
    UFYB 108: When You Feel Triggered

    enNovember 21, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Transformative 2-day coaching retreat in PortugalLimited 10-person retreat offers intense, rewarding sessions with Harvard Law grad and renowned life coach, pushing participants to solve problems and reach potential

      The hosts of the Unf\*\*ked Your Brain podcast, a Harvard Law School grad and a renowned life coach, are offering a unique 2-day coaching intensive retreat in Portugal, limited to only 10 people. This transformative experience, led by both coaches, promises intense and rewarding sessions, with a focus on challenging participants to reach their potential and solve their problems. The deadline for applications is approaching, making this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Both coaches are known for their nonjudgmental, compassionate, yet tough love approach, pushing participants to break through their comfort zones and live up to their full potential. This retreat is not for the faint of heart, but for those ready to make significant changes in their lives. Stay tuned for more details on the application process and timeline.

    • Sign up for intensive coaching retreat within 48 hoursReactivity is a barrier to personal growth, and signing up for a short retreat is essential for committed attendees

      During a forthcoming announcement, those interested in a deep, intensive coaching retreat must sign up within 48 hours of receiving the email. This is due to the retreat's short duration and the need for attendees who are fully committed to the transformative process. It's essential to be on the email list to receive this opportunity. Additionally, reactivity is identified as a significant barrier to personal growth and transformation. Reactivity refers to our automatic responses to situations, often rooted in past experiences. While not synonymous with PTSD, it's crucial to clarify that reactivity and triggers can be misunderstood. Triggers can be unpredictable, and not everyone who experiences a trigger has PTSD. Understanding reactivity and its impact on our lives is crucial for personal growth and transformation. Stay tuned for more insights on this topic.

    • Understanding the Misuse of the Term 'Triggering'Recognize that strong emotions and negative experiences are natural, avoid labeling them as 'triggering' unless you have PTSD, and understand that our brains may want to protect us by blaming external factors for our internal reactions.

      The term "triggering" is often misused to describe any strong emotion or negative experience, but it originally refers to the experience of individuals with PTSD. Misusing this term can lead to a misunderstanding of our own emotions and a tendency to blame external factors for our internal reactions. Instead, it's important to recognize that thoughts and feelings are a natural part of the human experience and not a syndrome beyond our control. When we have a strong emotional response, it's natural for our brains to want to protect us by blaming and avoiding the perceived threat. However, it's essential to avoid creating unnecessary categories for our thoughts and feelings, as this can lead to a detrimental attitude towards managing our emotions, especially when we don't have PTSD.

    • Avoiding emotions isn't self-careTrue self-care involves acknowledging and addressing emotions, not avoiding or numbing them.

      Avoiding something or someone due to strong emotions, whether it's through distractions like substances or by trying to change the situation, is not true self-care. Instead, it's essential to face and work through the underlying emotions. The speaker used an example of a miscommunication that triggered her anxiety and the urge to act impulsively. However, she chose not to follow up and instead took a walk, paid attention to her thoughts, and did some self-reflection. This approach allowed her to gain insight and learn from the situation rather than just trying to change it. Ultimately, true self-care involves acknowledging and addressing our emotions rather than trying to numb them or avoid them.

    • Exploring emotions within ourselvesStaying present with thoughts and feelings during misunderstandings can lead to personal growth and valuable insights

      Instead of trying to manage external situations or people to alleviate negative emotions, it's more beneficial to explore the root of those emotions within ourselves. The speaker shared an experience where she chose to stay present with her thoughts and feelings during a misunderstanding, rather than trying to change the situation or the other person's behavior. By doing so, she gained valuable insights into her own thought process and learned how to manage her anxiety. This approach not only led to personal growth but also resulted in a podcast episode. The speaker also acknowledged that she had likely been the source of negative emotions for others at times and that exploring those situations from an introspective perspective led to even more learning opportunities. In essence, the ability to stay curious and explore our own thoughts and feelings, rather than trying to control external circumstances, can lead to significant learning and growth.

    • Pause and Reflect Before ReactingInstead of immediately reacting to negative emotions, take time to ask why we're feeling that way and what insights we can gain from the situation.

      Our initial reaction to something that triggers us, whether it's hearing about a topic we don't like or someone's behavior, is often to take action in an attempt to alleviate our negative emotions. However, this action, such as sending an email or commenting on a post, can prevent us from asking important questions about our own thoughts and feelings. By pausing and reflecting on why we're feeling a certain way, we can gain valuable insights and learn from the situation. For instance, if someone is upset about a teacher discussing a topic on a podcast, instead of reacting by trying to change the teacher's behavior, they could ask themselves why the topic is bothersome and what it reveals about their beliefs and values. Similarly, if someone is bothered by swearing on a podcast, they could consider why the use of profanity makes them uncomfortable and what it says about their own sensitivities and boundaries. By reflecting on these questions, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

    • Embrace discomfort for growthLeaning into discomfort can lead to valuable insights and personal growth despite initial challenges

      Avoiding triggers or circumstances that make us uncomfortable, whether it's by fast-forwarding through podcasts or leaving a room, can hinder our growth and learning. Instead, it's important to lean into the discomfort and engage with our own thoughts and feelings about the situation. This approach can lead to valuable insights and personal growth, even if the initial encounter is challenging or uncomfortable. The speaker shares that her own business success and personal transformation stem from her commitment to embracing discomfort and learning from her thoughts rather than trying to avoid them.

    • Lean in and get curious when faced with negative emotions or triggersWhen experiencing negative emotions or triggers, instead of avoiding or acting out, lean in, get curious, and commit to learning for personal growth.

      When we experience negative emotions or feel triggered, instead of trying to avoid or act out, we should lean in and get curious. This approach allows us to learn about ourselves and grow, much like how a deep tissue massage releases tension by applying pressure to a painful area. By staying committed to learning from the experience, we can unlock valuable insights and improve our lives. Additionally, the speaker encourages those interested in this practice to join "The Clutch," a community where they will be guided in learning how to lean in safely and effectively. As a bonus, there's a giveaway for a model pad and notebook for those who text their email address to 347-997-1784 and submit the code word "model." So, in summary, when faced with negative emotions or triggers, lean in, get curious, and commit to learning. Join "The Clutch" for support and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a model pad and notebook.

    • Join The Clutch for individual help and exclusive toolsListeners can register for prizes by texting or online and join The Clutch for personalized coaching and community access

      If you want a chance to win some cute prizes mentioned in the podcast, you can register either by texting internationally or going online to the specified website. For those who cannot text internationally, the online registration option is available. Additionally, the speaker encourages listeners to join The Clutch, her feminist coaching community, for individual help in applying the concepts taught in the podcast, access to exclusive coaching tools, and a chance to connect with like-minded individuals. The Clutch is available both online and by texting a specific number. The speaker is excited for new members to join and promises it will be a life-changing experience.

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    For many of us, it’s our relationships with our partners or children that can help us to finally observe these patterns. Or sometimes, she says, we need to reach rock bottom before we can start the journey of recognition and self-healing. We talk about how exactly to recognise those experiences from childhood that might have shaped your core beliefs. We look at how these beliefs can manifest throughout life in physical stress responses and hard-to-break habits, through to self-sabotaging, destructive behaviours that can leave us feeling deeply unhappy or unwell.


    And we discuss Nicole’s definition of emotional maturity as the realisation that your core beliefs aren’t fact – you can override and change them.


    This is a very thought-provoking conversation, which I think will get you looking back at your childhood and reflecting on how it might have shaped who you are today. I hope you enjoy listening.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Thanks to our sponsors:




    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/318

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    "Summer Flow #4 Flow into your greatest Summer" - Solofolge #27 im Soulbrothertalk #44

    "Summer Flow #4  Flow into your greatest  Summer" - Solofolge #27 im Soulbrothertalk #44

    Der Sommer ist da, lange Tage, schwüle Nächte, Sonne pur, heiße Temperaturen, Flow und Leichtigkeit machen sich breit.

    Das außen beschert uns hiermit eine wundervolle Einladung uns auch all dies in unser inneres zu holen und daraus ganzheitlich deinen greatest Sommer zu kreieren - im außen und vor allem auch in deinem inneren.

    So lets Flowwww into your greatest Summer 🔥

    Es ist ein großes Geschenk, dass die Natur uns mit dem Sommer macht und deshalb ist es auch jetzt ein wunderschöner Zeitpunkt deine Themen, Ziele, Träume, Visionen und Wünsche anzugehen.

    Und auch all den Flow, die Leichtigkeit, pure Zustände der Lebensfreude und Genuss in dein Leben zu holen und nachhaltig für die graue, dunkle Jahreszeit zu konservieren.

    Mach dich bereit für pure Lebensfreude, Leichtigkeit und bereichernde Zustände im Flow.

    Und genau dafür habe ich mein neues 1:1 Coachingprogramm "Summer Flow" kreiert.

    In dieser Podcastfolge nehme ich dich mit...

    ...wieso ich Summer Flow kreiert habe.                                                                ...wieso du dieses unbedingt für dich nutzen solltest.                                    ...für wen mein neues 1:1 Coaching geeignet ist.                                                     ...welche deiner Themen dafür geeignet sind.                                                 ...warum es JETZT der richtige Zeitpunkt dafür ist.                                                 ...was ich dir bieten werde.                                

    ...und noch einiges mehr - enjoy :-)

    Bist du bereit diesen Sommer zu deinem greatest Summer zu machen?

    Willst du endlich los gehen, für das was dir wichtig ist?

    Hast du so richtig Bock die Sommer Vibes von außen für dein inneres zu nutzen?

    Schreib mir dazu gerne deinen Gedanken auf IG @moe_with_the_flow :-)

    PEACE und LOVE                                      Moe

    Alles über mich, mein Leben, meine Arbeit als ganzheitlicher Lifecoach, Mentor, Speaker und Storyteller findet ihr hier:



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