
    Podcast Summary

    • Exceptional Food and Rich History in Mexico CityLiving in developing countries comes with risks, but traveling creates deep connections and unforgettable memories

      Mexico City offers exceptional food and history despite being a developing country. The second takeaway is that living in such places comes with risks, like getting robbed, which is a "lifestyle tax." Lastly, traveling can create deep connections and intimacy among friends. Mexico City surprised the speaker with its exceptional food and rich history, leaving him wishing he could bathe in the city's hand-padded tortillas. He also learned that living in developing countries comes with risks, like getting robbed, which he experienced on his birthday during a soccer game at Stadia Azteca. The robbers executed their plan skillfully, taking advantage of the chaos caused by a fistfight between girls. The speaker accepted this as a "lifestyle tax" for living in such places. The third takeaway was the power of travel to build intimacy. The speaker and his friends went on a trip to Mexico together, and despite already knowing them well, they formed deeper connections during their shared experiences. Traveling allows individuals to step out of their comfort zones and create unforgettable memories with friends.

    • Maintaining adult friendships: Proximity, frequency, duration, and emotional intensityPrioritize in-person interactions, schedule regular activities, and focus on shared interests to build and maintain meaningful adult friendships despite modern life's challenges

      Maintaining adult friendships can be challenging due to factors like proximity, frequency, duration, and emotional intensity. Modern life and aging can make these factors more complicated. For instance, with remote work becoming more common, proximity to coworkers and building friendships at work can be harder. However, understanding these factors and implementing practical strategies can help. For proximity, try to prioritize in-person interactions when possible. For frequency and duration, make an effort to schedule regular activities or conversations with friends. Lastly, for emotional intensity, focus on shared interests and experiences, even if they involve hardships. By prioritizing these factors, we can build and maintain meaningful adult friendships despite the challenges of modern life.

    • Factors making friendship formation complex in modern worldRemote work and frequent job hopping reduce frequent interactions, travel freedom increases distance, and finding compatible partners in couples adds complexity to friendship formation.

      The increasing transience of people's lives and the complexity introduced by partners and families make building meaningful friendships more challenging, especially in the context of remote work. The water cooler effect, which used to facilitate friendship formation through frequent and prolonged interactions at work, is now less common due to the frequent job hopping and remote work. Additionally, the increased freedom and optionality to travel and work from anywhere have made it harder to maintain consistent social connections. Furthermore, when people get married, they not only need to find one person they get along with but also need to ensure both partners in a couple get along, creating a higher bar for friendship formation. These factors combined make building and maintaining friendships in today's world more complex and challenging.

    • Friendships with children add complexityFriendships with parents and children require flexibility and understanding as they can evolve and be impacted by the dynamics between the adults and children.

      Having friends with children adds complexity to friendships, as the relationship between the parents and the children can significantly impact the dynamics of the friendship. The presence or absence of mutual affection between the children and the adults can lead to various outcomes, some positive and some negative. The speaker shared her personal experience of dealing with friends whose children she either didn't get along with or who exhausted her, but also acknowledged that she was fortunate to have friends whose children she could entertain and relate to. She also noted that the dynamic of friendships can change as people become parents, with their priorities and interests shifting. Overall, the speaker emphasized that friendships with parents and children require flexibility and understanding, as they are subject to evolving circumstances and relationships.

    • Friendships evolve and change throughout lifeAs people grow older, their friendships and social connections change due to life stages and personal growth, leading to deeper connections and new social circles.

      As people grow older and go through different life stages, their friendships and social connections evolve and change. This is especially noticeable when friends become parents or make significant career or financial gains. These changes can lead to deeper connections, but they may also make it more difficult to maintain friendships with people who were once close. The reason for this is that as individuals figure out who they are and what they value, their pool of potential friends narrows. It's important to approach these changes with patience and openness, recognizing that friendships can go through seasons of closeness and distance, and that it's natural for people to grow apart and come back together. Additionally, as people's priorities and interests shift, they may find themselves drawn to new social circles where they can connect with like-minded individuals. While this process can be challenging, it's a natural part of the journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

    • Making New Friends as We Age: A ChallengeBe proactive in pursuing hobbies and interests, and don't limit yourself to only connecting with people over shared passions. Being open to lighter conversations can also help build connections.

      As we get older, making new meaningful friendships can become more challenging due to our narrowing interests and the fact that not everyone shares our passions. This is particularly true for those who have strong interests in specific areas, like retrofitting cars or being a sports fanatic. The college experience, with its diverse and constant peer interaction, can serve as a kind of social utopia, making the transition to post-college life even more difficult. One solution is to be extra aggressive in pursuing hobbies and interests, which can provide opportunities to meet like-minded individuals. Additionally, being open to connecting with people over lighter, more mundane topics can also help bridge the gap. Ultimately, it's important to remember that making friends takes time and effort, and it's never too late to put yourself out there.

    • Finding deeper connections through shared passionsAs we age, focusing on hobbies and actively seeking out others with similar interests can lead to deeper, more lasting friendships. Investing time and effort in person to meet new people is essential for potential connections.

      As we get older, it becomes more important to focus on our passions and interests to build meaningful connections. Our default setting for making friends may shift as we get busier and more set in our ways. However, being fanatical about our hobbies and actively seeking out others who share those interests can lead to deeper, more lasting friendships. It's essential to go beyond digital connections and make in-person efforts to meet new people. While it may take some trial and error to find the right groups or activities, the investment is worth it for the potential friendships and connections that can be made. Additionally, it's crucial not to approach these interests or groups superficially but to allow for deeper connections to develop. Ultimately, finding and investing in our passions can lead to fulfilling friendships and connections as we age.

    • The value of stepping out of comfort zones for new experiences and connectionsBeing proactive and persistent in social situations can lead to valuable connections and experiences, even if it means stepping out of comfort zones. Follow up with people and don't be afraid to try new things.

      Actively pursuing new activities and social situations can lead to valuable connections and experiences, even if it means stepping out of comfort zones. Mark Ronson shared a story about missing an opportunity to golf with Will Smith and Tiger Woods, which could have resulted in an embarrassing situation but also a potentially memorable experience. He later tried golfing again to network and make friends among successful people, but found he didn't enjoy it. Mark emphasized the importance of persistence and consistency in social settings, as well as the need to follow up with people after initial encounters. He also mentioned the value of reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances. Overall, Mark's experiences highlight the importance of being proactive and persistent in social situations, and the potential rewards of stepping out of comfort zones to meet new people and try new things.

    • The Importance of Generosity and Listening in FriendshipsGenerosity and listening are key to building and maintaining strong friendships. Lead with these actions and enjoy the rewards of lasting connections.

      Building and maintaining friendships can happen over long periods of time, even after decades. Sharing life stories and common experiences can lead to new and meaningful connections. The speaker emphasizes the importance of leading with generosity and listening to others, without expecting anything in return. These actions can help strengthen friendships and make them last. The speaker also notes that it can be difficult to predict which friendships will endure, but those that have stuck have often been characterized by generosity and support from both parties.

    • Friendships come in different levelsFrom acquaintances to honorary family, friendships grow through shared interests, genuine attachment, emotional understanding, and unconditional love.

      Friendships come in various levels, each with its unique characteristics. The first level is formed with acquaintances, people we bump into and share a common interest with. The second level is when we develop a genuine enjoyment and attachment towards someone, which can take years to build. The third level is marked by emotional attachment and a deeper understanding of each other's lives. The fourth level, rare but significant, is when friendships evolve into an honorary family relationship, where history and shared experiences create a bond that transcends shared interests. Real friends, those who reach the upper levels of friendship, hold contradictions and flaws in balance, providing accountability and forgiveness. This unconditional bond approaches a form of love, making it difficult to feel indifference towards them, even when we may not like their actions.

    • The Importance of Friendship According to the Greeks and StudiesFriendship is considered more important than marriage, kids, and jobs for a fulfilling life, yet people often neglect it for romantic partnerships or career pursuits. Prioritize and invest in friendships for happiness and contentment.

      Friendship is a crucial and pure form of love that is more fundamental to our psychology than marriage or romantic relationships. The Greeks believed that the love between friends was the highest form of love due to its lack of baggage. According to various studies, people consider friendship to be more important than marriage, kids, and jobs for a fulfilling life. There are millions of happy, healthy single people in the world, but almost nobody who is friendless and content. Despite its importance, people often sacrifice friendships for their romantic partnerships or career pursuits. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize and invest in friendships, as the wisdom of old man Bernie and Drew's father wisely advises, "If you want a friend, be a friend." By following and reviewing the podcast, listeners can support the hosts and help them bring more content to their ears.

    Recent Episodes from The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast

    The Secret to Success Is... Giving Up?

    The Secret to Success Is... Giving Up?

    A lot of people treat goals like some kind of sacred self-improvement law, where the most important thing you can do is set and achieve your goals.

    But goals are simply tools we use to point us in the right direction. Your goals should serve you—and so you shouldn’t be a slave to some arbitrary goal you set when it’s no longer serving you. So how do you know when a goal is no longer pushing you in the right direction?

    In this episode, I talk about why I gave up a pretty big goal I set at the beginning of the year. I discuss what I think are the criteria you should use when deciding whether to give up on a goal or stick it out.

    We also discuss what we learned from the goals survey we did for podcast viewers and listeners. How many stuck with their goals and how many have moved on? What are the most effective tactics people used to stick to their goals? What are the most important lessons they learned about their goals and themselves?

    Check it out.

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    After a catastrophic parachuting accident ended his military career in the British special forces, Dean Stott couldn't just retire to a quiet life. Instead, he decided to shatter boundaries in entirely new fields.

    These days, when Dean isn't prepping to beat another world record, like a 14,000-mile bike ride in less than 100 days, he's jet-setting around the world rescuing civilians and diplomats alike from war zones.

    In this episode, Dean shares his unique approach to overcoming adversity, managing risk, and staying mentally tough in the most challenging situations. We explore his fascinating experiences from war-torn countries to royal security and the psychological benefits of meticulous planning and mission-driven thinking. Dean also offers a glimpse into how he balances extreme challenges with a grounded personal life.


    The Blue Dot Effect: Why Things Always Seem Worse Than They Are

    The Blue Dot Effect: Why Things Always Seem Worse Than They Are

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    Have you ever wondered why, despite everything seemingly going well, you still feel a nagging sense of dissatisfaction? Well, you’re not alone. This is actually a fascinating psychological phenomenon I call "The Blue Dot Effect". It’s all about how our brains can trick us into seeing problems and negativity even when everything around us is getting better.

    Join me and Drew as we unpack this curious effect and explore how it impacts our everyday lives. From the way we perceive our personal achievements to our overall happiness, the Blue Dot Effect plays a sneaky role in shaping our mindset.

    Let's dig right in.

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    The Harsh Truth About Self-Discipline (ft. Rich Roll)

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    I’ve often wondered if self-discipline is just a way of turning bad addictions into healthy ones. After all, addictions of all kinds are really just an attempt to numb and distract ourselves from facing uncomfortable feelings. Can’t the same be said for healthy behaviors once they reach a level of compulsion?

    I brought Rich Roll on the pod to discuss this idea because, well, he’s a recovered alcoholic who turned into an ultra-endurance athlete in his 40s. Rich is no stranger to reinventing himself, repeatedly leveraging his flaws into virtues.

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    5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

    5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

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    The way you think about the world and your place in it can have a huge impact on your life. And yet, when it comes to evaluating the way we think, we’re rarely able to smell our own bullshit.

    So today, Drew and I break down five different mindsets you can adopt to live a more examined, successful life. This requires you to reject many of the mindless beliefs you’ve been force fed your entire life.

    Let’s do it.

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    Let's be honest: the modern dating landscape is a shit show. From declining marriage rates and rising infidelity to the nightmare of using dating apps—it's brutal out there.

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    I invited dating and relationships coach Sadia Khan on the pod to discuss how the skills we use to excel in modern dating often sabotage long-term happiness.

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    So many people seem to be obsessed with feeling good all the time. They’re always looking for “hacks” to an easier, happier life. But what if the easy way actually makes it harder to have a life full of meaning and purpose?

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    But for Codie, it’s about so much more than the money. Her simple mantra is, “question everything”, and it has given her a unique perspective on life, relationships, and happiness, which we explore here in this week’s pod.

    This was a fun interview, check it out.

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    Exploring the Ancient Philosophy That Doesn’t Give a F*ck (ft. Ryan Holiday)

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    And of course, check out The Tim Ferris Show here, available on all podcasting platforms: https://tim.blog/podcast/

    There’s an ancient philosophy that could actually help you give fewer f*cks, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of it.

    Stoicism has been helping people manage their stress and anxiety for thousands of years and today, it’s more relevant than ever.

    @ryanholiday is the New York Times Bestselling author of multiple books on Stoicism. He believes that Stoicism is the framework that can help you be a normal person in an increasingly crazy world.

    Today’s episode dives into the life-altering benefits of following a philosophy that encourages you to focus on what you can control, and fuck the rest.

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    About this Episode:

    Sometimes does the the hustle and bustle of life leave you feeling like you’re missing something? Do you feel disconnected? Learn how slowing down and developing a reverence and respect for your life can help you feel connected and fulfilled.

    What You'll Learn: 

    • What having reverence for your life looks like
    • How to be more comfortable in your own skin
    • How connections and “finding your tribe” can bring more meaningfulness to your life
    • How to live more intentionally rather than having life live YOU
    • How simplifying things in your life can you bring peace and centeredness
    • And much more

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    134 - God Tier Trolling In The Military ft. Evan Hafer

    134 - God Tier Trolling In The Military ft. Evan Hafer
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    Christmas Greetings!

    Christmas Greetings!

    The Office Ladies are taking this week off to celebrate the holiday with their families, and Jenna is making a fancy panettone! We'll be back January 8th with The Fire.

    For more Office Ladies content, head over to Stitcher Premium for the Office Ladies Candy Bag episodes, where Jenna and Angela answer more fan questions. For a free month of Stitcher Premium use code OFFICE.

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    How to End a Friendship, With Psychologist Miriam Kirmayer

    We're tackling tough friendship scenarios this week with psychologist Miriam Kirmayer, who explains why it's so hard to navigate the norms of friendship and how to peacefully end those connections that are no longer working. Afterward, Dr. Kirmayer answers Upgrade listener- and Lifehacker reader-submitted friendship questions.

    Like the show? Have an idea for a future episode? Call us at 347-687-8109 and leave a voicemail, or write to us at upgrade@lifehacker.com. We want to hear from you!

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