
    Why Authenticity is Massively Important | A Q&A Round Table in Dubai

    enDecember 26, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Inspiration from a disconnected vacationDisconnecting from technology can lead to valuable business insights and opportunities for growth.

      The evolution of companies like Facebook and industries like CPG have significantly impacted Gary's career and influenced his perspective on building strong company cultures and effective branding. This was highlighted during a vacation in 2008 when Gary, inspired by a book on a private equity firm in Brazil, came up with numerous business ideas while disconnected from technology. The experience underscores the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in response to changing industries and technologies. Furthermore, Gary emphasized the significance of content in boosting a brand's presence, as evidenced by the growth of Facebook from a small company to a global powerhouse. Ultimately, staying curious and open to new ideas, even during moments of relaxation, can lead to valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

    • Traditional CPG Industry Disruption: 90% of Marketing Dollars Potentially WastedThe CPG industry needs to adapt to emerging channels and trends, such as direct-to-consumer sales and digital marketing, to avoid wasting up to 90% of marketing dollars.

      The traditional CPG industry is facing significant disruption, and the inefficiencies in the current system, such as high trade spend and outdated measurement methods, are funding competitors. The speaker, who identified this trend over a decade ago, believes that up to 90% of CPG marketing dollars may be wasted. Instead of focusing on internal metrics, companies should prioritize understanding and adapting to emerging channels and trends, such as direct-to-consumer sales and digital marketing. The speaker's passion for improving the industry's approach to marketing and business results led him to start an agency to help CPG companies navigate these changes. While some may view these trends with skepticism, the speaker's perspective is rooted in a decade of observation and a deep belief in the need for transformation.

    • Facebook's Role in the Shift from CPG to DTC BrandsFacebook's underpriced media and need for creative best practices offer opportunities for disruption in the CPG industry, but lack of transparency is a concern.

      The traditional Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry is losing market share to direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands due to the shift towards e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Amazon, and others. This trend is leaving even the biggest brands, many of which are in the room, vulnerable to the realities of distribution and communication that they were not built on. For instance, Wish, a shopping app, has seen significant growth, reaching up to 3-6 billion dollars in revenue, with 95% of that spend going to Facebook. Yet, Facebook seems to be slow in adapting and is focusing too much on creating metrics that appease the market rather than highlighting the strengths of its platform. The underpriced media on Facebook and the need for a shift in creative best practices are key areas where Facebook can disrupt the industry further. However, Facebook's lack of transparency about these opportunities is concerning.

    • Leveraging Content and Marketing on Social Media for Brand Growth and SalesBrands like Fashion Nova, Gymshark, Wish, and Movement Watches have seen significant growth, reaching up to $50 million in sales, by focusing on content and marketing on social media platforms. The shift towards DTC strategies and embracing the changing marketplace is crucial for businesses, as failure to adapt can lead to going out of business.

      The power of content and marketing on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube is underestimated when it comes to building brands and driving sales. Brands such as Fashion Nova, Gymshark, Wish, and Movement Watches have seen tremendous growth, reaching up to $50 million in sales, by focusing on content and marketing rather than traditional sales metrics. This trend is reminiscent of the shift towards television advertising in the 1960s, which transformed businesses like Amazon, Procter and Gamble, and even smaller companies. The collective attention and consumption on these platforms have reached a scale that can significantly impact creative and marketing efforts. Additionally, the shift towards direct-to-consumer (DTC) strategies is crucial for businesses, regardless of their market, and this change is happening more rapidly than many anticipate. Companies that fail to adapt and understand this reality risk going out of business, as seen with Sears, Woolworths, and Blockbuster. The marketing world, particularly in the Consumer Goods (CG) landscape, needs to focus on metrics that truly matter and embrace the changing marketplace instead of clinging to the past.

    • Recognizing Corporate LimitationsSpeaker learned corporations prioritize self-interest, overspend on outdated ads, and focus on creativity over data-driven decisions.

      The speaker discovered the importance of recognizing the limitations of one's own knowledge and understanding the nature of corporations. He realized that he had been operating under a different set of assumptions, believing that corporations would learn from the mistakes and successes of tech giants like Google and Facebook. However, he came to understand that corporations often prioritize their self-interest above all else, leading them to overspend on traditional advertising methods like television, print, and digital banners, despite subpar business results. The speaker likened the advertising industry's reliance on these outdated methods to a belief in Santa Claus, highlighting the disconnect between impressive report data and actual business decline. Ultimately, the speaker's newfound perspective has led him to question the value of industry events and accolades, recognizing that the industry's focus on creativity and awards can sometimes overshadow the need for practical, data-driven decision-making.

    • Marketing on the Brink of DisruptionBrands must shift focus from outdated marketing methods to content creation for digital platforms to stay relevant.

      The marketing industry is on the brink of mass disruption, and some of the top brands in the world risk going extinct due to their resistance to change. The speaker believes that traditional marketing methods, such as programmatic banner ads and calculating success based on CPM, are outdated and ineffective for brand building. Instead, brands should focus on content creation for digital platforms. The speaker is surprised that this message, which was intuition-based a decade ago, is still not heeded despite the availability of data. Brands continue to invest heavily in testing TV commercials while spending less on digital content. The speaker expresses excitement about the impending changes and even welcomes the possibility of going out of business, as long as it leads to progress in the industry.

    • Embrace learning opportunities in businessContinuously seek out knowledge and growth, even in the face of setbacks. Share valuable content and subscribe for more insightful discussions.

      The speaker values the learning experience in business, particularly in losing in micro situations. He believes that these experiences hold merit and contribute to growth. He encourages listeners to share the podcast and subscribe, emphasizing the importance of spreading the word about valuable content. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and growth in business, even in the face of setbacks. It's through these experiences that we can truly appreciate the value of the business world. So, let's embrace the learning opportunities, no matter the outcome, and continue to seek out knowledge and growth. Don't forget to share this podcast with your network and subscribe for more insightful discussions.

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    Pinterest is very much like Google. It is not a social media platform, it is a search and discovery network.”

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    If you feel like your Pinterest marketing is lacking that extra oomph, you don’t want to miss out on this episode!

    Topics Discussed in this episode:

    • How Kate got started on Pinterest and the birth of Simple Pin Media (02:04)
    • Why Pinterest is a search and discovery network, not a social media platform (07:52)
    • How Pinterest can supplement your SEO to bring in floods of traffic to your site (09:19)
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    • What it takes to be successful and the trends driving Pinterest today (17:27)
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    • How Kate built her Simple Pin Media team by training women in her community (51:25)
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    Sit back, grab a coffee, and learn how to create a Pinterest marketing strategy that will shine a spotlight on your business!

    Permission Slips

    Permission Slips

    “Jamie, how am I supposed to implement your marketing strategy? I can barely keep up as it is.” - Client

    “Well, that is easy - take a social media and marketing break.” - Me

    “I can do that.” - Client

    Yes, I give you permission to stop posting on social media. Put up a post saying you are taking a break for the next two weeks to implement a new strategy” - Me

    “Thank you so much! That is a great idea.” - client

    Do you know how many times this same scenario has played out with my clients and in my program? So many that I have lost count and it makes me sad.

    The fact of the matter is that you don’t need my permission or anyone else’s permission to do something in your business. It is your business and your choice.

    Yet, over and over again, I see wildly capable entrepreneurs wait for a permission slip to move forward, to get unstuck.


    Are you wondering if your social media marketing is even working? Are you posting and hearing crickets? For a limited time I am offering customized Social Media and Marketing Snapshots for $27. These are a 2 - 3 page action plan designed specifically for your business. Grab yours today ===>>> www.socialmediasnapshot.com

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

    Tweet Me: @garyvee

    Text Me: 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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    Keynote Saturday: How to Get Over Fear of Judgement on The Internet | From Jan 23, 2020

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought!

    Watch the full episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHHl35TBHQc&t=905s

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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