
    Kicking Patriarchy Out of Our Brains in the Workplace: A Conversation with Bonnie Hammer

    enJune 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Career advancementHard work, standing out, and having challenging mentors are crucial for career advancement. Prove your worth on the job and seek support, challenge, and truth from female mentors.

      Learning from this conversation with Bonnie Hammer, the vice chairman of NBC Universal and author of "15 lies women are told at work and the truth we need to succeed," is the importance of hard work, standing out, and having challenging mentors in one's career. Hammer emphasized that she got to where she is today through a lot of grunt work and proving her worth on the job. She also highlighted the significance of having female mentors and challengers in the workplace to help women navigate their careers. Hammer's experiences have led her to write her new book, which aims to pay it forward and provide women with the support, challenge, and truth they need to succeed in their careers. Overall, Hammer's insights offer valuable advice for women looking to make their mark in the industry and create a fulfilling career on their own terms.

    • Honesty in FeedbackHonesty is essential in feedback, but it's crucial to consider tone, timing, and person's receptiveness. Focus on growth and learning from mistakes, not blame.

      Honesty is crucial in mentoring and giving feedback, but it's essential to consider the tone, timing, and the person's receptiveness. The feedback must be actionable and useful, not just a criticism. Women are often socialized to assume they're wrong, leading to a struggle around who's right or wrong. Instead of focusing on ourselves, we should listen actively and ask the right questions to understand the other person's perspective. Feedback is not about assigning blame but about helping someone grow and learn from their mistakes. It's essential to embrace discomfort and change and learn to become comfortable with the gray areas of life. Finally, as mentors, our role is to help guide and support, not to judge or criticize.

    • Childhood messages and self-confidenceChildhood messages and societal expectations can shape self-confidence differently for women and men, leading to fear of mistakes and discomfort, but adopting a growth mindset and recognizing mistakes as learning opportunities can help overcome these barriers.

      The way we are raised and the messages we receive as children can significantly impact our mindset and self-confidence as adults, particularly for women. The tendency to prioritize perfectionism and avoid discomfort stems from societal expectations and upbringing, where girls are often praised for being pretty and perfect while boys are encouraged to be creative and try new things. This can lead to a fear of making mistakes and feeling uncomfortable, which can hinder our ability to focus on the present and succeed in various aspects of life. To overcome this, it's essential to adopt a growth mindset and learn from mistakes, rather than being paralyzed by shame or fear. Additionally, recognizing that discomfort and mistakes are natural parts of the learning process can help us build resilience and push ourselves to reach our full potential.

    • Women's unique challenges in the workplaceWomen face unique challenges, but their cautious approach can lead to better investments and success. It's important for women to navigate these challenges, challenge misconceptions, and seize opportunities based on learning and growth.

      Women face unique challenges in the workplace, including less leeway to fail and more responsibility when they do. However, women's cautious approach to taking risks can lead to better investments and success. Despite the existence of structural inequities, women must decide how to be resilient and navigate these challenges. Women's assumption that they need to stay in their lane, particularly in male-dominated careers, can be a misconception. Women have made strides in traditionally male industries, such as venture capital and tech, where they are now excelling. The decision to pursue opportunities should be based on learning and growth, rather than just climbing the ladder. As the saying goes, "good things come to those who act," and women must not let fear of imperfection hold them back from taking calculated risks and seizing opportunities.

    • Asking for what you wantHaving the confidence to ask for what you want, persistently and respectfully, can lead to success despite limited resources or initial rejection.

      Using your voice and having the confidence to ask for what you want is key to achieving success. This concept was something the speaker learned while working for a morning talk show, where they had to convince guests to appear on the show without a large budget. The speaker emphasizes that it's important to not be afraid of rejection and to keep asking in a respectful and persistent manner. They also mention the importance of having "hutzpah" or the ability to empower others to help you. The speaker shares a personal example of getting a table at a fully booked restaurant by calling and asking nicely. They encourage everyone to not be afraid to ask for what they want and to remember that people are allowed to say no. The speaker's experience and advice demonstrate that with the right attitude and approach, you can get pretty much anything you want.

    • Asking for what you wantLearning to ask for things can lead to better outcomes in relationships and life. Don't take rejections personally and move on. Cultural differences bring balance. Improve things instead of settling for 'good enough'.

      Communication and asking for what you want are important in relationships and life. The speaker shares her experience of learning to ask for things and how it can lead to better outcomes. She also highlights the importance of not taking rejections personally and moving on. The speaker also touches upon the cultural differences and how they bring balance in a relationship. Lastly, she shares an anecdote about the importance of trying to improve things and not settling for "good enough." Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of assertiveness, communication, and adaptability in relationships and life.

    • Definition of having it allEveryone's definition of having it all is unique and can change over time, and it's important to respect each other's priorities and ways of organizing life.

      Having it all means different things to different people, and it doesn't necessarily mean having everything perfectly balanced at once. The speaker shares her experience of being in a relationship where she is the one constantly striving for improvement, while her partner is content with things as they are. She also reflects on how society's definition of having it all can be limiting and unrealistic, and encourages women to consider what their own definition of having it all is and how it may evolve over time. Another key point is the importance of understanding and respecting each other's unique ways of organizing and prioritizing things, even if they differ. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness, flexibility, and communication in navigating the complexities of modern life and relationships.

    • Lies hindering women's successThe book '15 Lies Women Are Told At Work' reveals harmful workplace lies that hinder women's success and provides strategies to overcome them. Join the Feminist Self Help Society for additional guidance and community support.

      The book "15 Lies Women Are Told At Work" by the guest, who was recently on the podcast, exposes several harmful lies that hinder women's success in the workplace. The author, who is still at MVCU and can be found on various podcasts and television shows, encourages listeners to buy the book to discover these lies and learn how to overcome them. For those seeking more guidance and community, the Feminist Self Help Society offers individual help, coaching tools, and a supportive space to apply these concepts to one's life. Join the society at www.unfuckyourbrain.com/society.

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    Kicking Patriarchy Out of Our Brains in the Workplace: A Conversation with Bonnie Hammer

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    To join The Society, click here: https://schoolofnewfeministthought.com/the-society/

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