
    UFYB 134: A Year of Thought Work Vol. 3 - Money, Money, Money

    enMay 21, 2020
    What is the significance of money mindset?
    How can limiting beliefs impact financial situations?
    What strategies does The Clutch program provide?
    How did students in the podcast increase their income?
    Why is self-investment important for personal growth?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Impact of Money Mindset on EarningsRecognizing and challenging limiting beliefs about money can lead to increased earnings. The Clutch program offers tools and resources to help individuals manage their thoughts and boost income.

      Our thoughts about money and economics often go unnoticed but significantly impact our financial situation. By recognizing and challenging limiting beliefs, individuals can change their money mindset and increase their earnings. The podcast episode features interviews with students from various backgrounds who have successfully used thought work to boost their income and revenue. The Clutch, a program offered by the podcast, provides tools and resources for individuals to learn how to manage their thoughts and make more money. The episode encourages listeners, especially those with conflicting feelings about money, to join the Clutch and learn how to transform their money mindset. The student interviews share their experiences of overcoming internalized shame about wanting to make more money and achieving significant financial growth. The episode provides valuable insights into the power of changing one's thoughts about money and the potential for increased income.

    • Mindset towards money mattersRecognize and address limiting beliefs and emotions to create a more abundant financial future

      Our mindset towards money plays a significant role in our financial situation. Many people, like Kelly, hold limiting beliefs that prevent them from making or enjoying the money they earn. These beliefs can stem from past experiences, fear of scrutiny, or a scarcity mindset. On the other hand, some people, like Rochelle, may focus too much on managing their current resources instead of exploring ways to increase their income. Ultimately, to overcome these financial mindset challenges, it's essential to recognize and address the underlying beliefs and emotions that impact our relationship with money. By doing so, we can create a more abundant and fulfilling financial future.

    • Personal stories of money mindset shiftsChallenging limiting beliefs and adopting empowering ones can lead to significant financial improvements and overall well-being.

      Our money mindset and beliefs can significantly impact our financial situation and overall well-being. Sharing stories and experiences can inspire us to challenge limiting beliefs and adopt new, empowering ones. For instance, feeling controlled by a high-paying job and being trapped by guilt led one person to adopt the mindset of "half the work, double the money." This shift in thinking resulted in quitting the job and making a year's worth of income in just three months. Another person, after experiencing the loss of a loved one, chose to take time off work to grieve and refocus. These stories illustrate how transformative our thoughts can be and the importance of allowing ourselves to embrace new perspectives.

    • Changing your money mindset leads to transformative resultsImplementing thought work around money can help shift beliefs and lead to increased income. It's a continuous process of growth and upleveling, not a one-time belief.

      Our mindset plays a significant role in our relationship with money. When we discover new ways of thinking, like thought work, it can lead to transformative changes. For some, this means shifting from a mindset of having to work hard to earn money to believing that our minds can create wealth for us. Others may find that they need to continually work on their beliefs and use thought work to back them up. Regardless, the process of changing our money mindset is not always easy, but the results can be life-changing. For instance, one speaker went from charging $35,000 to $45,000 for coaching services after implementing thought work around money. It's important to remember that the belief is just the beginning, and we must continue to put ourselves out there and take action to see the full results. Money mindset is not a one-time belief that magically brings wealth, but a continuous process of growth and upleveling.

    • Embrace discomfort for financial opportunitiesShifting mindset, challenging limiting beliefs, repeating affirmations, viewing money as abundant, and investing in personal growth can lead to financial success despite discomfort

      Having a comfortable relationship with discomfort and embracing an abundant mindset are key to financial success. The more uncomfortable we're willing to feel, the more opportunities we have to earn money. This involves challenging limiting beliefs, repeating empowering affirmations, and viewing money as a constantly flowing resource rather than a scarce one. By shifting our mindset and embracing discomfort, we open ourselves up to greater financial opportunities. Additionally, investing in ourselves and our personal growth is essential for both financial and personal success.

    • The Power of Believing in Yourself and Investing in YourselfBelieving in your own worth and investing in personal growth are essential for success. Fear of setting prices and seeing the value of what you offer can hold you back, but self-confidence and attending events that challenge you can lead to breakthroughs.

      Investing in yourself and believing in your own value are crucial for personal and professional growth. The speaker shares her experience of transitioning from working as an employee to owning her own massage practice and the fear of setting her prices. She also talks about how her mindset towards money and self-worth evolved as she started to see the value of what she offered. Similarly, the speaker's friend's invitation to a coaching event was a significant win for her as it helped her see herself in a new light and take a step towards investing in her own development. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-confidence and investment in oneself for achieving success.

    • Investing in Yourself: A Game ChangerInvesting in yourself through coaching or other means can lead to increased confidence, mental and emotional health prioritization, and a powerful up-leveling effect in self-perception and results.

      Investing in yourself, whether it's through coaching or other means, can significantly impact how you view yourself and your worth. The speaker shared her personal experience of investing in coaching and feeling a shift in her mindset, leading to increased confidence and value in herself. She also emphasized the importance of prioritizing mental and emotional health, just as we do with physical health, and challenged the societal norm that mental health is less important. The speaker's conversation with her financial advisor, who had previously underestimated her business, further highlighted the importance of clarifying and taking pride in one's accomplishments. Overall, investing in yourself can lead to a powerful up-leveling effect, both in how you see yourself and in the tangible results you achieve.

    • Change your mindset about the money you've madeShift your perspective to be impressed with your income, believe in your ability to make more, and focus on expanding your business to increase revenue.

      Changing your mindset about the money you've made is crucial for making more. Many people undervalue the money they've earned and reject it, which can hinder their growth. Instead, it's important to be impressed with the amount of money you've made and see yourself as someone who makes a significant income. This mindset shift can lead to expanding your business and increasing your revenue. For instance, one speaker shared that she had doubled her clients and quadrupled her prices in a short period, all while working half the hours. Another speaker emphasized the importance of believing in your ability to make a certain amount of money and focusing on that thought. By changing the narrative around the money you've made, you can create a more positive and productive mindset that drives growth.

    • Challenging Limiting Beliefs About MoneyRecognize when your thoughts about money don't align with reality and challenge them to make progress towards your financial goals.

      Our thoughts about money and our financial goals can sometimes be misleading and inaccurate. Our brains can trick us into believing we're not making enough progress or that we're not capable of reaching our goals. This was the experience of the speaker, who kept being told by her brain that she wasn't making enough money in her small practice, even though the numbers showed otherwise. This is a common phenomenon, and it can be hard to break free from these limiting beliefs without coaching or external perspective. The speaker encourages us to question our thoughts, check the facts, and recognize when we're lying to ourselves. By doing so, we can challenge our limiting beliefs and make progress towards our financial goals. The example of the coach who believed she wasn't making enough money, despite having a substantial amount in her bank account, illustrates this point. It's essential to be aware of our thoughts and to challenge them when they don't align with reality. By doing so, we can overcome our mental barriers and achieve financial success.

    • Mindset towards money impacts financesIdentifying and challenging limiting beliefs about money can lead to financial stability, security, and freedom.

      Our mindset towards money plays a significant role in our financial situation. For some, fear and lack of belief in their ability to manage money effectively can prevent them from even looking at their finances. For others, deeply ingrained beliefs from upbringing or past experiences can limit their financial potential. Through coaching and introspection, individuals can identify and challenge limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering thoughts that foster respect for themselves and their money. This shift in mindset can lead to financial stability, security, and freedom. As each person's journey is unique, it's essential to question and experiment with different thoughts and beliefs to find what resonates and works best.

    • Believing in ourselves and setting goals leads to personal growth and successBelieving in ourselves, pushing beyond comfort zone, and setting goals leads to personal growth and unexpected success. Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality.

      Setting and striving for goals, even if they seem difficult or uncertain, is essential for personal growth and creating a fulfilling life. The fear of failure or settling for mediocrity can hold us back, but believing in ourselves and our abilities, even if it means pushing beyond our comfort zone, can lead to unexpected success. It's important to remember that our thoughts and beliefs have a significant impact on our reality, and we must learn to believe in things that aren't yet true in order for them to become true. Additionally, the money we make enables us to do more than just survive; it allows us to live the life we desire and become the person we aspire to be.

    • Money as a tool for personal growthInvesting in ourselves changes who we become and unlocks new possibilities, money is a tool for self-improvement

      Money is a tool for personal growth and self-improvement, rather than an end goal for endless happiness. When we invest in ourselves, we change how we think about ourselves and who we become. Money can make life more convenient, but it's the person we have to become to achieve financial success that truly matters. By focusing on self-development and challenging limiting beliefs about money, we can unlock new possibilities and create a more abundant mindset. Join The Clutch community at unfuckyourbrain.com/theclutch to deepen your understanding of money mindset and apply these concepts to your own life.

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    If you already have at least 2-months alcohol-free, Karolina’s group coaching program Become Emboldened is perfect to help become confident in your alcohol-free identity and unleash your greater purpose. Included in this 16 week program are 3 group coaching calls per month with other incredible women, special guest speakers, and a robust curriculum to guide you in your journey! Additionally Karolina includes a bonus one-on-one coaching call with her and access to three masterclasses: How to Write a Book, How to Launch a Business, and How to Attract Wealth! Reach out to Hi@EuphoricAF.com if you have any questions.

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

    Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram

    And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

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    All of us have them, those automatic negative thoughts that derail us from achieving greater abundance. Is there a way to truly stop negative thoughts and change our negative thinking patterns?

    By ignoring them, you’re repelling the abundance that is meant for you.

    We’ve all done it…use distractions as a way to avoid the chaos going on in our minds. 

    We use:

    •  Wine 
    • Food
    • Netflix 
    • Social media 
    • Other people’s problems 
    • Shopping 
    • Drugs
    • Work 

    The list is endless really. 

    While this usually gives us some form of relief, it’s only temporary, and that nasty voice comes back again.

    Sometimes these thoughts pop into our minds like popcorn on steroids, and other times they sit there like a pond of sludge, feeling impossible to clear and weighing us down. 

    Your first instinct is to avoid those thoughts by ignoring them, but by doing this; they never get properly treated and addressed. 

    I’ve been doing some heavy somatic trauma healing, and now my inner critic is trying to convince me that “I don’t have it in me to accomplish my goal this year.”

    Our egos are so cunning manipulative, and relentless…I’ve tried to push this thought away, pray it away, demand it goes away…and it keeps coming at me with more strength.

    I remembered what I teach my clients after coaching a client through a negative thought spiral this week (funny how they happen):

    Calmly and lovingly reply to these thoughts with “I appreciate your opinion, and this isn’t true for me.”

    Just because something FEELS true doesn’t mean it is. FEELINGS are not FACTS. 


    Go plug your brain into this episode and we’ll clean out your mind trash. 

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    My **NEW** Season of Abundance Walk: Guided Meditation Series 

    Click here to get it for FREE!! projectmewithtiffany.com/seasonofabundance

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    Subscribe to Tiffany’s FREE weekly digest, The Secret Posse, and get exclusive content you won’t find anywhere else: millionaire mindset exercises, custom weekly abundance affirmations, and her best money-making tips. 

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    Tiffany on Instagram @projectme_with_tiffany

    Tiffany on TikTok @projectme_with_tiffany

    Subscribe to Tiffany’s FREE weekly digest The Secret Posse


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    What are you waiting for?


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    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

    Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram

    And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.