
    Why You Can't Stop Consuming Video Games & Anime | Viewer Interview

    en-usJuly 21, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Dangers of Overusing TechnologyExcessive technology use can hinder personal goals, negatively impact physical health and mental focus, and lead to frustration and anger. Find a balance to avoid these negative consequences.

      The excessive use of a computer or technology can hinder personal goals and lead to frustration and anger if not balanced properly. Dom shared his experience of how his computer use, particularly gaming, was preventing him from achieving his goals in learning bass guitar, skateboarding, and academic pursuits. He also mentioned the negative impact on his physical health and mental focus, leading to frustration and anger that would often explode into anger towards various things, including his parents, politics, and video games. Prior to the computer, he mentioned a simpler device like a phone, which could only do voice chat and texts, as a more helpful and less distracting alternative. The key takeaway is that it's essential to find a balance between technology use and personal goals to avoid the negative consequences of excessive use.

    • Video games as a coping mechanism and potential hindranceExcessive use of video games can hinder personal growth and relationships, but understanding the root causes of our behaviors can lead to self-reflection and growth.

      Video games can serve as a coping mechanism for individuals, but they can also hinder personal growth and relationships when used excessively. Don discussed how he uses video games to avoid pursuing goals and socializing, which has led him to feel frustrated and disconnected from his potential. The root of his anger towards video games and other triggers may stem from deeper emotional issues. The conversation also touched upon the origins of goals and how our minds determine what we want to accomplish. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of self-reflection and understanding the underlying causes of our behaviors and emotions.

    • Struggling with Balance: Passion for Hobbies vs. Social ConnectionsPassion for hobbies can lead to isolation and missed opportunities for social engagement and physical activity, creating a sense of unease and shame.

      The speaker's deep involvement in video games, manga, and anime has led to a sense of isolation and a struggle to balance these interests with social connections and personal goals. The speaker's passion for these hobbies has caused friction and feelings of shame, particularly during high school and college, where social pressures to party and fit in were strong. The speaker describes a compulsive need to consume these media forms, leading to missed opportunities for physical activity and social engagement. This pattern has persisted throughout the speaker's life, causing a sense of unease and a feeling that they are missing out on experiences. The speaker's intense engagement with these hobbies can border on addiction, with the inability to pause or stop consuming the content even when it interferes with other aspects of their life.

    • Compulsion to immerse in media leads to neglect of other aspects of lifeSpeaker's excessive media consumption causes disconnection from social circle, regret for lost time, and a desire for balance.

      The speaker experiences a strong compulsion to immerse himself in anime, video games, or other forms of media to the point of neglecting other aspects of his life. He describes this experience as primal and hedonistic, and during these periods, he becomes disconnected from his social circle and even feels anger towards them for not reaching out to him. When he eventually emerges from his media binge, he feels a sense of self-loathing and regret for the time he's lost. The speaker attributes this behavior to a lack of structure in his life due to cancelled workouts and school, which left him with an abundance of free time. He acknowledges that this behavior is problematic and expresses a desire to find a balance between his media consumption and his social and physical well-being.

    • The Speaker's Love for Gaming Consumes HimDespite recognizing potential negative consequences, the speaker struggles to balance gaming with responsibilities and social connections.

      The speaker's love for entertainment, particularly video games, often consumes him to the point of neglecting other important aspects of his life, such as sleep and social interactions. He acknowledges the potential unhealthy consequences of these binges, especially for young people, but finds it difficult to balance his passion with his responsibilities and social connections. The speaker also expresses a desire to be part of social circles that revolve around parties, despite not being a partier himself. He values his close-knit family and their shared love for gaming, but recognizes the need for a healthier balance between entertainment and other aspects of life.

    • Regretting Time Spent on Video Games During Tough ChildhoodOver-reliance on video games during a challenging childhood left Don feeling empty and drained, wishing he had spent time on more enriching hobbies or activities.

      The speaker, Don, expresses regret over the significant amount of time he spent on video games during his youth, particularly during a difficult period in his life following his parents' divorce. He feels that this time could have been better spent on hobbies or activities that would have enriched his life rather than leaving him feeling empty or drained. He acknowledges that video games in moderation are not a problem for him, but his binges have led him to feel as though he has wasted valuable time. Don's parents' divorce left him feeling helpless and misunderstood, leading him to throw himself into video games as an escape. He watched movies and consumed media obsessively as well. Don's understanding of his parents' divorce was limited as a child, but he recognized that both parents had their issues and felt that the situation was not good. He didn't see either parent as a hero or a villain, but rather as flawed individuals going through a difficult time.

    • The speaker's turbulent childhood due to their parents' divorceDivorce can emotionally scar children, highlighting the importance of open communication and emotional support during the process.

      The speaker's childhood was marked by the turbulence of their parents' divorce, which led to a series of moves and a general sense of unease and instability. The speaker recalls feeling confused and upset by the fact that their parents couldn't reconcile and be together for their sake. The physical and emotional upheaval of the divorce and its aftermath left a lasting impact on the speaker, who longed for a sense of normalcy and stability. Despite the challenges, the speaker's parents provided for their basic needs and ensured they attended school. However, there was a lack of meaningful communication between the speaker and their parents during this time. The speaker also expressed disapproval of their father's excessive gaming and wished for more engagement and connection within their family. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the emotional toll that divorce can take on children and the importance of open communication and emotional support during difficult times.

    • Engaging in conflicts with children builds stronger relationshipsConflicts with children can lead to stronger relationships if handled effectively, preventing bigger issues in the future.

      Engaging in conflicts with children, even if it's to understand their perspectives, can help build stronger relationships and prevent bigger issues in the future. The speaker shares an example from his childhood where his father's involvement in arguments between his siblings led to smoother aftermaths and potentially avoided conflicts. However, the speaker acknowledges that every family is unique, and it's essential to remember that parents, like people, are not perfect. The speaker's father, despite his flaws and financial instability, provided for his family and gave the speaker an amazing childhood. The speaker expresses gratitude for his father's efforts, even though he could have done better in certain aspects. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of communication and understanding in family relationships, even when faced with challenges.

    • Unexpected bonds of love and acceptanceLove and acceptance can come from unexpected places, transcending racial and social differences. Parents' influence on children's lives is significant, and love and acceptance can lead to strong, meaningful relationships.

      Love and acceptance can come from the most unexpected places, transcending racial and social differences. The speaker shares a unique bond with a man who is not his biological father, yet he cherishes him deeply. This man, a white 5'10" nerd, has embraced the speaker, a 6'3" black guy, as his son, and their relationship is filled with love and respect. The speaker acknowledges the challenges that come with such a family situation, but he refuses to let go of the love that has been given to him. He also expresses gratitude towards his biological parents, especially his mother, who pushed him to pursue his dreams despite the difficulties. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of love, acceptance, and the significant impact that parents can have on their children's lives.

    • Understanding the impact of external circumstances on personal growthRecognize and address unhealthy habits, focus on personal growth, and understand the impact of external circumstances on your motivations and internal resolution.

      Living a divided life between your internal and external experiences can hinder personal growth. The speaker acknowledges the privileged upbringing of the interviewee, but emphasizes that even if a parent gets away with unhealthy behaviors, they can still negatively impact their children. The challenge for the interviewee is to understand the impact of their father's actions on their own life and work towards internal resolution. The speaker encourages the interviewee to examine their motivations, such as their desire to play bass guitar, and focus on personal growth rather than dwelling on external circumstances. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing unhealthy habits, no matter how ingrained they may be. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness and personal responsibility in overcoming challenges and achieving growth.

    • Teenage years and musical discoveryThe speaker's musical journey was shaped by peer pressure, self-discovery, and a friend's encouragement. She went through different musical phases, leading her to find her passion for the bass guitar.

      The speaker's exploration of music and identity was influenced by various factors, including peer pressure and self-discovery. During her teenage years, she went through different musical phases, leading her to discover her love for the bass guitar. Her best friend's father's encouragement solidified her decision to learn to play the bass. Additionally, the speaker's upbringing and early exposure to various addictive substances may have contributed to her spending excessive time on the computer, potentially due to an addictive response and internal conflicts.

    • Impact of early substance use on quitting later in lifeIdentifying societal vs personal goals, addressing underlying causes of emotions, and addressing habits and dopamine levels can help overcome addiction and make progress towards personal goals.

      The age at which one starts using substances like marijuana can significantly impact the difficulty of quitting later in life. Additionally, there's a conflict within oneself when choosing between different goals, which may not truly be one's own. Introspection about the origins of one's goals and identifying societal versus personal goals can help in achieving them. Furthermore, habits and dopamine levels play a role in addiction and need to be addressed. Lastly, anger and frustration can stem from not meeting societal or personal expectations, and in the case of the speaker, a struggle with porn addiction contributes to these feelings. It's important to acknowledge and address these underlying causes to overcome the associated emotions and make progress towards personal goals.

    • Every choice matters, even the small onesRecognize that small setbacks can add up, prioritize progress towards goals, and address underlying emotions to move forward.

      Every choice we make, no matter how small, has an impact on our progress towards our goals. A weekend spent playing video games may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it can set us back significantly in the short term. Our brains are wired to prioritize long-term goals over short-term gains, making it easy to procrastinate and put off important tasks. However, it's essential to recognize that the cost of small setbacks can add up over time. To achieve our dreams, we need to be mindful of our actions and prioritize progress towards our goals consistently. Additionally, it's important to address any underlying emotions, such as anger or sadness, that may be hindering our progress. By acknowledging and addressing these emotions, we can move forward with a clearer mind and a renewed sense of purpose.

    • Growing up with Divorced Parents: Jealousy, Sadness, and Longing for StabilityGrowing up with divorced parents can cause feelings of jealousy, sadness, and a longing for stability and reassurance of parental love. These experiences can have lasting impacts and society's bias towards individual happiness in divorce may not fully acknowledge the potential harm it can cause children.

      The experience of growing up with divorced parents can lead to feelings of jealousy, sadness, and a longing for stability and reassurance of parental love. The speaker shares specific examples of these feelings, including the pain of moving between parents' homes and the lack of a unified family unit. These experiences can have lasting impacts, and the speaker expresses a belief that society's bias towards individual happiness in divorce may not fully acknowledge the potential harm it can cause children. The speaker also shares a sense of sadness over missing out on the example of a loving, stable marriage that a united family could provide. Despite these challenges, the speaker also expresses gratitude for the supportive families outside of their own that have provided a sense of stability and connection.

    • Acknowledging feelings during the holiday seasonDuring the holiday season, focusing on self-awareness and authenticity can help improve overall well-being, even amidst potential strains on relationships and feelings of disappointment.

      The holiday season can bring about a lot of pain and frustration for some people, leading to feelings of being trapped and unable to please everyone involved. This can result in strained relationships and even the need to set limits or spend the holidays alone. Acknowledging these feelings and focusing on being true to oneself in daily life can help improve overall well-being. Additionally, setting realistic goals and considering who we want to be each day can lead to a more fulfilling and connected experience. However, it's important to remember that even with genuine connections, there can still be moments of disappointment and feelings of disconnection, which can be challenging to navigate. Overall, the holiday season can be a complex and emotional time, but acknowledging and addressing our feelings can help us navigate it more effectively.

    • Understanding the complexities of mental health strugglesRecognizing the stages of mental health struggles, seeking help, and addressing feelings of not wanting to exist are crucial for coping and recovery.

      Mental health struggles, such as suicidality, can be a deeply complex and dangerous experience. It's important to recognize the various stages and understand that every step is crucial. The speaker shares their personal experience of feeling trapped in a dark place, where they didn't want to wake up or fall asleep, and how writing has helped them cope. They describe the feeling of not wanting to exist, rather than wanting to kill themselves. The sensation of needing a physical sensation to ground themselves is also mentioned. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing these feelings and seeking help when needed. Additionally, they share how watching a stream about suicidality helped them understand the quickness of the decision-making process around suicide and the potential role of alcohol in exacerbating these thoughts. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing mental health struggles and seeking support when needed.

    • Feeling the Urge to EscapeThe speaker has had a persistent desire to escape from their situation since high school, manifesting in various ways due to feelings of isolation and misunderstanding. This theme has continued throughout their life due to various reasons including family dynamics, race, and physical appearance.

      The speaker has experienced feelings of wanting to escape from their situation since a young age. This desire to escape manifested in various ways, such as wishing for a car accident or indulging in unhealthy habits. The first conscious thought of wanting to escape was during high school when the speaker felt isolated and misunderstood after a track meet. Throughout their life, there have been numerous instances where they didn't want their current situation, including their family dynamics, race, and physical appearance. These feelings have persisted and have been a recurring theme in their life.

    • Navigating conflicting parts of ourselvesUnderstanding who we truly are is a journey, not just about what we want to be, recognizing impulsive thoughts of self-harm is essential, and seeking help when needed is important.

      Identity and self-discovery involve navigating the conflicting parts of ourselves. Don shared his experiences of wanting to be different things and feeling stuck between two worlds. While I agree that it's natural to have desires, I believe that the journey is about understanding who we truly are, not just what we want to be. This can be a challenging process, and for some, it may involve seeking help from professionals. It's essential to take thoughts of self-harm seriously, but also recognize that they can be impulsive and a manifestation of deeper emotions. Ultimately, we are complex beings, and it's part of the human experience to grapple with our diverse sides.

    • Reflecting on Past Experiences for Healthy RelationshipsReflecting on past emotional patterns and experiences is crucial for building healthy relationships. Focus on personal growth, practice self-discovery, and seek therapy if needed.

      Working on past experiences and understanding emotional patterns is essential for building healthy relationships. The speaker shares their personal experience of feeling abandoned and the importance of addressing it before entering into a romantic relationship. They also express the value of talking about these experiences in a cohesive way, which they found difficult before. The speaker is unsure if they want a specific plan or just to continue discussing, but they acknowledge the benefits of therapy and the importance of self-discovery. They believe that the key to personal growth lies within themselves and that they don't want to be someone they're not. The speaker expresses their appreciation for the conversation and the sense of understanding they received from the listener. They encourage the listener to focus on growing as a person rather than striving for specific goals and to deal with negative emotions through thoughtful and attentive methods like journaling, therapy, or talking to a coach.

    • Having open conversations with parents about balance and hobbiesApproach conversations without judgment, reflect on priorities, and strive for growth and self-improvement while lifting others up.

      Having open and honest conversations with your parents about your struggles with balance in life, including the role of hobbies and productivity, can lead to deeper connections and understanding. It's important to approach these conversations without judgment and to be prepared for potential resistance. Additionally, reflecting on who you want to be each day and prioritizing your time accordingly can help you make the most of your days and find balance in your life. Remember, it's okay to not always be the person you want to be, but to keep striving towards growth and self-improvement. And finally, the mentality of a "gigachad" is about lifting others up and supporting each other in our shared journey on this planet.

    • Embrace the present moment, not the end goalFocus on being present and authentic, not trying to be someone else or constantly striving for the future

      Being a "gigachad" isn't about trying to be someone you're not or striving for a long-term goal at the expense of the present moment. Instead, it's about embracing who you are in the present and dedicating yourself fully to the current moment. The speaker encourages letting go of the desire to be at the end of the story and instead focusing on the actions we take today. He suggests practicing meditation to help understand that what we see in the mirror isn't who we truly are and to question what aspects of ourselves we may be rejecting. Remember, the goal isn't to be someone else or to constantly strive for an unreachable end, but to be present and authentic in each moment.

    • Emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and introspectionRecognize and accept your true self through daily self-reflection, take responsibility for personal growth, and seek positive influences for inspiration.

      Self-reflection and introspection are essential practices for personal growth. Dom Windu, during his conversation, emphasized the importance of recognizing and accepting one's true self. He suggested using the mirror as a tool for meditation and self-reflection, asking oneself daily if the person looking back is truly who they are. Additionally, Dom encouraged taking responsibility for becoming the best version of oneself, not just for personal growth but also for inspiring others. He acknowledged the importance of community support and the impact of positive influences. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and personal responsibility in the journey of self-improvement.

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    PS - don't let no one steal yo sunshine! 

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