
    348. Greatest Hits: How to Know What You Want

    enJune 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying desiresSocietal conditioning can hinder women from identifying their true desires. Learning to trust and prioritize our desires can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

      Many women struggle with identifying what they truly want in life due to societal conditioning. During a recent challenge, this issue came up frequently. To help address this, Kara invites listeners to revisit an episode on the podcast about how to know what you want. By learning to identify and trust our desires, we can move away from living based on societal expectations and towards a more authentic and fulfilling life. It's important to remember that even if we've heard this episode before, revisiting it can provide new insights based on our current mindset. Ignoring what we want can be detrimental, so it's crucial to learn how to identify and prioritize it.

    • Root causes of actionsUnderstanding the root causes of our actions, free from external pressures, can lead to intentional choices aligning with authentic desires.

      Our actions are driven by the desire to change how we feel or influence how others feel, often due to feelings of guilt, obligation, or insecurity. To determine what we truly want, it's essential to consider what we would do in the absence of these external pressures. By understanding the root causes of our actions, we can make more intentional choices that align with our authentic desires. The book "Take Back Your Brain" can help deepen this understanding and provide practical tools for changing thought patterns. If you enjoy the podcast, you'll love the book for its concrete, actionable insights into why our brains work the way they do and how to change them.

    • Desires and motivationsConsider if your desires are genuinely yours or influenced by external factors or negative emotions by asking if you'd still do something without pressure or emotion. Recognize thoughts are malleable but don't dismiss desires as insignificant.

      Our motivations for doing things are not always clear-cut, and it's essential to understand if our desires are genuinely ours or influenced by external factors or negative emotions. The speaker suggests asking oneself if one would still do a particular thing even if there were no external pressures or negative emotions attached to it. This question can help determine if the desire is truly organic. However, it's essential to recognize that thoughts are malleable, and we can choose to change them if we wish. But it's also crucial not to use thought work against ourselves by dismissing our desires as insignificant just because they are thoughts. Society often socializes women to believe that their desires don't matter, leading them to use thought work to change their desires rather than questioning their motivations. In conclusion, it's essential to be aware of our motivations and desires and not dismiss them as mere thoughts without considering their authenticity.

    • Inner VoiceTo discover our true desires, we must listen to our inner voice and clear out limiting thoughts by asking ourselves what we would do if we knew we could succeed.

      While thoughts shape our desires and actions, the key to knowing what we truly want lies within us. We may have distanced ourselves from our dreams and desires due to societal pressures, self-judgment, or fear. However, it's essential to recognize that we do know what we want deep down, and the first step to discovering it is to listen to our body compass and clear out limiting thoughts. By asking ourselves what we would do if we knew we could succeed, we can begin to tap into our authentic desires and work towards fulfilling them. Don't let the lies of confusion or not knowing what we want hold us back. Instead, trust in our inner voice and develop the skill of listening to it.

    • Identifying desiresIdentify and pursue small desires daily, trusting in our ability to figure it out and grow, while defining who we want to be and what we want to create.

      It's important to identify and pursue what we truly want in life, even if it's small at first. We often hold ourselves back with unnecessary thoughts and fears. To start, we can identify what we secretly desire and work towards getting it. This could be something as simple as buying flowers or singing karaoke. The key is to take action every day towards what we want, and trust that we have the ability to figure it out. It's also important to remember that life is unpredictable and always changing, so it's essential to define who we want to be and what we want to create. Joining a supportive community, like the Feminist Self Help Society, can help us apply these concepts to our lives and connect with others on similar journeys.

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