
    Sticky Money Monday: Help, My Parents Are Pressuring Me to Buy Their Home and I Don’t Think I’m Ready

    enDecember 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Revolutionizing investment management with SharesightSharesight consolidates investment portfolios, offers comprehensive insights, and integrates with 200+ platforms for a more organized, accessible, and insightful investment experience. Get 4 months free with an annual premium plan.

      Sharesight, a new investment tracking tool, is revolutionizing the way investors manage their portfolios. With support for over 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds, and integration with over 200 platforms, Sharesight consolidates your entire investment portfolio in one place. Going beyond basic brokerage statements, Sharesight offers comprehensive performance insights, including analyzed reports, dividend gains, and currency fluctuations, all presented through intuitive graphs and visualizations. And for those looking to invest with friends, Sharesight is offering a special deal: four months free when purchasing an annual premium plan. Overall, Sharesight promises to transform your investment experience by providing a more organized, accessible, and insightful way to manage your investments. As for the Girls That Invest podcast, the hosts, Sim and Sonia, shared their excitement about providing advice on sticky money situations and witnessing their own growth as individuals and as a podcast. They also shared a personal moment of discovery, finding themselves included in a popular Hot Girl Walks playlist on Spotify.

    • Impact of Sticky Muddy podcast extends beyond chartsListeners share personal stories, hosts offer advice and encouragement on financial matters

      For the hosts of the Sticky Muddy podcast, the impact of their work goes beyond the charts and extends to the intimate moments of their listeners' lives. A listener shares how the podcast has helped her learn finance terms and provided valuable insights into the real world. In return, the hosts feel honored and humbled by the listener's feedback. Meanwhile, another listener shares a personal financial dilemma. She is being asked by her parents to take over the rent of the house she is currently living in, so they can buy a new property where her mom currently resides. The listener feels unprepared to take on such a big commitment, especially since she has only just started working and has limited savings. Despite the financial implications being minimal for her, she is concerned about the impact on her parents' current living situation. The hosts empathize with her situation and offer words of encouragement, acknowledging that making big financial decisions can be daunting, especially at a young age. They also suggest seeking advice from financial professionals to ensure the best possible outcome for all parties involved.

    • Guilt in Financial Decisions for ImmigrantsImmigrants may feel guilty making financial decisions due to family sacrifices and cultural expectations. Validate these feelings, seek resources, and consider personal readiness and long-term implications.

      For individuals, particularly those of immigrant backgrounds, making significant financial decisions comes with a heavy burden of guilt. This guilt stems from the sacrifices made by parents and the deep-rooted cultural expectations of putting family needs above one's own. The speaker validates these feelings and encourages seeking resources like the TED Talk from the founder of Brown Girl Therapy to help navigate these complex emotions. Ultimately, it's important to acknowledge and validate the guilt while also considering personal readiness and long-term financial implications before making a decision.

    • Guilt towards parents and its impact on business decisionsUnderstanding guilt towards parents and prioritizing self-care is crucial for personal growth. Tap to Pay on iPhone and Stripe can help businesses streamline transactions and focus on growth.

      The guilt felt towards parents, especially when they have sacrificed so much, can shape an individual's perspective on life and decision-making. This guilt can manifest as a sense of obligation or social debt, making it difficult for some people to prioritize their own needs and desires. This can be particularly challenging for business owners, who may view every transaction as a culmination of their hard work and commitment to their customers. However, it's essential to remember that prioritizing oneself is not selfish, especially when considering the larger context of systemic inequalities and the need for Brown communities to uplift each other. A practical solution for businesses looking to simplify payment processing and focus on growth is Tap to Pay on iPhone powered by Stripe. This contactless payment solution allows businesses of all sizes to accept payments directly from their iPhones, streamlining transactions and enabling quick scaling. By adopting Tap to Pay on iPhone and Stripe, businesses can increase revenue, expand their reach, and enhance the customer experience, ultimately leading to a win-win-win situation. In summary, understanding the complexities of guilt and obligation towards parents and the importance of prioritizing oneself is crucial for personal growth. Meanwhile, utilizing innovative solutions like Tap to Pay on iPhone and Stripe can help businesses thrive and stay competitive in today's market.

    • Seeking advice for tough financial decisionsGather info, consult mortgage brokers & fee-based advisors, prioritize financial stability, and reduce emotional burden.

      When facing difficult financial decisions that may involve the disapproval of loved ones, it's important to gather objective information and seek the advice of unbiased professionals. The speaker suggests starting with a mortgage broker to assess feasibility, and if necessary, consulting a fee-based financial advisor to create a financial plan that aligns with personal goals. By taking these steps, individuals can make informed decisions and potentially even accelerate their financial growth, while also reducing the emotional burden of carrying out decisions on their own. Ultimately, the goal is to prioritize financial stability and future aspirations over societal pressure or guilt.

    • Evaluating the impact on family relationships when buying a house from parentsConsider long-term financial goals, involve parents, and seek professional advice when buying a house from family to maintain healthy relationships and avoid potential conflicts.

      When considering a major financial decision like buying a house, it's essential to evaluate your personal goals and priorities. If buying a house from your parents is an option, consider the potential impact on your relationship with them. Seek advice from financial professionals to make an informed decision. Involve your parents in the process to build trust and show respect for their opinions. Ultimately, the decision should align with your long-term financial goals and not hinder your ability to achieve them. Remember, the conversation with your parents should be open and collaborative, with a focus on mutual understanding and respect.

    • Involving loved ones in financial decisionsCommunicating and involving loved ones in financial decisions can lead to better understanding and effective decision making. Approach these decisions as grown-ups for thoughtful and informed choices.

      Involving loved ones in important financial decisions can lead to better communication and understanding. This approach acknowledges the privilege of being able to do so and can help make the decision-making process more effective. It's important to remember that everyone's financial situation and family dynamics are unique, and there's no right or wrong way to make significant financial decisions. However, approaching these decisions as grown-ups, rather than as children, can lead to more thoughtful and informed choices. Ultimately, the goal is to make a decision that aligns with your financial goals and brings peace of mind.

    • Open communication about finances between parents and childrenHonest conversations about finances can lead to valuable learning experiences and stronger relationships

      Open communication between parents and children, particularly when it comes to financial decisions, can lead to mutual understanding and support. Parents often want the best for their children and are more likely to be on board with their decisions if they understand the reasoning behind them. It's important to remember that parents and children share a unique bond, and having honest conversations about financial matters can lead to valuable learning experiences and stronger relationships. If you find yourself in a sticky financial situation and need advice, consider reaching out to Girls That Invest for educational resources and potential inclusion in their podcast. Remember, Girls That Invest does not provide personalized financial advice, but their content can serve as a helpful starting point for your own research and decision-making process.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Moby Link

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Moby Link

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Moby Link

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Girls That Invest
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    Moby Link

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Moby Link

    Welcome back to Girls That Startup, a weekly series where we spill the tea on how to create a seven-figure side hustle - because no one saves their way to wealth. You’re joined by Sim, a seven-figure business owner, and Maia, an entrepreneur in the making.

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Click here for Today’s Episode Notes and Transcript.


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    #014 RSIRE Owning 3 Properties At 28 Years Old

    #014 RSIRE Owning 3 Properties At 28 Years Old

    #014 RSIRE Owning 3 Properties At 28 Years Old

    Michael Durham is a Durham Ontario-based landscaper, that truly enjoys his work. It brings job satisfaction, joy at helping customers enjoy THEIR properties even more, and a salary.

    While this is great, Michael always had an eye to the future, and retirement. Perhaps Michael didn’t want to depend on the Canada Pension Plan and RRSPs, so he started investing in real estate.

    For Michael, the key was multi family homes - where if you lose a tenant, the property is still making money. He also believes in refreshing properties between tenants, to make it a better place, and perhaps it might come with a small rent increase to cover the upgrades. Now he owns 3 properties at age 29.

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    What did he learn? Would he do it the same way again? What advice does Michael have for others considering the process?

    Join host award winning mortgage broker Denise Laframboise each week as she brings the good, the bad and the just plain ugly in real estate transactions, as told by real people. Success stories and tips on how to avoid the same pitfalls. We'd love you to please like, subscribe, follow and share these amazing stories.

    To get in touch with Denise:

    Web: http://DeniseLaframboise.ca
    Email: mortgage@DeniseLaframboise.ca 
    Phone: 289-645-1568 ext 1

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    We’re Leaving Our Kids Broke:  The controversial truth - Episode 141: Raising Financially Literate Kids


    In this compelling episode, hosts Ildiko Ferenczi and Dan Caldwell dive deep into the pressing topic of financial literacy for the younger generation. Born out of a spontaneous discussion, they decided to prioritize and shed light on the pivotal question: should parents leave a fortune to their kids?


    Challenging traditional norms, the hosts passionately advocate for instilling values of hard work, entrepreneurial spirit, and financial intelligence over merely passing down wealth. Ildiko shares a touching story about her mother’s determination and the values she instilled in her, highlighting the importance of resilience and self-worth. Both hosts stress the significance of exposing children to the world of finance, business, and investments from a young age, ensuring they’re prepared for life’s challenges and not just cushioned by wealth.


    Drawing from personal experiences, Dan recalls the business acumen he acquired from observing his grandparents, emphasizing the vital role of parents and guardians in shaping a child’s financial future. The conversation takes an intimate turn as they discuss hopes for their own children, envisioning them as empowered individuals who can stand strong in their personal and professional lives, irrespective of their gender.


    They touch upon the urgency of introducing financial vocabulary to children, discussing savings, investments, and the broader world of entrepreneurship. The episode beautifully underscores the idea that children should not be shielded but rather included in the family’s financial journey.


    Amidst light-hearted banter and real-life scenarios (like the interruption of their kids during the recording!), this episode is a goldmine for parents entrepreneurs. If you’re aiming to raise children who are not just monetarily rich but rich in knowledge, values, and resilience, this episode is a must-listen!


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    #012 RSIRE Aging In Place

    #012 RSIRE Aging In Place

    #012 RSIRE Aging In Place

    Deborah Schroeder and her mom lived in 2 different cities - Deborah downtown Toronto, and her mom in Ottawa. Her mom wanted to downsize, but didn’t necessarily live alone and wasn’t sure if she wanted to see her house. Deborah loved her condo, but wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep it.

    They decided to move in together, but in Whitby, so that Deborah could continue to work in Toronto. They looked at a few places, and Deborah is happy they didn’t buy the first few, but they kept looking until they found the house that would suit both of them. Now her mom can age in place with family.

    Deborah asked if she needed to sell the condo and didn’t, so now she has a tenant who is ‘paying the mortgage’ down, which provides a little income as well as building the equity in the condo FOR her!

    What did she learn? Would she do it the same way again? What advice does Deborah have for others considering the process?

    Join host award winning mortgage broker Denise Laframboise each week as she brings the good, the bad and the just plain ugly in real estate transactions, as told by real people. Success stories and tips on how to avoid the same pitfalls. We'd love you to please like, subscribe, follow and share these amazing stories.

    To get in touch with Denise:

    Web: http://DeniseLaframboise.ca
    Email: mortgage@DeniseLaframboise.ca 
    Phone: 289-645-1568 ext 1