
    The Love Expert: Why Women Are Addicted To F**k Boys & Why You Should "Have A 'Boring' Relationship Instead!" Logan Ury

    enOctober 26, 2023
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    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the Complexities of Modern DatingBehavioral scientist Logan Ury helps individuals overcome blindspots in their search for love by understanding attachment theory and forming new patterns and habits for meaningful connections.

      Modern dating is a relatively new phenomenon and many people are struggling to navigate it successfully. Throughout most of human history, marriages were arranged for practical reasons such as land consolidation. The concept of dating as we know it today only began around 1890, and dating apps have only been widely used for about a decade. This means that we lack the inherent knowledge and experience necessary to navigate the complexities of modern dating. Logan Ury, a behavioral scientist and dating coach, aims to help individuals understand the blindspots that hinder their search for love and develop new patterns and habits to find meaningful connections. Understanding attachment theory, which suggests that childhood experiences often impact adult romantic relationships, can also provide valuable insights into relationship dynamics.

    • Understanding Attachment Styles and Breaking the Anxious-Avoidant LoopRecognizing and understanding our attachment style is crucial for building healthy relationships, and finding a securely attached partner can help break the toxic cycle of the anxious-avoidant dynamic.

      Understanding attachment styles is crucial for healthy relationships. The speaker explains that there are three attachment styles: anxious, avoidant, and secure. Securely attached individuals can balance intimacy and independence, making them ideal partners. However, a large portion of the population consists of anxious and avoidant attached individuals, leading to a toxic dynamic called the anxious-avoidant loop. Anxiously attached people constantly seek validation and feel abandoned, while avoidant attached people fear intimacy and smothering. This loop can be broken by recognizing one's attachment style and seeking a secure partner. The speaker shares her personal experience of being in an anxious-avoidant loop until she realized that someone at work made her feel loved and respected. By understanding attachment theory, individuals can make healthier choices in relationships.

    • Strategies for navigating relationships with an avoidant attachment styleOvercome fear and communicate openly, focus on positives in others, and build trust to effectively navigate relationships with an avoidant attachment style.

      If you tend to have an avoidant attachment style and find yourself pushing people away, there are strategies you can use to navigate relationships more effectively. Firstly, be clear about what you want and communicate it openly. It's okay to express your need for space or time alone without making the other person feel rejected. Secondly, override the negativity bias by consciously focusing on the positives in the other person. Challenge yourself to think of five things you like about them and actively counteract the tendency to dwell on flaws. Lastly, recognize that your fear of getting hurt or being let down may be driving your avoidant behavior. Work on building trust and becoming more comfortable relying on someone else. Remember, attachment styles are not solely determined by parents, but societal factors can also play a role.

    • Changing Attachment Styles and Finding Secure Partners for Fulfilling RelationshipsApproximately 25% of people can change their attachment style by recognizing triggers, responding differently, and finding secure partners, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

      Attachment styles can be changed, and it is possible to break free from the anxious avoidant loop. Research indicates that approximately 25% of people are able to change their attachment style when they actively work on it. This involves recognizing triggers and responding differently, such as asking for what you need and focusing on the positives. Another effective strategy is finding a secure partner, which can help break the pattern of anxious avoidant dating. Secure partners offer stability, understanding, and healthier relationship dynamics. However, it is important to note that securely attached individuals are often mistaken for being boring, when in reality, they make excellent partners. Training oneself to recognize and pursue secure partners can lead to more fulfilling and peaceful relationships.

    • The impact of attachment styles on relationship choices and patterns.Understanding and valuing secure, continuous love can help break free from unhealthy relationship patterns.

      Our attachment styles can greatly impact our relationship choices and patterns. The secure attachment style, characterized by continuous love and interest, is healthy and aligns with long-term relationship success. However, individuals with an avoidant attachment style often seek excitement and are attracted to the "partial reward schedule" created by fuck boys. This cycle of hot and cold behavior keeps them hooked, despite the lack of consistent love and attention. Our brains are wired to find uncertainty exciting, but this mindset does not lead to successful, lasting relationships. Understanding our own attachment style and recognizing the importance of secure, continuous love can help us break free from unhealthy relationship patterns.

    • Overcoming Relationship Cycles: Communication, Understanding, and Emotional RegulationEffective communication, emotional regulation, and recognizing triggers can help couples break free from relationship cycles and build a healthier and stronger bond.

      Communication and understanding are key in overcoming relationship cycles and finding a healthy balance. Steven Bartlett and Logan Ury discuss their experiences with an anxious-avoidant loop in their relationship. Steven tends to withdraw when triggered, while Logan seeks reattachment. The key is for both partners to regulate their emotions and communicate their needs effectively. Taking breaks during conflict and acknowledging flooding can prevent escalation. It's important to recognize triggers and find alternative perspectives before jumping to conclusions. By implementing strategies such as distractions and disconfirming evidence, both partners can work towards a healthier relationship. Despite their loop, Steven and Logan appreciate the strength of their relationship and aim to marry when the time is right.

    • Embracing Change and Personal Growth for Stronger RelationshipsBy choosing personal growth and embracing change, relationships can overcome past difficulties and evolve into deeper connections filled with love and reconciliation.

      Choosing to break patterns and make mature choices can lead to unexpected and rewarding outcomes. Steven Bartlett's journey showed that even in a challenging relationship, personal growth and self-reflection can pave the way for reconciliation and a deeper connection. Despite initial hardships and doubts, Steven's decision to apologize and genuinely support his ex-partner's progress played a crucial role in rekindling their love. This example highlights the importance of being open to change and actively choosing to break free from old habits. It also shows that relationships can evolve when both individuals prioritize personal growth and embrace the opportunity to be their best selves, even in the face of past difficulties.

    • Navigating Relationships: Making Choices for SuccessBuilding a great relationship requires being aware of your patterns, making different choices, and knowing when to stop looking for the perfect person. Actively make changes to find happiness.

      Building a great relationship is a series of decisions. It's about making choices at each stage of dating, from who to date to who to marry and have kids with. Successful couples have made good choices along the way. If you're single and want to change that, take a step back and examine your relationship history. Understand your patterns and the results they've been yielding. Then, actively make different choices to get different results. This requires illuminating blindspots and being willing to make changes. Remember, nothing will change unless you actively make different choices. Additionally, know when to stop looking and choose someone. The mathematically correct approach suggests going through the first 37% of options, finding a benchmark person, and then choosing the next person who surpasses that benchmark. Don't keep looking indefinitely and risk missing out on great opportunities.

    • Building Strong Connections and Recognizing Value in RelationshipsUnderstanding our attachment style and avoiding negative patterns can improve our chances of finding love and creating healthier relationships. Focus on disconfirming evidence, seek support, and create space between actions and reactions.

      Relationships are about finding someone great and building a strong connection, rather than endlessly searching for the perfect person who doesn't exist. It's important to recognize the value of the person we're with and not constantly strive to trade up. For those with an anxiously attached style, understanding their triggered behaviors can help increase their chances of finding love. Anxious attached individuals may spiral into negative thoughts and engage in protest behaviors when they fear abandonment. Strategies like distracting oneself, seeking support from others, and focusing on disconfirming evidence can help avoid falling into harmful patterns. Ultimately, creating space between our actions and reactions can lead to healthier relationships.

    • Recognizing disinterest and shifting focus in datingFocus on finding someone who is genuinely interested and available, rather than chasing after someone who shows clear signs of disinterest.

      When it comes to dating, it's important to realize that people do what they want to do. This advice is especially crucial for individuals who find themselves constantly chasing after someone who is showing clear signs of disinterest. It's essential to recognize that consistent one-word answers, lack of follow-up questions, and mismatched communication styles indicate a lack of interest. This realization can help individuals shift their focus away from someone who isn't prioritizing them and towards finding someone who is available and genuinely interested. Growth in dating involves retraining the brain to see availability as attractive and associated with relationship success, rather than being drawn to avoidant partners or those who are already in relationships.

    • The "ick": Superficial Reasons for Not Being Interested in Modern DatingDifferentiating between minor annoyances and genuine dealbreakers is crucial in prioritizing connection over the pursuit of entertaining dating stories.

      Modern dating has become increasingly focused on superficial reasons for not being interested in someone, known as the "ick." People are confusing pet peeves, which are annoyances that can be overlooked, with dealbreakers, which are fundamental incompatibilities. These petty reasons, such as a Velcro wallet or imagining someone being late for a bus, are becoming excuses to avoid getting close to someone. While these stories may provide entertainment value and social capital, they hinder true connection and the attainment of relationship goals. It is important to differentiate between minor annoyances and genuine dealbreakers, and to prioritize connection over the pursuit of amusing dating stories.

    • The pitfalls of unrealistic expectations in datingFinding love requires effort, compromise, and a realistic mindset. Unrealistic expectations can hinder progress in dating and it's important to reevaluate one's approach to find true love.

      Many people have unrealistic expectations when it comes to dating. The first type is the romanticizer, who believes in the idea of the perfect soulmate and a fairytale love story. When things get tough, they think it must not be their true love. The second type is the maximizer, always searching for the perfect partner and believing that someone better is just one swipe away. The third type is the estimator, who feels unworthy of dating until they meet certain criteria. They believe they need to improve themselves before finding love. However, the key lesson is that unrealistic expectations can hinder progress in dating. It's important to understand that relationships require effort and compromise, and finding love may require reevaluating one's mindset and approach.

    • Creating the Perfect Dating EnvironmentA romantic and flirtatious atmosphere can enhance the connection on a date by removing the pressure and allowing individuals to showcase different aspects of their personality.

      The dating environment plays a significant role in how we feel connected to others. Going on coffee and walking dates may feel like a job interview, devoid of flirtation and connection. The environment should create a romantic and flirtatious atmosphere for a date to be successful. Sitting side by side in a bar, for example, can make communication and connection easier as it takes the pressure off. Alcohol is not necessary for a great date, as sober dating is becoming more popular, especially among Gen Z. The perfect date should highlight different aspects of your personality that may not come out in traditional interview-style dates. Ultimately, people want someone to play with and experience different sides of themselves.

    • Approach dating with a playful and open mindset.Embrace curiosity and experimentation in dating to increase the chances of finding a compatible and fulfilling relationship.

      In order to have a successful and fulfilling dating experience, it's important to prioritize fun, playfulness, and a positive mindset. Instead of approaching dating with a serious and goal-oriented mindset, focusing on creating a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere can make a big difference. Being open to different types of dates and experiences, like trying different times of day or expanding preferences, can lead to unexpected connections and opportunities. Additionally, setting restrictive filters or having narrow expectations can limit the pool of potential partners and prevent meaningful connections from forming. By embracing a mindset of curiosity and experimentation, we can approach dating like a scientist and increase our chances of finding a compatible and fulfilling relationship.

    • Creating Genuine Connections: The Impact of Technology on Meaningful Conversations During DatesPut away your phone and other screens during dates to create a safe environment for deeper conversations, and commit to sharing stories instead of mere facts to foster genuine connections.

      Technology can be a major hindrance to deep and meaningful conversations, especially during dates. Whether you're Gen Z or a boomer, the presence of a phone, even if it's face down or off, can significantly impact the depth of the conversation. When a phone is visible, the fear of interruptions prevents individuals from feeling safe and sharing their deeper thoughts. Therefore, it is crucial to put away your phone and other screens, such as watches, during dates to create an environment conducive to genuine connections. Additionally, finishing important work or life conversations beforehand and having solid plans after the date can help avoid unnecessary distractions. By committing to phone-free dates and sharing stories instead of mere facts, individuals can foster deeper connections with their partners.

    • Embracing vulnerability for meaningful connections.True connection is built on authenticity and embracing imperfections; vulnerability is a powerful force that attracts others and fosters genuine connections.

      Vulnerability is the key to forming meaningful connections. We often feel the need to present ourselves as perfect, fearing that our flaws will push others away. However, true connection is built on authenticity and embracing our imperfections. People are drawn to those who are real and create a safe space for others to be themselves. This applies to both individuals with low self-esteem, who may struggle with vulnerability due to fear of rejection, and those with high self-confidence, who have been conditioned to believe that vulnerability is risky. The journey towards vulnerability involves gaining self-security and realizing that being open about our flaws and doubts actually attracts others. Vulnerability is not a repellent, but a powerful magnetic force that fosters genuine connections.

    • Building genuine connections through vulnerabilityEmbracing our flaws and vulnerabilities allows others to relate to us, leading to deeper and more meaningful relationships.

      Vulnerability and authenticity are key in building deep and meaningful connections with others. Many people feel undateable because they believe their flaws and vulnerabilities make them unattractive. However, the truth is that sharing these aspects of ourselves actually allows others to feel more connected to us. When we open up and show our true selves, others can relate and find common ground, leading to genuine connections. It's important to let go of the belief that being perfect and hiding our struggles is the way to connect with others. Instead, embracing our vulnerabilities and allowing ourselves to be seen creates a foundation for deeper relationships.

    • The Power of Authenticity and Vulnerability in Building ConnectionsBuilding genuine connections requires being authentic, vulnerable, and embracing imperfections. Gen Z is prioritizing real content, and focusing on emotional connection and growth leads to more fulfilling relationships.

      Being authentic and vulnerable in conversations allows people to connect on a deeper level. By sharing our imperfections and struggles, we create a safe space for others to do the same. While social media often portrays a highlight reel of perfect lives, embracing authenticity can foster genuine connections. Gen Z, in particular, is leading the way by prioritizing real and unfiltered content. Additionally, when seeking a partner, it's important to focus on fundamental aspects like emotional connection, intellectual stimulation, and mutual growth rather than superficial qualities. This shift from "relationship shopping" to valuing who we are together allows for more fulfilling and meaningful relationships.

    • Shifting our mindset from "relationship shopping" to "relationship shipping" for long-term happiness and fulfillment.By dating like scientists and focusing on compatibility and emotional security instead of just chemistry, we increase the chances of finding a great partner who brings out our best side.

      When it comes to finding a long-term partner, it's important to shift our mindset from "relationship shopping" to "relationship shipping." This means putting in the work to make a relationship last, rather than focusing solely on finding someone who meets our preconceived checklist of preferences. The truth is, we often think we know what we want, but we're wrong. By dating like scientists and exploring relationships with people who may not fit our initial criteria, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and potentially finding a great partner who brings out the best side of us. Instead of chasing the initial spark, we should look for the slow burn of a secure and fulfilling relationship. The "post date eight" questions can help us evaluate our experiences and determine if our interest is growing over time, leading us to a new way of dating based on compatibility and emotional security rather than mere chemistry.

    • Rethinking Relationship PrioritiesLooks, money, and similar interests are not as important as finding someone who complements and respects you. Prioritize qualities that create a positive connection for a fulfilling relationship.

      When it comes to finding long-term relationship success, there are certain things that matter less than people think. Looks and money, while important to a certain extent, are not the ultimate determinants of happiness and compatibility. Our brains have a tendency to adapt to our circumstances, so it's crucial not to over-optimize for these factors. Similarly, having a similar personality or hobbies is not necessary for a successful relationship. What truly matters is finding someone who complements and respects you, even if they have different interests or beliefs. By prioritizing qualities that make you feel good and create a positive connection, you can focus on what really matters for a fulfilling relationship.

    • The Importance of Qualities and Compatibility in RelationshipsFinding a perfect match in a relationship involves focusing on qualities like kindness, loyalty, emotional stability, and the ability to make tough decisions and fight well. It is crucial to consider how a partner brings out the best in you and prioritize working on problems together.

      Finding your perfect match doesn't mean finding someone who is exactly like you. It's important to focus on qualities such as kindness, loyalty, emotional stability, the ability to make tough decisions together, and the ability to fight well. These traits are often underestimated but crucial for long-term relationship success. It's also important to consider the side of yourself that your partner brings out because even if someone seems perfect on paper, if they bring out negative emotions or remind you of past hurt, it might not be a healthy match. Relationships require effort and compromise, and it's unrealistic to expect perfection. Instead, focus on choosing the problems you're willing to accept and working on them together for a fulfilling and lasting relationship.

    • Building a life together matters more than a fairytale beginning or perfect timing.Focus on building a connection, have intentional conversations about the future, and make decisions rather than simply going with the flow. Dating apps can be a net positive for finding love.

      The way you meet someone doesn't determine the success or romance of a relationship. It's about building a life together. So don't get caught up in the idea of a perfect "meet-cute" moment and start meeting people. Moving on to the question of when to get married, there's no perfect time. Instead, focus on the connection and have intentional conversations about the future. Research suggests that dating for more than two years before getting engaged or being older might increase the chances of a successful relationship. But the key is to decide, not slide, through relationship milestones. Don't just go with the flow, have honest discussions about goals and expectations. And despite any potential downsides, dating apps have helped many people find love, making them a net positive for society.

    • The Modern Matchmaker: Balancing Online and Offline DatingWhile online dating is popular, it's important to remember the value of real-life interactions and activities for finding love. A successful profile should represent your authentic self with a mix of social connections and vulnerability.

      Online dating has become increasingly popular and effective in recent years. Research shows that since 2017, online platforms have become the number one way for couples to meet. However, relying solely on dating apps or websites may hinder one's chances of finding love. It is important to remember that the phone is just a modern-day matchmaker and there are still plenty of opportunities to meet people in real life. Joining social activities, approaching someone in person, and engaging in meaningful conversations are all potential avenues for finding a romantic connection. Additionally, creating a successful profile on these platforms requires a clear headshot, showcasing a diverse social life with friends and family, and incorporating both humor and vulnerability in profile prompts.

    • Authenticity and Variety: The Key to a Successful Dating ProfileBe clear and authentic in your photos, showcase different aspects of your life, and put effort into your dating app profile to intrigue potential matches.

      When creating a dating profile, it is important to be clear and authentic in your photos. Avoid any ambiguity about the person you are dating or wish to date. Make sure it is clear who you are and eliminate any romantic interests from the photo. Variety is key in showing different sides of yourself, so don't stick to one type of picture. Don't rely solely on one chapter of your story; instead, provide a range of photos that display different aspects of your life. Additionally, take advantage of the prompts provided by the dating app to showcase your personality and put effort into your profile. Avoid one-word answers, grammatical errors, and being all one flavor. Remember, your dating app profile acts as your billboard and should intrigue potential matches.

    • The key to successful dating app profiles is being specific, unique, and showcasing varied interests and experiences.When creating a dating profile, be specific and detailed in sharing your story. Avoid cliches, use unique prompts, and showcase diverse aspects of yourself. Staying away from disliked selfie types is recommended. Focus on deep connection and openness for great sex.

      When it comes to dating apps and profiles, being specific is key. It's important to tell your story in a concise and detailed manner. Avoid cliches and opt for uniqueness. The rule in comedy that the more specific, the more relatable applies here as well. Don't be afraid to showcase specific interests and experiences that make you stand out. Additionally, when selecting photos, stay away from selfies, gym selfies, and smoking selfies as they are generally disliked. Show different sides of yourself through various pictures and prompts. Lastly, great sex is about losing yourself in the moment, being fully present, and connecting deeply with your partner. It's a deep connection that stems from vulnerability and openness.

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    If love feels like magic, then Dr Orion is here to tell the truths behind the illusion  Dr Orion Taraban is a psychologist, host of the podcast ‘PsycHacks’, and the author of the book, ‘The Value Of Others: Understanding the Economic Model of Relationships to Get (and Keep) More of What You Want in the Sexual Marketplace'. In this conversation, Dr Orion and Steven discuss topics such as, the importance of sex in relationships, the best way to use dating apps, how monogamy benefits men, and the impact of pornography on dating.  (00:00) Intro (01:38) The Relationship & Sex Crisis (04:01) How The Relationship Crisis Is Affecting Us (06:07) Common Problems Men Are Facing In Modern Relationships (06:56) Are Dating Apps Really Helping? (07:31) The Crisis Of Masculinity: What Men Are Going Through (08:21) How Gender Dynamics Have Shifted Over Time (10:46) Andrew Tate And The Rise Of Performative Masculinity (14:57) Why Men Need To Feel Needed In Relationships (17:14) The Unique Challenges Women Face In Today's World (18:05) My Professional Journey: What Led Me Here (19:13) Understanding The Problems Both Men And Women Face (21:19) Applying Business Strategies To Improve Relationships (23:48) Why Women Seek Marriage: A Deeper Look (27:10) Helping Men Improve Their Lives And Relationships (29:38) How To Increase Your Attractiveness (30:57) The Importance Of Surface Marketing In Dating (33:52) How To Get Better At Meeting Women (36:05) Tips For Men To Boost Their Attractiveness (36:44) How Men Should Communicate Effectively (40:26) Why You Don’t Need Money To Attract Women (41:20) How I Completely Transformed My Life (43:46) Tips On Keeping A Partner Long-Term (46:19) Why A Relationship's First Crisis Is Crucial (48:44) Why The Top 10% Of Men Are Having The Most Sex (50:42) Is A Relationship An Exchange Of Value? (53:43) How Our Communities Have Evolved Over Time (56:25) Why Absence Can Be A Recipe For Better Sex (58:35) Is Monogamy Natural? Exploring The Debate (59:02) Is Gold Digging Just Another Transaction? (01:04:34) Why Men Are Terrified Of Women (01:07:07) What Really Happens To Beautiful People? (01:09:35) How To Turn A No Into A Yes (01:13:36) The Biggest Mistakes Men Make When Attracting Women (01:15:37) The Most Effective Pickup Line I’ve Used (01:18:11) How To Handle Interactions With Very Attractive Women (01:21:36) Should Women Make The First Move? Here’s How (01:25:02) What Is Love? Understanding This Complex Emotion (01:29:08) The Impact Of Porn On Modern Relationships (01:30:01) The OnlyFans Phenomenon: What It Means For Relationships (01:34:27) Libido, Sex, And The Role Of Pornography (01:38:53) How To Change A Man's Behavior For The Better (01:45:33) Advice For Those Struggling To Find Love (01:47:50) How AI Will Change Relationships Forever (01:52:50) How To Be A Man In 2024: Key Insights (01:57:54) Is Being Selfish The Key To Happiness? (01:59:41) Dr. Orion's Selection Criteria Explained (02:06:16) The Most Important Thing We Haven’t Discussed (02:14:53) The Final Question Every Guest Must Answer Follow Dr Orion:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/oxoUC58LoMb PsychHacks - https://g2ul0.app.link/YmonqmWbiMb  YouTube: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://amzn.to/4dwc71p  Spotify: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/42jhtE1biMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    Moment 176: 5 RED FLAGS Of A Secret Narcissist: The Narcissism Doctor

    Moment 176: 5 RED FLAGS Of A Secret Narcissist: The Narcissism Doctor
    In this moment, clinical psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula discusses the characteristics of narcissistic individuals and how to recognise if you are in a narcissistic relationship. According to Dr. Ramani, narcissists are typically entitled, self-centred, lack empathy, and are highly socially perceptive. Early in a relationship, they can be attentive and say all the right things, but Dr. Ramani says that a shift usually occurs midway through the relationship when they become distant and passive aggressive. Dr. Ramani explains that there are key signs you can look for to determine if you are in a narcissistic relationship. By paying attention to the ‘3 Rs’ - Ruminate, Regret, and Recall - you can acknowledge the unhealthy behaviour of your partner and free yourself from the relationship. Listen to full episode here: Apple - https://bit.ly/3T06y39 Spotify - https://bit.ly/3ADaFvG Watch episode on Youtube - https://youtu.be/hTkKXDvSJvo?si=IaPSgnZc4FCAzTgQ

    Arianna Huffington: I Was Lying In A Little Pool Of Blood! The Huffington Post, A $1 Billion 'Flop'!

    Arianna Huffington: I Was Lying In A Little Pool Of Blood! The Huffington Post, A $1 Billion 'Flop'!
    3 world-leading companies, 30 years of never-ending evolution: there is only one Arianna Huffington   Arianna Huffington is the founder of The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Thrive AI Health. She is also the author of 15 books such as, ‘Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success’ and ‘The Sleep Revolution’.  In this conversation, Arianna and Steven discuss topics such as, Arianna’s burnout breakdown, why she sold The Huffington Post, the benefits of redefining success, and the dangers of social media and phones.  (00:00) Intro (00:03) Childhood Experiences That Shaped My Success (02:18) Having Ambition From A Young Age (04:04) My Journey To Becoming Cambridge's 3rd Female Student Union President (05:49) Overcoming Overthinking (06:42) Breaking Gender Norms Without Fear Of Failure (09:46) The Core Message Of 'The Female Woman' (10:45) Balancing Career And Family: Is It Possible? (12:06) The Power Of Listening To Your Inner Self (13:15) My Early Career Aspirations And Dreams (14:40) How Bernard Levin Influenced My Career (18:31) Bernard's Death (19:55) The Impact Of Michael Huffington On My Life (21:15) The Transformative Power Of Forgiveness (21:57) The Story Behind The Huffington Post's Creation (24:51) How The Huffington Post Overcame Terrible Initial Reviews (26:46) Lessons From Roger Federer's Commencement Speech (28:44) Launching A Tech Company In My Fifties (31:03) Business Mistakes To Avoid As A Startup Founder (34:38) The Serious Health Risks Of Sleep Deprivation (36:44) The Importance Of Self-Care While Working Intensely (38:17) Is Sacrificing Your Wellbeing Worse For Men Or Women? (39:49) The 3rd Women's Revolution (40:54) Do Women Experience Burnout Faster Than Men? (42:16) The Health Impact Of Stressful Jobs (43:28) Why Volunteering Reduces The Likelihood Of Job Quitting (45:01) How My Life Changed After A Burnout Diagnosis (47:11) How A Large Financial Windfall Changed My Life (50:18) How Small Improvements Lead To Big Positive Changes (55:06) The Biggest Mistakes I've Made In Business (58:15) The Most Important Lessons From My Career (01:01:02) What's The True Meaning Of Life? (01:04:47) Coping With The Loss Of My First Child (01:05:44) How To Keep Faith During Tough Times (01:06:52) My Partner's Heroic Endeavors During World War II (01:07:35) What My Mother Would Have Thought Of The Huffington Post (01:08:45) How Increasing Wellbeing Boosts Business Productivity (01:09:50) The Day My Mother Passed Away (01:12:00) Life After My Mother's Death (01:13:45) The Most Important Life Lessons I'd Share With You (01:20:03) The Importance Of Entry Interviews In Hiring (01:21:59) How To Address And Overcome Your Own Prejudices (01:24:50) Key Leadership Qualities That Drive Success (01:26:03) The Role Of Luck In Achieving Success (01:29:09) Is It Luck, Hard Work, Or Intentionality That Drives Success? (01:32:55) The Best Advice I Wish I Had Received (01:34:56) Using Technology And AI For Positive Change (01:40:39) The Final Question Every Guest Must Answer Follow Arianna: Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/gpSw6nEYeMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/lNli1BXofMb  LinkedIn - https://g2ul0.app.link/dYovh7bYeMb  Thrive Global - https://g2ul0.app.link/s7OL4QIYeMb  You can buy Arianna’s book, ‘Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/jIsyETRYeMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/diary ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    Former Mafia Boss: "I Was Running The Biggest Scam In The World! $1.4 Million A Day!" - Michael Franzese

    Former Mafia Boss: "I Was Running The Biggest Scam In The World! $1.4 Million A Day!" - Michael Franzese
    He was made an offer he couldn't refuse. From medical student to the most profitable mobster since Al Capone, this is the real story of the hidden mafia life. Michael Franzese is an American former mafia member who served as a caporegime in the Colombo crime family. He is the best-selling author of books such as, ‘Blood Covenant’ and ‘I'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse: Insider Business Tips from a Former Mob Boss’. In this conversation, Michael and Steven discuss topics such as, how Michael ran the world’s biggest scam, how his father got him into the mafia, the reason Michael left a life of crime, and his experience of 21 months and 7 days in solitary confinement. (00:00) Intro (02:25) Who is Michael Franzese? (04:27) Inside a Mafia Family (06:32) My Dad Was A Mafia UnderBoss (10:35) How the Mafia Family is Structured (12:10) The History of the Colombo Family (17:33) Mafia Family Wars (18:50) What Happens at a Mafia Sitdown? (20:51) How the Mafia Decides Who Lives and Who Dies (21:20) Franzese’s Dad In Prison (23:30) Joining the Mafia: How Michael Franzese Became a Made Man (30:34) My Dad Was Involved in 35 Murders (33:56) How Does The Mafia Kill People? (36:15) Is There Mafia Training? What It Takes to Join (39:49) Choosing The Mafia Over My Loved Ones (40:56) The Mafia’s Manipulation Tactics (43:15) Business Lessons from the Mafia (44:58) How I Made Millions with the Gas Station Scam (52:02) Swearing the Mafia Oath (53:43) Why I Joined the Mafia (55:18) Mafia Members: Killers vs Rule Followers (57:52) Do We All Have the Instinct to Kill? (59:51) How Seeing a Dead Body Changed My Life Forever (01:05:20) “He Had To Kill His Father” (01:09:31) The Moment My Dad Betrayed Me (01:14:25) Was All the Money Illegal? (01:15:33) How Mafia Life Helped My Business Success (01:16:56) When Does Everything Come Crashing Down? (01:21:51) How Easy Is It to Order a Murder in the Mafia (01:23:53) Money Rules in the Mafia (01:29:24) How the FBI Tracked My Bank Accounts (01:30:31) Where I Hid My Mafia Money (01:33:48) What It’s Really Like Behind Bars (01:35:55) “I Was Kept in Solitary Confinement” (01:38:24) How I Survived Solitary Confinement Without Losing My Mind (01:42:46) How Power Is Maintained in the Mob (01:44:36) My Dad Didn’t Stand Up for Me (01:49:10) Reconnecting with My Father After Betrayal (01:52:42) The Mafia Stories I Can’t Tell (01:54:31) What I Struggle with (01:55:51) What Do People Want To Know About You? (01:59:24) Micromanaging (02:03:08) The Last Guest Question (02:05:30) Michael Franzese’s Closing Message to the Audience Follow Michael:  YouTube - https://g2ul0.app.link/iOcSgJkX4Lb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/dXbcRafX4Lb  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/pRuoUtiX4Lb  Website - https://g2ul0.app.link/toKs7zS9cMb You can buy Michael’s book, ‘I'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/JDOamnFm5Lb  You can learn more about Franzese Wines, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/HaBZW6W9cMb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: Linkedin Ads: https://www.linkedin.com/doac24 Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 175: How To Build A ROUTINE You’ll ACTUALLY Stick To!: Navy Seal Jocko Willink

    Moment 175: How To Build A ROUTINE You’ll ACTUALLY Stick To!: Navy Seal Jocko Willink
    In this moment, former Navy SEAL officer, Jocko Willink, discusses how to successfully build healthy habits and routines. Jocko is an expert in this area, having established a morning routine of waking up at either 4:30 or 4:45 a.m. every day. According to Jocko, there is no universal approach to establishing a new morning routine, and instead it is about finding what works best for you. While some people are early risers, others prefer to wake up later in the morning, and the best approach is to choose the routine that you can consistently maintain. The same principle applies to creating and sustaining an exercise routine, although Jocko recommends exercising in the morning to start your day in the right direction. Although Jocko has mastered consistency in his morning and exercise routine, he acknowledges that perfection isn’t the goal. Instead, you should embrace imperfection and focus on creating consistency and discipline in your life. Listen to the full episode here - Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/8NrnDa9D5Lb Apple -  https://g2ul0.app.link/JsHkcpdE5Lb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Jocko: https://www.instagram.com/jockowillink/?hl=en Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Professor Banned From Speaking Out: "We Need To Start Preparing! The Terrifying Lessons Of Covid We’re Ignoring!" - Bret Weinstein

    The Professor Banned From Speaking Out: "We Need To Start Preparing! The Terrifying Lessons Of Covid We’re Ignoring!" - Bret Weinstein
    Are humans an endangered species? Just what can we do to survive extinction level challenges such as the sun, AI, or a nuclear war?   Dr Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist and former professor at Evergreen State College. He is the co-host of the podcast, ‘DarkHorse’, and the author of the book, ‘A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life’.   In this episode, Dr Bret and Steven discuss topics such as, the 5 existential threats of AI, the 2 best ways to prepare for nuclear war, how pornography is impacting sex and relationships, and the dangers of AI sex robots.  (00:00) Intro (02:27) Why Humanity Will Be Extinguished (04:39) Bret's Top Existential Concern for Our Planet (08:04) Solar Flares and Their Potential Impact (11:36) Understanding EMP Effects & The Catastrophic Effects (13:48) The Earth's Magnetic Poles Are Switching! (17:01) The Inversion of Earth's Poles: Is Humanity Prepared? (18:57) What Does Anthropogenic Mean? (21:16) The Two Major Disaster Scenarios (28:11) How to Prepare for Global Catastrophes (35:57) Should You Become a ‘Prepper’? (42:31) Is Society on the Brink of Collapse? (51:33) Are Institutions Woke or Not? (52:36) The Evergreen College Incident: What Really Happened (01:04:47) The Decline of Mainstream Media (01:12:46) We SHOULD Be Worried About AI (01:16:50) Are Governments Ignoring AI's True Impact on the Planet? (01:20:31) The Critical Role of Language in Human Survival and Evolution (01:28:22) How AI Will Transform Human Communication Forever (01:30:19) Why Regulating AI Might Be the Worst Idea Ever (01:32:14) Brain Chips: Are We Turning Into Cyborgs? (01:36:23) AI Is Coming for Your Job: What You Need to Know (01:39:11) The Safest Careers in an AI-Dominated Future (01:45:02) Universal Basic Income: Hidden Consequences You Should Know (01:52:48) The Failures of COVID-19 (01:56:50) What Is Gain-of-Function Research (01:58:59) What Really Happened in Wuhan: The Untold Story (02:00:54) Anthony Fauci's Involvement in COVID Origins (02:05:58) How We Should Have Handled COVID-19 Differently (02:12:53) Why Lockdowns Might Not Work in the Next Pandemic (02:16:23) Life-Changing Advice for a Happier, Healthier You (02:23:35) The Hidden Dangers of Pornography (02:32:38) What Parents Are Getting Wrong (02:38:52) The Guest's Final Question Follow Bret:   Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/JZohvE3l3Lb  YouTube - https://g2ul0.app.link/MEipWL5l3Lb  You can buy Dr Bret’s book,  ‘A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/3ZxP1inm3Lb  Learn more about the books mentioned, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/GhxoDcro3Lb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: NordVPN - https://nordvpn.com/doac - discount + 4 extra months for free on your 2-year plan PerfectTed: https://bit.ly/PerfectTed-DIARY40 with an exclusive code DIARY40 for 40% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Codie Sanchez: They're Lying To You About How To Get Rich! How To Turn $1,000 Into $1M! Hard Work Doesn't Build Wealth!

    Codie Sanchez: They're Lying To You About How To Get Rich! How To Turn $1,000 Into $1M! Hard Work Doesn't Build Wealth!
    Is the path to gaining big riches through small easy secrets? Codie Sanchez breaks down the Wall Street wealth hacks she used to build her empire  Codie Sanchez is the founder and CEO of ‘Contrarian Thinking’, a company and newsletter that provides financial advice with over 2.5 million subscribers. She is also the author of the book, ‘Main Street Millionaire: How to Make Extraordinary Wealth Buying Ordinary Businesses’. In this conversation, Codie and Steven discuss topics such as, the 32 rules for building wealth, the best way to invest your money, how to succeed in a job interview, and the secret to generational wealth.  Follow Codie: Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/1dB66BF8ULb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/sSA2yxI8ULb  You can pre-order Codie’s book, ‘Main Street Millionaire’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/DbLLh1N8ULb  You can learn more about the 130+ businesses you could purchase using Codie’s investing framework, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/Nz9JXw18ULb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes    My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook   You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb   Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: NordVPN - https://nordvpn.com/doac discount + 4 extra months for free on your 2-year plan Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    91. How To Get Your Partner To Change

    Do you wish your partner would change their ways? Are they currently doing things that you wish they wouldn't do or maybe they're not doing some things that you would like them to. 

    In this video, we will discuss the most effective way to change your partner without the arguments, stress and trying to control each other.

    Here's some of the things we cover:

    ❤️ How trying to fix your partner can make them feel inadequate and cause them to shut down.
    ❤️ The importance of recognising that both men and women can fall into the trap of trying to fix their partner.
    ❤️ How focusing on changing your partner can lead to less communication, love, and intimacy in your relationship.
    ❤️ The difficulty in letting go of the desire to fix your partner, even when things aren't going the way you want them to.
    ❤️ The importance of taking responsibility for your own healing and growth in a relationship.
    ❤️ The positive effects of letting go of the need to fix your partner and focusing on becoming a better person yourself.

    If you're ready to improve your relationship and create a more positive, healthy dynamic with your partner, this video is for you. Join us as we explore the pitfalls of trying to fix your partner and discover a new path forward toward a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

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    Stream Schedule: https://www.twitch.tv/healthygamer_gg on Twitch. Youtube: https://youtu.be/s5cjlHMkOUM for VoD Archive. Support us at https://ko-fi.com/healthygamer if you enjoy our content and would continue helping making it accessible to everyone! Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/healthygamergg/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices