
    Bounce Out Of Bed

    Are you ready to bounce out of bed in the morning? For you, if you're a high achiever, ready to shift from feeling meh to magnificent using a blend of hot science and cool spirituality. With solo episodes and fun interviews, you'll get the clarity and confidence you need, to bounce out of bed in the morning.
    enAmanda Ewin100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Revive Your Zest for Life: Optimising Your Brain Health

    Revive Your Zest for Life: Optimising Your Brain Health
    How’s your brain health? Before you roll your eyes and think, I don’t need one more thing on my list to do or to change, what if it was just about the baby steps.
    Celebrating the awesome things you are doing is encouraged.
    Dr Isabel Hunsinger MD (Medical Doctor) is a huge advocate for brain health to prevent mental illness. Isabel lives and breathes this stuff!
    With a big focus on sleep, we talk about all things brain health.
    Isabel shares vulnerably, her experience with insomnia and how that led to an unhealthy brain, what she did to overcome a very dark time in her life.
    We touch on exercise, nutrition, stress and sleep to help you live your best, healthiest life and prevent cognitive decline.
    Isabel shares a day in the life of a woman with an optimally healthy brain.
    Listen to the end to find out more about Isabel, not mentioned in the interview.
    You can find Isabel in these places:-
    Insta - @ Doctoronamission 
    Linked In - Isabel Hunsinger 

    It's more than just a job - reframing how you look at the work you do

    It's more than just a job - reframing how you look at the work you do
    What do you think when you hear the words work/life balance?
    When you work most of your life, how can they be separate. When is a job, not just a job.
    Dial in to this ep where Laura and I talk all things about when a job, isn't just a job. What that actually means and how you can find success in a job you love.
    Laura shares her story of transformation from being in a long-term corporate role, to becoming a career and leadership coach. What stopped her and what pushed her, topped with some great advice that you can take on board now and live an aligned life.
    So many gold nuggets in this ep, wherever you're at in the world.
    Laura (Thain) is a Career and Leadership Coach & the Founder of Optimise Talent Coaching, a business she launched after leaving her 17-year corporate career in recruitment where she had committed every ounce of herself to achieving success. Passionate about all thing's health and wellbeing, she now uses her Career Evolution Coaching programs to help leaders succeed in a job they love, without sacrificing the lifestyle they want, so they can be truly fulfilled. Ultimately, Laura is all about inspiring people to love what they do for work so they can be happy in life.
    Follow Laura on

    Are you an HSP (highly sensitive person)?

    Are you an HSP (highly sensitive person)?
    What a revelation it's been to learn about the Highly Sensitive Person, to discover not only that it's 'a thing' but also that I AM ONE!
    Are you one (of the 1 in 5 HSP's in the world) too? There's a link to the quiz for you to check out.
    After discovering Elaine Aron's book in an op shop/thrift store for $2.25, I've done further research and my life has been transformed. It's helped so many of my clients too.
    Learn more about being an HSP and how to use the superpowers it brings in this solo ep.
    Resources mentioned -
    The Highly Sensitive Person book by Elaine M. Aron
    The quiz 'Are you highly sensitive?'- https://hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test/

    It's The Little Things

    It's The Little Things
    When you're feeling overwhelmed and overthinking everything, there are simple ways to shift to a calmer place. Often, we get so 'in our heads' we go further into the vortex of 'worrydom' and nothing shifts.
    It's the little things, that make the big difference
    Discover 10 ways to play as an adult, solo in < 10 mins that you can implement within the next 24 hours.
    Join me in a conversation about fun and play and ways to make this human experience, easier.
    Get the list of 100 Ways To Play as an adult, solo in < 10 mins here 
    If you loved the ep, please share it so there are more grown ups being less serious!

    How To Rediscover Your Own Magnificence

    How To Rediscover Your Own Magnificence
    Are you embracing the messy parts of your life, or just wishing they weren't there and trying everything to make them go away?
    Finding your own magnificence is a beautiful thing and it happens when you let go of who you think you 'should' be. Which leads to the big question...how on earth do you do that?!
    Danielle has a beautiful, messy story she shares with amazing vulnerability. We talk about her rock bottom, what it took to come out the other side and how important it is to live a simple life.
    Goosebumps and tears flowed in, always a sign we're on the right path.
    It's time to embrace the messiness of life and find your magnificence.
    About Danielle
    Almost out the other side of what she describes as "an epic mid life melt down", Danielle Hagger is a woman who is recently reacquainting herself to her own magnificence. Learning to truly love, appreciate and even admire the messier parts of her own existence, she is a gentle force of nature, building in momentum like the free-flowing water sign that she is.
    Mostly calm, yet capable of storms ferocious enough to change entire landscape, Danielle Hagger is deep in creation mode, currently harnessing her crafts as a speaker, story teller, writer and provocative thought leader.
    You can connect with Danielle;-
    1. Via email, twohaggers@gmail.com
    2. At her online boutique store, twohaggers.com
    Listeners will learn
    • About Danielle’s story of burn out
    • Why the messy bits of life need to be embraced
    • Ways to fully get to know themselves
    • What authenticity is
    • How to live authentically
    • How to contribute to building a wholesome society
    • What it means to fully love yourself

    Cracked Open; What I learnt when I stopped MTB racing

    Cracked Open; What I learnt when I stopped MTB racing
    When your body starts talking to you, it's really important to listen and yet in 2017 I chose not to listen and carried on mountain bike racing, until I couldn't anymore.
    In this ep I talk about losing my identity, seeking external gratification and the lessons I've learnt 6 years down the track.
    Your body sends you messages way before your brain (or your medical professional) does.
    Tune in to share my journey with fatigue from emotional and physical burn out.

    The key to living an authentic life as a neurodivergent person

    The key to living an authentic life as a neurodivergent person
    Has neurodiversity touched your life? Ever curious to know more about this topic, with a number of family members formally diagnosed to be neurodiverse and coming across it more and more in the work that I do, I had a myriad of questions for Tamsin Jowett, today's guest.
    Welcome to the BOOB Podcast, this is Episode 84, The key to living an authentic life as a neurodivergent person. Our focus is on being authentic and owning your strengths, neurodiversity has many superpowers.
    Tamsin shares her lived experience with autism and what she's come across as CEO of Aspergers Australia We both share our experiences working with coaching clients and I refer to my lived experience with neurodiversity as well.
    It's a great listen!
    Tamsin is The Neurodiversity Coach and has been President/CEO of Aspergers Victoria for 9 years. Previously a lawyer and worked with BP in the Middle East, she discovered lived experience of autism and changed her focus to empowering those with different minds.
    If you want to contact Tamsin for cool resources to help spread understanding of neurodifferences, email tamsinjowlett@gmail.com 

    Shine Your Unique Light in the World by Following What Lights You Up

    Shine Your Unique Light in the World by Following What Lights You Up
    At 37 yo, Nicky went through heartbreak when a relationship ended, just as she thought she was ready to settle down and start a family. From then, Nicky went a journey within and found her unique light that had been dimmed for so long.
    Hello and welcome to....
    Nicky shares her morning rituals, a year round beach lover, like Amanda and what led her to become a coach.
    A reminder that you have all the answers you need within you.
    There's many tools that are shared in this conversation-
    • Ways to find your unique light
    • What to do with your light once you've found it
    • How to fill your cup
    • Why you should start with the little things
    • The benefits of asking for help
    When you find your your unique light, miracles do happen and yep, that sounds very cliché, but I've witnessed it many times!
    About Nicky
    Nicky is a Happiness & Empowerment Coach
    She helps smart, conscious women get unstuck by transforming self-limiting beliefs so they can deeply connect to their true self, stand strong in their sovereignty and experience greater happiness and joy from the inside out, even on the hard days!
    She believes that anything is possible when we are living in alignment with our true self and have released the limiting beliefs that hold us stuck in the merry-go-round of repeating patterns and feelings of shame, lack and isolation.
    She sees your brilliance and gives you permission to turn those deep desires into big, beautiful visions and draw them into your reality so you can truly shine your unique light in the world!
    Nicky helps her clients get lasting inner transformation using a blend of Women Centred Coaching, Matrix Therapies for Inner Child work, and Hypnosis for powerful and joyful subconscious change. 
    Learn about Nicky through the following links:

    How to use your values to make decisions with ease

    How to use your values to make decisions with ease
    Do you know your values and are you able to name your top 3 with ease?
    In this solo episode on the Bounce Out Of Bed Podcast I share the tools I use to help my clients determine their values, and why knowing your own values is so important.
    Making decisions and stopping the people pleasing f*cked-ness, is so much easier when you know your values.
    I share my own values and how knowing them has helped me, exponentially.

    Why you need to pause for applause and stop being disappointed in yourself (a divorce story)

    Why you need to pause for applause and stop being disappointed in yourself (a divorce story)
    This episode is raw and real and talks about the very big need to stop and celebrate yourself, not just for the big things in life but for the little things too. It all adds up and I see, women especially, being really hard on themselves.
    I wasn’t exempt from this and pausing for applause is a miraculous thing. There’s so much to navigate in this human experience and constantly striving for the big next thing and not even celebrating when you get there, needs to stop!
    Leaving my marriage was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and it didn’t happen without a huge amount of work (trying to make it work). 
    Being kinder to yourself for where you’re at and what you’re doing starts here.
    You’re right where you’re meant to be!

    How to live the life you want when it seems so far away

    How to live the life you want when it seems so far away
    Do you find yourself constantly wishing you had more? And when you get more of that thing, you want more of something else?
    In this solo ep I talk about ways that help to be here now, to strive for things and to know why and what those things are.
    Being more mindful is a very awesome tool to learn and to practice regularly and there is evidence based research that it works.
    Scientific studies have shown that the brain thrives on mindful practices and I share a few of my favourites with you here.
    I make reference to an article by Joshua Becker from Becomingminimalist.com, that ends with the quote:-
    "Enough is a reachable destination. More is a journey with no end.”
    Listeners will learn
    • Why constantly striving is detrimental
    • Why stillness works
    • How to be still
    • Ways to challenge your future based thinking 
    • Where are you now? 
    • When to notice future and past based thinking 
    • How to be more mindful
    “Rarely do we stop long enough to consider “how much do I need to be happy?” How much money, how much house, how expensive a car, how many pairs of shoes?
    Very few people sit long enough to answer that question.
    Instead, we just assume, for one reason or another, that “more than I have now” is the right answer.
    But here’s the problem: We can never arrive at contentment if more is always required to achieve it….
    "Enough is a reachable destination. More is a journey with no end.”
    Joshua Becker
    ‘The more you meditate and practice mindfulness, the more the brain's synapses strengthen, which can help improve your life. Every time you indulge in those negative thoughts and feelings, you are strengthening their effect on you.’

    Why Transitioning to your Dream Career Will Give You More Than You Bargained For

    Why Transitioning to your Dream Career Will Give You More Than You Bargained For

    Finding your dream career is one thing, taking the leap is another! When you know you’re meant for more, there’s no denying it. That niggle, that inner knowing that something is out there and it’s meant for you.

    Andrea and I dive deeply into a conversation about the unexpected and pleasant surprises switching careers brought her and what she’s seen in the work that she does, relating it to what you can expect to happen to give you even more reasons to take the leap and follow your destined path.

    Through real life examples of our own and our clients, you’ll discover;-

    - 5 unexpected pleasant surprises switching careers brought
    - How to believe it’s possible to have a dream career
    - How to trust yourself and your inner knowing
    - What it means to live in alignment (this comes up so many times)!
    - Why you’ll never regret taking the leap

    Andrea Horvath is a Career Transition Coach who helps women determine the career that ultimately lights them up and then supports them to confidently make that transition, even if they have no freaking idea of what that looks like.

    Her signature approach helps women connect with who they really are at their core and shows them how to make decisions that are in alignment with who they are and what they actually want.  Through that process a new career vision is born and then created.

    Andrea was a Certified Professional Accountant in the corporate world, managing budgets between $10M-$20 and realized she was totally unhappy and unfilled.  By all outside appearances she was successful, but she felt completely empty on the inside.  From that place she began searching for and ultimately, finding the answers of how to feel completely excited and passionate about her career.

    She first started her business as a side hustle around her 9-5 corporate job and since then has been able to transition to full-time and do what she absolutely loves and help other women step into their power and follow their hearts.

    She lives in Vancouver, BC as a solo parent with her two teenage daughters and fur 

    You can follow Andrea on socials through the links on her website 

    How to stop your sub-conscious autopilot running your life

    How to stop your sub-conscious autopilot running your life
    If you drive yourself nuts repeating the same behaviour patterns over and over, this is the conversation for you. In my quest to help you shift from feeling meh to magnificent so you can bounce out of bed, I've connected with Amy, a fabulous kinesiologist, to debunk your limiting beliefs. Why you have them and what to do with them.
    We use some raw and real examples from our own lives about shifts we've made and the patterning it came from.
    Amy shares a super helpful tool you can use to shift your beliefs at a sub-conscious level to elevate your life in ways you have only imagined. Change is possible, for you.
    You'll discover;-
    • Why you repeat patterns in your life
    • How to change the ‘I can’t’ voice to ‘I can’
    • What a limiting belief is and where they come from
    • Why your sub-conscious rules the roost
    • Ways to shift the beliefs that limit you
    Amy is a kinesiologist and co-developer of The Belief Switch. Her passion is the unending task of exploring the nature of consciousness. Her clinical practice is dedicated to helping people understand how their subconscious works and helping people find and switch their subconscious limiting beliefs.
    She and her husband Michael have also developed The Belief Switch course where they teach people how to muscle test their own limiting beliefs and how to switch them for empowering ones, so that you can take control of your autopilot and program it to be how you want, rather than your past has taught it, and create the life that you want.

    Why you need more fun in your life and how to make it happen

    Why you need more fun in your life and how to make it happen

    There's a ginormous amount of evidence, growing daily, alluding to the benefits of fun and play in your daily life. 

    This is one of the major stumbling blocks I see in the work that I do as a Lifestyle Coach. Having the 168 hours that makes up a week, full to the brim, doing 'stuff', whether it's work, parenting, things for other people and finding yourself way down the list.

    I explore;-

    -why you're not having enough fun
    -how to carve out the space to play
    -how to see what your days look like?
    -why you have to give yourself permission FIRST
    -just doing it because you said you would
    -personality profiling and how it helps with sticking to schedule, knowing your cycle, creating habits

    Why asking for help is actually a sign you’ve got your shit together

    Why asking for help is actually a sign you’ve got your shit together
    In this uplifting conversation, Tashina and I dive head first into why you need to ask for help and why it’s a strength doing so. We tackle the question of what it means to have your shit together and share personal stories that were massive game changers in our own lives.
    You’ll discover
    • What asking for help actually means
    • Why it’s a strength and not a weakness
    • How you learn to ask for help 
    • Why you might resist asking for help
    • The lowdown on beliefs from your past that inhibit you
    • What kind of help to ask for 
    Tashina is a Mindset & Confidence coach for female service-based entrepreneurs. She helps her clients create clarity, consistency, & flow by unlocking the power of their subconscious mind to finally achieve MASSIVE success whilst having harmony with their personal life.
    With over 10 years of experience supporting and coaching women from all over the world, Tashina understands just how vital it is to look at the whole-woman when it comes to the goals and desires each woman has in business. She is an internationally recognised top instructor, an entrepreneur since 2008, & has toured over thirteen countries as a coach and professional dancer while being married and having two boys under 4.
    Through her tours and coaching practice she has coached over 8,000 individuals throughout the world on self-worth, confidence, and taking ownership of their life.
    Follow Tashina on Instagram @TransformWithTashina

    What Bouncing Out Of Bed Actually Looks Like

    What Bouncing Out Of Bed Actually Looks Like
    Imagine waking up and getting out of bed without the stress of every little (and big) thing hitting you as soon as you open your eyes. I bet you can’t. 
    What if you could?
    Bouncing Out Of Bed doesn't mean you leap out of bed like you're spring loaded.
    In this episode I share
    • the reason why the snooze button was invented and what you can do to overcome it
    • why doing mornings your way is the only way
    • what my mornings used to look like and what changed
    • a very simple first step to creating mornings with ease and flow
    • a few ideas to try that you may not have thought of
    • how to make it fun
    Listen to the end for a super special offer.
    The alarm clock I mentioned - Pilife Loud Alarm Clock

    Redefining Success by Honouring Your Energetic Blueprint with Gemma Benad

    Redefining Success by Honouring Your Energetic Blueprint with Gemma Benad
    Off the back of the very popular “Fuck Achievement and Find Joy” episode, I’m chatting to Gemma about how you can redefine success at any moment. Gemma and has her own Podcast called The Success Revolution and speaks openly and honestly about her journey and her mission to leave the world a better place.
    We cover so much on the topic of redefining success;-
    - How do you honour yourself so you can live life on YOUR terms?
    - What do you do when anxiety appears in an unhealthy way?
    - How can you manage your nervous system? 
    - Ways to feel feelings in a healthy way
    - What you can do differently to feel better through all your emotions
    - Why weren’t we taught this?
    Gemma Benad is a Psychic Business Mentor and Energetics Expert who supports high achieving visionaries and leaders to prime their Nervous System for sustainable business growth.
    Bounce Out Of Bed
    enMay 30, 2023

    Say Goodbye To Overwhelm By Letting Go

    Say Goodbye To Overwhelm By Letting Go

    If only I did things differently. Was more organised, didn’t procrastinate, worked more hours, was just DIFFERENT to what I am ….THEN it would be easier.

    Is this you? If you resonate with this and are often feeling overwhelmed, check out this episode.

    I've been some questions by my people and I'm answering them directly here.

    You're never going to fell less overwhelmed by working harder, staying up later and having less fun.

    But where is the balance and what is the tipping point?

    After sharing what my mornings currently look like, I dive into the juicyness, answering real questions from real people.

    As mentioned in this episode - 100 Ways To Play as grown up, solo, in less than 10 minutes - is my gift to you, to download here.

    Bounce Out Of Bed
    enMay 25, 2023

    Why the words you tell yourself matter; time to thrive with Catherine Newton

    Why the words you tell yourself matter; time to thrive with Catherine Newton
    Why the words you tell yourself matter; time to thrive
    How do you talk to yourself and is it impacting your life in a good or not so good way? What if it could be different?
    What if you did things because you said you would?
    Discover ways to activate yourself, learn to think differently and look at your own potential and the possibilities to be at your best.
    Who would you be without negative thought holding you back?
    Catherine has a great take on mornings, and how her life changed when she created morning rituals to work for her and the flow on effect it's had on everything she does.
    Catherine is an award winning business mentor and wealth activator
    Listen to find out what wealth activation means AND what actions you can take to create success, to uplift yourself and move into your very own magnificence.
    It's possible for you and it can be easy!
    References to:-
    Byron Katie
    Bob Proctor
    Oprah Winfrey
    Brian Tracy
    Mel Robbins
    Catherine helps ambitious women to create and market their irresistible offers, without needing a large budget, using organic social media methods - and strategies I taught at University for the past 5 years.
    Follow Catherine