
    The Biggest Challenges for Brands Today | Ernst & Young Talk

    enAugust 01, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting Marketing, Customer Experience, and PerformanceCMOs must align internal activation, marketing, and customer experience to put the customer at the heart of the business, addressing disconnects between departments and external partners to create relevant, frictionless, and anticipatory experiences.

      Connecting the dots between internal activation, marketing and customer experience, and performance marketing is crucial for putting the customer at the heart of a business. However, this is easier said than done due to the organizational complexities that often exist between different departments and external partners. CMOs are responsible for marketing but often lack control over other elements of the brand promise, leading to a disconnect between in-house and out-of-house efforts. Moreover, customer experience is an expression of the brand, and marketing and customer experience should be seamlessly connected. Lastly, both brand marketing and performance marketing are essential, and forgetting one can lead to challenges. By addressing these disconnects, businesses can effectively put the customer at the center and create relevant, frictionless, and anticipatory experiences.

    • Shifting focus from campaigns to customersMarketers should prioritize long-term customer relationships over short-term campaign success, and question the relevance of traditional advertising methods in today's media landscape.

      Marketers need to shift their focus from campaigns to customers. The speaker, who grew up in a retail background, emphasizes the importance of considering the long-term customer relationship rather than just measuring the success of individual campaigns. He criticizes the advertising industry for its insular nature and rewarding work that may not translate to real business growth. The speaker also questions the relevance of traditional advertising methods like TV commercials in today's rapidly changing media landscape. Ultimately, marketers need to prioritize understanding their customers and building relationships with them over short-term campaign success.

    • Balancing data and creativity in advertisingStriking a balance between data-driven targeting and creative storytelling is essential for effective audience engagement and achieving marketing goals.

      The advertising industry prioritizes results over consumer centricity and creativity, with a heavy focus on data and targeting. However, both creativity and targeting are essential for driving results. The industry's obsession with reach often overlooks the importance of actualized reach, leading to great creative work going unseen. The use of excessive reporting and data analysis can stifle creativity and hinder the connection between consumers and brands. It's crucial to strike a balance between data-driven targeting and creative storytelling to effectively engage audiences and achieve marketing goals.

    • Disconnected brand marketers and agenciesThe disconnection between brand marketers and their agencies can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Seeking better alignment through operational rigor and communication can help bridge the gap.

      The disconnection between brand marketers and their agencies or partners in the advertising industry is leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. This disconnection stems from a lack of aligned incentives, with each party focusing on their own business model and controlling their own data. However, during times of economic hardship, the pain of wasted resources may push companies to reevaluate their relationships and seek better alignment. In the meantime, efforts to improve client-agency relationships through operational rigor and better communication can help bridge the gap.

    • Agencies and their key personnel are not the sole source of brand successContinuity at the highest levels of an agency-brand relationship is not crucial for brand success. Instead, focus on integrating marketing and customer experience and adapting to evolving consumer needs and preferences.

      The focus on individual agencies or specific people within them as the sole source of brand success is a misconception. Agencies and their key personnel are constantly evolving, with people moving on to new opportunities or being promoted. The idea that continuity at the highest levels of an agency-brand relationship is crucial and cannot be disrupted is a propaganda used by agencies. Instead, we should aim to integrate marketing and customer experience, treating them as interconnected aspects of human interaction. Ultimately, innovation and truth will drive change in the industry, regardless of individual players. The end consumer is the ultimate judge of what is on-brand, and marketers must strive to understand and cater to their evolving needs and preferences.

    • Brand's Role in Consumer Decision-Making Amidst AI and DataAs AI and data transform shopping, brand identity becomes a crucial factor in consumer decision-making. Companies must adapt to this shift by embracing technology and creating meaningful, differentiated brand experiences.

      As technology advances and AI becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, the role of brand in consumer decision-making will become even more crucial. With the potential for commoditization of many products and services through increased convenience and utilitarian buying, consumers will rely on brands to make choices in areas they care about. This shift in focus requires a mindset change in the creative industry, moving away from demonizing quantity and embracing the potential of AI and data to create smarter, connected experiences. The future of retail may see a bifurcation between shopping and buying, with shopping becoming an expression of personal brand identity and buying facilitated through technology. Ultimately, the power of brand will remain a significant factor in consumer decision-making, and companies must hold themselves to the standard of creating meaningful, differentiated brand experiences.

    • Understanding the Attention Graph and Consumer Engagement with New TechnologiesCEOs and CMOs should lead the decision-making process for implementing new technologies, focusing on long-term success and legacy, and understanding consumer engagement with new technologies to create contextually relevant content.

      As technology continues to advance, brand will become even more crucial for businesses to differentiate themselves. The rise of powerful tech companies like Amazon, which are expected to make even bigger moves into private labeling and brand acquisition, could potentially dominate and destroy many brands. However, it's important for businesses to be practical and not get lost in the hype surrounding emerging technologies like AI. While it's important to stay informed and aware of technological advancements, the decision-making process for implementing new technologies should ultimately be driven by CEOs and CMOs who care about the long-term success and legacy of their businesses, rather than short-term gains. As the speaker emphasized, it's important to wait until new technologies have proven themselves at the consumer level before making significant investments. Ultimately, the key to success will be understanding the attention graph and psychograph nature of how consumers are engaging with new technologies and creating contextually relevant content to capture their attention.

    • Effective branding requires a strong CMO-CFO partnershipCollaboration between CMO and CFO is crucial for driving brand success. Amid industry changes, creativity and financial gains can coexist.

      Effective branding requires a strong partnership between the CMO and CFO. This collaboration is crucial for driving brand success within companies, which are often led by CFOs. The industry is undergoing significant changes, and the role of holding companies is being challenged by consultants. These consultants are poised to consolidate and replicate the services offered by holding companies, potentially leaving traditional agencies as financial arbitrage machines. Despite this, it's essential to remember that creativity and financial gains are not mutually exclusive. Lastly, Gary's favorite word is empathy, which highlights the importance of understanding and connecting with people in the world of business and beyond.

    • Empathy as a key driver of successEmpathy leads to better relationships, increased productivity, and overall success. Share the podcast to grow the audience and learn valuable insights.

      The speaker's success is driven not only by their genetic predispositions and performance on stage, but also by their deep empathy towards their employees, clients' customers, and clients. This unique approach sets them apart from others and positions them for victory in the long run. It's important to note that empathy is a powerful tool that can lead to better relationships, increased productivity, and overall success in both personal and professional contexts. The speaker also emphasized the importance of sharing the podcast with others and subscribing to it regularly. They acknowledged that there are listeners who haven't yet told their friends about it, despite it being the best podcast in their opinion. By spreading the word and growing the audience, we can all benefit from the valuable insights and perspectives shared in each episode.

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    Twilio report: https://www.twilio.com/en-us/state-of-customer-engagement 

    Twilio website: https://www.twilio.com

    The Agile Brand podcast website: https://www.gregkihlstrom.com/theagilebrandpodcast

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    For consulting on marketing technology, customer experience, and more visit GK5A: https://www.gk5a.com The Agile Brand podcast is brought to you by TEKsystems.Learn more here: https://www.teksystems.com/versionnextnow

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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content. https://www.missinglink.company

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    The Agile Brand podcast website: https://www.gregkihlstrom.com/theagilebrandpodcast

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    For consulting on marketing technology, customer experience, and more visit GK5A: https://www.gk5a.com

    The Agile Brand podcast is brought to you by TEKsystems. Learn more here: https://www.teksystems.com/versionnextnow

    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content. https://www.missinglink.company

    If you are struggling with projects, sign up for Basecamp. Their pricing is simple and they give you ALL their features in a single plan. No upsells. No upgrades. Go to basecamp.com/agile and try Basecamp for free. No credit card required and cancel anytime. Thank you, Basecamp for sponsoring this episode!

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    Truist website: https://www.truist.com

    The Agile Brand podcast website: https://www.gregkihlstrom.com/theagilebrandpodcast

    Sign up for The Agile Brand newsletter here: https://www.gregkihlstrom.com

    Get the latest news and updates on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-agile-brand/

    For consulting on marketing technology, customer experience, and more visit GK5A: https://www.gk5a.com The Agile Brand podcast is brought to you by TEKsystems.Learn more here: https://www.teksystems.com/versionnextnow

    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content. https://www.missinglink.company

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    The Agile Brand podcast website: https://www.gregkihlstrom.com/theagilebrandpodcast

    Sign up for The Agile Brand newsletter here: https://www.gregkihlstrom.com

    Get the latest news and updates on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-agile-brand/

    For consulting on marketing technology, customer experience, and more visit GK5A: https://www.gk5a.com The Agile Brand podcast is brought to you by TEKsystems.Learn more here: https://www.teksystems.com/versionnextnow

    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content. https://www.missinglink.company

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    Contrast & Co. website: https://www.contrastandco.com

    The Agile Brand podcast website: https://www.gregkihlstrom.com/theagilebrandpodcast

    Sign up for The Agile Brand newsletter here: https://www.gregkihlstrom.com

    Get the latest news and updates on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-agile-brand/

    For consulting on marketing technology, customer experience, and more visit GK5A: https://www.gk5a.com The Agile Brand podcast is brought to you by TEKsystems.Learn more here: https://www.teksystems.com/versionnextnow

    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content. https://www.missinglink.company