the scientific mainstream
    • And how to move through ancient wounds – and enrich our lives (whether we have trauma or not)
    • Practices to fortify us in times of difficulty
    • Facing mortality 

    Related Episodes:

    Become An Active Operator Of Your Nervous System | Deb Dana

    What Science and Buddhism Say About How to Regulate Your Own Nervous System | Deb Dana & Kaira Jewel Lingo

    How to Live with the Worst Things That Ever Happened to You | Stephanie Foo

    An Ace Therapist Gives Dan A Run For His Money | Dr. Jacob Ham

    How to Get Out of Your Head | Willa Blythe Baker

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    Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/peter-levine

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    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    Tap into your ADHD superpowers with a meditation that celebrates your unique wiring. Embrace exploration and self-acceptance.

    About Jeff Warren:

    Jeff is an incredibly gifted meditation teacher. He's trained in multiple traditions, including with renowned teacher Shinzen Young. Jeff is the co-author of NY Times Bestseller "Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics," and the founder of the Consciousness Explorers Club, a meditation adventure group in Toronto. He has a knack for surfacing the exact meditation that will help everyone he meets. "I have a meditation for that" is regularly heard from Jeff, so we've dubbed him the "Meditation MacGyver."

    More information on the group retreat (AKA Meditation Party) at the Omega Institute is here

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Meditating with ADHD.” 

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    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Buddhist strategies for taming that nagging voice in your head.

    Ofosu Jones-Quartey, a meditation teacher, author, and musician hailing from the Washington DC area brings over 17 years of experience in sharing mindfulness, meditation and self-compassion practices with the world. Holding a bachelor’s degree from American University and certified by the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, Ofosu is a graduate of the Teleos Coaching Institute and is the male voice on the Balance meditation app, reaching over 10 million subscribers. 

    Ofosu leads meditation classes and retreats nationwide, having taught and led retreats at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, The Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock, Brooklyn Zen Center, Cleveland Insight, Inward Bound Mindfulness and more.

    As an accomplished hip hop artist under the name “Born I,” Ofosu released the mindfulness-themed album “In This Moment” in 2021. His most recent album is “AMIDA”, a spiritual, Lo-Fi Hip Hop album exploring life, death and his Buddhist faith.

    Beyond music, Ofosu is an author, releasing his self-published children’s book “You Are Enough” in 2020 and “Love Your Amazing Self” via Storey Publishing in 2022. He lives in Rockville, Maryland, with his wife and four children.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The relationship between self-compassion and a successful meditation practice
    • All the reasons people resist self-compassion, and his rebuttals
    • Whether self-compassion is selfish
    • How to do self-compassion off the cushion, including practices like journaling, written reminders, establishing accountability partners, and simple questions you can drop into your mind when all else fails
    • How to do self-compassion on the cushion, including practices like body scans, metta, and a check-in practice you can use at the very start of your sits
    • And how to teach self-compassion to children

    Related Episodes:

    The Voice in Your Head | Ethan Kross

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/ofosu-jones-quartey

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    #120 - Luke Bright - Ex-Google Employee Speaks on Leaving to Pursue A Better Work/Life Balance and Why You Should Consider It Too

    #120 - Luke Bright - Ex-Google Employee Speaks on Leaving to Pursue A Better Work/Life Balance and Why You Should Consider It Too

    In this episode of the podcast, I was delighted to welcome on close friend Luke Bright to chat about the importance of work/life balance and why there is always another way.

    Luke speaks on his time at Google, the environment, and the culture in one of the world's most sought-after employers. Google has a reputation for going above and beyond to promote a healthy working environment for its employees, picking up awards for "Best Employee Perks/Benefits", "Best Company Compensation" & "Best Company for Happiness" in the last year.

    We speak on why Luke decided to change paths, the importance of challenge & adversity in life, coping strategies, optimal work/life balance, mental health & self-discovery in this divergent & wide-ranging podcast.

    Ep 07: Prioritizing Your Time as an Executive Leader

    Ep 07: Prioritizing Your Time as an Executive Leader

    Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and like there's never enough time in the day to get everything done? As a leader, time management is crucial, but it's not always easy to navigate the blurred lines between our personal and professional lives. In this episode, I'll be sharing my tips and strategies for prioritizing time for yourself and your loved ones, avoiding burnout, and creating processes to achieve your goals and form healthy habits.

    If you'd like immediate support with the issues you’re facing as a Leader, then book a call with Elisia at https://elisiakeowncoaching.com/call 

    You can find show notes, resources, and more here: https://bit.ly/3khVIHs 


    A Guaranteed Method for Hitting Your Goals: De-Compartmentalize Your Life

    A Guaranteed Method for Hitting Your Goals: De-Compartmentalize Your Life
    In a hyper-individualistic culture, it can feel like all the important parts of your life are at odds with one another: You may want to socialize regularly, spend time with family, save money, crush it at work, and exercise frequently, but as that one quippy girlboss coffee mug slogan reminds us: There are only 24 hours in the day (and something about Beyoncé).  What’s an ambitious person to do, especially when the overwhelm of big goals makes you want to throw in the towel, melt into a Netflix puddle, and nap? There’s only one sustainable solution: integration. Learn more about our sponsor, TaxAct: https://www.taxact.com/moneywithkatie Transcripts can be found at podcast.moneywithkatie.com. — Mentioned in the Episode New Year Annual Review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K2P_yL1Ah976P7MLicb55wgY2DY-39jP3Lvp810H6HQ/edit Nat Eliason on De-Atomization: https://blog.nateliason.com/p/de-atomization-is-the-secret-to-happiness Statistic on Single-Person Households in the US: https://www.statista.com/statistics/242022/number-of-single-person-households-in-the-us/ — Follow Along at Money with Katie: https://moneywithkatie.com/ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MoneywithKatie Follow Money with Katie! - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moneywithkatie/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/moneywithkatie   Subscribe to The Money with Katie Newsletter - Sign up for free today: https://www.morningbrew.com/money-with-katie/subscribe/2 Follow the Brew! - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/morningbrew/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/MorningBrew - TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@morningbrew Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    971 Play Your Best!

    971 Play Your Best!

    Every day, you want to play your best! Ignite the fire within even in the storms.

    When you choose to live life based on how you feel, you leave behind the opportunity to experience joy, love, happiness, and delight.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    You short change yourself.

    Would you walk away from the customer counter if you gave a $100 and your bill is only $1? That's leaving $99 behind.

    That's exactly what you do when you just go through the motions and live by your emotions.

    Play your best!

    Your best might be average when you're in the middle of a storm.

    But you play your best!

    I've been following the US Open. And the amount of talent is extraordinary.

    Juan Del Potro played a very tough match to get him into the quarterfinals. And now he's playing Roger Federer.

    Then there's the 4 USA women. It's a all USA semifinals and finals since 1981. (Sloan Stephens, Coco, Venus Williams, and Maddie Keyes).

    You know the players get tired. But they keep going, not giving in. They play their best!

    Goad gave you life today. Are you going to just throw it away?

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Play your best!

    Bury the excuses. Be willing to play your best! It's then God will shine through your weakness.

    "When you play your best, God plays His greatest!"

    It's the weakness that makes you strong. It's not of your own strength, but of God's strength.

    Stop dawdling!

    "Play your best! God's ready for you. Train for life. Love your journey."


    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or need someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Listen to Create Your Now on iHeart Radio. Click here.

    The Create Your Now Archives are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here.  http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3



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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio

    3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

    6. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

    7. Sign Up for The A.I.M. Academy! You will be the first to learn all about it. http://createyournow.com/m-academy-2

    8. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    9. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails,be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson