
    The Ultimate Guide To Living A Healthy Lifestyle

    enNovember 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing life's simple pleasures and personal goalsJaiden Haley shares her weekly experiences, from furniture shopping to enjoying nightly desserts, emphasizing the importance of embracing life's simple pleasures and setting personal goals, such as not checking phone after waking up and evening treadmill walks.

      Jaiden Haley, the host of Busy Yet Pretty, shares her weekly experiences and current obsessions, including furniture shopping, trying new matcha places (specifically Maru Coffee), doing morning Pilates, listening to Christmas music, enjoying nightly desserts (preferably gluten-free and vegan from places like Giselle's Kitchen, Karma Bakery, and Erin McKenna's), watching the sunset, experimenting with new makeup and clean beauty products, and watching Christmas movies before bed. A goal of hers is to not check her phone for an hour after waking up, and she's also enjoying evening treadmill walks. Overall, Jaiden emphasizes the importance of embracing life's simple pleasures and setting personal goals.

    • Enjoying self-care and being presentTake time for self-care and reflection, prioritize presence during the holidays, and never give up on improving health and well-being.

      Prioritizing self-care and being present in the moment are key components of a healthy and fulfilling life. The speaker shares her enjoyment of evening treadmill walks for relaxation and self-reflection, as well as her intention to re-read and re-watch "The Secret" for motivation and inspiration. She emphasizes the importance of being present during the holiday season and practicing self-love by smiling at oneself in the mirror. A podcast review highlights the impact of the podcast on helping listeners navigate societal expectations and live healthier lives. The speaker's daily affirmation reinforces the commitment to living a healthy lifestyle, and the episode provides guidance for those looking to get back on track with their health and wellness goals. Overall, the message is to prioritize self-care, be present, and never give up on improving one's health and well-being.

    • Embrace overall well-beingRemove toxic habits, set boundaries, and prioritize mental, emotional, and physical health for greater happiness, productivity, and motivation.

      Living a healthy lifestyle means nourishing yourself in various ways beyond just eating salads and doing Pilates. It's about valuing your overall well-being, which includes mental, emotional, and physical health. A healthy lifestyle is personal and unique to each person. To begin living a healthier lifestyle, consider removing toxic habits, such as comparing yourself to others on social media, and setting boundaries for your phone use. These small changes can lead to greater happiness, productivity, and motivation. As the speaker shared, her own journey to recovery from anorexia taught her the importance of prioritizing her health and well-being. By focusing on nourishing herself in all aspects of her life, she has accomplished more and felt more fulfilled.

    • Replace toxic habits with beneficial onesIdentifying and eliminating toxic habits like social media overuse, comparing yourself to others, energy drink consumption, and procrastination can significantly improve your overall well-being by increasing daily physical activity, reducing stress, and boosting mood and energy levels.

      Identifying and eliminating toxic habits, and replacing them with beneficial activities, can significantly improve your overall well-being. This can include anything from limiting social media use and comparing yourself to others, to reducing energy drink consumption and increasing daily physical activity. Procrastination is another toxic habit that can add unnecessary stress and make tasks more difficult. By tackling tasks early and making small changes each day, you can free up time for enjoyable activities and improve your mood, energy levels, and overall health. Remember, starting small and making consistent efforts is key. So, find the toxic habits that are holding you back and replace them with positive, healthy habits today.

    • Incorporate small daily workoutsStart small, prepare, reward, consistency, invest in fun gear, overcome mental resistance, always feel better afterwards

      Incorporating small daily movements into your routine, even if it's just 10 minutes, is better than doing nothing at all. Preparation and accountability are key, so lay out your workout clothes and equipment to make it easier to get started. Rewarding yourself after a workout can also help make it a more enjoyable experience. Sometimes, physical action can help overcome mental resistance. Consistency is important, and it's okay to start small and gradually add more healthy habits into your lifestyle. Investing in cute workout equipment and outfits can also help make working out feel more fun and exciting. Remember, every time you push yourself to work out, even when your mind is telling you to stay in bed, you'll always feel better afterwards.

    • Daily healthy habits matter mostConsistently practice self-love, eat balanced meals, and aim for progress over perfection for a healthy lifestyle.

      Consistent daily healthy habits are more effective than aiming for perfection and focusing on one day of the week. Progress, consistency, and balance are key. Don't seek happiness from external goals or achievements, but rather from within. Nourish your body with a balanced diet of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats, and fuel your mind, body, and soul. Food is about balance, and even unhealthy options can feed your soul. Avoid artificial ingredients and focus on organic, whole foods that make you feel good. Consistently practicing self-love and acknowledging your hard work are essential components of a healthy lifestyle.

    • Prioritize gratitude, happiness, and positivity for overall well-beingEat well, practice gratitude, forgiveness, mindfulness, incorporate positivity through activities, get enough sleep, and surround yourself with positivity for optimal health

      Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves more than just eating well. It's important to prioritize gratitude, happiness, and positivity. A healthy diet includes a variety of nutritious foods, not just cutting things out. Practicing gratitude, forgiveness, and mindfulness can improve overall well-being. Incorporating positivity through activities like meditation, yoga, and minimizing screen time can also make a difference. Getting enough sleep, around 6-9 hours, is crucial for good health. Lastly, surrounding yourself with positive people can have a significant impact on your happiness and well-being.

    • Surroundings Impact Mood and Well-beingSurround yourself with positivity, balance tasks, eat healthily, and limit phone usage for improved mood and well-being.

      The people we surround ourselves with greatly impact our mood and overall well-being. Surrounding ourselves with negative individuals can bring us down and make us feel unhappy, while being around positive people can lift our spirits and keep us feeling good. Balance and structure are essential when managing multiple tasks or a busy schedule. To maintain balance, schedule your time wisely, prioritize tasks, and reward yourself after completing each one. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet doesn't have to feel restrictive. Instead, add them to your meals rather than replacing other foods. To reduce phone usage and procrastination, use features like Do Not Disturb, allow yourself designated phone time after completing tasks, or even place your phone in another room. Remember, the people and habits we surround ourselves with play a significant role in our overall health and happiness.

    • Practice small daily healthy habitsAdd journaling, yoga, nutritious foods, or at-home Pilates to daily routine for overall well-being. Gradually add healthy options instead of cutting out unhealthy ones.

      Maintaining a healthy and stable lifestyle, even with constantly changing routines, can be achieved by continuing to practice small daily healthy habits. These habits can include journaling, yoga, or adding nutritious foods to your diet. For those looking to reduce their intake of soda, sweets, and fast food, it's recommended to start by adding nutritious options rather than completely cutting them out. For those who enjoy Pilates but have a busy schedule, at-home videos are a great alternative. And for those who struggle with feeling guilty for resting or having unproductive days, it's important to remember that rest is essential for overall well-being and productivity will come with consistent effort over time.

    • Take care of yourself for a healthy lifestyleListen to your body, give yourself rest days, eat nutritious foods, and move daily. Consistency is key and be proud of small steps towards healthier lifestyle. Quick breakfast ideas include oatmeal and eggs.

      Taking care of yourself is essential for living a healthy lifestyle. This includes listening to your body and giving yourself rest days when needed, as well as incorporating nutritious foods and daily movement into your routine. Consistency is key, and it's important to be proud of yourself for every small step you take towards a healthier lifestyle. Remember, you are your best project, and there is much for you to accomplish and experience in life. So start today, start now, and don't forget to be kind to yourself along the way. Another quick takeaway is that quick and easy breakfast ideas, such as oatmeal with flaxseed, golden raisins, almonds, cinnamon, and almond milk, or eggs, sweet potatoes, spinach, and avocado, can help set the tone for a healthy day.

    • Balancing Productivity and Self-CareMaintain a balance between productivity and self-care for a fulfilling lifestyle. Prioritize goals and make a positive impact, while also taking care of personal appearance and wellness.

      The importance of balancing productivity and self-care. The speaker expresses love and appreciation for her audience, encouraging them to stay engaged and productive, while also reminding them to take care of their appearance and overall well-being. This balance is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. By staying busy and productive, individuals can achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world. However, it's equally important to prioritize self-care and not neglect personal appearance or wellness in the pursuit of productivity. Ultimately, the goal is to find a balance between the two, allowing individuals to lead fulfilling lives both personally and professionally.

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

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    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

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    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

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    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

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    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

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    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

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    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

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    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

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    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    • You can't do everything yourself. You may have a hard time giving jobs away to others, try to hire people that you can instinctively see yourself working well with as well as using personality tests to find people who are high in conscientiousness and low in neuroticism.

    • In order for somebody to optimise their health, diet is the place they have to start. It is the easiest place to start and the area of your life where you can see the most dramatic change.

    • It is really easy for people who are not in a good place in their lives to sneer at what you do and say ‘you should be doing things differently’. Don’t take advice on your diet from somebody that doesn’t look healthy themselves.

    • It is not sustainable to live a life whereby you are constantly doing things, it is not fair on yourself, your brain and your overall health, it is too hard on you. Taking ten minutes to not do anything at all can be really helpful for anxiety and reducing volatility.

    • When it comes to receiving negativity, it is important to focus on your fans as well as focusing on the ratio of positive to negativity. It is easy to ignore the praise and focus on the few negative comments however usually the positive outweighs the negative, practice focusing your energy on that.

    • With social media, if you end up getting a following, once you get to a certain level, people will wait for your content and they won't forget you. If you take a break, they will just wonder where you went. The ‘one hit wonder’ label is not necessarily apparent once you gain a loyal fan base on social media.



    “It was such a transformative experience that I just thought ‘I have to talk about this.’”

    “I am really interested in what experiences human beings can go through to better their life.”

    “I wish there was more emphasis on trying to change people's diets before treating the health symptoms by masking it with medications.”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979



    Mikhaila Peterson is a Canadian social media star known for running her blog “Don’t Eat That” where she shares dietary plans along with exercise consultation. By the age of 22, Mikhaila was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, depression, bipolar type II, idiopathic hypersomnia, Lyme disease, psoriasis, and dyshidrotic eczema, they’re now all in remission with strict dietary adherence. She took her career experimenting between diet and health. Now, she has earned more than 80.2k followers on her Instagram as well as a new self-titled podcast.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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