
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Individuality and Open-MindednessBe true to oneself, even if it goes against societal norms. Embrace individuality and be open-minded to new experiences and perspectives.

      Key takeaway from this episode of Whiskey Ginger is the importance of embracing individuality and being open-minded. The host's conversation with Yan Popp, also known as Jan Papas, showcases their unique friendship and Jan's fluid identity. They discuss their shared experiences and the importance of being true to oneself, even if it goes against societal norms. The conversation also includes some humor and lighthearted moments, but the underlying message is one of acceptance and understanding. The episode also touches on the topic of COVID safety measures and the release of new vaccine versions. Overall, this episode highlights the importance of being true to oneself and embracing individuality, even in the face of adversity.

    • Friendship and SuspicionSpeaker expresses distrust towards a friend, suspecting him of being a criminal and planning a hideaway, while also sharing comedic moments from their recording session and acknowledging the complex emotions behind the Capitol protests.

      During a podcast recording, the speaker expressed her distrust towards a friend, whom she nicknamed "helmet head," due to his lack of dance ability and questionable behavior. She shared her suspicion that he was a criminal trying to hide, and revealed that he had shown her a house he was planning to buy, far upstate New York, as a potential hideaway. The speaker also shared some comedic moments from their recording session, including her own inability to maintain a consistent sitting position during the interview. However, she also expressed her concern about the events at the Capitol, acknowledging the anger and frustration behind the protests but focusing on the comedic aspects for her as a comedian. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of friendship, trust, and the unexpected nature of human behavior.

    • People cling to conspiracy theories for answers despite their absurdityDespite their absurdity, conspiracy theories provide validation for believers and can cause harm

      People hold onto conspiracy theories due to a belief in chaos and a desire for answers, no matter how flawed or unrealistic they may be. The speaker fondly recalled a funny moment from a failed wall climb during a protest, which he compared to the absurdity of some conspiracy theories, including those about Hillary Clinton being a shape-shifter or cannibal. He acknowledged knowing people who believe in such theories and expressed that while they may seem ridiculous, believers find validation in their versions of reality, just as some may believe COVID-19 causes hearing loss or impotence. The speaker found the situation amusing, but also recognized the potential harm these beliefs can cause.

    • Fears and Rumors During the COVID-19 PandemicThe COVID-19 pandemic has sparked numerous fears and rumors, including false claims about erectile dysfunction and homosexuality. These fears can impact our lives and experiences, as shown in a conversation about ghost hunting and personal weight gain.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has led to various rumors and fears, including the false claim that it can cause erectile dysfunction or turn people gay. These fears can manifest in our lives, as the speaker humorously illustrates with his fascination with ghost hunting and pranks. The speaker also shares his personal experience of gaining weight during the pandemic and how it affected him. The conversation then shifts to discussing where ghost hunting equipment comes from and the speaker's admiration for Zach Bagans, a well-known ghost hunter. The conversation ends with the speaker making observations about racial differences in attitudes towards the supernatural. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of our thoughts and fears in shaping our experiences.

    • Fear of loneliness driving strange behaviorsPeople may go to great lengths to overcome fear of loneliness, including building never-ending houses or investigating the paranormal, and these experiences can provide a sense of connection and understanding.

      Fear of loneliness can lead people to extreme lengths, even to the point of building a never-ending house or investigating the paranormal. Sarah and her friend visited the Winchester Mystery House, a place known for its strange architecture and tragic history. The woman who built the house was so afraid of being alone that she kept hiring contractors to add rooms, even after the death of her loved ones. Similarly, some people, like the hosts of Ghost Adventures, are drawn to the unknown and the paranormal, often facing their fears head-on. However, the authenticity of their experiences is subjective and open to interpretation. The vagueness of mediums' messages and the entertainment value of paranormal shows can make people believe and connect with them on a personal level. Ultimately, whether one believes in the supernatural or not, the human desire to connect and overcome fear is a universal experience.

    • Healing Family RelationshipsDespite complexities and past conflicts, family relationships can be healed and reconnected as people grow older.

      Family relationships can be complex and fraught with challenges, but they can also be reconnected and healed as people grow older and overcome their past conflicts. The speaker in this conversation shared a story about his mother and her estranged sister, and how they were able to reconnect despite a long period of not speaking. The conversation also touched on the themes of performing, comedy, and the role of props in entertainment. The speakers mused that some comedians, like Jeff Dunham, are able to sell out arenas with their acts, while others, like themselves, rely on their wit and improvisation. They also discussed the idea that some preachers can be compared to club comics and arena comics, with the former being more experimental and the latter selling out large venues. Overall, the conversation explored the idea that people and performers can find success in different ways, and that family relationships can be a source of both pain and joy.

    • The Power of Belief in HypnosisBelief and suggestion can significantly impact our perceptions and actions, making us more susceptible to influence in situations like hypnosis, religious beliefs, placebo studies, or creating fears. Use this power responsibly.

      The power of suggestion and belief can significantly influence our perceptions and actions. The discussion revolves around the hypnotic process and how people can get lost in it, similar to how they can get drawn into belief systems or cults. The hypnotist at the high school used the stage and the willingness of participants to be hypnotized to his advantage, and once they started to believe, they became more susceptible to his influence. This concept can be applied to various situations, such as religious beliefs, placebo studies, or even creating fears. The power of the mind is an amazing thing, and it can create or manifest realities based on our beliefs. It's essential to be aware of this influence and use it responsibly.

    • The speaker reflects on her complex relationships and unique perspectiveDespite identifying challenges in her relationships towards Jewish and Muslim communities, the speaker finds common ground and uses her unique perspective as a redhead and former shy Greek kid to excel in comedy.

      Self-reflection revealed that the speaker considers herself to be her own worst enemy, with complex relationships towards the Jewish and Muslim communities. The speaker identifies with the character Samantha from Sex and the City and Cynthia Nixon, who ran for governor of New York in 2018. The speaker believes that being a redhead gives her a unique perspective and ability to excel in comedy. She also shares her experiences of being a shy Greek kid and the challenges of being different. The speaker acknowledges the positive and negative aspects of Greek history, including the ancient Greek practice of pedophilia, and emphasizes the importance of taking the good with the bad. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's introspective nature, her sense of humor, and her ability to find common ground with others despite differences.

    • Comparing the Irish and the Wasps, the speaker highlights their mutual disdain and misunderstandingPower and wealth can sometimes lead to deceit and corruption, as seen in the Irish-Wasp rivalry and the 'Sour Grapes' documentary

      Throughout history, powerful empires have been marred by scandals and controversies, including instances of unusual behavior. The speaker draws an analogy between the Irish and the Wasps, suggesting that the Irish are often underestimated and then despised when their true nature is revealed. The Irish, in turn, dislike the Wasps for their perceived snobbery and superiority. The speaker also recommends watching the documentary "Sour Grapes," which explores the story of a man who successfully infiltrated the world of wine snobbery by selling fake, expensive wine to unsuspecting collectors. This anecdote serves as a reminder that power and wealth can sometimes lead to deceit and corruption. Despite the speaker's joking tone, the underlying message is that human nature, regardless of culture or social status, is prone to both great achievements and great falls.

    • Taika Waititi's Unique Comedy ProjectsTalented filmmaker Taika Waititi creates engaging, entertaining content with unique projects like 'What We Do in the Shadows' and 'Jojo Rabbit', featuring impressive casts and self-deprecating humor.

      Taika Waititi is a talented comedian and filmmaker known for his unique projects, such as "What We Do in the Shadows" and "Jojo Rabbit." These works, which include vampires in Staten Island and a young boy's imaginary friend Hitler, have gained critical acclaim and impressive casts. Waititi's comedy style is often self-deprecating and humorous, making for engaging and entertaining content. Despite some controversial topics, his work is considered brilliant and thought-provoking. Additionally, Waititi's wife, Annie Letterman, often appears in his projects, along with other notable actors like Kalista Flockhart, Oprah, and Hannibal Buress.

    • Discover products to boost your well-beingLiquid IV for hydration, Headspace for meditation, and Squarespace for website creation enhance overall wellness with convenient, effective solutions

      There are several products and services that can help improve your overall well-being, from hydration to meditation and website creation. Liquid IV is a hydration solution that offers more vitamins and minerals than fruits, with clean, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, and allergen-free ingredients. It's a delicious way to boost your water intake and comes with the added bonus of the company donating millions of servings to those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Headspace is a meditation app that offers guided sessions to help reduce stress, improve focus, and sleep better, making it easier to build a mindfulness practice from the comfort of your own home. Lastly, Squarespace is a platform for creating websites and online stores, offering beautiful templates, marketing tools, and 24/7 customer support to help you build and launch your online presence. Whether you're looking to hydrate better, meditate more effectively, or create a new website, these products and services can make a significant difference in your daily life.

    • The Authenticity and Community of PodcastsPodcasts provide a unique and engaging experience for audiences, with their comedic nature, high-profile hosts, and community aspect making them a popular and growing form of entertainment.

      Podcasts are a popular and growing form of entertainment that allows for more freedom and authenticity than other media. The comedic nature of podcasts is a significant draw for listeners, and the increasing number of high-profile individuals entering the podcasting world is beneficial for the industry. The community aspect of podcasts is also highlighted, with listeners engaging in discussions and sharing experiences. However, the conversation veered into a humorous yet inappropriate direction, discussing eating preferences based on comedians' bodies and making insensitive comments about certain communities. While the intention was likely to be lighthearted, it's important to remember that such comments can be hurtful and offensive. Overall, podcasts offer a unique and engaging experience for audiences, and their popularity is a positive sign for the future of entertainment.

    • Connecting with younger generationsUnderstanding and appreciating differences in opinions and tastes between generations can lead to valuable experiences and a deeper appreciation for the evolution of art.

      While it's natural for older generations to have differing opinions on trends and popular culture, it's important to make an effort to understand and connect with younger generations rather than dismissing them outright. This can lead to valuable experiences and a deeper appreciation for the evolution of music and other forms of art. For instance, the speaker acknowledges that he dislikes Kanye West's shoe designs, but recognizes the appeal they hold for younger audiences. Similarly, he expresses frustration with the current state of music, but also acknowledges the technological advancements that have allowed for new and innovative sounds. Ultimately, the speaker is trying to avoid being dismissive and closed-minded, and instead, is making an effort to engage with and learn from younger generations.

    • Respecting older generations and their consentMaintain respect for older generations, prioritize their consent, and find joy in simple things during challenging times.

      Respect for older generations and their consent is an important value that should not be overlooked. This was discussed in the context of a comedian's bit about calling older people by their correct names and waiting for their permission. The speaker also shared his personal experience with SNL and the contract he signed that gave Lorne Michaels ownership of his words, leading to a humorous observation about being a "highest paid slave." Despite the challenges and pressures of working in the entertainment industry, the speaker emphasized the importance of maintaining a sense of normalcy and finding joy in simple things, like Sebastian Maniscalco's Instagram account, during difficult times.

    • Appreciation for Michael Che's Weekend Update and the power of comedy to address controversial topicsMichael Che's Weekend Update brings people together through light-hearted commentary on controversial topics, but making jokes about current events and politicians comes with challenges and limitations.

      The speaker expresses a deep appreciation for Michael Che's comedy, particularly Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live. They believe Che's ability to make light of controversial topics brings people together and should have more poignancy in other sketches. The speaker also discusses the challenges of making jokes about current events and politicians, expressing concerns about limitations on what is considered acceptable to joke about. They reflect on the irony of a world that takes itself too seriously and the potential for future segregation. The speaker also shares their enjoyment of Dave Chappelle's comedy during their experience with COVID-19. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of comedy to address difficult topics and bring people together.

    • Creators Thrive with Freedom to Produce Their WorkAllowing creators like Larry David and Louis C.K. to write, edit, and direct their own shows without interference leads to the best possible outcome, as their unique vision and creativity shine through. Networks should support and help construct, not dictate every aspect of the project.

      Creators, such as comedians, thrive when given the freedom to produce their work without excessive interference. Larry David and Louis C.K. are examples of this, as they were allowed to write, edit, and direct their own shows without being given notes or micromanaged by networks. This approach allows creators to build their projects based on their unique vision and creativity, leading to the best possible outcome. The audience ultimately serves as the critic, providing real-time feedback through their reactions and reviews. It's important for networks to understand that their role is to support and help construct the creator's vision, rather than dictating every aspect of the project. Additionally, comedy journalists, who may be seen as low-level and insignificant, are not necessary for the success of a comedian or a comedy show. The true test comes from the audience's response in real time.

    • Embrace the unknown and take risksCommitting to unconventional paths and taking risks can lead to great success. Be open to new experiences and seize opportunities, even if they're uncertain or uncomfortable.

      Committing to something, even if it involves a lie or an unconventional path, can lead to great success. The speaker shares an anecdote about two people, one of whom became successful by embracing a false identity. He encourages the listener to be ready to take risks and seize opportunities, even if they're uncertain or uncomfortable. The speaker also reflects on his own experiences, sharing stories about his athletic past and a memorable encounter in high school. He emphasizes the importance of taking chances and making the most of life's opportunities, even if they involve elements of revenge or personal satisfaction. Overall, the message is to embrace the unknown and be willing to take risks in order to achieve great things.

    • Friends' differing views on dating exes and personal boundariesPeople have diverse opinions on relationships and boundaries, and it's essential to respect each other's perspectives, even if they differ. Comedians face unique expectations in expressing themselves, and living in a free country allows for the freedom to express, even if offensive.

      People have different perspectives and rules when it comes to relationships and personal boundaries. The speaker, Ridd, shares an anecdote about his friend Piggy, who had a more relaxed attitude towards dating friends' exes. Ridd strongly disagreed with this approach and drew a firm line. However, Piggy, being larger and stronger, could have enforced his perspective physically if he wanted to. The conversation also touched on the topic of cancel culture and the double standards applied to comedians, particularly regarding offensive language. The speaker expressed frustration over the expectation for comedians to apologize for their words, while others, like Eddie Murphy, are not held to the same standard. The conversation ended with a reflection on the role of comedy and the importance of living in a free country where people can express themselves, even if it means saying things that might be considered wrong or offensive.

    • Negative feelings towards FranceThe speaker harbors intense negative emotions towards France due to past experiences of disrespect and cultural misunderstandings, and expresses a desire to never return.

      The speaker expresses strong negative feelings towards France, citing past experiences of being treated like an idiot and being disrespected due to mispronunciations and cultural misunderstandings. The speaker expresses a desire to never return to France and a belief that they are owed better treatment due to their ancestors helping the country during World War II. The conversation also touches on the speaker's plans to run for president as the President of the Proud Boys and their willingness to move to Austin, Texas, due to its welcoming atmosphere. Overall, the conversation reveals the speaker's intense emotions towards France and their longing for a place where they feel appreciated and accepted.

    • Navigating the New Normal: Lockdowns vs. No LockdownsThe COVID-19 pandemic has brought about changes in daily life, with conflicting feelings about lockdowns and not locking down, normalization of masks, and acceptance of the pandemic as a part of life.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented changes in our daily lives, leaving many feeling disoriented and uncertain. Despite the ongoing uncertainty, some states have kept their shops open with mask-wearing and restrictions in place. The speaker shares conflicting feelings about the effectiveness of lockdowns versus not locking down, using examples of high-population states like California and Texas. The pandemic has also led to a normalization of wearing masks and a shift in fears, with COVID-19 being the primary concern over previous fears like bed bugs. The speaker also shares a personal update, mentioning that they and someone they know have had COVID-19 and have started a podcast about it. The overall sentiment is one of acceptance and understanding that the pandemic is a part of life, and people should be open about their experiences to help others feel less alone.

    • Joe Rogan's Influence and AuthenticityJoe Rogan's down-to-earth personality and authentic interview style have led to a significant impact, with guests adopting his interests and traditional late-night shows facing declining ratings due to the convenience of on-demand streaming services.

      Joe Rogan, known for his influence and down-to-earth personality, has remained the same person despite his wealth and success. Unlike some others, he hasn't let fame and money change him into a monster. Rogan's interview style and podcast have had a significant impact, leading some guests to adopt his interests, such as UFC, meat consumption, and smoking. His influence extends beyond his fans, as shown by the declining ratings of traditional late-night shows like The Tonight Show. The convenience of on-demand streaming services has shifted the way people consume media, making appointment viewing a thing of the past. Rogan's show, which offers a more authentic and engaging experience, continues to attract a large audience.

    • Shifting power in entertainment: Creators overtake gatekeepersCreators with authentic and unique content thrive, while those without struggle in a saturated market. Authenticity and insight are key to successful entertainment.

      The entertainment industry is evolving, and the power is shifting from traditional gatekeepers to creators. This was highlighted in a discussion about the changing landscape of comedy and podcasting. The speakers expressed concern for those without unique and authentic content, as the market becomes saturated with new shows and ideas. They praised new podcasts like "I Am Athlete," where ex-NFL players share candid insights into their experiences, and criticized the stifling regulations of the past. The speakers reminisced about the freedom they had as comedians, and lamented the loss of that freedom in more scripted and controlled media. Ultimately, they emphasized the importance of authenticity and insight in entertainment, and encouraged creators to provide unique perspectives and truths, rather than just following trends.

    • Perception of Reality and AuthenticityOur perception of reality can be influenced by media, but it's important to remember that people are complex and authenticity matters. Challenge preconceived notions and broaden horizons.

      Our perception of reality can be influenced by the environments and cultures we're exposed to. The way people speak and present themselves on television, for instance, can shape our expectations of how people should behave and communicate in real life. However, as the speaker shared, not everyone talks or acts like they do on TV. The importance of authenticity and individuality was emphasized, as well as the need to challenge preconceived notions and broaden our horizons. The discussion also touched upon the inflexibility of certain societal norms and the impact they can have on individuals, such as the pressure to conform to certain roles or expectations. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that people are complex and multifaceted, and their experiences and expressions should not be limited by external factors.

    • The Importance of Focusing on Our Own LivesFocus on personal growth and enjoy life, as insignificant rituals and conspiracy theories shouldn't consume our energy or emotions.

      People place significant importance on various rituals and traditions, such as gender reveal parties, despite their insignificance in the grand scheme of things. The speaker argues that everyone should focus on their own lives and not worry about what others are doing. He also shares his thoughts on the rapid development and distribution of vaccines, expressing skepticism towards conspiracy theories. Ultimately, the speaker encourages everyone to enjoy life and make the most of it, as no one will remember us in the future. The conversation also touches on topics like plaque psoriasis, herpes, and the economy. The speaker's tone is lighthearted and humorous, but the underlying message is to not let trivial matters cause unnecessary anger or stress.

    • Respect for Childbirth and New LifeBoth men and women value the experience of childbirth and the creation of new life, with a desire for primary caregiving and respect for women. Some unconventional practices, like consuming the placenta, are discussed with awe and playful banter.

      Both men and women share a profound respect for the experience of childbirth and the creation of new life. The speaker expresses a desire to be the primary caregiver and experiences a new level of respect for women who carry and give birth to children. The conversation also touches on the topic of unconventional practices, such as consuming the placenta, which some people believe has health benefits. The speakers engage in a playful banter, naming famous figures who are rumored to have practiced this. Overall, the conversation highlights the awe and respect for the natural process of childbirth and the bond between parents and their children.

    • A heartwarming conversation between the podcast host and his guestDespite the challenges of the post-COVID world, the importance of connection, positivity, and self-care were emphasized in a heartwarming podcast episode.

      The warmth and positivity that was shared between the podcast host and his guest. The host expressed his love and appreciation for his guest, and they both acknowledged the importance of staying healthy and safe in the current post-COVID world. The conversation ended on a sweet note, with the host stepping off camera and allowing his guest to share a farewell message. Throughout the conversation, there were references to simple pleasures, such as a good whiskey and the spiciness of ginger, which added to the overall relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The episode concluded with the host's signature sign-off, emphasizing the presence and impact of their guest. Overall, the conversation was a reminder of the importance of connection and positivity, even in the midst of challenges.

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    Brian Simpson
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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos

    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
    The Greek Boys are in the studio! Yannis Pappas & John Stamos teamed up in a triumphant return to the show. This one was wild! Sit back and enjoy! #johnstamos #yannispappas #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS TWILLORY PROMO CODE: WHISKEY18 https://twillory.com RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT PXG GOLF PROMO CODE: WHISKEY for SAVINGS! https://pxg.com BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey VIATOR PROMO CODE: VIATOR10 DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://viator.com ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
    Gary Owen, a master of laughter, brings a unique blend of humor that resonates across diverse audiences. Known for his sharp wit and relatable stories, Gary's journey from sailor to stand-up sensation showcases his ability to connect with everyone from small comedy clubs to large theaters. His appearances in films and TV, alongside his acclaimed specials, mark him as a comedic force who turns everyday observations into comedy gold. #garyowen #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey MANDO $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://shopmando.com USE PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOORDASH PROMO CODE: WHISKEY25 For 25% OFF YOUR ORDER DOWNLOAD THE APP! RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT MAGIC MIND SPECIAL OFFER https://magicmind.com/whiskeyginger ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    DM is Anthony Burch

    Darryl Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Henry Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Ron Stampler is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Jodie Foster is Jimmy Wong (@jfwong)

    Glenn Close is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song by Maxton Waller

    Courtney Thérond is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Drew and enya discuss putting Shane Dawson in jail, mr beast’s flop era and drews hatred for koalas Visit https://BetterHelp.com/INTERCOM today to get 10% off your first month. Go to https://Zocdoc. com/INTERCOM and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. Many are available within 24 hours. Follow Enya on Insta: @EnyaUmanzor Follow Drew on Insta: @DrewPhillips09 To listen to the podcast on YouTube: bit.ly/EmergencyIntercomPodYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: bit.ly/EmergencyIntercom If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: bit.ly/EmergencyIntercom Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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