
    346. Why Rest & Pleasure Can Be Hard - But Are Keys to Being Happy

    enJune 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Rest and pleasurePrioritizing rest and pleasure can enhance our ability to experience happiness in its momentary form, leading to a better mood and overall well-being

      Rest and pleasure are essential for experiencing happiness in our bodies. Contrary to belief, resting and enjoying ourselves can be challenging for some. We may look forward to vacations or leisure time but fail to enjoy them once they arrive or struggle to relax at home. Happiness, as an emotion, is a fleeting physical sensation caused by our thoughts. It can range from momentary feelings of joy to long-term contentment with life. By understanding the importance of rest and pleasure, we can enhance our ability to experience happiness in its momentary form. This not only leads to a better mood but also contributes to our overall well-being and satisfaction with life. So, make sure to prioritize rest and pleasure to unlock the full potential of happiness.

    • Rest and pleasureFocusing on rest and pleasure can lead to more happiness, as our natural state isn't constant happiness and societal pressure to be happy all the time can make us feel bad when we're not.

      Happiness, as an emotion, is fleeting and dependent on our thoughts. It's not a special or different emotion, but rather a normal one that comes and goes. Our societal pressure to be happy all the time can make us feel like something is wrong when we're not, but the natural state of the human mind is not constant happiness. However, many of us, particularly women, could experience more happiness if we could better access and experience rest and pleasure. Without the ability to rest or feel pleasure, it's difficult to have the thoughts that lead to happiness. So, instead of striving for constant happiness, focus on creating opportunities for rest and pleasure in your life, and allow yourself to fully experience the emotions that come and go.

    • Rest and pleasure for happinessPrioritizing rest and pleasure is crucial for women to experience happiness, as chronic stress and societal pressures hinder their ability to relax and enjoy the present moment.

      Rest and pleasure are crucial for experiencing happiness, particularly for women. Rest is essential because chronic stress and potential burnout hinder the production and experience of happiness. Women often find it difficult to rest due to societal pressures that equate worth and value with productivity. These thoughts keep driving us to prove our worth, leading to stress and activation of the fight or flight response. In this state, it's challenging to experience happiness, as our focus is on survival rather than enjoyment. To improve our ability to experience happiness, it's essential to prioritize rest and pleasure, letting go of societal expectations and allowing ourselves to relax and enjoy the present moment.

    • Rest and HappinessInability to rest can prevent us from experiencing true happiness by either keeping us busy or numbing ourselves out. To access true happiness, we need to learn to rest and focus on physically present pleasurable sensations in our bodies.

      Our inability to rest can manifest in two ways: constantly doing things or numbing ourselves out. Both states prevent us from experiencing true happiness, which is created by our thoughts about what's beautiful, meaningful, or pleasurable. Socialization can contribute to this issue by keeping us either running around or numbing out. Rest is crucial, and it's essential to change the way we think to make it possible. The distinction lies in the type of pleasure we seek: disconnected from our bodies or physically present in them. Numbing out with substances or activities may provide temporary relief, but it comes with a hangover and is not conducive to happiness. To access true happiness, we need to learn to rest and shift our thinking to allow ourselves to fully experience pleasurable sensations in our bodies.

    • Happy Feminist ChallengeJoining the Happy Feminist Challenge in June can help prioritize happiness through self-care, pleasure, and connecting to purpose, essential for personal growth and contributing positively to the world.

      Prioritizing happiness, especially during challenging times, is essential for personal growth and contributing positively to the world. The host encourages listeners to join her "Happy Feminist Challenge" in June to learn how to create daily happiness through self-care, pleasure, and connecting to one's purpose. These practices, often dismissed by society as selfish, are crucial for experiencing true contentment and fulfillment. The first step is recognizing the importance of rest, and the second is embracing pleasure in all its forms, including physical sensations and experiences that bring joy. Don't miss this opportunity to get happier together. Join the challenge at fuckyourbrain.com/happy or text your email with the code word "happy" to plus one 347 997 1784.

    • Societal norms and pleasureSocietal norms can hinder our ability to fully embrace pleasure and experience happiness, but overcoming these stigmas and appreciating physical sensations can enhance our emotional connection and overall well-being.

      Our relationship with pleasure significantly impacts our ability to experience happiness. Pleasure is a physical sensation associated with various senses, and happiness is an emotion manifested through these sensations. However, societal norms, particularly for women, often discourage the acceptance and enjoyment of pleasure. This can make it challenging to fully embrace the present moment and feel happiness. By overcoming societal stigmas and learning to appreciate and enjoy physical pleasure, we can enhance our capacity for happiness. It's crucial to recognize that happiness is a bodily experience and that our minds often hinder our ability to fully experience it. Embracing pleasure and being present in our bodies can lead to a deeper connection with our emotions and overall well-being.

    • Being presentSocietal conditioning often leads us to seek external circumstances for happiness, preventing us from being present in the moment and experiencing true joy. To increase happiness, we must learn to be present in our bodies without judgment and embrace the present moment.

      The ability to experience happiness relies on being present in the moment, both physically and mentally. However, due to societal conditioning, we often believe that happiness comes from external circumstances, leading us to constantly seek change instead of embracing the present. This perpetual state of activation in our brains prevents us from experiencing true happiness. To access happiness, we must learn to be present in our bodies without judgment, allowing ourselves to feel pleasure and enjoy the present moment. If we cannot master these skills, our brains will continue to keep us in a state of cognitive activation, making it difficult to experience happiness despite our efforts. Therefore, it's crucial to practice being present in the moment to increase our overall happiness.

    • Present Moment HappinessTo experience true happiness, focus on foundational building blocks like rest, relaxation, and being physically present in the body, while managing thoughts and letting go of self-criticism and numbing out behaviors.

      True happiness comes from being able to be present in the moment and experiencing pleasure, but our thoughts often get in the way. To be present, we need to focus on the foundational building blocks, such as being able to rest and relax. These are natural abilities of our body, but our minds can get in the way due to socialization and self-critical thoughts. To overcome this, we need to work on managing our thoughts and learning to be physically present in our bodies. This means changing our thinking patterns and letting go of self-criticism and numbing out behaviors. By focusing on these foundational building blocks, we can learn to be present and experience true happiness.

    • Beliefs about pleasure and restChanging our beliefs and thoughts about pleasure and rest can lead to increased happiness, especially for women who socialize frequently. Seek personalized guidance from the Feminist Self Help Society for deeper exploration and support.

      Changing our beliefs and thoughts about pleasure and rest can significantly improve our ability to experience happiness. By working on allowing ourselves to rest and experience pleasure, happiness will naturally follow. This is particularly important for women who socialize frequently. It's essential to address any thoughts or beliefs that may be blocking us from fully experiencing these two essential aspects of well-being. For those interested in delving deeper into these concepts and receiving personalized guidance, check out the Feminist Self Help Society at www.unfuckyourbrain.com/society. This community offers individual help, a library of advanced coaching tools, and a supportive environment to explore thought work and feminine mindset. Join us to enhance your life with happiness and self-discovery.

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