
    344. Mentally Strong Women: An Interview with Amy Morin

    enMay 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Women's Mental Strength and Self-CelebrationWomen should embrace their accomplishments and celebrate successes, while also cultivating mental strength to overcome challenges through positive thinking and avoiding negative thought patterns.

      It's important for women to embrace their accomplishments and feel joy in their successes, while also recognizing the value of mental strength in overcoming challenges. Kara Lowenthal, the host of the podcast and founder of the School of New Feminist Thought, discussed her recent achievement of reaching the USA Today bestseller list and encouraged listeners to celebrate their own successes. She also emphasized the importance of mental strength, which she learned through her own experiences of loss and hardship. Her guest on the podcast, Amy Morin, a therapist and author, shared her own journey of mental strength and the importance of avoiding negative thought patterns. Together, they highlighted the importance of mental strength and self-celebration for women.

    • Gender bias in childhoodGender bias starts in childhood, shaping girls' perception of brilliance and limiting their potential, reinforced through language and teaching methods

      Societal pressures and biases, starting as early as childhood, can shape the way women view themselves and limit their potential. The author shares an example of a study that revealed how children as young as 5 already associate brilliance with men, and this perception continues as they grow older. This gender bias is further reinforced through language and teaching methods, with girls being praised for being quiet and perfect, while boys are encouraged to problem-solve and make mistakes. The author emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing these biases to help women build mental strength and overcome self-limiting beliefs. The author's book, "13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do," explores these issues in more depth and provides practical strategies for women to develop mental strength and resilience. The book is widely available at various bookstores and online platforms.

    • Women and self-doubtWomen should challenge societal expectations and internalized self-doubt by accepting compliments, recognizing accomplishments, and focusing on future confident self.

      Women often downplay their successes and have a hard time accepting compliments due to societal expectations and internalized self-doubt. This can lead to underestimating one's abilities and potential. To combat this, practicing simple acts like accepting compliments with a sincere "thank you" and recognizing one's own competencies can help build confidence. Creating a list of accomplishments and revisiting it on days of self-doubt is also an effective strategy. Additionally, focusing on the connection to the future version of oneself, who embodies the qualities of confidence and competence, can provide motivation and inspiration. Overall, it's important for women to challenge the narrative that they should downplay their achievements and instead embrace their strengths and talents.

    • Mindset shiftsTo foster business and personal growth, tap into the CEO mindset by questioning and adopting new thoughts and beliefs, even when uncomfortable. Embrace the journey towards becoming the best version of yourself, focusing on unique strengths and avoiding comparison.

      Our mindset plays a significant role in shaping our business and personal growth. When we undergo major identity shifts or set ambitious goals, it's essential to tap into the CEO mindset within us, even if it feels uncomfortable or unfamiliar. This means actively questioning and adopting new thoughts and beliefs, even when emotions like fear or insecurity arise. The Encyclopedia of New Thoughts can serve as a valuable resource for individuals seeking inspiration and guidance in their thought transformation journey. Moreover, it's essential to acknowledge that having a tiny seed of belief and openness to the possibility of change is crucial for taking the first step. Remember, you don't have to be completely confident or emotionally prepared to start; you can learn and grow along the way. Finally, try to avoid comparing yourself to others and succumbing to despair, as this can hinder your progress and prevent you from taking action. Instead, focus on the unique strengths and qualities you bring to the table and embrace the journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

    • Comparing oneself to othersFocus on personal growth and defining success based on personal values, rather than engaging in comparisons that can negatively impact mental health.

      Women are socialized to compare themselves to others and believe that their value comes from external sources, leading to feelings of inadequacy and competition. This tendency stems from childhood experiences and societal pressures, exacerbated by social media. Instead, it's essential to focus on learning from others and defining success based on personal values, rather than engaging in fruitless comparisons. Women are not in competition with each other, and it's crucial to recognize that comparing oneself to others can negatively impact mental health. By understanding the root causes of these comparisons and shifting the focus to personal growth, women can break free from the cycle of competition and find greater happiness and fulfillment.

    • Seeking approval and validationRecognize and challenge societal pressure to seek approval and validation, embrace confidence, self-worth, and the power to break rules, acknowledge and celebrate accomplishments to build confidence and inspire progress

      Women often face the challenge of seeking approval and validation from others, which can hinder them from reaching their full potential and making bold decisions. This societal pressure to conform and please others can manifest in different ways, from striving for perfection to giving up on goals due to fear of failure or disapproval. It's essential to recognize and challenge these tendencies and instead embrace confidence, self-worth, and the power to break the rules when necessary. By doing so, women can create positive change and inspire progress for future generations. One practical step towards this is to focus on acknowledging and celebrating our accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. By embracing our successes and feeling comfortable sharing them, we can build confidence and encourage one another to strive for more. Remember, the first woman to run a marathon faced skepticism and disbelief, but her bold action paved the way for future generations to challenge societal norms and achieve greatness.

    • Selfless mindsetRecognizing the selfless mindset rooted in societal norms and upbringing, setting realistic expectations, and fostering a healthier sense of self-worth can lead to stronger relationships and improved self-worth.

      Many women have been raised with the idea of being selfless, pleasing others, and striving for perfection, which can lead to internalized self-doubt and unreasonable expectations. This mindset, rooted in societal norms and upbringing, can negatively impact our self-worth and prevent us from asking for help or setting healthy boundaries. It's essential to recognize these patterns and practice setting realistic expectations for ourselves and others. By doing so, we can foster a healthier sense of self-worth and build stronger relationships. For more insights and tools to help you change your thoughts and improve your life, visit Amy Morin's website, amymorrinlcsw.com, or listen to her podcast, Mentally Stronger with Therapist Amie Morin. Additionally, sign up for the Feminist Self-Help Society at unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/society, where you can get individual help, access a library of coaching tools, and connect with like-minded individuals. A practical step towards changing your thoughts is by adopting new thoughts. Amy Morin offers over 30 pages of new thoughts in her free bonus, the Encyclopedia of New Thoughts, which you can receive when you order her new book, "Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head and How to Get It Out." Order your copy before May 31, 2024, at unfuckyourbrain.com/forward/book or text your email to +1347 997-1784 with the code word "book."

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