
    The Science of Making and Keeping Friends | Robin Dunbar

    enOctober 31, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Friendship as an Urgent Psychological IssueModern society makes social connection harder than ever, and neglecting friendships can significantly impact the quality of our lives. Expert advice and science-backed insights can help us navigate this issue.

      Friendship is an urgent psychological issue that significantly impacts the quality of our lives. Dan Harris, the host of the 10% Happier podcast, shared his personal experience of neglecting friendships due to his busy career and how he came to realize their importance after retiring. He emphasized that modern society makes social connection harder than ever, and we are currently facing a friendship crisis. To help us navigate this issue, Harris interviewed Robin Dunbar, a world-renowned expert on human relationships, who discussed the science behind human relationships, how to make and keep friends, and the role of social media in friendships. Dunbar also touched on the importance of gossip and the viability of friendships across gender lines. This episode is a reminder that nurturing our relationships should be a priority, as the quality of our lives depends on it.

    • Discussing modern conveniences and relationshipsFrom free-range eggs to Easter brunch and technology, this discussion highlights the benefits of modern conveniences and the importance of managing relationships according to Dunbar's Number.

      This discussion covered various topics, from the benefits of free-range eggs, Whole Foods Market's convenient Easter brunch options, and the ease of grocery shopping on DoorDash, to the extensive selection of audio books on Audible and the concept of Dunbar's Number. Dunbar's Number refers to the limit on the number of meaningful relationships one can have, including relationships with people, pets, and even fictional characters. The convenience of modern technology, such as DoorDash and Audible, can help simplify our lives and make it easier to access essential items and entertainment. Whether it's Easter brunch supplies or a new audiobook, these services offer time-saving solutions for busy individuals. So, embrace the technology and enjoy the benefits it brings to your life.

    • The social world is made up of various layers based on Dunbar's Number theory, with around 150 people in our closest inner circle.Dunbar's Number theory suggests we have around 150 close relationships and our social world expands outward in layers, with each larger circle including those in the smaller ones.

      Our social world is made up of various layers of relationships, with the number of people in our closest inner circle being around 150, based on Dunbar's Number theory. This number represents the people we feel an obligation to and consider meaningful in our lives, including those who would attend our milestone events like weddings or funerals. Our social world expands outward in layers, with the emotional depth and frequency of interaction decreasing as the circle grows larger. Beyond the 150, there are additional layers of acquaintances and people we recognize, up to around 5,000. These layers build cumulatively, with each larger circle including those in the smaller circles. The theory, derived from primate social group sizes and brain sizes, was initially surprising but has been supported by various studies on personal social networks.

    • The number and strength of friendships depend on brain capacity and time investmentOur brain's capacity for relationships and time spent determine emotional closeness and contact frequency. In-person interactions are crucial for deeper emotional connections, while digital media can help maintain friendships but fall short.

      The number of truly close friends a person can maintain is limited, and these friendships require consistent engagement to remain strong. The brain's ability to handle relationships and the time invested in them determine the emotional closeness and frequency of contact. These layers of friendship are robust and reflect a dynamic social world where relationships constantly change. A simple rating metric of emotional closeness on a one to ten scale and the frequency of contact reveal similar layers. Digital media, including social media and cell phones, can substitute for face-to-face contacts but are not as effective. The implication is that while digital media can help maintain friendships, in-person interactions remain essential for deeper emotional connections.

    • The importance of physical connections in relationshipsWhile technology can help maintain connections, physical relationships and face-to-face interactions are crucial for close friendships and emotional support.

      While technology allows us to maintain connections with friends and loved ones who are far away, it cannot replace the importance of face-to-face interactions and physical relationships. The speaker emphasizes that when a close friend moves away, it may be necessary to find a new "shoulder to cry on" in the local community, as the ability to provide emotional support and comfort in person is crucial for close relationships. The speaker also notes that the number of people in our inner circle can vary, but typically consists of two close family members and two close friends. When a new important relationship enters our lives, such as a romantic partner, it can cause other relationships to be shifted to the next layer, but family relationships tend to be more robust and require less maintenance. Overall, the importance of physical connections and the limitations of digital relationships were the key themes of the discussion.

    • The importance of close friendships for mental and physical healthHaving 4-5 good friends or engaging in 3 voluntary activities can reduce the likelihood of depression in older adults. Social engagement, interaction, and connections are crucial for psychological and physical well-being, reducing the risk of heart attacks and cancers.

      The quality and number of close friendships are crucial for both mental and physical health, even surpassing the impact of factors like diet, exercise, and air quality. A study shows that having around four to five good friends or engaging in about three voluntary activities can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing depression in older adults. Social engagement, regular interaction, and being immersed in a social world are essential for psychological well-being and have dramatic consequences for physical health, including reducing the risk of heart attacks and cancers. Friendships and social connections are not just nice-to-have but an urgent matter for overall wellbeing.

    • The Power of Social Bonding and Self-CareInvesting in social connections and self-care through tools like GEDIFY shoes can enhance our evolutionary strategies, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

      Forming strong bonds and social groups is a crucial evolutionary strategy for reducing the risk of predation and managing stress, as seen in primates and humans alike. Additionally, endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, play a significant role in social bonding and creating feelings of warmth, relaxation, and trust. The recent discovery of GEDIFY shoes, which offer pain relief and improved posture, can contribute to overall well-being and allow individuals to live more comfortably and confidently, fostering stronger social connections. By investing in self-care and prioritizing relationships, we can enhance our quality of life and continue to evolve as social beings. Remember, you can visit GEDIFY.com and use code HAPPYER30 for a discount on your order.

    • The Power of Social Grooming in Building BondsSocial grooming strengthens relationships and triggers endorphins, promoting intimacy and overall well-being. Neglecting friendships can lead to loneliness and negative health effects.

      Social grooming, whether through physical touch or behaviors like laughter, singing, and storytelling, plays a crucial role in building bonds and triggering the endorphin system in our brains. This system helps create intimacy and strengthen relationships, even in large communities. While some people may prefer fewer, deeper friendships, doing without friends altogether can lead to loneliness and negative psychological and physical consequences. The pandemic of loneliness, particularly among the elderly, highlights the importance of maintaining social connections. Singing, in particular, has been shown to be an effective icebreaker, turning strangers into friends. Ultimately, investing time and energy into building relationships is essential for our overall well-being.

    • The Power of Social EngagementSocial engagement amplifies endorphin release, contributing to overall well-being. Seek opportunities for social interaction to boost mood and prepare for daily challenges.

      While solitude can have its benefits, such as triggering endorphin releases through activities like meditation or controlled breathing, it's important not to stay isolated for too long. Social engagement, whether through activities like singing, laughing, or physical exercise done in a group, significantly amplifies the endorphin effect and contributes to overall well-being. In the modern world, where building and maintaining relationships can be challenging, it's essential to seek out opportunities for social interaction, be it through joining clubs, volunteering, or simply reaching out to neighbors or colleagues. Remember, the release of endorphins not only helps us feel good in the moment but also prepares us to face the challenges of daily life with a more peaceful and contented mindset.

    • Meeting new people through work and community-based groupsInvest time and effort in building friendships through work and community-based groups for positive mental and emotional well-being

      Making and maintaining social connections becomes more challenging when we move to new places due to the convenience of digital media. The best ways to meet new people are through work or community-based groups, such as hobby clubs or volunteering organizations. These environments provide regular opportunities for face-to-face interaction, which is crucial for building friendships. It takes time and effort to turn acquaintances into friends, but providing yourself with the opportunity to spend time with others is essential. Once friendships are established, it's important to maintain them by seeing friends regularly, but not too frequently as to intrude on their existing relationships. The investment of time and effort in building and maintaining friendships is worth it for the positive impact it has on our mental and emotional well-being.

    • Understanding Friendship DynamicsRobin Dunbar explains people form friendships based on common ground and effort. Women's friendships are more intimate and conversation-driven, while men's are activity-based. Homophily plays a role in forming friendships, and tools like Indeed and BetterHelp can help navigate personal and professional life complexities.

      Building and maintaining friendships requires finding common ground and making an effort to be more interesting to others. Robin Dunbar, a renowned anthropologist, explains that people make judgments about who they'd like to spend more time with, and women's friendships are often more intimate and conversation-driven, while men's friendships are more activity-based and less dependent on conversation. Additionally, homophily, or the love of the same, plays a significant role in forming friendships, as people tend to be drawn to those who share similarities, including gender. When it comes to hiring, Indeed is a valuable resource for finding quality candidates quickly and efficiently, with a matching engine that learns from your preferences as you use it. And for those considering therapy, BetterHelp offers a convenient, flexible, and schedule-friendly solution for figuring out what truly matters in life and making time for it. In conclusion, understanding the nuances of friendship dynamics and leveraging tools like Indeed and BetterHelp can help us navigate the complexities of both our personal and professional lives.

    • Men and Women's Social PatternsMen's social networks are mostly male, women's include both friends and romantic partners. Women's flexibility in friendships keeps social world functioning. Gossip, originally 'God's sib,' strengthens friendships and commitments.

      Men and women have distinct social patterns, with men's social networks consisting mostly of other men and women's including both female best friends and romantic partners. This segregation is due to differing interests and conversation dynamics. The term "gossip," which often has a negative connotation, can be seen in a positive light as a way to strengthen friendships and commitments. However, like all things, it can also be used negatively for competition and persuasion. Ultimately, understanding these patterns can help us appreciate the complexities of human relationships and communication. The speaker also highlights that men and women have different approaches to friendship, with women being more adaptable to different social situations and men typically having either a romantic partner or a best friend. The speaker suggests that women's flexibility keeps the social world functioning despite these differences. Additionally, the speaker challenges the negative connotation of gossip, explaining its original meaning as "God's sib," emphasizing its role in building and maintaining friendships.

    • The Power and Consequences of GossipGossip, whether positive or negative, can build relationships or cause harm. Right speech emphasizes using language wisely to foster trust and avoid malicious gossip.

      Gossip, whether positive or negative, can have both beneficial and destructive consequences. While it can help build relationships and establish trust, malicious gossip can lead to mistrust, ostracism, and community fragmentation. The Buddhist concept of right speech or wise speech emphasizes the importance of using language wisely, avoiding useless and malicious speech. Language and conversation are most useful for building relationships, but once trust is established, conversation becomes less necessary. The speaker's academic journey into the study of friendship and relationships was a roundabout one, starting as an attempt to be a philosopher, but leading him to combine philosophy with psychology, which introduced him to neuroscience, animal behavior, and the study of monkeys in the wild. This diverse background allowed him to gain a unique perspective on the complexities of human relationships.

    • Understanding the Complexity of the Human Social WorldIt takes humans approximately 25 years to develop effective social skills due to the complexity and unpredictability of the social world, requiring individuals to adapt and make decisions based on general principles rather than pre-programmed responses.

      The human social world is the most complex thing in the universe, surpassing the complexity of astronomical or physical phenomena. This complexity is reflected in the fact that it takes humans approximately 25 years to develop the necessary social skills to navigate it effectively. This is because the social world is dynamic and unpredictable, requiring individuals to adapt and make decisions based on general principles rather than pre-programmed responses. While some skills, like language, are acquired relatively quickly, others, like social skills, take much longer to master. Professor Robin Dunbar, an expert in this field, encourages us to explore his latest book, "Friends: Understanding the Power of Our Most Important Relationships," as well as his earlier works, such as "Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language."

    • Maximize savings and rewards with loyalty programsJoining loyalty programs like Delta Sky Miles Platinum American Express or Bakers can save frequent travelers and shoppers significant money through discounts, perks, and rewards

      Being a member of certain loyalty programs, such as Delta Sky Miles Platinum American Express card or Bakers, can provide significant savings and benefits, especially for frequent travelers or shoppers. With the Delta Amex card, members can enjoy discounts on Delta flights and perks like saving 15% on flights and earning SkyMiles. Meanwhile, Bakers offers digital coupons, fuel points, and even double fuel points and free delivery with a Boost membership, helping customers save hundreds of dollars each week. These programs not only provide financial benefits but also enhance the overall experience of using these services. So, if you're a frequent traveler or shopper, consider joining loyalty programs like these to maximize your savings and rewards.

    Recent Episodes from Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

    The Science Of Getting Out Of Your Head | Annie Murphy Paul

    The Science Of Getting Out Of Your Head | Annie Murphy Paul

    An acclaimed science writer on how to upgrade your mind by using more than your head.

    When you think about thinking, most of us think of it as a supremely solo pursuit. You’re in your head, concentrating and cogitating, all by yourself. But the science shows that if you want to improve your thinking, you need to get out of your head. Today we’re going to talk about a concept called “the extended mind.” Your mind isn’t just in your skull: it’s in your body, it’s in the people around you, it’s in your surroundings. The best thinking requires that you break out of what the writer David Foster Wallace called “the skull sized kingdom” and access these other resources.

    This may sound abstract, but our guest today makes it very practical. Annie Murphy Paul is an acclaimed science writer whose work has appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Scientific American, Slate, Time, and The Best American Science Writing, among many other publications. She is the author of Origins and The Cult of Personality, hailed by Malcolm Gladwell as a “fascinating new book.” Currently a fellow at New America, Paul has spoken to audiences around the world about learning and cognition; her TED talk has been viewed by more than 2.6 million people. A graduate of Yale University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, she has served as a lecturer at Yale University and as a senior advisor at their Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. Her latest book is The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain

    In this episode, we also talk about:

    • How to use your surroundings to think better 
    • My favorite of the three areas of this book – thinking with our relationships
    • Why “groupthink” isn’t always a bad thing (OR you can say, the benefits of thinking in groups)
    • What she called “extension inequality” – that this benefit of the extended mind isn’t available to all people

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/anniemurphypaul

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    Download the Ten Percent Happier app today: https://10percenthappier.app.link/install

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    On Having Your Own Back | Bonus Meditation with Jess Morey

    On Having Your Own Back | Bonus Meditation with Jess Morey

    Connecting to self-compassion can be really tough. Ease the struggle by imagining your loved ones sending care & support your way.

    About Jess Morey:

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    For more information on Inward Bound: https://inwardboundmind.org/

    For more information on the Contemplative Semester: https://www.contemplativesemester.org/

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Compassion For Yourself.”

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    Three Buddhist Practices For Getting Your Sh*t Together | Vinny Ferraro

    Three Buddhist Practices For Getting Your Sh*t Together | Vinny Ferraro

    Practical advice from a straight-talking, formerly incarcerated, occasionally profane dharma teacher.

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    In this episode we talk about:

    • Alignment
    • Vinny‘s concept of “flashing your basic goodness”
    • Noting practice
    • The deep satisfaction in not seeking satisfaction
    • Redirecting awareness
    • Being an “empathetic witness” for yourself
    • When to opt for distraction
    • Not taking what’s not yours 
    • Vinny’s ancestor practice
    • What is the connection between seeing our family patterns and not taking what is not ours?  
    • How loyal have we been to our suffering?

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/vinny-ferraro

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    The Science Of Overcoming Perfectionism | Thomas Curran

    The Science Of Overcoming Perfectionism | Thomas Curran

    Actionable advice on working with one of the few socially acceptable vices.

    Whilst striving for perfection might seem logical on some level, it’s not actually attainable. And the research shows it can lead to burnout, stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, reduced productivity, and reduced resilience.

    Thomas Curran is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics and is the author of The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The definition of perfectionism – it’s more than just high standards
    • The 3 flavors of perfectionism
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    • The root of perfectionism 
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    • How to actually implement mantras like “progress not perfection” and “embracing good enough”
    • 4 elements to combat imperfectionism 
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    • How to make good work without caring what other people think of you?
    • And parenting and perfectionism 

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    Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/thomas-curran

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    What Is Happiness Anyway? | Bonus Meditation with Jay Michaelson

    What Is Happiness Anyway? | Bonus Meditation with Jay Michaelson

    What is happiness? Investigate how happiness is created, what it’s really like, and learn to access the simple happiness of right now.

    About Jay Michaelson:

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    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “What Is Happiness.”

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    Dua Lipa On: Radical Optimism, Falling On Stage, And “Writing Yourself Into A Good Idea”

    Dua Lipa On: Radical Optimism, Falling On Stage, And “Writing Yourself Into A Good Idea”

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    • Her famous work ethic and packed schedule  
    • Her non-negotiable daily practices, including meditation
    • Her social media hygiene (specially, how to stay sane when nearly 80 million people follow you on Instagram alone)
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    • Why she had to write 97 songs to make this one album
    • And her concept of “writing herself into a good idea” – as she says, “You have to be shit to be good.” 

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    Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/dua-lipa

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    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    A research-backed plan for getting your sh*t together in every possible sphere.

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    In this episode we talk about:

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    • How our past can unconsciously bind us 
    • The impact of trauma
    • The latest evidence for the benefits of meditation
    • And how to cultivate what scientists call Positive Relational Energy

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/emma-seppala-764

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    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    The creator of somatic experiencing shows Dan how to heal trauma through the body.


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    Content warning: This episode includes discussions of rape and violence.

    In this episode we talk about:

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    • Somatic experiencing practices we can implement into our lives
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    • And how to move through ancient wounds – and enrich our lives (whether we have trauma or not)
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    • Facing mortality 

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/peter-levine

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    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    Tap into your ADHD superpowers with a meditation that celebrates your unique wiring. Embrace exploration and self-acceptance.

    About Jeff Warren:

    Jeff is an incredibly gifted meditation teacher. He's trained in multiple traditions, including with renowned teacher Shinzen Young. Jeff is the co-author of NY Times Bestseller "Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics," and the founder of the Consciousness Explorers Club, a meditation adventure group in Toronto. He has a knack for surfacing the exact meditation that will help everyone he meets. "I have a meditation for that" is regularly heard from Jeff, so we've dubbed him the "Meditation MacGyver."

    More information on the group retreat (AKA Meditation Party) at the Omega Institute is here

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Meditating with ADHD.” 

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    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Buddhist strategies for taming that nagging voice in your head.

    Ofosu Jones-Quartey, a meditation teacher, author, and musician hailing from the Washington DC area brings over 17 years of experience in sharing mindfulness, meditation and self-compassion practices with the world. Holding a bachelor’s degree from American University and certified by the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, Ofosu is a graduate of the Teleos Coaching Institute and is the male voice on the Balance meditation app, reaching over 10 million subscribers. 

    Ofosu leads meditation classes and retreats nationwide, having taught and led retreats at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, The Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock, Brooklyn Zen Center, Cleveland Insight, Inward Bound Mindfulness and more.

    As an accomplished hip hop artist under the name “Born I,” Ofosu released the mindfulness-themed album “In This Moment” in 2021. His most recent album is “AMIDA”, a spiritual, Lo-Fi Hip Hop album exploring life, death and his Buddhist faith.

    Beyond music, Ofosu is an author, releasing his self-published children’s book “You Are Enough” in 2020 and “Love Your Amazing Self” via Storey Publishing in 2022. He lives in Rockville, Maryland, with his wife and four children.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The relationship between self-compassion and a successful meditation practice
    • All the reasons people resist self-compassion, and his rebuttals
    • Whether self-compassion is selfish
    • How to do self-compassion off the cushion, including practices like journaling, written reminders, establishing accountability partners, and simple questions you can drop into your mind when all else fails
    • How to do self-compassion on the cushion, including practices like body scans, metta, and a check-in practice you can use at the very start of your sits
    • And how to teach self-compassion to children

    Related Episodes:

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/ofosu-jones-quartey

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    For further reading: 

    Vivek Murthy - Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World.

    Marisa Franco - Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make—and Keep—Friends as an Adult.

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    Am I Normal? with Mona Chalabi: How many friends do I need?

    Am I Normal? with Mona Chalabi: How many friends do I need?

    Time with friends just isn’t the same with a screen in between you. That’s a struggle many have faced recently, with half of Americans saying they’ve lost touch with at least one friend during the pandemic. It can be sad, but is falling out of touch with friends normal? How many relationships should we maintain, and what are the different kinds of friendships we need anyways? Evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar has been studying social relationships for 50 years, and he has answers. Data journalist Mona Chalabi maps out her own relationships against the averages, and invites us to do the same. This is an episode of Am I Normal? with Mona Chalabi, another podcast from the TED Audio Collective. You can find and follow it wherever you're listening to this. To learn more about "How to Be a Better Human," host Chris Duffy, or find footnotes and additional resources, please visit: go.ted.com/betterhuman

    The Lonely American Man

    The Lonely American Man

    Boys get the message at a young age: don't show your feelings. Don't rely on anyone. This week, we take a close look at misguided notions of masculinity in the United States. We explore how those notions create stressed-out romantic relationships, physical health problems, and a growing epidemic of loneliness. Plus, we consider how we might begin to tell a different story about what it means to be a man.

    Mitch Prinstein || Popularity and the Power of Likability in a Status-Obsessed World

    Mitch Prinstein || Popularity and the Power of Likability in a Status-Obsessed World

    Mitch Prinstein, Ph.D. is board certified in clinical child and adolescent psychology, and serves as the John Van Seters Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, and the Director of Clinical Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He and his research have been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, the LA Times, CNN, U.S. News & World Report, TIME magazine, New York magazine, Newsweek, and elsewhere.

    In his latest book Popular: The Power of Likeability in A Status-Obsessed World, Prinstein examines how our popularity affects our success, our relationships, and our happiness—and why we don’t always want to be the most popular.

    In our conversation we cover this and more, with key themes being:

    • Why seeking popularity is actually a basic human need,
    • Why it's not always the "conventionally popular" people who fare best, and how this relates to the (2) different strategies for achieving popularity:
      • Likeability
      • Status
    • How studies can help explain both the basic human needs Facebook serves, and the more general status-seeking phenomenon on social media,
    • What it means to induce a "Popularity Boomerang", and how becoming aware of it can fundamentally change the environment you exist in,
    • How your early experiences of popularity (or lack thereof) are probably helping or hindering how you show up in the world today, and if hindering, how you can overcome its effects,
    • Why it's more important the raise likeable kids than you might think, and the parenting implications of popularity research,
    • The likeability advantage.

    We hope this conversation gives you some insights about popularity that will help you achieve your social, personal, and professional goals. Enjoy!


    Popular: The Power of Likeability in A Status-Obsessed World is out now https://www.amazon.com/Popular-Power-Likability-Status-Obsessed-World/dp/0399563733/

    Read an overview of the book and to take the Popularity Quiz http://www.mitchprinstein.com/books/popular-book/

    Follow Mitch on Twitter @mitchprinstein https://twitter.com/mitchprinstein

    For more information on Mitch or his research visit http://www.mitchprinstein.com/

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