
    Podcast Summary

    • Taking accountability for actions promotes positive mental healthAccountability leads to improved mental health and reduced anxiety/depression, while avoiding it can negatively impact well-being. The Oz Principle encourages problem identification, ownership, and resolution.

      Accountability is a crucial aspect of personal growth and mental well-being. When we take responsibility for our actions and the consequences that follow, we live "above the line," promoting positive mental health and reducing the likelihood of anxiety and depression. Conversely, avoiding accountability and blaming external factors for our problems keeps us "below the line," potentially leading to mental health issues. The Oz Principle, a concept inspired by the Wizard of Oz, encourages us to identify, own, and solve our problems instead of shifting blame. By doing so, we can make amends, learn from our mistakes, and improve our overall quality of life. Additionally, I'd like to introduce a new tool for those who struggle with sleeping: the Amazon Echo's guided sleep skill. Proper sleep is essential for maintaining optimal health and productivity, and this skill can help users achieve a restful night.

    • Improve your sleep with Guided Sleep skill on Alexa and join Everyday Positivity with Kate CockerImprove sleep with calming audio from Guided Sleep skill and connect with positivity in Everyday Positivity Facebook group

      Kate Cocker, the host of the Guided Sleep skill on Amazon Alexa, is dedicated to helping people improve their sleep through her soothing content. If you're having trouble sleeping, you can ask your Alexa device to open the Guided Sleep skill and find a variety of calming audio to help you drift off. Additionally, Kate invites you to join her Facebook group, Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker, for a positive community where you can connect with like-minded individuals. Sleep deprivation can make life difficult, so taking steps to improve your sleep hygiene and surround yourself with positivity can make a significant difference.

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    Don't forget to share your act of kindness with Anna on any of the social media platforms listed below or by visiting her website and filling out the contact form there. 

    Thanks to Tammy Oropesa for the music for this episode. Visit Tammy's website: https://www.okay-tee.com/

    Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay  -- thanks!

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    Sign up to the Cadence newsletter for more resources relating to topics covered this season.

    It’s free to subscribe, plus you get a free audio training resource: https://creatingcadence.co/subscribe/

    Creating Cadence is available on all major podcast platforms and a few players too. Don't forget to subscribe and rate us, so others can find Creating Cadence too. :)

    Podcast Production by Growth Sessions
    Music: "Changing Their Minds" By Klimenko Music (Premium Beat)
    Podcast Banner Image: Ivan Mercado (Unsplash)

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    4. What would life look like once you begin to blossom? How would you feel?

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.