
    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Social Proof in MarketingDisplaying sales or views of a product can significantly increase purchase intentions, especially for new products with low sales numbers. Switch to displaying actual sales as numbers grow for maximum effect. Social proof builds trust and credibility with potential customers.

      Learning from this year's Nudge podcast is the power of social proof in marketing. According to Thomas McKinley, a behavioral science practitioner and founder of ARRI, displaying the number of sales or views of a product can significantly increase purchase intentions. This effect is particularly strong for new products with low sales numbers. However, as sales numbers grow, it's more effective to switch to displaying the actual number of sales. A study from 2021, called "Social Selling Queues," supports this advice. While this may seem like common knowledge, many marketers still overlook this simple yet effective tactic. Additionally, for those just starting out, showing product views can have a similar effect. Overall, the use of social proof is a simple yet powerful way to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

    • Using social proof and the Generation Effect in marketingIncorporating social proof and the Generation Effect in marketing can increase sales and make messages more memorable and engaging.

      Making your online product or advertisement more engaging can significantly influence customers' purchasing decisions. According to a study, simply displaying the number of people who have viewed or bought a product can increase sales by up to 56%. This social proof effect is particularly effective when sales are low. However, for advertisers, using the Generation Effect, which involves presenting incomplete information and allowing the audience to generate the missing information, can make the message more memorable and engaging. This phenomenon was first discovered in a 1978 study by Graf and Slameca, and it has been shown to increase recall by up to 15%. While the original study had limitations, a more recent study with a larger sample size confirmed these findings. Therefore, incorporating elements of social proof and the Generation Effect into your marketing strategy can help make your product or advertisement more appealing and memorable to potential customers.

    • Making ads more memorable through engagement and thought-provoking contentEngaging viewers and encouraging them to think can make ads more memorable, but offering too many choices may lead to fewer sales.

      Making ads more memorable can be achieved by engaging viewers and encouraging them to think, as shown in recent studies. For instance, a study referencing the "GM Study" from 2000 revealed that viewers remembered 92% of words in an ad when they had to figure out the meaning on their own. This effect was utilized by Cancer Research UK in an ad about obesity and by Burger King with a mystery addition to their Whopper. However, an older study by Sheena Iyenga, published in 2000, showed that while more choices encouraged more shoppers to stop, it ultimately led to fewer sales. The study took place at a unique grocery store where 24 different jam flavors were displayed, leading to a 60% increase in stoppers compared to 6 flavors. Yet, only 3% of those who stopped with 24 flavors bought a jar, while 30% of those with 6 flavors did. These findings suggest that marketers should consider engaging their audience in a thought-provoking way to make their ads more memorable, while also being mindful of the potential drawbacks of offering too many choices.

    • Study on impact of choices and information framing on decisionsStudies show that offering too many choices can negatively impact decisions, while framing choices and information effectively can influence behavior. For example, introducing a fine for being late can make it seem less severe and encourage compliance.

      The way we frame choices and provide information can significantly impact our decisions and actions. The JAM study, published in 2000, showed that offering people more choices can lead to negative consequences, and subsequent studies have supported this finding. Urie Genizi's study, which has been cited over 3,000 times, illustrates this concept through the introduction of a $3 fine for parents who picked up their children late from daycare. Before the fine, parents may have felt uncertain about the consequences of being late. But once the fine was introduced, parents knew exactly how much they would have to pay, and this changed their perception and behavior. The fine acted as a price on the negative consequence of being late, making it seem less severe and more acceptable. This concept, known as "nudging," can be applied in various contexts, such as reducing the number of choices on a website or menu to boost sales, or setting a relatively small fine for a desired behavior to encourage compliance. Overall, the way we present information and frame choices can have a powerful influence on our decisions and actions.

    • The Power and Unintended Consequences of IncentivesUnderstanding incentives' impact is vital for effective marketing, customer service, and storytelling. Personal connection matters, and technology can help build stronger relationships.

      Incentives, whether they are social or financial, can have unintended consequences. This was illustrated in a study where fines for late pickups at daycare centers actually led to an increase in late pickups. Similarly, the way we perceive situations can be influenced by the incentives around them. For example, showing up late to a dinner in France without a bottle of wine would be unusual. Understanding the power of incentives and their potential impact is crucial for creating effective marketing strategies, customer service interactions, and engaging stories. Another important takeaway is the significance of personal connection and the challenges of maintaining it with customers. Technology, such as HubSpot's Service Hub, can help by providing tools like AI-powered help desks and chatbots to enhance the customer experience and build stronger relationships. A great story, according to bestselling author Will Storr, is one that focuses on character and character development. It's essential to remember that plot should not overshadow character, and engaging storytelling devices should not replace genuine connection and emotional resonance.

    • Understanding People: The Heart of Great StoriesFocusing on compelling characters and their motivations is essential for creating engaging and resonant stories. People's fascination with others' stories drives the enduring popularity of tales throughout history.

      Compelling characters make great stories. While following a proven plot structure like Joseph Campbell's hero's journey can be helpful, it's not the only factor that ensures a story's success. Gossip, which revolves around understanding people and their motivations, is a fundamental aspect of storytelling. People are naturally intrigued by other people's stories, and this fascination has been a driving force behind the enduring popularity of stories throughout history. From classic tales like Star Wars and A Christmas Carol to modern sitcoms like Fawlty Towers, Fleabag, and The Office, it's the unforgettable characters that make these stories resonate with audiences. As marketers, businesspeople, or content creators, focusing on people and making them the heroes in our stories can help us engage and captivate our audiences. Remember, a story about a person will always be more compelling than a story about statistics or data.

    • Adding novelty and variety to experiences to counteract hedonic adaptationInfusing novelty and variety in experiences can increase satisfaction and prevent hedonic adaptation, leading to greater relationship satisfaction and longevity.

      To counteract hedonic adaptation, or the psychological tendency to get used to things and experience less enjoyment over time, it's essential to add novelty and variety to our experiences. This can be achieved by focusing on the differences between activities and doing a greater variety of things across our days and weeks. Interestingly, even the perception of variety can lead to increased satisfaction. However, it's crucial not to overdo it and try to do too many new things in a short amount of time, as this can lead to feeling frantically shifted from one activity to another. Novel experiences, such as trying new hobbies or traveling to new places, can also lead to greater relationship satisfaction and longevity. So, if you want to avoid the dreaded hedonic adaptation and continue to enjoy the things in your life, make sure to infuse some novelty and variety. This year on Nudge, we've had over 240,000,000 minutes of listening time, with over 405 five-star reviews and 3,000 subscribers to our email newsletter. Nudge is now the number one marketing podcast in the UK and regularly hits the top 10 business charts. Thank you to all of you who have tuned in and made this possible.

    • The power of community in creating successful contentA dedicated and engaged audience can help make a project successful, regardless of team size or resources.

      Despite being a one-person team with a full-time day job, the podcast is still able to compete with larger productions due to the support and engagement from its audience. The host's appreciation for listeners' feedback, reviews, and newsletter sign-ups demonstrates the power of community in creating successful content. Even with limited resources, the show's impact is significant, and the host encourages continued engagement and communication. So, remember, no matter the size of your team or resources, a dedicated and engaged audience can help make your project a success. Keep creating, keep sharing, and don't forget to reach out and connect with your supporters.

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    EP50 : Pourquoi j'ai choisi un accouchement à la maison pour mon 2e enfant

    50e épisode. Un épisode spécial où je suis la seule à intervenir.

    Accoucher à la maison ça parait fou et pourtant c’est mon projet, notre projet pour notre famille et ce 2e bébé à venir.

    Dans une première partie je vous parle de mon cheminement pour envisager un 2e enfant.

    Et à partir de la 17e minute j’évoque le choix d’accoucher à domicile.

    Je vous mets toutes les références dont je parle dans cet épisode, un peu de manière désordonnée, à vous de piocher :

    Livres :

    1.Le Guide de la naissance naturelle, Ina May Gaskin, éditions mama. Indispensable pour comprendre le fonctionnement de son corps au moment de l’accouchement. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)

    2. La Naissance en BD découvrez vos supers pouvoirs, Lucile Gomez, éditions mama. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)

    3. Accoucher par soi-même. Laura Kaplan Shanley, editions mama. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)

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    Episodes podcast la Matrescence 

    Ep: 18 avec Isabelle Deputier

    Ep: 10 avec ma mère qui parle de ses accouchements

    Ep: 31 avec mon chéri

    Ep : 43 avec Céline Lazorthe sur le Parental Act

    Les podcasts de Oui change ma vie, Clotilde Dusoulier et Deliciously Ella

    Episode 81 de Bliss où je raconte mon premier accouchement.

    Contact professionnels :

    Dr Marion Poingt

    Cabinet sage femmes de bordeaux Caudéran (Géraldine & Evelyne)

    Isabelle Deputier sur Bordeaux

    Films : 

    Accoucher autrement, Camille Teixeira

    Birth Story, Ina May Gaskin 

    O renascimento do parto Netflix

    Remerciements à mes copines qui ont eu un grand rôle : Olivia, Leslie, et Nan

    Lien pour un article sur l’accouchement à domicile aux Pays Bas. https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2016/08/22/aux-pays-bas-accoucher-a-domicile-n-est-pas-un-projet-alternatif-c-est-juste-normal_4986309_3224.html

    Article : Quand les sages-femmes hospitalières assistent à des accouchements à la maison


    Je suis Clémentine Sarlat votre hôte.

    Si vous avez aimé cet épisode, n’hésitez pas à le partager sur les réseaux sociaux @lamatrescence

    Et sinon, mettez 5 étoiles, ça aide vraiment, merci!

    J’ai aussi ouvert un compte youtube avec des cours de yoga réservés aux femmes enceintes et aux nouvelles mamans. 

    A la semaine prochaine, prenez soin de vous

    Création originale : Clémentine Sarlat

    Production : Clémentine Sarlat

    Enregistrement : Clémentine Sarlat

    Invitée : Clémentine Sarlat

    Musiques libres de droits : https://icons8.com/music 

    Musique intro : by BELAIR Tonight Tonight

    Musique outro : Abloom https://icons8.com/music 

    Lien web : https://linktr.ee/clemsarlat

    Réseaux Sociaux :

    Instagram : Clem Sarlat + La Matrescence 

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    Ep. 13, Part 2: Kevin Fagan's Story About a San Francisco Homeless Veteran

    Ep. 13, Part 2: Kevin Fagan's Story About a San Francisco Homeless Veteran

    In 2003, San Francisco Chronicle editors put Kevin Fagan and a photographer on the streets, literally, to live among the homeless population in order to really capture what that life was like.

    In this episode, Part 2 of a three-part podcast, Kevin will talk about life on the streets of San Francisco, specifically right around the time of Super Bowl 50, in early 2016. Around 350 homeless people moved from the foot of Market Street, where a makeshift party area was constructed for the football game, to the area under the 101 onramp, on Division Street. It was there that he and a photographer, Lea Suzuki, met Kathy Gray, a transgender Army veteran.

    Today's episode is all about Kathy's journey. Here is Kevin and Lea's latest story about Kathy (and other homeless people from Division Street):

    Check back Thursday for Part 3 of Kevin's podcast.

    Film photography by Michelle Kilfeather