
    Things you should do if you have just been laid off

    enMarch 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A podcast for job seekers with practical tips and inspiring storiesExplore Interview Boss for valuable resources and advice during all stages of the job application process, from creating a resume to acing an interview, and hear inspiring stories to boost your confidence.

      Interview Boss, a podcast hosted by Emma, a radio journalist, and her sister Sarah, a HR and recruitment professional, offers a wealth of resources and advice for those seeking new job opportunities. With over 90 episodes, it can be overwhelming to navigate the extensive library. To help listeners, the duo has curated playlists based on various stages of the job application process, from crafting a resume to acing an interview. For those feeling underpaid, like listener Kristen from the US who signed an offer letter for a dream job paying twice her previous salary, Interview Boss serves as a valuable companion during the job hunt. Tune in for practical tips, inspiring stories, and a little levity along the way. If you're ready to boost your salary or simply start your job search, Interview Boss has got you covered.

    • Unexpected job losses are commonJob losses are a normal part of many careers, and there are resources and communities available to help you navigate the process

      If you've been let go from your job, whether through layoffs, redundancies, or other means, you're not alone. This experience is more common than you might think, and it's important to remember that it's not a reflection of your personal performance or worth. The economic uncertainty and instability caused by global events and poor planning by some companies can lead to unexpected job losses. It's important to reach out for support and connect with others who have gone through similar experiences. The stigma surrounding job loss is decreasing, and it's essential to remember that it's a normal part of many careers. If you're facing this situation, know that there are resources and communities available to help you navigate the process and come out stronger on the other side.

    • Understanding job termination detailsClarify job termination details, including notice periods, benefits, and local laws, to help navigate the process and prepare for the future.

      When faced with a job termination, the first step is to clarify the details of the situation. This includes understanding your last day, any notice periods, and what benefits or restrictions you may have. In some countries, negotiating a redundancy payment may not be an option, so it's important to know the local laws and practices. Additionally, it's crucial to take time to grieve and process the loss of your job, as it can deeply impact your identity and self-esteem. Remember, you are more than your job, and it's essential to allow yourself time to adjust and explore new opportunities.

    • Navigating Emotions After Losing a JobProcess emotions, create a budget, seek support, and prepare for uncertainty during job transition

      Experiencing strong emotions after losing a job is normal and valid. It's essential to process these feelings before starting a new job search to avoid negatively impacting your new role. Closure may not be possible, and it's crucial to be practical about your financial situation, including creating a budget and planning for expenses during your transition period. Remember, it's okay to talk to people about your emotions and seek professional help if needed. Additionally, layoffs can be uncertain and destabilizing, and you might not receive clear answers as to why you were let go. Preparation and practicality are key to navigating this challenging time.

    • Prepare for job search before losing current jobSecure financial safety net, assess career goals, update references, and establish a daily routine during job search

      If you find yourself unexpectedly out of a job, it's essential to plan ahead before starting your job search. While taking time for self-reflection and consideration of a career change is valuable, it's crucial not to leave your job search until the last minute. Secure a sufficient financial safety net, ideally three to six months' worth of living expenses, before actively looking for a new opportunity. Additionally, use this time to assess your career goals and potential new directions. Don't forget to gather and update your professional references. Lastly, establish a daily routine to maintain a sense of purpose and structure during your job search. Exercise, getting dressed, and going outside can help improve your mood and productivity.

    • Maintain balance during job search, engage in hobbies, and address job loss confidentlyDuring job search, allocate time for applications, prioritize hobbies, and confidently discuss job loss with employers. Update LinkedIn profile with a clear headline and open status.

      During job search, it's essential to maintain a balanced routine and prioritize mental and physical health. Set aside dedicated time each day for job applications, but also make sure to engage in hobbies or studies to avoid feeling stuck on the computer. Additionally, addressing the topic of job loss confidently is crucial when speaking with potential employers. Prepare a script to discuss your employment history and be open about your current situation. Updating your LinkedIn profile is also a crucial step, ensuring your headline is specific and your open to work status is visible to recruiters. Remember, addressing the elephant in the room with confidence will make you feel better and increase your chances of success. To help you with LinkedIn profile updates, check out Karen's free checklist from Think Bespoke, which provides detailed breakdowns and tips for a successful update.

    • Participate in a resume update challenge for manageable stepsBreak down resume updating and job searching into manageable steps with a daily email challenge, leverage your network, and be open to making unexpected connections.

      Updating your resume and job searching don't have to be overwhelming tasks. You can break them down into manageable steps, such as participating in a resume update challenge. This challenge, which involves receiving daily emails with actions to take and corresponding podcast episodes, allows you to tackle the process bit by bit and avoid feeling stressed. Additionally, leveraging your network can lead to unexpected opportunities. Share your job search with friends, family, and acquaintances, as you never know who might be able to help or connect you with potential employers. Opportunities can come from the most unexpected places, so make sure to let people know you're looking. Lastly, be open to making connections in unexpected places, as you never know who might be able to help you in your job search.

    • Be specific in your LinkedIn job search postSpecify role, industry, location, and experience level for effective job search results on LinkedIn

      Being specific in your LinkedIn job search post can lead to more effective results. Instead of making a vague post about looking for work, ask for what you want and provide details about your desired role, industry, location, and experience level. For example, instead of saying "I'm looking for journalist roles," say "I'm looking for my next opportunity as a senior compensation analyst with 6 plus years of experience in reviewing market data and building salary bands. I can work locally in Miami or full time remote nationwide. Please tag, share, or forward any compensation recruiters or hiring managers you may have in your network." This approach makes it easier for people in your network to help you by knowing exactly what you're looking for and how they can assist. Additionally, avoid using emotional appeals or sharing personal stories in your job search post, as they may not provide any tangible benefits and could potentially distract from the specific information you're trying to convey.

    • Crafting a Lighthearted LinkedIn Post After Being Laid OffWhen crafting a LinkedIn post after being laid off, maintain a lighthearted tone, avoid unfavorite phrases, prepare a clear and compelling career story, and focus on the positive aspects of your career journey for new opportunities.

      When crafting a LinkedIn post after being laid off or made redundant, it's essential to maintain a lighthearted and specific approach. Seniority, a favorite word of the speaker, can be incorporated in a fun and creative way. Avoid using unfavorite phrases, such as "what's in stall," which can be confusing and misleading. Be sure to prepare a clear and compelling career story, detailing past experiences and future goals, to maximize opportunities and engage potential employers or recruiters. The post should avoid being overly emotional or negative, but instead focus on the positive aspects of one's career journey and the excitement for the future. Remember, being made redundant doesn't mean the end, but rather an opportunity for growth and new beginnings.

    • Prepare for interviews by highlighting best experiences and accomplishmentsBrainstorm 'best bits' from past roles for job interviews, do it soon after leaving a job, and stay tuned for more tips on educational systems worldwide. Follow us for more job search advice and join our community on Instagram.

      During a job search, it's essential to be prepared for interviews by having a clear understanding of what you're looking for and highlighting the best experiences and accomplishments from past roles. Brainstorming these "best bits" will help you shine during the interview process. It's best to do this soon after leaving a job, as the details will still be fresh in your mind. Additionally, consider decorating your locker if you have one, and stay tuned for future episodes where we'll explore more fun and interesting aspects of different educational systems around the world. Remember, Interview Boss is here to help you every step of the way on your job search journey. So, hit the follow button, share the show with friends, and join our supportive community on Instagram for more advice and inspiration. And don't forget to shout us a virtual coffee to help us continue our mission of helping job seekers succeed.

    • Buy creators a virtual coffee for motivationSupport creators by buying them a virtual coffee on Head to buy me a coffee dot com forward slash interview boss to keep them motivated and productive.

      To keep up with the flow of content, it's essential to keep the creators energized with regular caffeine fixes. The website "Head to buy me a coffee dot com forward slash interview boss" is an innovative platform that allows fans and supporters to buy their favorite content creators a virtual coffee. This simple act not only keeps the creators motivated but also helps them continue producing quality content consistently. So, if you enjoy the content and want to support the creators, consider buying them a virtual coffee. It's a small gesture that can make a significant difference. Remember, a well-caffeinated creator is a productive creator!

    Recent Episodes from Interview Boss

    What kind of manager are you / do you like working for?

    What kind of manager are you / do you like working for?

    If you're a manager who conducts interviews, there's a fair chance you might be asked about your leadership style. In this week's episode, Sarah and Emma unpack the different management styles to help you identify and explain what kind of manager you are.

    This episode is also for those who have left a role due to not seeing eye-to-eye with a manager. Reflecting about what kind of boss you like to work under will help you avoid ending up in a similar situation! If you know what management style you thrive under, it's a great idea to ask how your interviewers would describe their management style, to see it aligns with your preference.

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Sabrina who bought us 3 coffees!

    "Sarah and Emma, hello from California and I'm excited to finally have a success story to share! I cannot express how grateful I am for all of your advice and support; it has been a lifeline in my job search. I am a career pivoter who decided to switch to design in the middle of applying to medical school. As a nervous introvert type of person, I have always struggled at interviewing and would go into fight-or-flight mode at every interview. I was able to avoid this issue for the most part because I interned at the same lab every summer in college and never really had to interview. As a result, I also never improved my interview skills or overcame my extreme interview anxiety. While interviewing for my first design job, I wrote out scripts and read them word for word because it was the only way I could answer the questions at the time. Somehow I got the job due to my portfolio and genuine passion for the company, but my manager later joked that I was "like a robot and almost seemed like I was reading from a script" (spoiler alert: I was!). After 2 years and management changes, I was laid off after being gaslit into thinking I was incompetent, too young, and needed a design degree to deserve a place in the field. Although tech mass layoffs are common nowadays, I was the only person who got laid off from my company and I felt immense shame and self-doubt for it. After meeting with mentors and getting honest feedback, I realized that I DO have what it takes and am worthy of the job I want. However, being dumped into the current tech job market was terrifying and although I managed to land interviews, many companies had intensive interview processes that I completely fumbled. Finding this podcast was a godsend, and I spent several days binging episodes. The podcast became like a best friend to me during these interviews: I listened before and after every interview (and laughed at the off-beat sniffs every time), while I was waiting to hear back, after rejection, and everything in between. Before every interview, I walked to my mirror and said 'You are the shit' in an Australian accent. I'm happy to say that I started leaving interviews feeling like I killed it and was finally able to let my personality and thinking process shine through during interviews instead of being a nervous wreck. THANK YOU again for all that you do!!!"

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

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    Interview Boss
    enJune 26, 2024

    Scam Alert! Do not get tricked by a job scam

    Scam Alert! Do not get tricked by a job scam

    Employment and recruitment scams were one of the top 10 scam categories in 2023 (according to the ACCC) which means people like you are being taken advantage of when they are looking for a new job.

    I know what you're thinking - you're way too savvy to fall for a scam...

    THINK AGAIN! These scammers are clever and they know how to take advantage of your emotions.

    In this week's episode Sarah and Emma talk about the different kinds of job scams out there, and how you can keep yourself safe. We even give you a new motto for avoiding scams online courtesy of our very own Assistant Treasurer.. "Don't click on the bloody blue link"

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Mark who sent us a message saying “Just had an interview and had this up there to remind me to clench!” and attached a photo that showed a post it note above his screen saying “CYBC” for ‘clench your butt cheeks’. Mark, you’re a legend.

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


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    Episodes For Your Situation

    Interview Boss
    enJune 19, 2024

    Interview prep and time management: what to prioritise!

    Interview prep and time management: what to prioritise!

    Interview preparation can be so overwhelming, particularly if you're in a time crunch!

    That's why we want to make sure you're spending the right amount of time on each step of the process. Because it's easy to accidently fall down a rabbit hole researching your interviewer, only to realise hours have passed and you haven't even got anything of substance to talk about in the interview yet!

    In this week's episode, Sarah and Emma discuss what parts of preparation require hours of your time, and what can be done in minutes, if necessary, in a pinch.

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Rebekah who bought us 5 coffees!

    "Hi Sarah & Em, you are both absolutely amazing! I have listened to almost every episode over the last 6 months since a friend recommended your podcast (she’s another Sarah) and you have helped me smash every interview since. I decided to leave my role as I had outgrown it, and had been struggling to land a new job in NZ, continually coming runner up for roles. It felt like a lot of work and time doing interviews to keep coming second place. My partner and I then came to the decision to move to Perth, and this made getting a new role even harder as I was applying while still in NZ. With all your tips and tricks, working on my short stories, and believing in myself, I ended up with two offers last week! I accepted one which was for my dream role with a global company, which had interviewed me in NZ for another role 6 months ago. They put in a good word for me and now I have an incredible remote / travel role with lots of opportunity for growth, and I have increased my salary by 50%! Thank you both again so so much, you kept my spirits up through the whole process with amazing banter and tips. I have told everyone I can to listen to your podcast!"

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching

    💌 Follow us on Instagram

    💻 Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Mentioned in this episode: The BEST way to prepare for a job interview

    Mentioned in this episode:

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    Episodes For Your Situation

    Interview Boss
    enJune 12, 2024

    How have you championed diversity, equity & inclusion in the workplace?

    How have you championed diversity, equity & inclusion in the workplace?

    Many companies prioritise diversity within their workplaces and therefore are keen bring the conversation into the interview process. BUT it can be really tricky to come up with your own examples, even if you're the most inclusive person in the world!

    In this week's episode, Sarah and Emma explain what employers are looking for when they ask this question and brainstorm a range of out-of-the-box ideas that you might not have considered!

    Hint: You don't have to have created groundbreaking diversity polices in order to answer this question - your examples can be small but impactful!

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Isabella - Interview Academy Alumna!

    "Hi!! Just had my 2nd round panel interview yesterday, that also includes a 15 minute micro training demo. After following the interview academy for 3 days, I walked in feeling good about the stories about my best bits AND solid about my career story - huge for a career transitioner like myself. Did I forget to mention some aspects of my stories (even with bringing a notebook)? Yes. But I’m going for progress over perfection when it comes to this interviewing process, and I’ve never felt better walking out of one than I did yesterday! I did the best I could, and that’s all I can ask for."

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching

    💌 Follow us on Instagram

    💻 Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Mentioned in this episode: Equity vs Equality Cartoon

    Mentioned in this episode:

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    Episodes For Your Situation

    Interview Boss
    enJune 05, 2024

    Am I being automatically rejected for not meeting the exact screening questions?

    Am I being automatically rejected for not meeting the exact screening questions?

    Am I being automatically rejected from a job for not meeting the exact screening questions?

    That is the question we answered in this week's episode, after Elizabeth, who has 3 years' experience and was applying for a role asking for 4, sent us her conundrum!

    The short answer? It's very unlikely - so keep shooting your shot!

    Screening questions are used to save recruiters time, and, in most cases, a recruiter is still looking at your application. The questions have just made it easier for them to filter through the candidates.

    Give this episode a listen to hear what advice Sarah and Emma have for Elizabeth.

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Jess who bought us 5 coffees!

    "Emma + Sarah, eternal thanks for the absolutely thoughtful, empathetic, actionable and just generally rad podcast! I found your podcast after my initial phone screen, and I listened to episodes in between every following round until I was finally offered the job!!! This 100% includes the listen to this before/after episodes. The sniffing on time disagreement during deep breaths made me chuckle every time I heard it and made my anxiety melt away. I would buy the coffees just for that magic alone, but I must also credit you both for a great perspective on the job hunt and interviewing...I think I probably could have gotten this job without listening to this podcast, but I don't think I would have felt so confident, engaged, and powerful in the process. I left every interview feeling like I had shown up in a great way, but also that I had gotten useful information about the company that would ultimately help me make my decision. Big thanks all the way from Missouri USA for cheering us all on to become interview bosses!"

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching

    💌 Follow us on Instagram

    💻 Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Mentioned in this episode:

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    Episodes For Your Situation

    Interview Boss
    enMay 29, 2024

    The company has HORRIBLE reviews - how do I ask about them?

    The company has HORRIBLE reviews - how do I ask about them?

    We’re tackling a listener's question about how to handle bad company reviews when you have an interview lined up. We get it - even if you’re desperate for a job, you don’t want to end up somewhere toxic. But don't worry, we've got you covered.

    In this week’s episode, Sarah and Emma talk about what really makes those reviews a red flag and how to tell if they're something you should be concerned about. We're also here to give you the confidence to bring up these reviews during your interview. Yes, you can totally ask about them, and we'll show you how to do it without sounding negative or worried. We'll share tips on how to phrase your question just right, so you can get the answers you need

    Red flags episode


    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Ella “Hi Emma and Sarah! I want to extend my deepest gratitude to both of you for producing amazing content. Recently I graduated from university and I felt anxious about landing a job. I thought I was going to land a job offer from a company I loved and envisioned myself in after two interviews. However things happen for a reason and I kept on applying. Eventually a company (which I totally forgot about) that I applied to reached out for an interview. Upon the days leading up to it, I found your podcast and felt so at peace and relaxed. Right before I walked in, I listened to the “Listen to this before an interview” episode and felt extra confident. My buttcheeks were clenched the entire time!

    After meeting, I felt connected with the staff and the work environment at this company. Naturally I listened to the episode “Listen to this while you’re waiting to hear back” and quite literally trained my mind to forget about this company…

    Just a few moments ago I received an offer letter.”

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching

    💌 Follow us on Instagram

    💻 Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Mentioned in this episode:

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    Episodes For Your Situation

    Want to support the show? Buy us a coffee

    Buy Us a Coffee

    Interview Boss
    enMay 15, 2024

    Why rage applying for new jobs might be a good idea!

    Why rage applying for new jobs might be a good idea!

    Have you ever had bad day at work and retaliated by going home and firing off multiple applications to new jobs in a fit of rage? You're not alone!

    A recent study by recruitment specialists Robert Walters found 65% of surveyed Australian professionals admitted to taking part in the trend, with toxic workplace culture, poor work life balance and an unmanageable workload to blame! In the U.S, 67% of professionals admitted to having been a rage applier in the past 6 months.

    In this week's episode, Sarah and Emma discuss the pro's and con's of rage applying (hint: sometimes it can be the catalyst you need to improve your situation!)

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Carolyn who bought us 5 coffees!

    "Hey Emma and Sarah. A fellow ‘Bosser’ got me onto your wonderful podcast after I admitted I was terrified of entering back into the domain of job interviews after 12 years at my job. To me, it was like getting back into dating scene…all sweaty palms and nerves. The company I worked at for 12 wonderful years was purchased and they slowly made everyone redundant, so I was a little bit flat. I took a good six months off to be with my family as my dad had passed away the year before and just did life admin and enjoyed my young family. I have been religiously devouring your episodes since the start of the year. It’s not just your no BS advice that I love and the little pep talks, sometimes I think I just found your dulcet voices relaxing. I have a bit of a niche job and I found the perfect job advertised and went hard, practiced all my best stories, weaved in the ‘so what’ and the backgrounds and it helped so much. I even used your cover letter and I was so honest about who I am. It all helped. However, I did bugger up one of my email addresses (even though you have warned of this exact thing!!!) and so missed my first interview. I managed to salvage it and carry on (minus a few grey hairs). I have just been offered the role and I’m thrilled. Then I went to negotiate on flexibility. They had sent me a 22 page doc on how flexible they were with work options prior to my first interview (the one I didn’t miss) and one of my interviewers talked about how a couple of people in her team are 4 days. So I thought no problem…I’ll ask for 4 instead of 5. They said ‘no’. I was a bit surprised and on the back foot and suddenly my dream job is looking like it might blow up with 3 small kids at home. I felt like if I pushed it they would simply offer it to the next person. So I accepted, but feeling a bit uneasy about it all. I trawled your episodes for one about discussing flexibility if you have family, carer or other commitments but I couldn’t see it. So I’m sending out a huge thank you for being such lovely legends in my ears and getting me through…but also a little SOS on what to do? I’m getting mixed advice…so would love to hear yours. Thanks again Boss ladies.”

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


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    Episodes For Your Situation

    Yes, you can and should prep small talk for your interviews!

    Yes, you can and should prep small talk for your interviews!

    Here at Interview Boss, we believe preparation goes a long way in helping to combat nerves - and yes, you can even prep your small talk!

    We can almost guarantee you'll need to engage in some surface level conversation before your interview, whether it's when you're being walked through the building to the meeting room or while you're waiting for someone else to join a zoom call. It might sound lame, but knowing what you're going to say ahead of time, can free up your mental load. Plus, interviews can already feel awkward enough without having to come up with small talk on the spot!

    In this week's episode, Sarah and Emma share their favourite go-to small talk topics to inspire you to come up with your own!

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Megan who bought us a coffee!

    "I can't tell you how much this podcast has shaped my career. I started listening to the pod while working as a receptionist at a job I hated. Your podcast helped me move from that dead-end job to a legal position, inspiring me to attend law school. I am happy to announce that using my "best bits" I just landed my first job as a law clerk at an immigration firm! I never thought I would be in this position. I am the first in my family to attend grad school and am now involved in work I am passionate about. Your words of encouragement allowed me to dream bigger and present my best self. THANK YOU! Megan Oregon USA."

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


    Mentioned in this episode:

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    Episodes For Your Situation

    How to actually survive a toxic job and micromanager (temporarily)

    How to actually survive a toxic job and micromanager (temporarily)

    We know many of our listeners find us because they're desperate to get out of a job that's making them miserable!

    If you've already decided that you need OUT ASAP, then this episode is for you! Sarah and Emma share their own toxic job horror stories, and give practical tips to help you tread water and survive the last couple of weeks/months until you're out of there.

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Deborah who is an Interview Academy Alumna!

    “Hi! I found out about Interview Academy through the podcast about a week before an interview at a really great organisation. I'm so glad because I'm not the best at prepping for Interviews and I get very nervous during them. This was also going to be my first job interview related to my recent bachelors degree that I went back to University for. With the course and lots of practicing of my best bits, I think I did quite well! It was probably my best interview ever and the interviews were even nodding their heads and smiling at some points. There were 1 or 2 unexpected questions that threw me off but I think I did ok with them. I listened to your pre and post interview podcast episodes and they helped so much too! No matter what happens, this was great interview practice for me and it increased my confidence! I also developed awesome best bits that will be invaluable as I interview for similar positions to break into a new industry!"

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

    💌  Follow us on Instagram

    💻  Check out our website for free jobseeker resources


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    Episodes For Your Situation

    How to start your interview answers if you're prone to getting stuck

    How to start your interview answers if you're prone to getting stuck

    Sometimes, starting your interview answers can be the hardest part. If you find yourself going blank or waffling too much before getting into your example then this episode is for you!

    Sarah and Emma share 2 fool proof ways you can start off your answers, with examples. Knowing you have this structure to fall back on can put your mind at ease and help you deliver your answer concisely!

    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Seth who bought us a coffee!

    "Hey Emma and Sarah! I am so grateful for your podcast, listening to you two really helped me out when I needed it most! I was let go from my job just a month before my first child was born, and I was absolutely distraught. I was able to receive unemployment checks for a few months, but things weren't going well in my job search. Then, after 3 months of applying, I finally landed an interview, but I had never worked in that field and had no idea how to prepare. I looked up interview tips on Spotify, and found your podcast! It really boosted my confidence and I gave a great interview! Unfortunately, I was not selected for that job but I didn't let that get me down. I redoubled my efforts and kept to it. After a few more interviews, and a few more weeks ticking down to the end of my unemployment checks, I finally landed a job that paid well enough for my family's needs. The problem was that I had no interest in that field and they wanted me to live, breathe, and dream about the job. After the first week, I knew that I wasn't cut out for the job. It was very disheartening but I went back to the job search. I found a job that had just been posted by a company I had been interested in for years but had never found an opportunity to apply. I applied for the job on a Friday and checked back on the online application Monday morning. My heart dropped when it said "Not Selected by Employer" but I couldn't stop thinking about it all day. This next part felt pretty ballsy, but listening to your podcast gave me the confidence to believe in myself. After work, I drove down to the office of the place I applied and talked to the person at the front desk about how I had just applied and how interested I was in the work they do. The person at the desk had me wait a moment while they got someone for me to talk to and came back with the OWNER OF THE COMPANY! He did an impromptu first interview right there and scheduled me for a follow-up interview later that week. I nailed the follow-up and got a job offer the next day! I offered a two-week notice at the job I had just started, but since I was so new they let me decide if I wanted to stay the two weeks or not. I decided not to and started my new job the next day! I love my new job, and am so happy and proud of myself for having the confidence to go out and get what I want! Thank you SO MUCH for helping me get here! I wouldn't have done it without you!"

    ☕ Did our podcast help you out? Want to say thank you in coffee form? Shout us a virtual coffee here: www.buymeacoffee.com/interviewboss

    📄 To get step by step help with your interview prep on demand check out our Interview Academy https://www.interviewboss.com.au/interview-academy

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