
    Unforgettable Presentations

    Attention experienced corporate presenters, public speakers, professional speakers and pastors. Do you want to deliver a good, a great or an unforgettable presentation? Get insights from behind the scenes on some of the most unforgettable presentations ever delivered. √ What's the story behind the presentation? √ Where did the idea come from? √ How did they prepare it? √ How did they execute it? Join World Champions of Public Speaking, Mark Brown & Darren LaCroix. They have been world-class speaking coaches for over a decade and have trained presenters in over 14 countries. You'll love their chemistry and wisdom. What will you hear? Some episodes will be rock-solid content, some episodes will be interviews with presenters who delivered an unforgettable presentation.
    enDarren LaCroix100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Ep. 237 The Unforgettable MC with Michael Davis?

    Ep. 237 The Unforgettable MC with Michael Davis?

    Sit down with Darren and Michael Davis as they cover what it really takes to make an event flow, the MC. Michael is not only a speaker and a TEDx Coach, he has been MCing Lady and the Champs and Game Changers for over a decade. 

    Unforgettable events have unforgettable MCs. World-class MCs have skillsets that many do not even think about. Whether you want to be an MC, speaking at a large event or running one, get a deeper understanding of the role they play. It is critical to the success of the event.



    • The critical skills of listening and improv?


    • Transition from one speaker to the next


    • MCs can get paid really well


    • It’s a true team effort


    • Two-way communication is critical


    • The greatest compliment for Ford Saeks


    • What did Patricia Fripp say about Michael Davis?


    • Confidence comes from experience


    • Virtual MC?


    • The virtual proximity effect


    Check out Game Changers:


    Use Ford’s Discount Code: Michael25

    Ep. 236 Power Prospecting with Ford Saeks

    Ep. 236 Power Prospecting with Ford Saeks

    Sit down with Darren and Ford as they talk prospecting. How to remain timely, topical and relevant. What does an ideal prospect look like for you? What are some of the tangible tactics that you can use to get in front of the audiences you can serve.

    To get booked you have to be found first! 


    • What are some to the mistakes speakers make?


    • Are you bookable?


    • What is your digital footprint?


    • Fish where the fish are and have bait!


    • Deliver and create content on a consistent basis


    • Do you have lead magnets?


    Are your lead magnets in a form they want to consume it?


    • Build trust and social proof


    • How to reach out to add value without selling


    Check out Game Changers:


    Use Ford’s Discount Code: Ford25

    Ep. 235 Get Yes! To Your Request with Ed Tate!

    Ep. 235 Get Yes! To Your Request with Ed Tate!

    Can you influence without authority? Yes!

    Do you know how to truly influence with integrity? You already do every day. Maybe you didn’t realize it. We do this naturally, but maybe you need to take a closer look at what you already do at home, at work and with your family.

    It is happening all around you. Take note and influence with purpose.

    Discover 7 Ways to Influence



    In addition to being part of speaking communities, we, as presenters belong to professional, social, charitable, faith-based, and other communities. Today Mark and Darren discuss the power of community, examining the ways that communities make us grow…and change. They offer advice on collaborating with your community, growing your community, and even leaving your community. Using Stage Time University, Toastmasters International, and the National Speakers Association as examples, they show benefits and blessings of being in community with like-minded people and reveal how community has helped them to prepare unforgettable presentations.



    • Community helps change perspective


    • Choose your community


    • Use your community


    • Serve your community


    • Build your community


    • Don’t be abused by your community, if you must leave, do so with grace


    • Protect your community


    • Don’t think NETWORKING; think NETSERVING


    • Is your community helping or harming you


    • Take inventory of your communities

    Ep. 233 UNFORGETTABLE RESEARCH With Vince Antonucci and Chris McGuire

    Ep. 233 UNFORGETTABLE RESEARCH With Vince Antonucci and Chris McGuire

    Thorough research is an invaluable part of preparing unforgettable presentations. There are myriad ways to access information, and so much information from which to glean. Where do I look? How much should I use? How can I verify? Darren and Mark discuss these questions with…and get answer from…researcher/author/speaker Vince Antonucci and comedy writer/TV producer Chris McGuire. Their perspective on effective research will help you to prepare your unforgettable presentation.



    • Dig deeper into your subject


    • Look for compelling and unique information


    • Put in the extra work


    • Use AI tools


    • Use ‘old-fashioned’ tools; search and read.


    • The more you learn, the better your chances of finding critical content


    • Ask: “What generates an emotional response?”


    • Test research results on small audiences to gauge emotional reactions


    • Research for customization; learn from The Barenaked Ladies


    • Use the ‘Registration Desk Principle;’ find what bugs everyone




    Virtual presentations are now commonplace and it’s easy to assume, “I’ve done quite a few of these and I’m good!” Today Darren and Mark share reminders of how FLOW, FOCUS and PACE ELEMENTS can make a significant difference in your virtual presentation…especially since distractions can be continuous and abundant.



    • Check your studio setup…especially what’s behind you


    • Re-evaluate every aspect of your virtual presentation


    • To maintain FLOW, it’s wise to have a producer, co-host, or co-presenter


    • Be aware of the difference between a co-host, and a co-presenter


    • Establish key toles up front


    • Create smooth handoffs


    • To maintain audience FOCUS, make slides simple and clear, 1 slide, 1 point


    • Use PACE ELEMENTS to keep your audience engaged


    • Use client’s language to solidify your connection

    Ep. 231 Congruent Characters?

    Ep. 231 Congruent Characters?

    The story is arguably a presenter’s most potent tool. While it’s important to tell stories well, it is equally…if not significantly more important to transport your audience into the story. As Mark and Darren explain today, the key is to have CONGRUENT CHARACTERS, whose emotions are congruent with the emotion that they feel in the story. They share why many presenters fall short in this area and offer solid suggestions for using body language for greater emotional impact.



    • Let your audience feel the emotion of the characters


    • Don’t elicit confusion


    • In your script add ‘before’ and ‘after’ emotions in parentheses


    • Your eyes should change when the emotion changes


    • Emotional shifts are unclear without a character’s baseline emotion


    • Leave your emotional baseline when you embody a character


    • Record video, playback muted, ask a friend to identify the emotion


    • Be congruent to connect

    Ep. 230 Your Holograms?

    Ep. 230 Your Holograms?

    Holograms? Hula hoops? What do they have to do with delivering an unforgettable presentation? Mark and Darren explain how and why holograms help you to vividly create scenes in the minds of your audiences. This simple but potent technique will allow you to transform your speech into an experience.



    • Holograms appear in the audience’s mind whether you’re aware or not


    • Holograms establish characters and scenes


    • You can point to a hologram and the audience will recall the scene/story


    • Holograms have experiential value


    • Holograms have emotional impact


    • Use the depth and width of the platform to make holograms more vivid


    • Use hula hoops – INSIDE is dialogue; OUTSIDE, speak to your audience


    • BLOCK spots on stage. Use them to show MOMENTS of TRANSFORMATION


    • Time progresses audience left to right


    • Decide what scene/character/story each hologram represents

    Ep. 229 Unforgettable Business Growth With Mark LeBlanc

    Ep. 229 Unforgettable Business Growth With Mark LeBlanc

    Avoiding mistakes and adopting the right practices are keys to successfully growing your business. Today Darren and Mark talk with business growth expert and Hall of Fame speaker Mark LeBlanc as he shares four decades worth of wisdom on finding your niche, developing your content, connecting with your audience, and much more.



    • If you quit 1,000 times, start again 1,001 times


    • You must earn the right to speak


    • Avoid thinking that you’re better than you are


    • Raise your hand and get help


    • Engage minds, touch hearts, stir souls, and make them laugh


    • Focus on a singular idea and build your speech around it


    • Frame your content


    • Build an ‘accordion’ presentation


    • Create a great defining statement


    • Find your sliver of the market

    Ep. 228 Unforgettable Habits

    Ep. 228 Unforgettable Habits

    A new year often brings New Year resolutions. Today Mark and Darren offer four unforgettable habits to help you take your presentations…and your business…to a new level in 2024 and beyond.



    • Take a TOP 5 Inventory

    • Disconnect to reconnect

    • Marketing has changed; find a way that works today

    • It is our job to reach out to clients and stay TOP of mind

    • Share fresh ideas

    • Reach out, and reach back

    • Get TOP Level professional feedback on your marketing and presentation

    • Change sales calls into RAPPORT calls

    • Go ALL IN to TOP it off

    • Attend GAME CHANGERS in April 2024 using discount code EVENT25

    Go to: https://www.stagetimeuniversity.com/workshops/game-changers/


    Ep. 227 Unforgettable Wordsmithing

    Ep. 227 Unforgettable Wordsmithing

    As presenters, our words are our most important tools. Preparing an unforgettable presentation requires some wordsmithing. Darren joins Mark…our resident wordsmith…to discuss this critical aspect of the script editing process. They offer several wordsmithing techniques, explain how to use them, and reveal why they are extremely effective.  



    • Say it in a more VIVID and VIBRANT way


    • Edit for impact by asking, “How can I say it better in fewer words?”


    • Monosyllabic words are easier for the audience to remember


    • Use rhythm and rhyme have more impact in less time


    • Use impingement words


    • Choose, use and lose words as necessary


    • Use rhetorical devices


    • Find funny words, and words ending with a ‘K’ sound


    • Craft your Foundational Phrase, Elevator Pitch and Value Proposition


    • Use tools like https://wordhippo.com

    Ep. 226 Match Their Energy?

    Ep. 226 Match Their Energy?

    “I thought you would come out with more ENERGY!” Imagine hearing THAT from a meeting planner! (Ask Darren!) He and Mark talk about matching the audience’s energy as they share techniques for connecting quickly and delivering an unforgettable experience.



    • Read the room and match the energy


    • Always connect first


    • Research the audience; learn what is top of mind for them


    • Arrive hours or days early and have conversations in the corridor


    • Keep your finger on the pulse of the event


    • Avoid get caught thinking, “I didn’t see THAT coming!”


    • Avoid starting with energy too low or too high


    • Look at the audience as you speak and check their body language


    • See the audience’s perspective

    Ep. 225 Unforgettable Referrals With Arel Moodie

    Ep. 225 Unforgettable Referrals With Arel Moodie

    Getting referrals after a presentation isn’t always easy, but a new tool called TALKADOT is a game changer. Mark and Darren talk with professional speaker and TALKADOT co-founder Arel Moodie about his own speaking journey and the power of TALKADOT to get referrals and grow your business. Arel also shares principles for building relationships with prospects and creating a win/win/win for you, your clients and your audience.




    • Leave an indelible mark on people’s souls


    • Always elevate your audience


    • Be clear on the problem you solve


    • Don’t show up, blow up and giddy up


    • Focus on a singular idea and build your speech around it


    • The money is in your e-mail list


    • The secret to speaking success is to consistently be top of mind


    • Plant seeds today to serve your future self


    • Your job is to make your audience remember you; use keywords


    • Add a call to action to every e-mail and newsletter

    Ep. 224 Tackling A Tough Topic With Frank King

    Ep. 224 Tackling A Tough Topic With Frank King

    Mental Health. Suicide. Comedy. Those topics don’t seem to flow seamlessly together…unless you’re talking with 10-time TEDx speaker and comedian Frank King. Darren and Mark have a heart-to-heart with Frank, as he reveals his techniques for addressing such a tough topic, including vulnerability and humor. He also shares sage advice for securing, preparing and presenting TEDx talks. This powerful conversation delivers emotional and inspirational information that will help you to deliver an unforgettable presentation.



    • Find your idea worth spreading


    • Avoid bringing too many ideas


    • Don’t say too much about too many ideas


    • Sell your idea in 90 seconds or fewer


    • Be passionate about your idea


    • Your title and subtitle must contain a ‘hook’


    • Stand in your truth


    • You can’t be inspiring if you aren’t inspired


    • Use funny, personal stories instead of jokes


    • Making people laugh prepares them for your next serious point

    Ep. 223 Critical Corridor Conversations

    Ep. 223 Critical Corridor Conversations

    Your presentation is over, you’ve delivered great content, and you’ve served your audience well. But is there a way to add value IMMEDIATELY? Darren and Mark discuss the concept of CORRIDOR CONVERSATIONS…how getting an audience to continue engaging and interacting with each other can provide added benefit.



    • Ignite corridor conversations


    • Use stories as conversation-starters


    • Invite attendees to ask: What’s the problem, and what story has the solution?


    • Create questions that spark conversation


    • Hang around to gauge the impact


    • Debrief corridor conversations in your post-event call


    • Arrive a day early to learn what questions will spark conversation


    • Add stimulating questions to a slide


    • Follow up before the end of the event when you can

    Ep. 222 Unforgettable Content With Dr. Jeff Magee

    Ep. 222 Unforgettable Content With Dr. Jeff Magee

    “To be unforgettable, you must have calluses on your head and your hands.” So says Dr. Jeff Magee, one of the world’s foremost leadership and marketing strategists. In a brutally honest conversation with Mark and Darren, Dr. Magee opens his treasure trove of wisdom and passionately reinforces the value of solid content.



    • People pay for your wisdom


    • Make sure your content stands up


    • What are your calluses on your head and your hands?


    • Play the student


    • Ask: “How can I become better?”


    • Knowledge isn’t enough; learn the craft of rhetoric and speaking


    • Your presentations come from your history; search your mind’s archives


    • How will your audience be different on Monday morning?


    • Make time to think


    • Provide content that meets people where they are mentally

    Ep. 221 How Love Works In The Business World With Joel Manby

    Ep. 221 How Love Works In The Business World With Joel Manby

    How do you communicate a message of LOVE in a highly competitive, fast-paced, results-driven corporate world? Mark and Darren get the answer to this question…and many others…from Joel Manby, former CEO of SeaWorld who was also featured on an episode of ‘Undercover Boss.’ He shares lessons learned about customizing presentations, revealing failures and sharing a message of love. Applying his practical but powerful techniques will help any speaker to deliver an unforgettable presentation.



    • Clearly identify your audience demographic


    • Tell stories to which your specific audience will relate


    • Truthfulness and authenticity are critical


    • Opening with a ‘life turning point’ story is very effective


    • Take your audience to your low point or nadir


    • People connect more with failure than with success


    • Be passionate and share the angst in your soul


    • Select stories to connect, identify principles to teach, share an action to take


    • Develop your personal style


    • Make sure your core idea connects with your audience


    Ep. 220 Connect Deeply with Your Next Audience

    Ep. 220 Connect Deeply with Your Next Audience

    No two audiences are alike, so how can you ensure that you connect with every audience, especially when you deliver the same presentation frequently? Darren and Mark share personal experiences as they talk about ways to connect with every unique audience, keep your presentation fresh, and get glowing testimonials.



    • Every audience is different


    • We are 100% responsible for our connection with the audience


    • Interview audience members in advance


    • Identify  and honor the company’s ‘patriarch’ and ‘matriarch’


    • Identify and edify NEW employees and team-members


    • Invest extra effort to find out what resonates with each audience


    • If you’re not connected your audience feels neglected


    • Stay connected; you won’t be rejected

    Ep. 219 Did You Know?

    Ep. 219 Did You Know?

    Did you know that there are world class techniques embedded in the structure of speeches and stories? Today Mark and Darren discuss several of these techniques, which, when applied, can make your next presentation unforgettable.



    • Never devalue the power of a well-told story


    • Assign names to your characters


    • Provide at least one physical characteristic


    • Give the audience a reason to emotionally connect with the main character


    • Show characters’ ‘BEFORE’ condition (body language, emotion, demeanor)


    • Make the main character ‘likeable’


    • Apply the ’Rooting Principle’ – make the audience WANT to support them


    • Show the character ‘AFTER the Disaster’


    • You don’t need expert feedback to understand emotional impact

    Ep. 218 When We Unintentionally Offend With Margaret Page

    Ep. 218 When We Unintentionally Offend With Margaret Page

    After your presentation, an audience member tells you that you said something that offended them. What should you do? What should you say?

    In a candid, vulnerable conversation, Mark and Darren hear first-hand from speaker, business leader, entrepreneur and grandma Margaret Page as she shares her faux pas, and her journey to redemption. Margaret offers sage advice to help any presenter avoid offending their audience, and to recover if they do.  


    • If you offend, don’t make excuses


    • Listen to your audience


    • Don’t place blame elsewhere


    • Accept responsibility


    • Learn from the experience


    • Make amends. Ask “How can I make it right?”


    • See through your audience’s eyes


    • Learn taboo topics and be open to diverse life experiences


    • Look for commonalities, but never disregard cultural differences


    • What would a leader do? Be a role model