
    Podcast Summary

    • Importance of acknowledging inner strugglesRecognize inner struggles, prioritize personal growth, and seek solutions for various aspects of life.

      Even when we appear to be functioning well on the outside, we may be dealing with significant challenges internally. Andrea MacLean, a renowned TV broadcaster and journalist, opened up about her own experience with a catastrophic breakdown following her participation in the extreme SAS training. Despite her smiling exterior, she took time off work to recover. This incident highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing our inner struggles, regardless of how we may appear on the surface. Moreover, MacLean shared her motivation for joining the SAS despite being the oldest participant. She emphasized that it's not about competing with others but having personal growth experiences. Lastly, we learned about two companies, PlushCare and Burrow, offering solutions for different aspects of life. PlushCare, a telehealth provider, can help individuals in their weight loss journey with FDA-approved medications and insurance coverage. Burrow, a furniture company, focuses on creating durable and customizable seating, ensuring customer satisfaction with fast and free shipping. In summary, this episode emphasized the importance of recognizing inner struggles, pursuing personal growth, and finding solutions for various aspects of life.

    • Unexpected challenges test mental resilienceUnexpected challenges can push mental resilience to its limits, but trusting the unknown and adapting can lead to growth

      Being physically overmatched doesn't necessarily mean giving up mentally. However, during an unexpected experience, I learned that mental resilience has its limits. After being repeatedly asked to participate in a reality show, I eventually agreed and found myself in the Andes mountains of Chile, dealing with extreme cold and altitude sickness. Despite my preparation, I was kidnapped by the show's producers and taken to an abandoned motel. Contrary to my expectations, I was not being held against my will for an escape or rescue scenario. Instead, I was given a black cotton bag and instructed to get into a long, thin boat. I felt foolish for wasting three nights worrying about an imaginary threat when the reality was much different. The experience taught me to trust the unknown and adapt to unexpected situations.

    • Unexpected events can trigger deep emotional responsesUnexpected events can evoke strong emotional reactions, bringing up past traumas and causing physical and mental responses.

      Even when we believe we're in a controlled environment, like a TV show or training exercise, unexpected events can trigger deep emotional responses and push us out of our comfort zones. The speaker in this discussion experienced a sudden shift from relaxation to intense fear when she was unexpectedly confronted by a member of the SAS team during a filming exercise. This encounter brought up past traumas and caused a physical and mental reaction. The experience underscores the power of our emotions and how quickly they can be evoked, even when we least expect it. Additionally, the use of extreme physical challenges, like jumping into cold water from a helicopter, is a deliberate tactic to push participants out of their comfort zones and test their resilience.

    • Overcoming Challenges Through Military TrainingFollowing orders instinctively, even in unfamiliar situations, can lead to personal growth and strength. Trusting and obeying instructions, even when intimidating, can ultimately lead to understanding good intentions and building resilience.

      The speaker underwent a challenging experience involving being thrown out of a helicopter and endured intense training, which she describes as an attempt to break her and then rebuild her. She emphasizes that she followed orders instinctively and without question, even during moments of discomfort and confusion. The training included physical and mental tests, and the trainers aimed to push her beyond her limits to understand her fragility and help her become stronger. The speaker also shares that she was initially intimidated but later realized the trainers had good intentions. Overall, the experience taught her the importance of trusting and obeying instructions, even when they seem unusual or difficult.

    • Facing Fears and Limits in TherapyDespite challenges, recognizing personal limits and physical conditions is crucial for self-care and well-being.

      The speaker underwent an intense therapy experience that pushed her beyond her limits. Despite her gentle nature, she found herself getting angry and wanting to please her therapists. During a particularly challenging activity, she had to face her fear of cold temperatures and hypothermia, which led to her collapse and eventual departure from the program. What was fascinating was that due to her hysterectomy and menopause, her body was unable to regulate its temperature, leaving her constantly cold. This revelation, along with the alignment of various circumstances, led the speaker to realize it was time for her to leave the program and return home to recover both physically and emotionally.

    • Overwhelmed by Loss and Life's ChallengesAcknowledging and addressing feelings of overwhelm is crucial for maintaining personal and professional effectiveness.

      Life can be unpredictable and overwhelming, even for those who are used to handling challenges. The speaker shares her experience of losing her beloved dog and feeling overwhelmed by the various stressors in her life, including a new business and a live TV show. She describes how she tried to cope but eventually reached a breaking point. A friend's intervention helped her to process her emotions and continue moving forward. It's important to acknowledge and address feelings of overwhelm rather than trying to push through them, as they can impact our ability to function effectively in our personal and professional lives.

    • Seeking Professional Help: A Sign of StrengthRealizing emotional overwhelm, the speaker sought therapy, discovered value in a safe space to express past traumas, and acknowledged it as a sign of strength rather than weakness.

      Seeking professional help, such as therapy, is essential when dealing with overwhelming emotional experiences. The speaker, who had a long career in live television, reached a breaking point and realized she couldn't cope anymore. She turned to a friend who had undergone therapy and recommended her therapist. Initially skeptical, the speaker discovered the value of having a specialist help her navigate her feelings. She brought her husband to some sessions to ensure he understood how to support her during this life-changing experience. The therapy sessions provided a safe space for her to express things she had never spoken about before, and she was able to recognize and acknowledge past traumas. Therapy helped her understand the root causes of her emotional overload and provided validation and empathy. The speaker emphasized that it's okay to ask for help and that seeking professional assistance is a sign of strength, not weakness.

    • The importance of acknowledging and addressing past traumasAcknowledging and addressing past traumas can prevent negative consequences later in life, encourage open communication, and promote self-care.

      It's important not to keep traumatic experiences or difficult emotions locked away in the back of our minds. These experiences, no matter how painful, need to be acknowledged and addressed in order to prevent negative consequences later in life. This was emphasized through a story about a man who had suppressed his childhood trauma, which eventually led to his suicide. The speaker encouraged open communication and understanding, especially within families. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of self-care, finding savings on high-end goods at Quince, and the flexibility of UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans. The underlying theme of This Girl is on Fire and its related platforms is empowerment, which was the catalyst for the book's creation.

    • Shift focus from problems to solutionsAcknowledge problems, identify opportunities, and take small steps towards change to transform challenges into growth and progress

      Instead of dwelling on our problems and moaning about them, we need to take action and find solutions. Life is difficult, and we all face challenges, but if we do nothing to address them, nothing will change. The first step is to acknowledge the problem and refuse to let it consume us. We should focus on the possibilities for growth and change, rather than dwelling on the problem itself. One effective strategy is to shift our perspective and look for the opportunities in our challenges. We can write down the pros and cons, identify what we don't like and what we'd like to change, and take small steps towards making those changes. Our brains may try to distract us with negative thoughts, but we must stay focused on the solutions and not let ourselves be derailed by gossip and self-doubt. In essence, we have the power to overcome our challenges and create positive change in our lives. It's not always easy, but with determination and a focus on solutions, we can transform our misery into growth and progress.

    • Silencing the Inner CriticRecognize the inner critic, practice positive affirmations, power pose, focus on the present, and accept imperfections to silence self-doubt and build self-confidence.

      Our inner critic can be harsh and critical, often making us doubt ourselves and our abilities. It's important to recognize this and take steps to counteract the negative self-talk. One effective method is to give yourself positive affirmations, even if it feels odd at first. Another approach is to practice power posing, which involves adopting confident body language to help boost your confidence and self-esteem. Remember, it's natural to make mistakes and have off days, but it's essential to be kind to yourself and acknowledge that you did the best you could with what you were given in that moment. By focusing on the present and accepting our imperfections, we can learn to silence the inner critic and build greater self-confidence.

    • Understanding the impact of body language and appearanceRecognizing the role of body language and appearance in shaping self-perception and embracing the power of taking up space, through conscious choices like dressing confidently and adopting power poses, or unconscious habits like posture and gestures.

      Our body language and appearance can significantly impact how we feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. The speaker shared how women often make themselves smaller through their posture and appearance, while men tend to take up more space. However, it's important to note that these behaviors are not necessarily conscious choices, but rather habits. The speaker also emphasized the importance of dressing in a way that makes us feel confident and present, as it can influence our hormone levels and overall sense of self. Additionally, small adjustments like standing up straighter or adopting power poses can have a positive impact on our confidence and testosterone levels. Ultimately, it's about recognizing the role of our appearance and body language in shaping our self-perception and embracing the power of taking up space.

    • Finding the right balance of treatments for menopauseEducate yourself, seek expert advice, share experiences, and find practical solutions to navigate menopause's challenges

      Navigating menopause can be a complex and individual process, and it's essential to find the right balance of treatments for each person. Women often receive insufficient or incorrect information from their doctors, leading them to seek out alternative sources. The key is to mix and match treatments, adjusting the "volume" to find what works best. Many women have reported significant improvements in their lives and relationships after seeking out resources from experts like Louise Newson and Tina Pierce. The importance of sharing experiences and paying it forward cannot be overstated. Women who have gone through menopause can help others by sharing their stories and the advice that worked for them. The goal is not to wallow in the challenges of menopause but to provide practical solutions and hope for those going through it. The author's own experiences and the advice she received have inspired her to write a book to help others. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of education, support, and community in addressing the unique challenges of menopause.

    • The Impact of Reviews and GratitudeExpressing gratitude for reviews and ratings boosts a show's reach. Quality and affordability matter in various aspects of life, from gifting to travel and insurance.

      Expressing gratitude and receiving positive reviews can significantly impact the reach and success of a show or business. The hosts expressed their appreciation to their listeners for leaving reviews and ratings, emphasizing how important they are for others to discover the podcast. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of quality and affordability in various aspects of life, from gifting with 1800flowers.com to traveling with Quince and even insuring oneself with UnitedHealthcare. A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue, an intriguing fact shared during the conversation. And, it's worth noting that short-term health insurance plans offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage for those in need. Overall, the conversation touched on the power of positive feedback, the importance of quality and affordability, and some interesting facts.

    Recent Episodes from The Liz Earle Wellbeing Show

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    Rachel shares the realities of how dangerous UTIs can be, plus how the lack of knowledge on this common infection is just another example of medical misogyny.

    Rachel talks Liz through the symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) and how vaginal oestrogen could be lifesaving.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Get fit in just 11 minutes, with Lavina Mehta

    Get fit in just 11 minutes, with Lavina Mehta

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    Lavina talks Liz through exercise ‘snacking’ and why this can be a better approach for midlife women, plus why we should exercise for sanity not vanity and prioritise strength over cardio. Liz and Lavina also reveal a simple trick to help mitigate glucose spikes after meals, and try out a live exercise snacking session.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Finding love online in midlife, with Garance Doré

    Finding love online in midlife, with Garance Doré

    Have you ever used dating apps or websites? Beauty brand founder and author Garance Doré joins Liz to chat about how they both found love in the digital landscape. Garance reveals why she doesn’t fear heartbreak, and how our parents’ behaviour often influences our own with our partners.

    Liz and Garance also talk through their experiences of being in relationships with a significant age gap, and how this affects their perception of their own ageing bodies.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Are weight loss drugs too good to be true? – with Johann Hari

    Are weight loss drugs too good to be true? – with Johann Hari

    Can a 'magic pill' can fix the obesity epidemic - or are we creating even more problems? Author Johann Hari joins Liz on this podcast to discuss the benefits - and 12 potential risks - of new weight loss drugs, such as Ozempic.

    Johann reveals his motivations to use weight loss drugs personally, plus talks through shocking statistics on the realities of being overweight on our health.

    He also shares some of the positive effects that may come with these anti-obesity drugs beyond fat loss, along with the risks - including malnutrition and eating disorders.

    Meanwhile, Liz questions the true cost to our health here and whether we’re opening a Pandora’s box of unknown adverse effects when considering these drugs.

    CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains bad language and frank chat about suicide, sexual assault, and eating disorders, so please take care while listening.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Why your UTIs keep coming back, with Dr Kate Stephens

    Why your UTIs keep coming back, with Dr Kate Stephens

    Do you struggle with urinary tract infections (UTIs)? Dr Kate Stephens, a doctor of microbiology specialising in the human microbiome, joins Liz to share how we can better support our vaginal microbiome and avoid recurring UTIs.

    In this episode, brought to you in partnership with Optibac, Kate and Liz discuss the common causes of UTIs and why perimenopause and menopause often leave us more vulnerable to them.

    Liz and Kate talk through the best bacteria strains for intimate health, and address old wives’ tales - like whether cranberry juice can fight a UTI.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Are we too shy of the sun? - with Dr Leland Stillman

    Are we too shy of the sun? - with Dr Leland Stillman

    Have we become too shy of the sun or are we right to be extra cautious? Dr Leland Stillman joins Liz to share why he believes current advice about sun exposure is only skin deep.

    Leland discusses his perspective on how light impacts our eyes and our overall wellbeing, and Liz questions whether we can really avoid damaging our skin when seeking more sunlight.

    Leland shares how he keeps his skin safe in the sun plus how light may impact the gut, while Liz asks whether a vitamin D supplement is the same as getting it from light itself.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Healthy fats, weight loss and ‘reversing’ diabetes, with Eric Edmeades

    Healthy fats, weight loss and ‘reversing’ diabetes, with Eric Edmeades

    You’ve likely heard of pre-diabetes. But what about post-diabetes? Serial entrepreneur and Wild Fit founder Eric Edmeades joins Liz to share why we need to change our approach to type 2 diabetes - along with the practical changes needed to reverse it.

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    They also cover the benefits of ketosis and autophagy, the importance of cutting down on sugar for our health, and other lifestyle changes that we can make to cut the risk of pre-diabetes.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Is mould sabotaging your health? - with Dr John Kim

    Is mould sabotaging your health? - with Dr John Kim

    Do you struggle with keeping mould at bay in your home? Functional medicine pharmacist Dr John Kim joins Liz to take a deep dive into the impacts mould may be having on our health.

    Inside this episode, John and Liz discuss whether everyday household mould might be the cause of sickness, and how mould could have even played a role in Liz’s daughter's own ill-health over the years.

    John and Liz also cover how to avoid mould getting inside food - such as coffee and grains - why juice cleanses can't actually detox the body effectively, and other endocrine disruptors that may be lurking in our homes.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease, with Patrick Holford

    Reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease, with Patrick Holford

    With one in 11 people currently suffering from dementia in the UK, Liz chats with Patrick Holford, founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, to learn how we can reduce our risk of Alzheimer's disease.

    Patrick, who is also the chief executive of the Food for the Brain Foundation, talks Liz through the role omega-3s and B vitamins play in protecting our brains, and they also discuss 30 factors associated with a heightened risk of Alzheimer's.

    Liz and Patrick cover foods to include in your diet, such as eggs and nuts, and the foods to avoid (spoiler: sugar!), plus key supplements that might help to protect our brains from cognitive decline.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    What are your dreams trying to tell you? With Dr Rahul Jandial

    What are your dreams trying to tell you? With Dr Rahul Jandial

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    Liz and Rahul unpack where our dreams stem from, what recurring ones actually mean, and how what we dream about at night can impact our capabilities during the day.

    The episode also covers 'sleep pressure', techniques that can enhance our dreams, and whether doctors can use our dreams as diagnostic tools.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    298 You Have To Take Care of Yourself In Order To Be Your Best

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     Everything we do, whether it be work, caring for our families, or even going for a morning walk, all starts with ourselves and in today’s work culture of burning the candle at both ends, it can be easy to forget that we need to take breaks and prioritize our well being in order to do our best in everything we do. Hopefully by doing so we can model a behavior that others can follow and make a change for the better.

    In this episode Sarah Elkins and Mandy Hoskinson discuss the importance of self care in today’s day and how others will follow by example, especially when it comes to creating a healthy and thriving environment.



    • You have to learn about others and actively listen to them to learn about them and shift your perspective into belonging. 

    • Surrounding yourself with the things you want to incorporate into your life.

    • Choosing your battles and taking the breaks that will help you do what you do better.

    • Everything you do starts with you, so take care of yourself. Take a break.



    “Competition makes life expensive, it makes social interactions kind of strange, and I was reflecting on how I could incorporate slowness in my life and I think that comes from being in places where people are more sane and more kind because they have chosen a life where they’re not overwhelmed all the time.”

    “You can still choose that busy life anywhere and you can still choose a peaceful life anywhere, but if your environment encourages it and your community encourages it that can really help.”

    “You find your people anywhere if you look for them and stay open.”


    Dear Listeners it is now your turn,

    When you think about the work you do whether you work as an internal innovator, or as an entrepreneur, maybe you have a side hustle, what will you do with the information you just heard? Will you learn to take those breaks, will you choose to be that person that models the behavior that you want to see in the people around you, will you bring your best self by choosing to be that model and live the way that you know is going to benefit you and everyone around you.

    And, as always, thank you for listening. 


    About Mandy

    Mandy Hoskinson is a marketing agency founder, community leader, and creative person. Her award-winning agency, Zolay (@zolaystudio) works with clients spanning B2B, B2C, SAAS, government and creative industries. This social impact-focused agency also gives away 20% of its work away pro-bono (WIP). Mandy is also the President of the Social Media Club of Los Angeles. You can find her most places as @mediamandy.

    Be sure to check out Mandy’s LinkedIn and Instagram, as well as her website Mandy Hoskinson, Zolay Studio and Zolay Studio Instagram!


    About Sarah

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

    Be sure to check out the Job Interview Storytelling Course as well to make sure you nail that next interview!

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