
    Podcast Summary

    • Societal Pressures on Women's Sexuality and RelationshipsSocietal expectations can negatively impact women's self-perception and choices in sex and relationships. Embrace individuality and challenge societal norms to promote self-acceptance and sexual freedom.

      Societal pressures and expectations can significantly impact how individuals, particularly women, view themselves and their choices, especially when it comes to sex and relationships. In this podcast episode from BBC Sounds, hosts Poppy and Rubina discuss their experiences as brown women dealing with the stigma and judgment from their communities. They share their personal fears of being labeled as shameless or promiscuous for not conforming to traditional ideals of marriage and motherhood. They also interview actress Nina Wadia, who shares her own experiences and insights on the topic. Overall, the episode highlights the importance of self-acceptance and the need to challenge societal norms and expectations. It encourages listeners to embrace their individuality and sexuality, and to not let fear of judgment hold them back.

    • Societal Pressure and Shame Around MarriageIndividuals face pressure and shame when they don't conform to societal expectations around marriage. Embrace individual freedom, challenge norms, and respect diverse perspectives.

      Societal norms and expectations, particularly regarding marriage, can create pressure and shame for individuals who do not conform. The speaker shares her experiences with this issue, including her own ambivalence towards marriage and the disapproval she has faced from her parents. She also acknowledges the evolution of societal attitudes and the need to challenge traditional norms. The speaker expresses a desire for individual freedom and autonomy, and a willingness to embrace change. She also touches upon the importance of understanding and respecting different perspectives, even if they do not align with one's own. Ultimately, the speaker encourages open-mindedness and a willingness to question societal expectations, rather than feeling bound by them.

    • Discussing the Pressure and Empowerment of Wearing SarisWomen face societal pressure to present themselves in certain ways when wearing traditional attire like saris, but the experience can also bring feelings of empowerment, cultural pride, and intimacy. It's important to stay true to oneself while embracing one's heritage.

      The discussion between the hosts of the Brown Girls Do It 2 podcast revolves around the societal pressure and expectations, particularly within the Asian community, regarding how women should present themselves, especially when it comes to traditional attire like saris. They share their experiences of wearing saris and the associated feelings of empowerment, sexiness, and cultural pride. However, they also acknowledge the potential for these expectations to be reductive and restrictive. The hosts also share stories of the process of getting measurements for sari blouses, which can be an intimate and sometimes uncomfortable experience. They reflect on the reactions they received, both positive and negative, and discuss the importance of staying true to themselves while embracing their cultural heritage. Despite the challenges, they find joy and empowerment in the experience of wearing saris and expressing their identity.

    • The impact of positive feedback and representation on individualsBrown Girls Do It Too podcast empowers listeners by normalizing and celebrating diverse experiences of brown girls, inspiring them to embrace their identities and sexuality, while the hosts continue to create content despite negative comments and trolling.

      The power of positive feedback and representation can greatly impact individuals, especially when it comes to embracing their identity and sexuality. The podcast "Brown Girls Do It Too" serves as a source of entertainment, empowerment, and community for its listeners, helping them reconnect with themselves and feel less alone in their experiences. However, negative comments and trolling can also affect the hosts and discourage them from continuing the podcast. Despite this, they continue to create content that normalizes and celebrates the diverse experiences of brown girls, inspiring listeners to explore their own sexuality and embrace their identities. The support and love they receive from their audience is a reminder that everyone deserves to feel seen and valued.

    • Nina Wadia's Unconventional Introduction to SexChildhood interests didn't align with typical gender roles, leading to unique experiences with sexualization and body image as she grew into womanhood.

      Growing up, actress and producer Nina Wadia found out about sex in an unconventional way, and her experiences with sexualization and body image evolved as she grew into womanhood. During her childhood, she was more interested in sports and hanging out with boys, and didn't develop an interest in sex until later. When she did, she felt the pressure of being sexualized and the loss of friendships. She also struggled with feeling comfortable in her own body, particularly when she developed breasts and began to attract attention. Despite these challenges, Wadia's experiences shaped her and helped her become a role model and inspiration for others.

    • Finding joy in unexpected momentsPersonal experiences can bring unexpected twists and turns, leading to important self-discoveries and embracing life's ups and downs

      Personal experiences, whether it's finding the right sports bra or exploring sexuality, can be filled with unexpected twists and turns. For the speaker, finding a sports bra that fit properly was a struggle, leading to embarrassing situations. Similarly, her first sexual experience didn't meet her expectations, but it helped her realize the importance of self-discovery and independence. Additionally, she shared a humorous story about losing a new sex toy on the train. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing the ups and downs of life and finding joy in unexpected moments.

    • Pressure and Shame Surrounding Women's SexualityWomen, especially from stigmatized cultures, face societal pressure to perform and feel shame around their sexual experiences. Embrace your sexuality and fight against shame and guilt for a fulfilling sex life, career, and family.

      Women, especially those from cultures where sex and sexuality are stigmatized, face pressure to perform and feel shame around their sexual experiences. It takes time and confidence to truly enjoy sex and embrace one's own sexuality. The speaker's experiences growing up in India and later in a coed school in Hong Kong shaped her perspective on sex and the societal pressures surrounding it. She emphasizes the importance of fighting against the shame and guilt associated with sexuality and advocates for women's right to have a fulfilling sex life, career, and family. The speaker also acknowledges the progress made by South Asian men in championing women's rights and equality in relationships. Overall, the speaker's message is one of empowerment and the importance of embracing one's sexuality without shame or guilt.

    • Navigating the paradox of immaturity and maturity in discovering sexuality as an Asian womanAsian women face societal pressures to grow up faster while also experiencing a delay in discovering their sexuality. Embracing sexuality and letting go of guilt is crucial for a positive experience of love and life.

      Growing up as a woman of Asian descent can involve a unique combination of immaturity due to societal pressures and the need to grow up faster. This paradox can lead to a delay in discovering one's sexuality and feeling attractive. However, once this realization comes, it's important to let go of guilt and embrace the enjoyment of sexuality as a part of life and love. Confidence and self-belief are key to overcoming societal conditioning and allowing oneself to experience all aspects of love. Reinventing oneself and compartmentalizing past experiences can also help in this journey. It's important to remember that men often have an easier time with this, as women tend to carry all experiences with them. Being brave enough to let go of past guilt and move on is essential. There's no need for physical or sexual tips to overcome this, but rather a mental shift towards embracing one's sexuality and allowing it to be a positive part of life.

    • Embracing individuality and finding joy in one's own skinBeing true to oneself and embracing uniqueness can lead to personal growth and inspire others. Find joy in your own skin and challenge societal norms of beauty and success. Representation in media matters and can positively impact self-perception and confidence.

      Being true to oneself and embracing one's uniqueness, even in the face of societal pressure to conform, can lead to personal growth and the ability to inspire and represent others. Nina shared her experience of feeling unrepresented and underestimated due to her body type and ethnicity, but she found empowerment through her role in the groundbreaking show "Goodness Gracious Me." She encourages everyone to reinvent themselves and find joy in their own skin, rather than trying to fit into preconceived notions of beauty or success. Additionally, she highlights the importance of representation in media and the impact it can have on individuals' self-perception and confidence. The conversation also touched upon the importance of having fun and being honest, especially when it comes to discussing topics that are often stigmatized or taboo, like sex. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of embracing one's individuality and finding joy and inspiration in being true to oneself.

    • Exploring new things keeps marriage excitingTrying new things, being brave, and investing time and effort in a relationship are essential for maintaining a fulfilling and adventurous sex life, as emphasized by a speaker with 22 years of marriage experience. Role-playing and accents can add excitement and novelty.

      Having a good and adventurous sex life is crucial for a long-lasting marriage. The speaker, who has been married for 22 years, emphasizes the importance of trying new things and being brave to keep the spark alive. Role-playing and accents are mentioned as effective ways to add excitement and novelty to the relationship. The effort and time put into the relationship are also highlighted as essential elements for love to thrive. The discussion also touches upon the groundbreaking British comedy show "Goodness Gracious Me," which introduced the concept of the "aubergine emoji" before emojis existed. The show's character "Mrs. I Can Make It at Home for Nothing" came from the speaker's personal experience of trying to impress her father-in-law with her cooking skills, despite his dislike for aubergines.

    • Unexpected fan reactions to a jokeUnexpected fan reactions to humor can lead to unexpected experiences and opportunities. Maintain a positive attitude and find humor in everyday situations.

      The power of comedy and the connection with fans can lead to unexpected and humorous experiences. The speaker shared an anecdote about a joke they made on a TV show that led to an avalanche of aubergine-related fan mail, tattoos, and emojis. They also played a quick-fire game with the hosts, answering various questions with candor and humor. The speaker's ability to handle the unexpected and embrace the absurdity of the situation showcases the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and finding humor in everyday experiences. Additionally, the quick-fire game highlighted the range of topics that can be explored in comedy and the importance of being open-minded and non-judgmental.

    • Breaking societal norms and paving the way for open conversations about sex and sexualityNina Wadia, a trailblazer, encouraged open conversations about sex and sexuality, pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms. Role models, role play, and personal boundaries were discussed, emphasizing the importance of respecting each other's comfort zones.

      Key takeaway from the conversation with Nina Wadia on the Brown Girls Do It 2 podcast is the importance of breaking societal norms and paving the way for open conversations about sex and sexuality. Nina, as an original trailblazer, shared her experiences and encouraged the hosts to challenge their own comfort zones. The discussion touched upon various topics including role models, role play, and personal boundaries. One interesting revelation was Nina's influence on the hosts, who admitted that she was their role model growing up. However, when asked about her own role models, Nina was taken aback. The hosts also discovered that Nina was quite revolutionary in her time, pushing boundaries with her work in television. Another topic of discussion was role play in the bedroom, which Nina, being an actor, found intriguing due to the range of experiences it could offer. The hosts also shared their own challenges, which included watching hardcore porn and sending nudes. While the hosts managed to complete their challenges, they acknowledged the importance of respecting personal boundaries and not imposing challenges on partners without their consent. Overall, the conversation with Nina Wadia was a refreshing and insightful exploration of sex, sexuality, and the power of breaking societal norms. It served as a reminder that open conversations about these topics are essential for personal growth and societal progress.

    • Sharing Sexual Challenges and ExperiencesRespect boundaries, communicate, and experiment in consensual sexual experiences. Be comfortable with your body and sexuality, and consider eco-friendly sex toys.

      Consensual sexual experiences can involve various challenges and tasks, and it's essential to respect each other's boundaries and comfort levels. During a discussion, two individuals shared their experiences of completing three sexual challenges. The first person watched porn and sent a nude to their partner but couldn't bring themselves to do the third task, which was letting someone come in their mouth. The second person successfully used a new biodegradable sex toy but found it challenging to use at first. Both individuals emphasized the importance of communication, consent, and self-exploration in their sexual experiences. The first person also mentioned the importance of being comfortable with one's body and sexuality, while the second person highlighted the benefits of eco-friendly sex toys. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of openness, experimentation, and respect in consensual sexual experiences.

    • Exploring new sexual experiencesEmbrace diversity, communicate openly, and continue exploring for unique sensations in sexual experiences.

      Experimenting with different methods and positions in sexual experiences can lead to new and unique sensations. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of trying out a new sex toy and found it to be a game changer, although it didn't necessarily lead to a life-altering experience. She also emphasized the importance of open communication and trying new things with a partner to keep the relationship and sexual exploration evolving. Additionally, the speakers expressed their gratitude for their producer, Raihan, who inspired the podcast and provided them with the freedom to share their stories honestly. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing diversity and individuality in sexual experiences and continuing to explore and learn throughout one's life.

    • Sharing Personal Stories and Learning OpportunitiesThe hosts discuss losing virginity, creating a song, and the joy and pain of love. They also announce a new podcast, 'Teach Me a Lesson,' to learn from inspiring teachers in the UK. Listeners can enjoy savings on Mother's Day gifts at Whole Foods and discounts on ethical essentials at Quince.

      The hosts of the podcast "Brown Girls Do It Too," Rubina and Poppy, shared personal stories and experiences, including losing their virginity and the creation of a song for Rubina by her former partner. The conversation also touched on the idea that love can bring both joy and pain. Another key takeaway is the announcement of the hosts' new podcast, "Teach Me a Lesson," where they aim to learn from inspiring teachers in the UK. Additionally, there were mentions of various promotions and deals, such as savings on body care and candles at Whole Foods Market for Mother's Day and discounts on high-end essentials with ethical manufacturing at Quince. Overall, the episode showcased personal stories, learning opportunities, and promotional offers.

    Recent Episodes from Brown Girls Do It Too

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    Love You Longtime... (Or Not?)

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    Poppy and Rubina talk about the long-term relationships they've been in over the years and how they've shaped them as women today.

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

    Brown Girls Do It Too
    enJune 07, 2024

    B****, I'm a Mother (Of Sorts)

    B****, I'm a Mother (Of Sorts)

    How do you know what's right for you: to become a parent or to take the road less travelled? Is one choice more fulfilling than the other? And why do any of us have to justify our choices anyway?

    In this episode, Poppy & Rubina discuss motherhood, childlessness and whether any of it is really a choice.

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

    Brown Girls Do It Too
    enMay 31, 2024

    Kiss My Arse

    Kiss My Arse

    Priya Sohanpal is a Punjabi Sikh (& Dom Fem) icon who's stealing the show in BBC Three's I Kissed A Girl. In this episode, she joins Poppy and Rubina to discuss kissing: how important is the first kiss? Where do they like to be kissed (other than the lips?) and can you fix a bad kisser? Also, are queer women better kissers?

    They also chat labels, relationship drama and representation.

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

    Brown Girls Do It Too
    enMay 24, 2024

    Laugh Me Into Bed

    Laugh Me Into Bed

    Comedian, Henry Rowley, joins Poppy & Rubina to discuss the importance of humour in sex.

    What's more important for a relationship: sexual chemistry or laughter? And what's harder to get back once lost?

    Henry is a comedian who rose to fame with viral TikTok characters, like Minty and Hugo. He learns three important things in the episode, including the shape of a duck's penis.

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

    Brown Girls Do It Too
    enMay 17, 2024

    It's Fashion Darling!

    It's Fashion Darling!

    Poppy and Rubina are joined by beauty influencer Anchal Seda and founder of sustainable fashion brand ByRotation Eshita Kabra to talk about fashion, style and beauty.

    Anchal and Eshita have both carved spaces for themselves in the fashion and beauty industry so bring their many years of living and breathing in this field to Brown Girls Do It Too.

    They discuss dress codes at wedding (Eshita had four different themes!), whether they dress for themselves or men and what the most expensive item of clothing is in their wardrobe.

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

    What's Your Trauma?

    What's Your Trauma?

    Poppy and Rubina are joined by comedian Fatiha El-Ghorri to talk about one thing they definitely got from their ancestors: intergenerational trauma and discuss remembering the smiles of their mothers as opposed to their scars.

    If anything discussed in this episode impacts you, there are great resources available on bbc.co.uk/ActionLine.

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

    Hot Boy Summer

    Hot Boy Summer

    Poppy & Rubina are joined by Nas Majeed & Dev Bajwa to discussing dating, love & sex - from the perspectives of straight, brown boys.

    Nas & Dev are both recently single. How should they approach today's dating scene?

    Poppy & Rubina ask them: is there too much pressure on boys? Do they prefer to pay on the first date? Are they worried about giving someone the ick? And how do they know when to make a move?

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

    Freak In The Spreadsheets

    Freak In The Spreadsheets

    Money: it's a topic most people struggle to talk about openly.

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    And they answer pressing questions such as: What is loud budgeting? Who has the most 'no spend' days: Poppy or Rubina? How much do we spend to get ready for sex? Who should pay on a first date? And how do you split finances in a relationship?

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

    Sex Mistakes: Je Ne Regrette Rien

    Sex Mistakes: Je Ne Regrette Rien

    Comedians Grace Campbell & Chris Hall join Poppy & Rubina to discuss sex mistakes and mishaps. Are some regrets inevitable? And why do some of us make the same mistakes over and over again?

    Lessons learned include: always use protection; check if the guy you're hitting on is dating your best friend; sometimes the night bus IS better than a stranger's bed, and... not everyone fancies you but that's okay.

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

    Sex Aftercare

    Sex Aftercare

    Cuddling? Talking? Assessing the bed sheets? What is the perfect sex aftercare package? Poppy and Rubina delve deep into the often overlooked but important aspect of caring for your partner after sex. They talk about what they rate and slate when it comes to aftercare and how that differs when you're in a long-term relationship or casually hooking up.

    Have a message for Poppy and Rubina? If you’re over 16, you can message the BGDIT team via WhatsApp for free on 07968100822. Or email us at browngirlsdoittoo@bbc.co.uk

    If you're in the UK, for more BBC podcasts listen on BBC Sounds: bbc.in/3UjecF5

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    Episode notes

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