
    Why EQ is Important in the Workforce Today | Panel with Meet the Legends

    enAugust 11, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Emotional Intelligence in the WorkplaceEmotional intelligence (EQ) sets humans apart from machines, drives business success, and fosters an equal culture. It's crucial for retention, happiness, and productivity.

      Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a crucial aspect of today's workplace and culture. As Ryan mentioned, it's important for improving experiences and humanizing business interactions. EQ sets humans apart from machines and is a business driver, not just a matter of being kind or sweet. Roxanne emphasized the importance of creating an equal culture where everyone starts on equal footing. The discussion also touched upon the timeliness of this topic and the importance of maintaining momentum in the conversation around EQ, even when it may not be the hot topic. Gary emphasized the business benefits of EQ, including retention, happiness, and productivity. Overall, the panelists agreed that EQ is not only important for building a modern business that works for everyone, but it's also good for the bottom line.

    • The Importance of Business Purpose for Attracting and Retaining TalentCompanies with a strong sense of purpose are more likely to retain employees, especially among younger generations. Emphasis on functions like CSR and incorporating purpose into core mission. Authenticity and genuineness in commitment to purpose crucial.

      Having a clear sense of purpose is becoming increasingly important for businesses, especially when it comes to attracting and retaining talent. This is not just a PR issue, but a business one, as companies with a strong sense of purpose are more likely to retain employees, particularly among younger generations. The transformation of corporate culture has seen an emphasis on functions like corporate social responsibility, and many companies are incorporating purpose into their core mission. In fact, some companies, like Infantas, are even incorporated as public benefit corporations. With the economy currently strong, many businesses are focusing on social issues and looking to make a positive impact. However, during economic downturns, this focus on purpose may wane, and it's important for companies to remain authentic and genuine in their commitment to purpose in order to retain talent. Ultimately, the ability to attract and retain top talent is a major concern for businesses, and having a clear sense of purpose is a key component of that.

    • Emphasis on sustainability, diversity, and EQ in marketing and experience investmentsCompanies prioritize sustainability, diversity, and EQ in their marketing and experience investments, making up 30-60% of their focus compared to 10% five years ago. Individuals also have a role to play in community involvement beyond company initiatives.

      There is a significant increase in the emphasis on sustainability, diversity, and EQ-related initiatives from large clients when it comes to their marketing and experience investments. This shift has gone from around 10% five years ago to between 30-60% currently. Companies want their partners to prioritize these areas, but we're not there yet. Regarding community involvement, giving employees opportunities to volunteer for causes that align with the company's values and purpose is essential. However, it cannot be solely the company's responsibility. As citizens of the world, we have a moral obligation to get involved in making a positive impact. Companies can facilitate this by providing time off, but individuals must find causes that excite them and resonate with their personal values.

    • Creating a Balanced Work EnvironmentHire well-rounded employees with a passion for their work to create a productive and engaged team.

      Creating a work environment that balances practicality with employee passion and well-being is crucial for both the business and the individuals involved. Passionate employees who feel their work has purpose are more effective and engaged than those who are merely putting in hours. As technology advances and businesses invest in attending to other aspects, there's a shift towards evaluating talent based on their values, roundness, and ability to work well with others. Companies that create a structured giving-back environment may be trying too hard. Instead, it's essential to establish an environment where employees can pursue their purpose and make a difference in their own way. When hiring, look for well-rounded individuals with a passion for their work and the ability to contribute to the company's mission.

    • Aligning Employee Purpose with Role and Promoting DiversityEmployers should prioritize hiring inquisitive, passionate, and engaged candidates and promote diversity at all levels to build a successful and inclusive team.

      Aligning an employee's purpose with their role in a company is crucial for long-term success. Employers should look for candidates who are inquisitive, passionate, and engaged, and prioritize diversity in their hiring practices. Companies, especially smaller ones, have a responsibility to walk the walk when it comes to diversity and inclusion, not just talk the talk. It's not enough to have a few diverse entry-level employees; representation should extend to mid and senior levels as well. The speaker emphasized that excuses such as a "supply problem" are not valid, and real action and commitment are necessary. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of authenticity, engagement, and diversity in building a successful and inclusive team.

    • Representation and diversity in businessCompanies must prioritize hiring and promoting diverse talent to remain competitive as the US population becomes increasingly multicultural. Breaking HR conversations and making diversity a priority in the P&L is essential.

      Representation and diversity are not only social issues but also crucial business imperatives. With over a third of the US population being multicultural and the trend towards a multicultural majority by 2040, businesses cannot afford to ignore the importance of hiring and promoting diverse talent. Companies like P&G are leading the way, but more needs to be done to ensure equal opportunities for all, especially in leadership positions. The panelists emphasized the need to move beyond HR conversations and make diversity a priority in the P&L. Steven's career advice was to learn the rules, master them, and then break them, while Gary emphasized the importance of self-awareness and putting it on a cultural pedestal. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of taking concrete steps towards diversity and inclusion in both social and business contexts.

    • Understanding strengths and weaknesses for growthEmbrace authenticity for personal and professional success, focusing on strengths while acknowledging weaknesses.

      Self-awareness and authenticity are essential for personal and professional growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding one's strengths and weaknesses and focusing on developing the former. Being true to oneself at work is crucial for long-term success and happiness. The younger generation is better at embracing authenticity than older workers, but it's still a work in progress. Mental health issues and emotional expression are becoming more accepted in the workplace, but there's still a pressure to maintain a perfect brand. Transitioning from entrepreneurial backgrounds to larger corporations can be challenging, and authentic communication about strategies is essential. Overall, being authentic and self-aware can lead to greater fulfillment and success in both personal and professional spheres.

    • Recognizing limitations and biases in businessStay self-aware, prioritize diversity, financial power, and passion in driving progress. Continue the conversation and explore new opportunities in marketing.

      While the business world has made strides in the last decade, it's important to recognize the limitations and biases that still exist. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and being mindful of one's position in the industry. They also highlight the importance of diversity and financial power in creating change. Additionally, they encourage continuing the conversation and staying passionate about driving progress, as the economic climate that currently supports it won't last forever. Lastly, the speaker sees the biggest opportunity in marketing as the intersection of what businesses are good at and what they're passionate about, with many unexplored experiences and methods still to be discovered in areas like advertising, media, and direct marketing.

    • Revolutionizing industries: healthcare and marketingHealthcare could revolutionize patient experience, marketing needs to be more practical and consumer-centric, major trends include direct-to-consumer models, digital innovation, and diversity, 5G and IoT will bring significant transformations

      There are significant opportunities for improvement and innovation in various industries, particularly in healthcare and marketing. Brian believes that the healthcare industry could revolutionize the patient experience similarly to how Uber transformed urban transportation. Gary, on the other hand, sees marketing as an industry that needs to become more practical and consumer-centric. Both agree that there are major trends shaping the 21st century, including the shift to direct-to-consumer models, the next wave of digital innovation, and the importance of diversity. With the upcoming rollout of 5G technology and the Internet of Things, we can expect significant transformations in various industries and forms of technology. The discussions highlight the potential for disruptive innovation and the need for industries to adapt to changing consumer behaviors and technological advancements.

    • Shifting demographics and the impact on entertainment and educationBrands must adapt to diverse demographics, prioritize value exchange, and provide seamless experiences to build lasting relationships. Entrepreneurs can innovate in this space, and the value of a product or service extends beyond its price tag.

      As the demographic landscape continues to shift, with the first iPad generation being the most diverse ever, brands, companies, and industries must adapt to this new reality. This transformation will be particularly significant in the areas of entertainment and education. Additionally, in order to effectively engage with consumers, marketing executives must prioritize the exchange of value. Consumers are sharing their data, and companies have a responsibility to use it to enhance the consumer experience. A tangible example of this is in banking relationships, where customers interact with the same institution in various ways, yet are often treated as new customers. To build lasting relationships, companies must demonstrate value and provide seamless experiences. As for the entrepreneurs in the audience, there are ample opportunities to innovate in this space. Lastly, while there may not be a hangover-free rose wine, it's important to keep in mind that the value of a product or service goes beyond its price tag.

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