
    Trisha's Mom EXPOSES Her Childhood & Shares Parenting Advice

    enMay 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The bond between mothers and daughters can grow stronger with timeDespite common assumptions, living together and sharing intimate experiences can strengthen the relationship between mothers and daughters. Cherishing these moments and exploring shared ancestry can deepen their bond.

      Despite the common assumption that getting married might lead to less contact with family, especially mothers, the relationship between a mother and daughter can actually grow stronger. Trish and her mother shared many experiences, including living together and even sharing a bed, which some might find embarrassing. However, they have come to cherish these memories and the closeness they bring. Additionally, Trish's mother shared her experience of giving birth, including the unexpected timing on Mother's Day and the use of an epidural. Trish expressed interest in exploring their ancestry together through DNA testing, as they both have discovered surprising results in the past. Overall, the podcast episode emphasizes the importance of cherishing the bond between mothers and daughters and the unique experiences that shape their lives.

    • Mother's Support and InfluenceThe speaker's mother's belief and support played a crucial role in her success as an actress.

      The speaker's upbringing and the support of her mother have significantly influenced her life and her determination to pursue her dreams. Despite not knowing her full heritage, the speaker's mother was always there for her, supporting her financially and emotionally when she moved out to pursue acting. The speaker acknowledges that her mother's belief in her played a crucial role in her success, and she continues to be grateful for her unwavering support. The speaker also reflects on the pressure she felt during this interview due to the topic of her heritage and the presence of a camera crew, but ultimately finds comfort in the knowledge that her mother will always be her biggest supporter.

    • Supporting dreams despite financial strugglesBelieving in someone's dreams and providing support, even with limited resources, can positively impact their life.

      Believing in someone's dreams and providing support, even with limited resources, can make a significant impact on their life. The speaker shares a personal story of supporting her friend's acting aspirations, despite financial struggles. She acknowledges that hindsight reveals opportunities for financial investment but emphasizes the importance of believing in dreams and the joy derived from experiencing them firsthand. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the challenges of working multiple jobs to make ends meet and the societal expectations around retirement age and benefits. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of family, support, and following one's dreams, even when faced with financial hardships.

    • The struggle of balancing work and family timeWorking long hours can make parents miss significant milestones and challenging times with their children. Prioritizing family time is important, but finding a balance can be difficult.

      The lack of time parents spend with their children due to work is a common struggle, and it's especially noticeable during significant milestones and challenging times. The speaker shares her personal experience of working long hours while her children were young and how she wishes she could have spent more time with them. She also mentions how traumatic events, such as September 11th and the passing of a grandparent, made her appreciate the importance of being present for her loved ones. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of prioritizing family time and acknowledges the challenges of balancing work and family life.

    • Memories of growing up and the joy of simple thingsDespite a tough past, focusing on positive memories and lessons learned can bring joy and appreciation for life's simple pleasures

      Despite the challenges and hardships of their past, the speaker cherishes the memories of growing up and the connections they made during that time. The food court at Cherryville Mall was a particular source of joy and comfort, and the speaker appreciates the simple things in life that they were able to experience, even if they came from a tough background. The speaker also reflects on the importance of family and the support they have in their current life, and how those experiences have shaped their perspective and gratitude. The speaker acknowledges the struggles they faced, but ultimately focuses on the positive memories and the lessons they learned from their past.

    • Growing up with sisters: Shared memories and challengesCherish the bond and unique experiences of growing up with sisters, despite occasional challenges and potential differences.

      Growing up with sisters can lead to a unique experience, filled with shared memories and potential challenges. The speaker shares stories of feeling overshadowed by her older sister's cuter clothes and limited wardrobe, but also cherishes the bond they share. She reflects on the dynamics of having sisters versus a brother and the joys and challenges that come with each. Despite the occasional sibling rivalry, she expresses appreciation for the closeness and shared experiences that come with having sisters. The speaker also touches on the idea that as siblings grow older, they may spend less time together, but the bond remains strong. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of cherishing the relationships we have with our siblings and the unique experiences that come with growing up in a particular family dynamic.

    • Navigating Young Adulthood Without GuidanceThe lack of support from a high school counselor led to financial struggles and uncertainty in young adulthood. Building strong relationships and prioritizing family are key to overcoming these challenges.

      The lack of guidance and support from a high school counselor led to uncertainty and financial struggles for the speaker in her young adult years. She shared her experience of being pushed out of her family home at 18, having to afford health insurance and rent on her own, and the challenges of living with roommates in a cramped and unsanitary environment. This experience instilled in her a strong desire to stay close to family and prioritize relationships in her own life. She also noted the trend of her generation, particularly children of divorced parents, seeking to build strong and lasting partnerships in their own relationships. The speaker expressed the importance of having a support system and the challenges of navigating young adulthood without adequate guidance.

    • Overcoming dental anxiety and financial concerns for optimal oral healthRegular dental check-ups are crucial for optimal oral health, but fear, past experiences, anxiety, and financial concerns can prevent some people from visiting the dentist. Finding a dentist who addresses your concerns and making oral health a priority can help ensure a healthy smile throughout your life.

      Maintaining good oral hygiene, like daily flossing, is important for dental health. However, fear of dental visits due to sensitivity or past painful experiences can lead individuals to neglect regular check-ups. Despite the advancements in dental care and the importance of regular visits, some people may avoid them due to anxiety or financial concerns. It's essential to find a dentist who makes you feel comfortable and addresses your concerns to ensure optimal dental health throughout your life. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has led some people to prioritize at-home oral care, but it's crucial not to neglect regular dental check-ups entirely. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the impact of the service industry on people's lives and the importance of tipping, even if wages have increased. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of prioritizing dental health, finding a dentist who meets your needs, and the role of service industry workers in our daily lives.

    • Reflections on Selling Unique Clothing on Poshmark and Raising a FamilyHard work and dedication in building a business led to unique acquisitions, but family support was crucial in raising children.

      The speaker reflects on past experiences, specifically their involvement in selling unique clothing on Poshmark, and the impact it had on their life. They acknowledge the hard work and dedication required to build a successful online business, and the importance of family and support in raising children. The speaker also expresses gratitude for their past experiences and the lessons they've learned. The speaker recalls their past involvement in selling items on Poshmark and the success they had with it. They mention that they were very busy during that time, working and dating, and didn't spend much time with the speaker. However, they appreciate the unique clothing and items they were able to acquire during that time. The speaker also reflects on the importance of family and the role they played in raising the speaker and their siblings. They express gratitude for their parents' hard work and dedication, and the impact it has had on their own life. Additionally, the speaker discusses the joy of having a child of their own and the appreciation they have for their parents as a result. They also mention the challenges of raising a child and the importance of having family support. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the importance of hard work, dedication, and family in building a successful business and raising children.

    • Observing a child's growth and mischievous behaviorEnjoying the journey of watching a child grow, despite the challenges, and cherishing the unique experiences it brings

      Watching a child grow is a beautiful and quick process that brings excitement and joy, but also comes with its challenges. The speaker shares her experience of observing her daughter's growth and the mischievous behavior she exhibits. The speaker also reflects on the ease of taking care of a newborn compared to the toddler stages and expresses her excitement for enjoying the baby stage more this time around. The speaker also shares a glimpse into her husband's past as a performer and their shared history of creating content together. Overall, the conversation highlights the unique and fleeting nature of childhood and the importance of cherishing and embracing the experiences it brings.

    • The Importance of Family, Health, and Cherishing MomentsExercise regularly to potentially reduce dementia risk, spend quality time with loved ones, and cherish precious moments are key to a fulfilling life.

      The discussion touched upon the importance of family history, staying active, and cherishing moments with loved ones. The speaker shared their experiences with family members who had dementia, which sparked a desire to exercise more and be more active to potentially reduce the risk. They also mentioned the importance of spending quality time with family, as they regretted missing out on such moments during their parenting years. The conversation also included lighter topics, such as food preferences and shared experiences. Overall, the conversation emphasized the significance of family, health, and cherishing precious moments.

    • Creating cherished memories for childrenProviding meaningful experiences and memories for children can positively impact their lives and heal past experiences for parents. Cherishing both homemade and restaurant experiences is important.

      Creating meaningful experiences and memories for children can significantly impact and heal past experiences for both the parents and the children. The speaker shares her fond memories of going out to eat and taking vacations as a child, which were rare occurrences. She expresses her pride in providing similar experiences for her own child and partner, recognizing the importance of variety and creating new memories. The speaker also reflects on the impact of her own mother's cooking and the simple joys of childhood meals, emphasizing the significance of both homemade and restaurant experiences. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of cherishing and creating memories, as they can bring joy, healing, and a sense of connection to both the past and the present.

    • The Human Desire for an AfterlifePeople believe in an afterlife due to the human desire to be reunited with loved ones and the belief that life is too short not to believe in something greater. Cherish loved ones and live life to the fullest.

      Despite the lack of concrete proof, many people believe in the existence of an afterlife due to the human desire to be reunited with loved ones and the belief that life is too short not to believe in something greater. The speaker shares her personal belief in the existence of an afterlife, drawing from her own experiences and observations. She also reflects on her father's unexpected lottery win and how it changed their lives. Ultimately, she encourages living life to the fullest and cherishing loved ones while we have them. The speaker expresses her deep longing for her mother to see her children and how proud her parents would be of them. She acknowledges the uncertainty of life and expresses gratitude for the way things have turned out.

    • Experimenting in your twenties: wild experiences and unexpected giftsEmbrace the freedom and wild experiences of your twenties, but remember that everyone's journey is unique. Value companionship and freedom in your younger years, and seek stability and connection as you get older.

      The twenties are a time for experimentation and wild experiences. The speaker shared stories of her own experiences during that era, which included going out on dates late into the night, receiving unexpected gifts, and even mud wrestling. She acknowledged that everyone's experiences may vary, but she believes that if you're not a little wild in your twenties, you might not truly be living. Another takeaway is the difference between dating in your younger and older years. When you're younger, you may crave companionship and enjoy the freedom and level playing field that comes with it. However, as you get older, you may value the stability and connection that comes with being in a long-term relationship or being surrounded by your family. Ultimately, it's important to find what works best for you and not be swayed by societal pressure or expectations.

    • Reality TV: Honesty and Authenticity MatterHonesty and authenticity are crucial in reality TV to keep viewers engaged and maintain trust. Misrepresentation and manipulation can lead to disillusionment and disinterest.

      Reality TV can often be misleading and disappointing for viewers, as shown in the example of a former Bachelor contestant who was not honest about his past. The contestant led viewers to believe he was a restaurateur, but in reality, he had only owned a hamburger joint decades ago. This dishonesty, along with the show's manipulation of relationships, has left many viewers disillusioned and disinterested in future seasons. Honesty and authenticity are essential in reality TV to maintain the trust and engagement of viewers. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the prevalence of social media and the impact it can have on our lives, from keeping up with pop culture to potentially negative influences like true crime content.

    • The enduring appeal of real stories, even without graphic detailsPeople are drawn to true crime stories, even if they prefer not to focus on the gory details, reflecting human nature's curiosity about why people lie and are caught.

      People are fascinated by real stories, even if they prefer not to know the graphic details. The speaker grew up hearing about mysterious events in small towns, some of which they only learned about through books as an adult. These stories stayed with them, despite not wanting to visualize the darker aspects. The speaker's fascination with these stories led them to watch reality shows like "Lone Star Law," where game wardens catch lawbreakers in Texas. The speaker is intrigued by why people lie and are caught, reflecting human nature's curiosity. The speaker's preference for these types of shows demonstrates the enduring appeal of true crime stories, even if one chooses not to focus on the gory details.

    • Sharing Entertainment and RecommendationsConnecting through shared experiences of entertainment and recommendations brings joy and enhances relationships, while technology facilitates access to new content and real-time suggestions.

      Entertainment and recommendations, whether it's TV shows or movies, play a significant role in connecting people and creating shared experiences. The speaker expresses her excitement about various shows and recommendations, highlighting the joy of discovering new content together with loved ones. Despite some differences in preferences, they continue to explore new options and appreciate the humor and connection found in their favorite shows. The conversation also showcases the impact of technology, allowing live access to events and real-time recommendations, enhancing the overall entertainment experience.

    • A Balanced Childhood of Outdoor Exploration and TVThe speaker's childhood included a mix of outdoor activities and TV, with outdoor experiences having a greater impact on their memories and development.

      The speaker's childhood experiences were shaped by a balance between watching TV and playing outside. They recall fond memories of exploring their backyard, finding arrowheads, and playing games with friends. However, they also mention an occasional fascination with celebrities, particularly the passing of Princess Diana, which they discovered through television. The speaker also mentions their mother's interest in keeping up with celebrity news, which they were exposed to as well. Overall, their childhood involved a mix of outdoor activities and media consumption, with TV playing a smaller role compared to their experiences in nature and with their friends.

    • Jeff Bezos' Divorce and New Relationship: Alimony and Financial ImplicationsDiscussed the controversy surrounding Bezos' divorce, alimony, and financial implications for stay-at-home parents.

      The discussion revolved around Jeff Bezos' personal life, specifically his divorce and new relationship, and the topic of alimony and the financial implications of divorce. The speaker expressed surprise at Bezos' new fiance and recalled seeing her on news years ago. They also discussed the controversy surrounding Bezos' wife's large charitable donation and the issue of alimony in divorces, particularly when one spouse has been a stay-at-home parent. The speaker shared their opinion that the spouse who has taken care of the household and children should be entitled to some financial support in the event of a divorce. The conversation also touched upon other celebrity divorces and the complexities and unfairness of the financial consequences.

    • A genuine conversation unfoldsPeople are complex, and it's important not to judge based on limited information. Everyone, including public figures, has their own struggles and traumas.

      Despite the public speculation about her authenticity, the individual being discussed is likely expressing herself genuinely after years of hiding. The conversation also touched upon various topics such as horseflies, ants, alimony, and child support, but the underlying theme remained the complexity of people's lives and the tendency to judge based on limited information. It was acknowledged that everyone, including public figures, has their own struggles and traumas. The conversation ended with a reflection on the seemingly endless wealth and resources available to some individuals, raising questions about the need for more money and the impact of alimony on relationships.

    • Valuing Relationships and DreamsMoney and possessions can bring joy, but relationships and shared dreams are most valuable. Cherish companionship and pursue personal goals.

      Money and material possessions, such as designer shoes, can bring joy and compliments, but the most valuable experiences and dreams are the ones shared with loved ones. The discussion also touched upon the idea of retirement and the potential for new relationships, as well as the importance of individuality and personal goals. Despite past traumas, the desire for companionship and shared experiences emerged as a common theme. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of cherishing relationships and pursuing dreams, both alone and with loved ones.

    • Exploring Alternative Living Arrangements: Cruise Ships, RVs, and Tiny HomesPeople choose alternative living arrangements like cruise ships, RVs, and tiny homes for various reasons, but they come with unique challenges. Consider your preferences and circumstances before deciding.

      People are exploring unconventional living arrangements due to various reasons, such as financial constraints or a desire for more freedom. Some are considering living on cruise ships for extended periods, while others prefer RVs or tiny homes. However, these options come with their own challenges, such as potential isolation, crowded living conditions, and the need to adapt to new lifestyles. Ultimately, the decision to pursue an alternative living arrangement depends on individual preferences and circumstances. For instance, some people might prefer the communal living experience of a cruise ship, while others might prefer the privacy and flexibility of an RV. Additionally, some people might prioritize having a dream destination or house, while others might value having a private chef or specific amenities. It's essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.

    • Appreciating the importance of familyCherish and prioritize relationships with loved ones, especially mothers, as creating new memories and maintaining strong connections is valuable.

      The importance of cherishing and appreciating one's mother is a recurring theme in the conversation. The speakers express their love for their mothers and the desire to make Mother's Day special for them. They share stories of how they prioritized their relationships in their past, and now realize the importance of maintaining strong connections with their families. The conversation also reveals their excitement about preparing for the arrival of a new family member and the anticipation of creating new memories together. Additionally, they reflect on the challenges of being separated from their mothers and the importance of cherishing the time they have with them. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of family and the importance of making the most of the time we have with our loved ones.

    • The value of allowing children to learn from their experiencesAllow children to learn from their mistakes and experiences, while also providing valuable guidance when they're ready to receive it. Build strong relationships with extended family and pass down valuable advice to younger generations.

      While it's important for parents to provide guidance and advice to their children, sometimes the best thing they can do is allow them to learn and grow on their own. The speaker reflects on her own upbringing and realizes that her mother may have intentionally given her the freedom to discover life's lessons for herself. She also emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with extended family members and passing down valuable advice to younger generations. The speaker also shares some specific pieces of advice she would give to her granddaughter, such as being respectful to parents and learning the importance of consequences for actions. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of both allowing children to learn from their experiences and providing them with valuable guidance when they're ready to receive it.

    • Effective Parenting: Communication, Understanding, and DisciplineCommunicate effectively, understand children, and use non-violent discipline methods. Prioritize mental health and good communication habits, cherish bonding moments through home-cooked meals.

      Effective parenting involves communication, understanding, and discipline without resorting to physical violence. The speaker recalls an incident from her childhood where her mother put dish soap in her mouth as a form of discipline, which she now regrets. She believes that parents should try to reason with their children and use time-outs or other non-violent methods to discipline them. The speaker also mentions that mental health was not a focus during her childhood, and communication between parents and children was often lacking. She emphasizes the importance of starting good communication habits early and being calm and understanding with children, even during difficult moments. Additionally, she values the importance of home-cooked meals and the bonding experience they can provide. As a new mother, she looks forward to growing her family and cherishing the moments with her children.

    • Appreciating the value of close relationshipsNurturing relationships with loved ones brings feelings of love, support, and lessens loneliness. Parents play a crucial role in guiding children through life's challenges and instilling family values.

      Creating and nurturing close relationships, whether it's with family or friends, is essential for feeling loved, supported, and less alone in life. The speaker expresses her gratitude for her own "little family unit" and the unique qualities each member brings. She also emphasizes the importance of being there for children to guide them through life's challenges and instill family values. Reflecting on her own experiences as a mother, she acknowledges the challenges but also the rewards of raising a family. Ultimately, the speaker hopes to help her daughter navigate life's ups and downs and instill the values she holds dear.

    • The Importance of Unconditional Love and Constant Presence in ParentingUnconditional love, constant presence, and effective communication are key to being a supportive parent. Cherish family experiences and cherish your mother's love and support.

      Being a supportive parent involves unconditional love and constant presence. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not judging children for their actions and always being there for them, even during difficult times. Communication, whether through phone calls or letters, is also crucial in maintaining a strong bond. Having children adds excitement and joy to life, and cherishing these experiences as a family unit is essential. The speaker expresses gratitude for her mother's unwavering support throughout her life and encourages everyone to cherish their mothers while they can. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!

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    Host: Jason Tartick

    Voice of Viewer: David Arduin

    Executive Producer: Evan Sahr


    Produced by Dear Media.

    YAPClassic: Heather Monahan on Creating Confidence

    YAPClassic: Heather Monahan on Creating Confidence
    When Heather Monahan worked in corporate, she helped her company grow from 100 million in revenue to an excess of 200 million. She rose through the ranks, serving as the VP of Sales, EVP, and eventually Chief Revenue Officer. Despite her tireless efforts, she was fired as soon as a new CEO stepped in. Rather than wallowing in her defeat, she self-published her first bestselling book and became one of the Top Keynote Speakers in the World in 2022. In this episode, you’ll learn about how being a people pleaser makes you less confident, tips for handling rejection, and what you can do to challenge your limiting beliefs.  Heather was named one of the Top 40 Female Keynote Speakers in 2020 and Top 50 Keynote Speakers for 2022 by Real Leaders. Her TEDx talk was promoted to TED and translated into 6 languages. Harper Collins Leadership published her new book Overcome Your Villains in November 2021. Heather has been featured in USA Today, CNN, Forbes, Fast Company, Gary V’s Audio Experience, and The Steve Harvey Show. In this episode, Hala and Heather will discuss:  - How Heather became a renowned speaker  - Micro challenge, macro opportunity  - Dealing with bullies  - Asserting your dominance against negative people  - Confidence vs. insecurity  - How journaling helps Heather track her growth  - Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want  - How can you challenge your limiting beliefs?  - Conducting an audit of your social circle  - Don’t apologize for existing  - And other topics… Heather Monahan is a best-selling author X2, Top 50 Keynote Speaker in the World 2022, Podcast Host of Creating Confidence, TEDX speaker, and has most recently been appointed to the Board of Directors of Healthlynked Corp. As a Chief Revenue Officer in Media, Heather Monahan is a Glass Ceiling Award winner, named one of the most Influential Women in Radio in 2017, Thrive Global named her a Limit Breaking Female Founder in 2018, and in 2021 Girls Club named her the Thought Leader of the Year. Heather’s show, Creating Confidence, debuted on the Top 200 shows on Apple Podcasts. Her guests include Sara Blakely, Gary Vaynerchuck, Ryan Serhant, and Kaitlyn Bristowe, among many other noteworthy celebrities and entrepreneurs. Heather and her son Dylan reside in Miami. Resources Mentioned:  Heather’s TEDx Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/heather_monahan_me_too_s_mis_step_or_me_too_s_mistake  Heather’s Website: https://heathermonahan.com/  Heather’s Books (Hard Copy): https://www.amazon.com/stores/Heather-Monahan/author/B07BNX96Z1?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true  Heather’s Books (Audible): https://www.audible.com/author/Heather-Monahan/B07BNX96Z1  Heather’s Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creating-confidence-with-heather-monahan/id1462192400  Heather’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/theheathermonahan  Heather’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heathermonahan/  Heather’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heathermonahanofficial  Heather’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/_heathermonahan/  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 40% off at yapmedia.io/course. More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com   Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala Learn more about YAP Media Agency Services - yapmedia.io/

    Corinne Foxx ON: Coping With Anxiety & Being Kind Even When Life Isn’t

    Corinne Foxx ON: Coping With Anxiety & Being Kind Even When Life Isn’t

    Do you want to meditate daily with me? Go to go.calm.com/onpurpose to get 40% off a Calm Premium Membership. Experience the Daily Jay. Only on Calm

    Corinne Foxx sits down with Jay Shetty to talk about mental health. Diagnosed with anxiety at age 14, connecting with people became a challenge. She shares how coaching and therapy helped her get through her most difficult times and how she’s giving back as a volunteer after receiving help from others. Learning how to meditate and have the freedom to be creative continuously strengthens her resolve to keep sharing her talents with the world.  

    Corinne is the daughter of actor and singer Jamie Foxx. She is also a model, actress, a television producer, and became the DJ for the second and third season of Beat Shazam. In 2019, she starred in the horror sequel 47 Meters Down: Uncaged. 

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:51 Filming 47 Meters Down in London
    • 05:21 Living with the “You can do anything” mantra
    • 07:07 Getting help from life coaches and therapists
    • 10:53 A lot of people don’t feel they deserve help
    • 12:43 Yin Yang father-daughter relationship
    • 15:20 Different positions we have in our family
    • 18:04 “My mental health journey” - Corinne
    • 23:41 Forced therapy backfires sometimes
    • 29:10 Volunteer work at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
    • 32:30 Meditation is a mental health toolkit
    • 35:48 When is your most creative moment?
    • 38:40 Daily meditation practice
    • 39:51 Are you an introvert?
    • 42:12 Why listen to Am I Doing This Right? podcast
    • 47:24 Other people’s habit or principle that amazes you
    • 51:55 When you’re nervous, at least know your lines
    • 53:56 Corinne on Final Five  

    Episode Resources:

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Why Cheering For Others Shouldn't be "Special"

    Why Cheering For Others Shouldn't be "Special"

    How to Buy VeeCon 2023 Tickets: www.garyvee.com/VeeConTickets2023

    Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is all about cheering for others at all times. Why has it become so weird to want good for others? We need to change the conversation around others being "impressed" when someone does something nice for another person. This should be the expectation and we really need to start asking ourselves when did we become so selfish?

    I want your feedback and thoughts on this message as well.

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    Doctor Natty Bandasak - Growing a Physical Therapy Office to 7 Figures - Episode 65

    Doctor Natty Bandasak - Growing a Physical Therapy Office to 7 Figures - Episode 65

    Welcome to this inspiring episode of the One More Round Podcast, where we delve into the fascinating journey of Dr. Natty, a Doctorate in Physical Therapy who has achieved phenomenal success in a remarkably short span of just 4 years. Driven by his passion for helping people, Dr. Natty has grown his business to 7 figures and is now on a mission to coach other Physical Therapists to do the same, so that they too can make a bigger impact in their communities.

    Join us as Dr. Natty shares his incredible story of determination, hard work, and perseverance, and reveals the secrets behind his success. Learn from his expertise as he imparts invaluable tips and strategies for growing a successful Physical Therapy practice, and gain insights into the challenges and opportunities that come with building a thriving business.

    Whether you are a Physical Therapist looking to take your practice to the next level, or simply someone who is passionate about making a difference in the lives of others, this podcast is for you. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to be inspired by the remarkable journey of Dr. Natty!