
    UFYB 16: Love Yo' Self

    enFebruary 15, 2018
    What technology is used for coaching and support?
    How does Tara Lowenthal view presence during struggles?
    What is the importance of self-love, according to Lowenthal?
    How did the speaker overcome negative self-regard?
    What does positive self-regard promote in mental well-being?

    Podcast Summary

    • Using technology for immediate coaching impactTechnology tools like Slack offer real-time support and guidance, leading to more significant progress and victories in therapy.

      Using technology, such as Slack, for coaching and support can provide a more consistent and immediate impact compared to traditional therapy sessions. Tara Lowenthal, the host of the Unfucked Your Brain podcast, emphasizes the importance and richness of being present during her students' moments of struggle and growth. By staying connected through Slack, she can help guide them through challenges in real-time, leading to more significant progress and victories. Additionally, Lowenthal emphasizes the importance of self-love and positive self-regard, highlighting the empowering feeling of making your own dreams come true and appreciating yourself for doing so.

    • Personal struggle with negative self-talk and low self-esteemFocusing on neutral self-perception can reduce anxiety, insecurity, and shame, even if not achieving self-love or positive affirmation.

      Self-confidence is not something that comes naturally to everyone. Many people, including the speaker, have struggled with negative self-talk and low self-esteem. The speaker shared her personal experience of having a negative self-regard, where her thoughts about herself were almost entirely negative. She felt ashamed of who she was and what she looked like, and constantly believed that she was inadequate and doing a bad job in various areas of her life. She focused on getting to a neutral vision of herself, not hating herself as much, and removing the moral obligation and blame she was putting on herself. This led to a significant reduction in anxiety, insecurity, and shame, and a shift in thinking from negative to neutral. It's important to remember that self-love and positive affirmation are not the only goals, and simply feeling "okay" or "not terrible" can be a big step towards improving mental health.

    • Loving Yourself is Key to Mental Well-BeingEmbrace a positive perspective of oneself, seeing oneself as amazing, can lead to increased self-appreciation and happiness.

      Having a positive self-regard, or loving oneself, is an important aspect of mental well-being. It means seeing oneself in a positive light, not just neutral or negative. The speaker shares her personal experience of being challenged to think beyond just feeling "fine" about herself and instead embracing the idea of thinking she's amazing. This shift in perspective brought about a newfound appreciation and enjoyment of herself. Positive self-regard can be compared to having a crush on a friend, where one is obsessed with learning about and spending time with them due to their perceived awesomeness. Cultivating this mindset can lead to increased self-appreciation and happiness.

    • Embracing Self-Love for Personal GrowthSelf-love and self-acceptance can enhance personal growth without leading to egotism or delusional thinking. Focusing on positive qualities and compassionately accepting shortcomings promotes greater happiness.

      Developing positive self-regard and self-love is essential for personal growth, yet many people are resistant to this idea due to deep-rooted self-loathing or a belief that self-criticism drives improvement. The fear of becoming a narcissistic dictator or feeling that self-love is a sign of personality disorder often arises. However, it's important to remember that liking and loving oneself doesn't equate to egotism or delusional thinking. Instead, focusing on our positive qualities and compassionately accepting our shortcomings can lead to greater self-acceptance and happiness. It's crucial to understand that self-criticism may not be the most effective means of personal growth and that self-love and self-acceptance can coexist with continuous improvement.

    • Self-criticism hinders progress, self-love enables itSelf-criticism perpetuates negative emotions, hinders progress, while self-love enables risks, goals, and enjoyment. Focus on self-compassion, self-care, and positive self-talk to start the journey of self-love.

      Self-criticism does not lead to positive change or improvement. Instead, it often perpetuates negative emotions like shame and anxiety, which can hinder progress. The speaker shares her personal experience of being a successful lawyer and academic despite hating herself, but emphasizes that she could never have built her coaching business without loving herself. Loving oneself is essential not only because it feels better but also because it enables us to take risks, accomplish our goals, and fully enjoy our achievements. To start loving oneself, the speaker suggests focusing on self-compassion, practicing self-care, and refraining from negative self-talk. It's important to remember that self-love is a journey, not a destination, and that everyone deserves to feel proud of themselves and live the life they desire.

    • Identify and embrace positive traits in others as your ownPractice recognizing and embracing admirable qualities in others as qualities you possess to boost self-worth and confidence

      Opening your mind to the possibility of having a positive self-regard and recognizing qualities you admire in others as ones you possess yourself can be a powerful tool for personal growth. This concept, known as "if you spot it, you got it," encourages us to identify and embrace positive traits we observe in people we love and admire, rather than projecting negativity or feeling inadequate. By practicing this exercise, we can reframe our self-perception and cultivate a greater sense of self-worth and confidence. So, next time you admire someone for their intelligence, humor, compassion, or other admirable qualities, remind yourself that you too possess those same traits and embrace them as part of who you are.

    • Self-love is a journey of belief and effortIdentify positive qualities, practice self-compassion, and accept our worth to build belief in self-love. Redirect mental energy from negative self-talk and body image issues towards self-acceptance and a life of self-love.

      Self-love is a journey that requires effort and belief in one's own worth. The speaker, Kara Loewentheil, encourages listeners to identify their positive qualities, even if they don't fully believe in them yet. She draws a comparison between how we treat ourselves and how we treat our friends, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion. Self-love doesn't happen overnight, but acknowledging and accepting our own worth can prime our brains to develop a belief system that supports it. The speaker offers resources, such as consultations and courses, to help those who struggle with self-love and body image issues. The ultimate goal is to shift our thoughts about ourselves, reducing the mental energy spent on negative self-talk and obsessing over our appearance. Instead, we can imagine a life where we love and accept ourselves as we are.

    • Escape the mental prison of negative body image with 'The Clutch'Join 'The Clutch' community to gain tools and support for overcoming self-criticism and embracing a healthier perspective on your body.

      You have the power to break free from negative body image through the teachings in "The Clutch." This transformative program, accessible at unfuckyourbrain.com/theclutch or by texting your email to 347-934-8861, offers a path to overcoming self-criticism and embracing a healthier, more positive perspective on your body. By joining this community, you'll gain the tools and support needed to escape the mental prison that keeps you from truly loving yourself. Don't miss out on this opportunity to regain control of your thoughts and feelings towards your body. Sign up now and start your journey to self-acceptance and improved self-esteem.

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