
    UFYB 186: (Part 2) Thought Work and “Cancel Culture”: A Conversation with Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching Graduates Amber Taylor, Brig Johnson & Brenda Lomeli

    enMay 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Self-confidence and handling critiqueBuild self-confidence to effectively handle criticism and respond positively within communities. Get a free confidence cheat sheet with practical tools and exercises.

      Learning from this episode of Unfucked Your Brain is the importance of self-confidence and how it impacts our fear of criticism, especially within our own communities. The host shares her experiences of this fear as a black woman, a feminist, and a coach. She emphasizes that self-confidence is crucial for handling critique and responding effectively. To help listeners build their self-confidence, the host offers a free confidence cheat sheet with three practical tools and exercises. The episode also touches on the impact of the pandemic on nature, as shown in the documentary "The Year the Earth Changed." Overall, the episode explores the themes of self-confidence, community, and personal growth.

    • The complexities of the current situation go beyond simple solutionsAcknowledge the intricacies of the situation and strive for honesty and accountability, recognizing that our actions and beliefs may have unforeseen consequences.

      The current global situation, whether it's the result of a pandemic or other environmental factors, brings complexities that go beyond simple solutions. For instance, the reduction in noise pollution has led to birds reproducing more and singing in ways not heard since the 1950s. Similarly, the decrease in boat travel and tourism has allowed whales to communicate more effectively. However, it's essential not to oversimplify and assume that we should all stay in lockdown forever for the sake of animals. Instead, we should acknowledge the intricacies of the situation and give ourselves and others space to understand different perspectives. The truth is, we don't always have all the information, and it's crucial to approach conversations with an open mind and a willingness to listen and learn. Instead of focusing on being right or wrong, we should strive for honesty and accountability, recognizing that our actions and beliefs may have unforeseen consequences. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that the world is not black and white, and there is value in acknowledging the complexities of the issues at hand.

    • Cancel culture: Amplified form of human behaviorCancel culture stems from internalized forms of oppression, can lack nuance, and consequences vary from historical instances of oppression.

      Cancel culture, or holding individuals accountable for their actions and words, is not a new phenomenon but rather an amplified version of human behavior that has been present throughout history. The speaker suggests that this behavior stems from internalized forms of oppression, such as patriarchy and white supremacy, which cause us to doubt ourselves and then overcompensate by asserting our certainty. This can lead to a lack of nuance and understanding, resulting in extreme reactions. However, it's important to note that the consequences of cancel culture today are not the same as historical instances of oppression. The speaker also raises the question of whether online accountability discourse is a productive response to systemic injustice or a punitive attempt at mob mentality. Ultimately, it's up to us to decide and consider the various perspectives on the issue.

    • Emotions vs. Actions in Accountability and ApologiesUnderstand that emotions and actions in accountability and apologies are distinct. Emotional responses, like fear and desire, should not overshadow practical actions for making amends.

      The ongoing conversations around accountability and apologies in our society involve a complex interplay of emotional responses and actual actions. The emotional aspect includes instincts like the fear of being rejected or canceled, the desire for validation, and the human tendency to inflict or seek suffering. Meanwhile, the practical aspect involves making amends and taking responsibility for past wrongs. It's crucial not to conflate these two aspects and give them equal weight. For instance, donating to charity and sincere apologies are not the same. Our thoughts and fears, particularly the fear of being excluded, can significantly impact how we perceive and respond to situations involving accountability. It's essential to recognize this emotional response and distinguish it from the necessary actions for making amends.

    • Addressing systemic issues in accountability processesAccountability processes are about addressing root causes of harm and oppression, rather than individual actions or new ideas that challenge the status quo.

      Accountability processes are not typically about individuals expressing new ideas that are met with disagreement, but rather about addressing the perpetuation of oppressive and harmful ideologies. The conversation around accountability often invokes fear, but it's important to recognize that this fear is not necessarily about the potential backlash from sharing new thoughts, but rather the potential consequences of upholding harmful and oppressive beliefs. Galileo's example illustrates the courage it takes to challenge the status quo and put forth new ideas, even if they are met with resistance. However, when it comes to accountability processes, the focus should be on addressing systemic issues rather than individual actions that may be perceived as different or unpopular. The conversation around accountability is not just about discourse, but also about recognizing and addressing the root causes of harm and oppression.

    • Cancel culture as a process of self-reflection and accountabilityAccept accountability, forgive oneself, and show up authentically in relationships. Treat calls for accountability as opportunities for growth, not threats.

      Cancel culture can be understood as a personal and internal process of self-reflection and accountability, rather than a structural or performative act. The speaker shares a personal experience of how she was called out by a friend for coaching her without permission, and how her attempts to fix the situation only made it worse. She describes the importance of accepting accountability, forgiving oneself, and showing up authentically in relationships. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of treating calls for accountability as opportunities for growth rather than threats, and avoiding defensiveness or digging in. By focusing on the internal work of self-reflection and accountability, individuals can use cancel culture as a means for real personal and interpersonal change.

    • Understanding Accountability Processes: Goals and MethodsClarify goals and methods for accountability processes, whether public or private. Remember feelings don't always reflect reality, and distinguish between action and emotion.

      When it comes to accountability processes, it's essential to understand the goals and the appropriate methods to achieve them. In the case of public figures like R. Kelly, the goal may be to bring about consequences and change behavior through public signaling or legal action, rather than attempting to change their hearts and minds. However, in more personal and horizontal situations, true understanding and behavior change may not be achievable through shame or black-and-white thinking. It's crucial to clarify the objectives and the best approach for each situation. Additionally, it's important to remember that feelings, even if triggered by external factors, do not always accurately reflect reality. The distinction between action and emotion, and the differences between accountability processes in public and private spheres, are all crucial considerations when navigating these complex issues.

    • Fear of self-cancellation from communityUnderstand sources of fear, do inner work, focus on growth, and stay true to values to mitigate fear of self-cancellation and resulting shame and terror.

      The fear of public criticism and rejection, especially from one's own community, can be more emotionally taxing than facing criticism from public figures. This fear is often rooted in feelings of self-doubt and a lack of alignment with one's values. To overcome this fear, it's essential to understand where it comes from and do the necessary inner work. This includes acknowledging past shortcomings, taking steps to act on one's values, and learning to accept that perfection is not required. Ultimately, the fear of self-cancellation and the resulting shame and terror can be mitigated by focusing on personal growth and staying true to one's values.

    • Embrace your unique identityFocusing on self-love and acceptance leads to personal growth and authentic engagement with the world, even in the face of potential rejection or disagreement.

      Self-acceptance and authenticity are key to personal growth and success. The speaker shares her experience of letting go of the need for approval from others and embracing her unique identity, even if it means being criticized or disagreed with. She uses the example of rap artists and their indifference to potential critics to illustrate this point. By focusing on self-love and acceptance, individuals can continue to do their work and share their gifts with the world, despite potential rejection or disagreement. This approach not only allows for personal growth but also leads to a more authentic and impactful way of engaging with the world. Additionally, as coaches, creating a safe space for clients to love themselves, even in their imperfections, can lead to fewer emotional reactions and more effective problem-solving.

    • The importance of self-awareness and accountability in relationshipsPractice accountability and self-awareness in relationships, communicate openly, and focus on self-compassion to foster healthier connections

      Self-awareness and accountability are crucial elements in personal and professional growth. The vertical aspect of relationships focuses on accountability, while the horizontal aspect emphasizes self-work and having your own back. A key lesson comes from personal experiences where feedback from others can be challenging, and it's essential to remain accountable while also practicing self-compassion and understanding that not everyone will agree or support you. Furthermore, it's important to remember that emotional harm is often a result of our thoughts, and we have the power to control our reactions and beliefs. In the realm of relationships, focusing on open communication and compassion can lead to healthier connections.

    • Understanding our motivations and desires for effective communication and growthSelf-reflection and taking ownership of thoughts and feelings are crucial for effective communication and personal growth. Honest introspection and clear goals are more effective than shaming or punishment.

      Effective communication and personal growth require self-reflection and taking ownership of our thoughts and feelings. When we focus on understanding our own motivations and desires, we can foster open dialogue and create meaningful change. Shaming and punishment are not effective tools for promoting thought and feeling change in others. Instead, honest introspection and a clear understanding of our goals are essential. By examining our intentions and choosing the right tools for achieving our desired outcomes, we can foster productive conversations and create positive change in our relationships and communities. Remember, the most important question is always "what am I doing here and why?" This mindset can lead to personal growth and stronger connections with others.

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    Be true to yourself, don't find yourself being lead down a road of uncertainty.

    There comes a time in your life when you stand back and say "what about me?" and that's not being selfish towards others, that's just putting yourself in the mix. 

    We can be heroes if just for today.

    Featured in this podcast:

    About Tony Michaelides (from his website):

    Having spent thirty plus years in the music industry and working with some of the world’s leading artists I could see that big changes were about to happen. It was clearly time for me to make a change too so after being labelled an “Alien of Extraordinary Ability” for services to the music and arts I was awarded a green card, packed my bags and headed out to America for the next part of my journey. As I began writing my first book it dawned on me that I had learned a lot from both the artists I had worked with together with the people I like to call ‘music industry insiders.’ I started to take ‘The Lessons Learned from Rock and Roll’ out on to the road and to numerous events internationally.

    As I was writing my second book, ‘Moments That Rock’ I decided to keep the lessons separate and to release them as a series of E Books and Audio books. My ‘Moments That Rock’ became a storytelling podcast and a new dawn beckoned. If I can no longer do what I did then why not talk about it? The Lessons Learned from Rock and Roll is not exclusive and can be applied to anyone. It opens people’s eyes in to what it takes to be a real Rock Star.


    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

    Show notes by Chinook Bromlie - Estey

    192. The difference between negative self talk and constructive criticism

    192. The difference between negative self talk and constructive criticism

    On today's ep I am covering the importance of giving yourself constructive criticism.


    I cover what proper positive feedback looks like and what negative self talk looks like, how to know the difference between the two and how to pull yourself up on your sh*t in a constructive way that aids your growth and self love.


    Brain / Science Fact: Hormonal contraceptive pills


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