
    Zach Sang on INTRODUCING Trish to Ariana Grande & Cringey Interview Moments

    enOctober 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming technical difficulties in interviewsKeep going and recap essential parts instead of asking for redo to make the best of unexpected issues in interviews.

      Despite technical difficulties or unexpected issues, it's essential to keep going and make the best of the situation instead of scraping the content and asking for a redo. Trisha Paytas shared her experience of dealing with malfunctioning audio during interviews, acknowledging the energy drain and the impracticality of asking guests to come back for another take. Instead, they recap the essential parts and move on. Additionally, Trisha discussed her unique approach to her public persona and relationships, revealing her recent relationship milestones and the importance of aligning with one's partner.

    • Authentic conversations lead to unexpected opportunitiesBeing true to oneself and fostering strong connections can lead to meaningful experiences and unexpected opportunities.

      Authenticity and genuine connections can lead to unexpected opportunities and positive experiences. During a conversation, the speaker expressed admiration for a friend's appearance and shared mutual celebrity crushes. The conversation led to discussions about weddings and performing, with the speaker expressing her dream of becoming a wedding singer. The friend reciprocated the admiration and offered the speaker the opportunity to perform at their wedding. This conversation demonstrates how being true to oneself and fostering strong connections can lead to meaningful experiences and unexpected opportunities.

    • Persisting through rejection leads to successStay focused on goals, don't let setbacks discourage, authenticity builds following, and adaptability is key to success

      Persistence and building something authentic can lead to success, even when faced with rejection. The speaker shared their experience of pitching a podcast to Amazon and Spotify, only to be rejected, but eventually finding success on a new radio service called AMP. They emphasized the importance of staying focused on their goals and not being discouraged by setbacks. The speaker also highlighted the importance of authenticity and caring about how one is perceived, which helped them build a strong following and eventually attract opportunities. Additionally, they discussed the ever-changing nature of trends and the importance of staying adaptable and embracing change.

    • Building community leads to unexpected opportunitiesStarting an Internet radio show from her bedroom led the speaker to work with notable artists and be part of YouTube's early days through community-building and persistence.

      Building relationships and community, especially during formative years, can lead to unexpected opportunities. This was evident in the speaker's experience of starting an Internet radio show from her bedroom at a young age due to feeling isolated in school. Her use of the Internet to find community and her love for music led her to eventually run a radio station and later work with notable artists. However, securing interviews with these artists wasn't always straightforward. She used a combination of direct messaging and being approached by artists through management or labels. Sometimes, her existing relationships played a role as well. Ultimately, her persistence and passion for music and community-building paid off, leading her to work with artists she admired and be a part of YouTube's early days.

    • Believing in oneself and pursuing dreams relentlesslyDetermination and persistence can lead to remarkable opportunities, even for young people. Use passion and resourcefulness to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

      Determination and persistence can lead to remarkable opportunities, even at a young age. The speaker shared their experience of convincing a radio station to hire them at 15 years old, despite having no experience or connections in the industry. They used their passion for radio and their resourcefulness to secure interviews with notable guests, such as Debby Ryan and Mitchell Musso, by sending persistent emails and using their parents' IMDB Pro account. Through hard work and dedication, they grew their radio show into a successful venture, which eventually led to filming and posting it on YouTube. This story highlights the importance of believing in oneself and pursuing dreams relentlessly, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

    • Determination and passion lead to great content creationStay committed to your goals and utilize opportunities to create unique content, even with limited resources

      Passion and determination can lead to great content creation, even in the most unconventional and humble beginnings. The speaker shared her long-standing attempt to secure an interview with Britney Spears, which involved numerous discussions with teams and her own persistence. She also emphasized that creating engaging content doesn't require extravagant resources but rather the right person with dedication and a genuine conversational approach. The speaker's podcasting journey spanned over 16 years, during which she started making significant money only in the last decade. She highlighted that her most successful radio moments originated from her basement studio. Additionally, she shared an anecdote about having Tan Mom on her show in the late 2000s, when the latter was trying to clear her name amidst allegations. The speaker's story underscores the importance of staying committed to one's goals and utilizing opportunities to create unique content.

    • The Influencer Landscape: Opportunities and ChallengesInfluencer culture has evolved, offering both financial rewards and challenges, with the threshold for popularity increasing and some influencers facing unique challenges like threats or leaving platforms.

      The influencer culture has drastically evolved, and some individuals have managed to make substantial income through social media platforms. For instance, people from reality shows like the Kardashians and Love is Blind reportedly earn six figures annually just from promotions. Influencers like Dave Days and Michael Buckley, who gained popularity years ago, have shown that influencer status can be both financially rewarding and fleeting. The threshold for popularity has significantly increased, with a million subscribers and views being considered significant back then. Some influencers, like Miley Cyrus, have left social media platforms, while others have faced unique challenges, such as cat-eating threats. Despite the challenges, interviewing celebrities and asking deep, personal questions can lead to meaningful and iconic conversations. However, not every guest is equal, and some interviews may leave the interviewer feeling drained. Ultimately, the influencer landscape continues to evolve, offering both opportunities and challenges.

    • Host's dedication to researching guestsHost's unique approach to nighttime radio, focusing on engaging listeners, led to a successful show with a large audience.

      The podcast host puts significant time and effort into researching each guest, which contributes to the depth and quality of their conversations. This dedication started when they began their podcasting journey and has continued, leading to notable achievements like being profiled in a New York Times article. The host's love for researching guests and creating engaging content has resulted in a successful radio show with a large audience across North America. The host's unique approach to nighttime radio, which focuses on engaging with listeners rather than talking at them, has set their show apart and contributed to its success.

    • Revolutionizing Music Consumption with Digital Streaming PlatformsAmazon Music and AMP offer interactive, on-demand experiences, live content, and the ability to play entire albums, revolutionizing music consumption and deepening the connection between artists and audiences.

      The radio industry's outdated format and excessive commercialization have paved the way for digital streaming platforms like Amazon Music and AMP to revolutionize the way music is consumed and interacted with. The guest, who had a long career in traditional radio, shares his experience of transitioning to these new platforms and the unique benefits they offer, such as live and on-demand content, interactive experiences, and the ability to play entire albums. He also emphasizes the importance of creating a pro-audience and pro-artist experience, which he believes Amazon Music and AMP are accomplishing. The future of radio lies in these digital platforms, which have the potential to deepen the connection between artists and audiences, and change the way music is received and enjoyed.

    • The Power of Meaningful ConnectionsThrough organizing unique fan experiences, Mariana formed a deep bond with musician Haryana, highlighting the importance of genuine relationships and community in her life.

      Mariana, a radio host, shared a heartfelt story about her deep connection with a musician named Haryana, whom she met through organizing unique fan experiences. They started by hosting a slumber party for fans, which turned into a memorable event. Despite initial reservations, Mariana developed a strong bond with Haryana, who she described as genuinely kindhearted and caring. Their friendship grew out of a shared experience and evolved into a deep connection that Mariana cherishes. The experience also highlighted the importance of community and genuine relationships in Mariana's life, which she had sought through her radio show. Overall, the story underscores the power of meaningful connections and the unexpected ways they can form in our lives.

    • The power of human connection and supportEmpathy and getting to know people can lead to significant personal growth. Love and support are valuable assets in life.

      The power of human connection and support can significantly impact an individual's life. The speaker expresses their admiration for the interviewee's growth and the impact the speaker's own interviews have had on others. They also highlight the importance of empathy and the value of getting to know people. Furthermore, the speaker shares a personal story about making a decision to prioritize a relationship over financial success, emphasizing the importance of love and support in one's life. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of genuine connections and the positive impact they can have on individuals.

    • Following passion leads to unexpected opportunities and successPassionately pursuing unconventional methods can lead to financial rewards and fulfillment. Save and learn financial management for future security.

      Love and hustle can lead to unexpected opportunities and financial success. The speaker shares how they followed their passion for content creation, even when it meant exploring unconventional methods, and found fulfillment and financial compensation as a result. They also discuss the importance of saving and learning financial management, which came later in life. Despite experiencing financial highs and lows, they remain open to new experiences and continue to create and monetize content. Additionally, they highlight the power of love and the importance of celebrating relationships, no matter the length.

    • Navigating a New Relationship with a FriendStarting a relationship with someone you've known for a while can bring unique challenges and rewards. Embrace the individual experiences and find balance in differences.

      The dynamics of starting a new relationship can vary greatly from person to person. The speaker shared her experience of starting a relationship with someone she had been friends with for a while. They began dating on August 4th and have been living together since then. The speaker expressed her admiration for her partner's looks and the support system he has, something she lacks. She also shared the challenges of adjusting to having him around all the time and the initial hesitation in expressing her feelings. The speaker also mentioned how they didn't follow traditional dating norms, such as waiting to have sex or going on formal dates. They found balance and compatibility in their differences, including their approach to kissing. Overall, the conversation highlights the uniqueness and complexity of each relationship and the importance of embracing the individual experiences.

    • Love and self-awareness in relationshipsDifferent approaches to intimacy and self-consciousness about weight can challenge relationships, but self-love and understanding are key to maintaining a strong bond.

      Love and self-awareness play crucial roles in relationships, especially when it comes to body image and weight gain. The speaker shares that she and her partner have different approaches to intimacy and that she struggles with self-consciousness about her weight. She admits to using food as a source of comfort, but is working on being more mindful of her eating habits and the reasons behind them. The couple's bond seems strong and resilient, with the speaker expressing that physical appearance doesn't diminish her feelings for her partner. However, she also acknowledges the societal pressure to maintain a certain image and the potential impact it could have on their relationship. Ultimately, the speaker's journey towards self-improvement and self-love is an ongoing process.

    • Surprising Differences in Personal PreferencesPeople have unique habits and preferences, and respecting individual choices is crucial for strong relationships.

      People's habits and preferences can be surprising, and it's essential to respect individual choices. In this conversation, the topic of substance use came up, with one person expressing their shock that the other doesn't consume weed or alcohol. However, the latter clarified that they don't find enjoyment in these substances. The conversation then shifted to career goals and aspirations, highlighting the importance of balancing personal and professional life. The speakers also shared their admiration for certain public figures and their accomplishments. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of friendship, which can provide support and companionship through various life experiences.

    • Authenticity leads to lasting successAuthenticity attracts loyal audiences and allows individuals to remain true to themselves, leading to lasting success in media.

      Authenticity and genuine connections can lead to lasting success, as exemplified by long-running TV personalities like Al Roker and Howard Stern. Authenticity allows individuals to remain true to themselves, attracting loyal audiences and enduring through changes. The media landscape, including radio and television, benefits from a combination of old and new approaches, with broadcasters building on the foundations laid by their predecessors. Authentic interviews, free from heavy editing, provide a platform for guests to share their stories and connect with audiences on a deeper level. Ultimately, it's essential to remain true to oneself and create a space where authenticity can thrive.

    • Building long-term relationships with transparency and open communicationHosts prioritize authentic connections, allow guests to edit interviews, and advocate for social change, investing in people and communities.

      The hosts of the interview podcast prioritize building long-term relationships with their guests and value transparency and open communication. They believe that guests have the ability to edit their interviews before they are released, and they strive to create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. The hosts also share a strong belief in equal opportunities for all, and they are passionate about addressing social issues such as education and healthcare. They aim to make a difference by getting involved and advocating for change, encouraging investment in people and communities rather than profit.

    • Effective management of corruption for a better futureThrough transparency and accountability, Chelsea Peretti aims to make a difference as a selfless civil servant, inspiring change and creating a more equitable society.

      Through effective management and elimination of corruption, the economic system can work towards paying off debts and creating a better future for everyone. Chelsea Peretti expresses her passion for public service and her commitment to being a selfless civil servant, free from outside influences and corruption. She draws inspiration from her family's experiences and her desire to give back to communities that have been overlooked. Despite her humble beginnings, she aspires to make a difference and be a positive force in politics. She emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in public office and intends to live a simple lifestyle. Overall, her vision is to create a more equitable society where everyone's story is heard and everyone's plate is carried.

    • The complexities of queer identity and body standardsDespite striving for acceptance and self-expression, the queer community faces unique challenges related to body standards and representation within the community itself. The importance of body inclusivity and seeking representation of diverse bodies in media was emphasized.

      The queer community faces unique challenges related to body standards and representation within the community itself, even as they strive for acceptance and self-expression. The speaker expressed a sense of pride in being queer but acknowledged the pressure to conform to a certain standard of attractiveness and the disappointment when media figures, like Troye Sivan, don't challenge these norms. The conversation also touched on the importance of body inclusivity and the desire to see more representation of diverse bodies in media. The speaker shared their personal experiences of seeking out the gay community for a sense of belonging and safety, while acknowledging the challenges that come with these expectations. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities of identity and the ongoing need for greater representation and acceptance within the queer community and beyond.

    • Sharing Personal Experiences: Troy's Journey with SexualityBeing true to oneself is important and can lead to unexpected reactions. Troy shares his experiences of hiding and revealing his sexuality, resulting in surprising encounters and lessons learned.

      The podcast host, Troy, shares his experiences with being open about his sexuality and the reactions he's received from different audiences. He discusses how he kept his sexuality a mystery for years on the radio and how he eventually decided to be open about it. Troy also shares an amusing story about showing up at a party where people were surprised to see him with legs since they only knew him from the waist up on the radio. The conversation also touches on the differences in generations and the shows they grew up watching. A notable moment in the discussion was when Troy shared his least favorite interview experience with Marshmello, who he felt acted like a marshmallow during the interview. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being true to oneself and the various ways people experience and express their identities.

    • Diversity and Supportive RelationshipsSurrounding yourself with diverse energies and supportive relationships can lead to a more balanced and productive environment. Genuine appreciation and fan culture can positively impact artists and creators.

      Having a diverse group of people around, including different genders and energies, can help create a more balanced and productive environment. The speaker shares her experience of feeling aggressive and triggered around straight men, but finds comfort and validation in the company of feminine energy and supportive relationships. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of genuine appreciation and fan culture, and the impact it can have on artists and creators. She also reflects on the significance of booking guests for her podcast, and the positive impact it has had on her personal growth and validation.

    • Unexpected challenges in interviewsInterviews can present unexpected challenges, but they also offer unique opportunities to connect and gain valuable insights.

      Unexpected challenges can make for unique and memorable experiences. The speaker shares a story about interviewing a marshmallow character, which proved to be a difficult and confusing experience. However, she also reflects on other interviews that have had a significant impact on her, such as her first interviews with Ariana and Liz, and the interview with Olivia Jade that revealed her father's involvement in a college admissions scandal. Despite the difficulties, the speaker values the opportunity to connect with people and gain insights that can shape culture.

    • Unexpected viral interview impactsInterviews can unexpectedly gain massive attention, impacting personal and professional lives. Listen deeply and focus on extracting valuable information.

      The power of an interview can be unpredictable and far-reaching. The speaker shares a personal experience of conducting an interview with a guest who provided deep insights into college experiences and wealthy parents' mindset, which went viral during the largest college admission scandal. The interview, which was recorded before the scandal broke, unexpectedly gained massive attention and was played on news networks worldwide. The speaker felt a mix of excitement and unease, as the interview became a topic of discussion for older women at the grocery store and beyond. The interview also showcased how artists' statements can have lasting impacts, whether positive or negative. Balancing morality and the desire for views is a challenge for interviewers, and once something is out there, it cannot be fully retracted. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of listening deeply during interviews and focusing on extracting valuable information rather than predicting what will gain traction.

    • Regret and the Challenges of Managing Online ContentDeleting or editing online content can draw attention and suspicion, and some artists, like The Weeknd, avoid interviews to manage their online presence.

      Once content is released online, it's nearly impossible to completely remove it. Deleting or editing it may only draw more attention and suspicion. The interviewee shared their experience of regretting deleting past videos and trying to console others when their content caused issues. They also discussed how some artists, like The Weeknd, don't give interviews, which can make managing content even more challenging. The conversation also touched on the unique origin stories and captivating nature of shows like "The Idol," which can leave fans deeply invested and eager for more.

    • A YouTube Creator's Skepticism Turned AdmirationInitially skeptical, a speaker came to appreciate Mister Beast's authenticity and creativity, recognizing his impact on YouTube through outrageous, generous videos and wide audience appeal.

      Despite looking like a popular YouTube creator named Don McKinnon and expressing initial skepticism, the speaker came to appreciate Mister Beast's authenticity and creativity. Mister Beast, whose team reportedly requires potential employees to live on his compound, is known for his outrageous and generous videos that garner massive views. Some critics argue that he relies on strategic thumbnails and headlines, as well as significant financial investments, to boost his channel's popularity. However, others, including the speaker, believe that Mister Beast genuinely changes people's lives and produces entertaining content that appeals to a wide audience. Despite initial reservations, the speaker expressed admiration for Mister Beast's brand and impact on YouTube.

    • Entertainment industry's prioritization of views over safetyThe entertainment industry's focus on views and popularity can put people in harm's way, and it's crucial to prioritize safety and common sense.

      The entertainment industry, specifically certain individuals and groups, have prioritized views and popularity over safety and common sense, creating a pattern of putting people in harm's way. This was evident in the case of a popular YouTuber who gained notoriety for his stunts and competitions, despite putting people in dangerous situations. The lack of accountability and the hyped-up culture surrounding this individual's actions allowed this behavior to continue unchecked. Ultimately, it took a tragic incident for the public to recognize the ugliness and morally questionable motives behind it all. Despite the popularity of this individual and their association with well-known musicians, it's important to remember that common sense and safety should always be prioritized over views and popularity.

    • A fan's deep connection to My Chemical Romance and Gerard WayThis individual cherishes their love for My Chemical Romance and Gerard Way, experiencing music as a deeply personal and formative part of their life, and seeking professional interactions to connect with others through shared passions.

      This individual has a deep connection and fascination with music and pop culture, specifically My Chemical Romance and Gerard Way. They have missed seeing the band live due to a pregnancy and feel a strange, almost clonal connection to Gerard Way. Despite being married, they entertain hypothetical scenarios of meeting or even interacting with Gerard Way professionally, but draw the line at romantic involvement. Their passion for music is ingrained in their life, with experiences like attending Bruce Springsteen concerts as a child. They enjoy interviewing musicians they admire and genuinely care about their subjects, finding what interests them and connecting with others through their shared love of music.

    • Sharing a Passion for MusicalsRyan and the interviewer bonded over their love for musicals, specifically Hairspray, and discussed the possibility of singing together, whether it be at karaoke or planning a Benihana dinner.

      This conversation between Ryan and the interviewer revolves around their shared love for musicals and their desire to sing together. They bonded over their experiences with musicals, particularly Hairspray, and even attempted to sing a duet together during the interview. Ryan also expressed his passion for storytelling through music, whether it be folk or Broadway-style. Despite not being able to sing acapella, they discussed the possibility of going to karaoke together and even planning a Benihana dinner with friends. Their connection was strengthened through their shared love for musicals and the joy of creating music together.

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    Cody Ko On Building A YouTube Empire, Partying With Elon & Stand-Up Comedy

    Cody Ko On Building A YouTube Empire, Partying With Elon & Stand-Up Comedy
    Episode 503: Shaan Puri (https://twitter.com/ShaanVP) sits down with Cody Ko (https://twitter.com/codyko) to talk about building the viral app I’d Cap That, his +$1M YouTube empire & partying with Elon Musk. Looking for episode 502? Check out Shaan’s Reaction to the Linda Yaccarin Interview on YouTube. Want to see more MFM? Subscribe to our YouTube channel here. Want MFM Merch? Check out our store here. Want to see the best clips from MFM? Subscribe to our clips channel here. — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: • Try Shepherd Out - https://www.supportshepherd.com/ • Shaan's Personal Assistant System - http://shaanpuri.com/remoteassistant • Power Writing Course - https://maven.com/generalist/writing • Small Boy Newsletter - https://smallboy.co/ • Daily Newsletter - https://www.shaanpuri.com/ Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com/ — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (2:00) I’d Cap That hits #1 in the App Store (9:00) App developer to content creator (13:00) 1M views overnight (17:00) How to crush live shows (23:00) Get better at your craft (36:00) Tiny Beat Gang and making music videos (44:00) Frozen S’mores, Shark Tank for Creators, AI Thumbnail app (51:00) Going to Elon Musk’s house party — Links: • Vine - https://vine.co/ • Cody Ko YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/codyko • That’s Cringe - https://tinyurl.com/2adyejay • Cody’s Run Club - https://www.ko-official.com/ • Living with a Seal - https://tinyurl.com/wdjkj2je • Marquis Jetset - https://www.marquisjetset.com/ • Tiny Meat Gang - Keep Ya D*ck Fat (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - https://tinyurl.com/559w6pve • Tiny Meat Gang - Super Xan (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - https://tinyurl.com/57ks7yat • Tiny Meat Gang - Broke B*tch - https://tinyurl.com/pz8jya2p Past guests on My First Million include Rob Dyrdek, Hasan Minhaj, Balaji Srinivasan, Jake Paul, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Gary Vee, Lance Armstrong, Sophia Amoruso, Ariel Helwani, Ramit Sethi, Stanley Druckenmiller, Peter Diamandis, Dharmesh Shah, Brian Halligan, Marc Lore, Jason Calacanis, Andrew Wilkinson, Julian Shapiro, Kat Cole, Codie Sanchez, Nader Al-Naji, Steph Smith, Trung Phan, Nick Huber, Anthony Pompliano, Ben Askren, Ramon Van Meer, Brianne Kimmel, Andrew Gazdecki, Scott Belsky, Moiz Ali, Dan Held, Elaine Zelby, Michael Saylor, Ryan Begelman, Jack Butcher, Reed Duchscher, Tai Lopez, Harley Finkelstein, Alexa von Tobel, Noah Kagan, Nick Bare, Greg Isenberg, James Altucher, Randy Hetrick and more. — Other episodes you might enjoy: • #224 Rob Dyrdek - How Tracking Every Second of His Life Took Rob Drydek from 0 to $405M in Exits • #209 Gary Vaynerchuk - Why NFTS Are the Future • #178 Balaji Srinivasan - Balaji on How to Fix the Media, Cloud Cities & Crypto • #169 - How One Man Started 5, Billion Dollar Companies, Dan Gilbert's Empire, & Talking With Warren Buffett • ​​​​#218 - Why You Should Take a Think Week Like Bill Gates • Dave Portnoy vs The World, Extreme Body Monitoring, The Future of Apparel Retail, "How Much is Anthony Pompliano Worth?", and More • How Mr Beast Got 100M Views in Less Than 4 Days, The $25M Chrome Extension, and More

    E307 CNCO - Dating, Insecurities, & Boundaries

    E307 CNCO - Dating, Insecurities, & Boundaries

    Today we are joined by CNCO. CNCO is a Multi-platinum and Latin Grammy nominated boy band racing up the charts and they are opening up and sharing more about their lives with us like they never have before. The guys sit with Nick to discuss losing a member of their band, heart break, relationship boundaries, sliding into DM’s, trying to find love, what they are looking for in girl, insecurities, and being a family that can lean on each other no matter what comes their way. 

    “We created a family here … ”

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

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    100 Million Downloads, 6 Things I Learned

    100 Million Downloads, 6 Things I Learned

    The Mindset Mentor Podcast has officially passed 100 million downloads! In today's episode, I am going to teach you the 6 things I've learned after 7 years and 1,300 episodes!


    Want to master your mindset? Every Monday I send out an email with mindset tips for the week, click here to receive that email: http://mondayemail.com/

    Follow me on IG for more inspiration here: https://www.instagram.com/robdialjr/

    627 - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura

    627 - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura
    Chips In A Bowl Announcement! Christina P. is recording her Netflix special in NYC Jan. 22! Use code JEANS to get tickets before they're gone! 1/22 @ 7pm: https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/00005B56D2077537 1/22 @ 10pm: https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/00005B56D2087539 SPONSORS: - Go to https://ShipStation.com, click on the microphone at the top, and enter in YMH, to get a 60-day free trial, just in time for the holidays! - Go to https://saatva.com/theshit for $200 off your order - Get 25% off, up to $10 value, and zero delivery fees on your first order of $15 or more when you download the DoorDash app and enter code YMH. - Go to https://brooklinen.com and use promo code house to get $20 off, with a minimum purchase of $100 - Go to https://WHOOP.com and use code “MOM” at checkout to save yourself 15% off today. - Get 20% off and free shipping by going to https://manscaped.com/MOM. - Download the DraftKings app NOW and use promo code MOM to get a FREE shot at MILLIONS in total prizes with your first deposit! Use your one glove to pull those jeans all the way over your head! This week on your Mom's House Podcast with Christina P. and #GloveComic Tom Segura, we test Christina's fear of vomit a bit more, which leads to her retaliating with one of her instant-classic TikToks! This then leads to a VERY heated debate how this cool guy is making some certain sounds. We get a wild update on Studio G's comment section, the "Don't Call Me Daddy" guy apparently doesn't like other things, and we dive into Burnt Crystal's puzzling deep love for himself! We find one of Tom's doppelgangers talking about Aegosexuality, a lady in a dope M&M jacket calling out a dude on the street, and over inclusiveness on playgrounds. Also, Tom is learning that he's actually starting to like Las Vegas! Maybe the key is to not be there for 6 nights in a row? We watch footage Ryan Sickler almost ruin a VERY nice racing car! And of course, we review all your club banger remixes of Cutter The Killer Clown's vocal track! We then wrap up with a batch of Christina's Toks that are definitely more uplifting than last week's batch! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices