
    UFYB 119: Five Years of Thought Work Part 1: Body, Work & Money

    enFebruary 06, 2020
    What is thought work and its significance?
    How has the speaker’s mindset about money evolved?
    What changes did the speaker experience in body image?
    Why is persistence important in managing your mind?
    What does The Clutch program offer to listeners?

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing your mind is a lifelong practiceFive years of thought work leads to changes in various areas of life, including money, mindset, work, body image, and relationships. Radical change takes time, keep coming back to the practice, and avoid self-judgment.

      Learning from this podcast episode is that managing your mind is a lifelong practice, not a one-time event. The host, who has been practicing thought work for five years, shares her experiences and the changes she's seen in various areas of her life, including money, mindset, work, body image, and relationships. She emphasizes that radical change takes time and that it's important to keep coming back to the practice, even when progress seems slow. She also highlights the importance of having realistic expectations and avoiding self-judgment. The episode offers insights into the transformative power of thought work and the importance of persistence and consistency in the journey towards a better relationship with one's mind.

    • The influence of societal and personal expectations on our body imageLetting go of unrealistic expectations and focusing on self-acceptance can improve our relationship with our bodies and overall well-being.

      Our relationship with our bodies is heavily influenced by the expectations we place upon them. In 2015, the speaker was preoccupied with losing weight and hating her body due to societal pressures and her own unrealistic expectations. She spent a lot of mental energy on measuring herself against these expectations and feeling disappointed when she didn't meet them. Fast forward to 2020, the speaker no longer weighs herself and feels infinitely better about her body, despite weighing more than she did in 2015. She no longer criticizes her body for its appearance or how it feels. The takeaway is that by letting go of unrealistic expectations and focusing on self-acceptance, we can improve our relationship with our bodies and feel better about ourselves overall.

    • Accepting your body as it is leads to improved health and energyAccepting body image and reducing negative thoughts boosts health and mental energy, allowing focus on personal growth and life goals.

      Having a positive body image and reducing negative thoughts about one's body can lead to improved physical health and increased energy for other areas of life. This is because accepting one's body as it is allows for finding movement and strength, understanding pain as a neurological pattern, and freeing up mental energy previously spent on negative self-talk and comparison to others. Old thought patterns may still resurface occasionally, but recognizing them as unused railroad tracks and shutting off their electricity helps prevent them from derailing progress. By focusing less on body image and food intake, individuals can channel their mental energy into building businesses, coaching themselves in various areas, and living their best lives. This process may require ongoing work, but the benefits are significant.

    • Beliefs in one area of life can impact othersOur beliefs shape our experiences and can influence various aspects of our lives, even in subtle ways. Recognizing and challenging limiting beliefs can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

      Our thought patterns and beliefs in one area of life can significantly impact other areas, even if the impact is less intense. For instance, if we have spent years believing that certain foods are good or bad, we may continue to see echoes of that belief in subtler ways. Similarly, our mindset about scarcity and money can influence our relationships and self-image. In 2015, the speaker's mindset around work was a reflection of this pattern. She had a plan to replace her high-salary job in academia with her coaching business but struggled with feelings of inadequacy and the need for perfection. She believed that work had to be hard and that she didn't have original ideas. These beliefs made her work experience unenjoyable and unsustainable. However, recognizing the connection between her thought patterns and their impact on various aspects of her life helped her work through them and find a more balanced approach.

    • Overcoming imposter syndrome and anxiety for unexpected growthAccepting thoughts about work and productivity are irrelevant, focus on results for further development

      Overcoming imposter syndrome and anxiety can lead to unexpected growth and success. The speaker shared her personal experience of intense anxiety around her work, despite appearing successful on the outside. She discounted her accomplishments and blamed external factors for her success. However, five years later, she is now running a multimillion-dollar business and believes in her abilities as a coach. She has learned to quiet the neural circuits of self-doubt and procrastination and focuses on contributing to the world. Although she faces new challenges, such as managing her time efficiently and figuring out how to spend her free time, she views these as opportunities for growth. Ultimately, she has come to accept that her thoughts about her work and productivity are irrelevant, and the results speak for themselves. Whether the results are amazing or lackluster, it's essential to focus on the outcome and use it as a guide for further development.

    • Letting go of limiting beliefs for growthFocusing on results and unique value instead of personal opinions and beliefs can lead to personal and professional growth.

      Focusing too much on personal opinions, qualifications, and beliefs about what one can or cannot achieve can hinder progress. Instead, it's essential to focus on the results and the unique value one brings to the table. The speaker shares how she learned to let go of irrelevant thoughts and beliefs, such as working hard enough or creating something new, and instead, focus on the outcome she desires. She also discusses how her mindset towards money has shifted, moving from a fixed perspective to recognizing her ability to make as much money as she wants and understanding the importance of identifying as a businesswoman or entrepreneur. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that letting go of limiting beliefs and focusing on results can lead to personal and professional growth.

    • Shifting Mindset Towards MoneyRecognizing the value of our services and embracing money as a renewable resource can help shift limiting beliefs and lead to financial success. Continuous effort is required to expand our beliefs and achieve greater abundance.

      Our mindset towards money plays a significant role in our financial success. The speaker shares how she once held negative beliefs about making money and being a business owner, but overcame these limiting beliefs by recognizing the value of her coaching services and the importance of money as a renewable resource. She now believes that making money is easy and sees it as a flow, rather than a scarce commodity. However, she acknowledges that her money mindset is still a work in progress and is continuously working on expanding her beliefs to achieve even greater financial success. Overall, this discussion highlights the power of shifting our mindset towards money and embracing it as a tool for growth and abundance.

    • Beliefs about business growth and happiness remain consistentMoney's impact on happiness plateaus beyond a certain point, consistent thought work leads to personal growth and change.

      The speaker's beliefs about her potential for business growth and the relationship between money and happiness have remained consistent, despite her experiences and observations. She believes that while money is important up to a certain point, it does not significantly impact happiness beyond that. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of having a consistent practice of thought work to bring about personal growth and change. The speaker invites listeners to consider how their lives might be transformed through such a practice and encourages them to check out her self-coaching program, The Clutch, for guidance and support.

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    Episode Quote:

    "No matter where you're at in your life, in your business, your career, your podcast, your popularity on social media, remember that these moments of resistance are just there to give you feedback. Use that feedback to fuel your discipline and continue on your path towards success." -Shawn French

    Episode Value Details:

    Unearth the trials and triumphs - Delving deep into adversity and recognizing our achievements is a significant aspect of personal development. It encourages us to comprehend the various facets of our journey and guides us towards a greater sense of purpose. It is through these trials and triumphs that we can gain better insight and broaden our perspective, laying the groundwork for genuine growth and self-improvement.

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    Learn to persevere and navigate - Staying the course and learning to manage life's complexities are crucial to our growth and our ability to make a positive impact. Persistence is more than just enduring; it's about finding innovative solutions and learning from the challenges we face. By mastering this skill, we're not only cultivating resilience but also fostering our capacity to shape our lives and impact others positively.



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