

    Explore " downtime" with insightful episodes like "S. 4 Ep. 288 ~ Fielding Those Fastballs!", "116 - 12 Months Old", "Don't Grind, Unwind.", "Downtime" and "Is Grind Culture Grinding Us Down?" from podcasts like ""The Positivity Project with Kris & Mike", "The Baby Manual", "Ends with Z", "The Goblin's Corner" and "Ends with Z"" and more!

    Episodes (63)

    S. 4 Ep. 288 ~ Fielding Those Fastballs!

    S. 4 Ep. 288 ~ Fielding Those Fastballs!

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    Until next time.....Choose Positivity My Friends!

    116 - 12 Months Old

    116 - 12 Months Old

    Dr. Carole Keim MD congratulates all parents on making it through the first year. She reminds everyone how much babies have developed in that year and then goes through what to expect at 12 months and beyond. From development to parenting decisions to skin and teeth care, Dr. Keim covers what you need to know. 

    Dr. Keim addresses how best to engage with your baby once they’re a year old. She details how they’ve developed and exactly how much they can understand and accomplish. She talks about nutrition and all the things your baby should be eating at this age. Teeth brushing should be a regular part of the bedtime routine and Dr. Keim explains what your baby’s sleeping arrangement should look like. She covers safety and childproofing your home, skincare, and what exactly to expect from their 12 month checkup.

    In this episode….

    • Parents
    • Development
    • Sleep
    • Nutrition
    • Teeth
    • Elimination
    • Skin care
    • Safety
    • 12mo checkup

    Parents: 00:23

    • Engage with child often by speaking with them, tell them the names of objects
    • Baby should be able to separate or move away from parent for moments, but will check back to look at them
    • Have a “yes” space
    • Have regular date nights with a babysitter watching baby
    • Make time for yourself
    • Hang out with friends 
    • Use consistent positive discipline (notice/comment on good behavior, avoid using the word “no” and instead tell them what they CAN do, use distraction, be a role model) 
    • Give your child regular down time during the day 
    • Look for parent-toddler play groups 
    • Congratulate yourself on making it through the first year!  Think of how much you have grown and changed, and your baby too!
    • Birthday party planning: it’s mostly for the parents.  Kids can have cake for the first time.  Expect your baby to be done after an hour or two, and allow downtime afterwards.
    • This is the time that parenting expectations start to come to the surface.  Talk them over with your partner.  Consider taking a Love and Logic class or other parenting class together.  

    Development: 09:21

    • Stranger anxiety / apprehension goes away
    • Might have a preferred parent
    • Starting to talk - says mama, dada, and one other word (typically hi), imitates sounds, jabbers with inflection 
    • Points out objects and brings objects to show parents 
    • Plays interactive games (responds to peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake)
    • Hands parents a book or toy 
    • Follows simple directions (put this away / hand me a toy)
    • Waves bye
    • Starting to walk/cruise along furniture, stand alone for a few seconds 
    • Identified people upon request
    • Wean pacifier and bottle - switch to a cup for drinks 

    Sleep: 14:28

    • 10-12h at night, 1 nap per day.  Sometimes takes a few weeks to transition from 2 naps to 1 nap.
    • Bedtime routine established: brush teeth together, quiet time, reading, singing
    • In crib in own room; consider moving to toddler bed when it’s ok for them to get out of bed (walking independently, able to safely get to your room and wake you up)
    • Blankets ok; no pillows til age 2
    • No bottles in bed; if you  need to wean bedtime bottle, can start progressively watering it down until it’s only water

    Nutrition: 16:29

    • 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day at the same time as the family
    • Offer a variety of foods and textures 
    • Encourage self feeding
    • Can stop breastmilk or formula (use up what you have); ok to breastfeed as long as you want
    • Use a cup for water; offer water with all meals and snacks
    • Cow’s milk and honey are ok now 
    • Should be eating greens daily; ok to have meat; supplement with iron if not eating greens daily or red meat 3x per week
    • You determine when child eats and what is offered, but allow child to decide how much to eat (many toddlers graze)

    Teeth: 20:03

    • Brush teeth BID with fluoride-free toothpaste; if there is no fluoride in water source can use a grain-of-rice sized amount of fluoride toothpaste 
    • If no teeth yet, brush gums BID with plain water and toothbrush
    • Schedule first dentist checkup now or when first tooth is in

    Elimination: 20:53

    • Can start potty training by putting baby on potty after eating and upon waking
    • Typically voiding at least 6x per day, stooling 1-2x per day
    • If baby is constipated: first increase water intake, increase fiber (fruit and veggies), then consider prune juice or pear juice 2oz 1-2x per day.  If not enough, talk to your doctor about miralax.

    Skin care: 22:56

    • Bathe as often as they get dirty (2-3x per week)
    • Can use lotion 
    • Use sunblock if spending more than 30 mins outside 
    • Insect repellant for babies (citronella based is best)

    Safety: 23:43

    • Childproof the house - outlet covers, stairway gates, barriers around space heaters, cleaning products locked away, electrical cords out of reach, gates around pools 
    • Don’t take medicines in front of children - they will learn that you’re supposed to open those bottles and put things in your mouth out of them
    • Keep baby in arms or a high chair or playpen in the kitchen and bathroom; never allow baby to be alone in those rooms
    • Set water temp to 120’F 
    • Avoid secondhand smoke
    • Rear facing car seat until age 2
    • Don’t leave heavy objects or hot liquids on tablecloths or coffee table 
    • Save poison control number in your phone 
    • Remove guns from the home or keep them locked and unloaded in a safe

    12mo Checkup: 27:54

    • Typically able to sit alone on the table; stay within arms reach so they don’t fall off
    • Full head-to-toe exam
    • Routine vaccines at this visit and the next two: a total of 5-7, plus flu/covid 
    • Next checkup at 15 mos 
    • Reminder that after 1 year of age should have their first dentist visit and eye exam at ophthalmologist

    All of the information in this episode is also in The Baby Manual book, which is available for purchase. Remember it is always okay to call your doctor or emergency services if you have concerns about your baby’s health.  

    Resources discussed in this episode:


    Dr. Carole Keim MD: linktree | tiktok | instagram


    Don't Grind, Unwind.

    Don't Grind, Unwind.
    This week’s episode, we discuss why “the grind” is overrated, how channel surfing can be good for your mental health, and what being a man, woman, and successful whole human looks like in today's world. How do you unwind? Taking just 5 minutes to chill out can help prevent you from being burnt out. Grab your slippers and a glass of wine, you won’t want to miss this one.



    Whereupon we explore time off for your characters in story, and how a little side quest and base building can foster better teamwork between players, more engaging NPCs and a lush, vibrant world. Break out the drinks, it’s time for some PTO!

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    Hit us up @goblinscorner on Twitter, and check out all links and socials on our website, www.goblinscorner.com

    Is Grind Culture Grinding Us Down?

    Is Grind Culture Grinding Us Down?
    The answer may depend on which generation you ask. With older ones having internalized it and younger ones glorifying it, grind or hustle culture has been around for hundreds of years and is embedded in the DNA of American exceptionalism. It is our work culture. For many, modern-day work culture involves working a regular job plus a side hustle, working multiple part-time jobs, or working well past 55+ hours per week in a full-time job. The truth is, left unchecked, grind culture can be harmful to your well-being and physical health, and is unsustainable as individuals and for corporations. But how do we stop grinding, when being overworked is often seen as a badge of honor with 4.2M Instagram posts tagged #riseandgrind, when society views it as a measure of success, or when some of us must work multiple jobs just to survive? With 1440 minutes in a day, the answer may be to take 5 of those minutes each day to make a conscious choice to power down, instead of always knuckling down. Start building your different work culture and get more out of life.



    In this episode of Downtime, Lou talks with Noel Jordan – Festival Director of Imaginate and Edinburgh International Children’s Festival. 

    They talked about Noel’s approach to programming, Imaginate’s year round support for artists, the risks Noel can take in terms of programming difficult or sensitive material, and his observations about the quality and nature of work being made both in the UK and across Europe.

    Noel has extensive experience as an award winning producer, director, actor-devisor and drama educator. Whilst working as a Drama Lecturer in Arts Education at the University of Melbourne, he also completed his Masters in Education.  

    Imaginate is the national organisation in Scotland, which promotes, develops and celebrates theatre and dance for children and young people. 



    Lou spoke to Annabelle while she was at Jacob’s Pillow, in June 2022. They spoke about where Annabelle’s passion for working across genres comes from, the detail of how she prepares and what she asks of her dancers in the studio, and how she and her dramaturg and long time collaborator Nancy Meckler work together. 

    Annabelle also talked about what she thinks a female choreographer can bring to female roles, and what changes she’d like to see in the programming of major companies – one of which she plans to lead one day!

    Colombian-Belgian, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa is an award-winning choreographer that has created around 100 works for 71 dance companies around the world. A versatile choreographer, she creates regularly within the dance field but also for theatre, opera, and musical theatre. 

    Her wide-ranging body of work includes short conceptual pieces, full-length narratives and dance films. She  completed her dance education at the Royal Ballet School of Antwerp and  after a 12-year long career in a number of European dance companies, Annabelle decided in 2003 to focus solely on choreography.

    Lean Into Life

    Lean Into Life
    Go with the flow, be like water, embrace change. They all mean the same thing: maintaining flexibility and leaning into change. We’re back this week to discuss what being adaptable means for each person, how to not fear change, and how to access your own flexibility for more happiness this summer season. Sit down, take a listen, and get ready to lean into change!

    Rest, Relaxation, and Relationship Time . . . The New 3 R's

    Rest, Relaxation, and Relationship Time . . . The New 3 R's
    Summer is here and that means vacay, baby! Yes, we’ve all had the wind knocked out of us lately with ever-increasing prices, especially when we fill up. So how do we get our three R’s: rest, relaxation, and relationship time, when everything is so expensive? The answer is proper planning while adopting a flexible mindset that embrace choices to maximize your experience and minimize the stress and cost. In this episode, we discuss staycations, family bonding, past travels, and current adventuring in a way that won’t break the bank but still allow us to dive into the three R’s with some insightful perspective and helpful tips.



    Jonzi D is the founder and Artistic Director of Jonzi D Projects and Breakin’ Convention the international Hip Hop festival he founded in 2004 with Sadlers Wells. A dancer, spoken word artist and director, he is the foremost advocate for hiphop theatre who has changed the profile and influenced the development of the UK British hip-hop dance and theatre scene over the last two decades. He has been actively involved in British hip hop culture, rapping and b-boying since its genesis.

    As well as making his own work, with shows such as The Letter in 2013, which he made about his decision to turn down an MBE, and TAg … Just writing in my name 2006, and the more recent film We Want Our Bodies Back he is passionate, as we will hear, about supporting the work of other artists, and the development of Hip Hop theatre as a whole.

    In fact his most recent role is as Artistic Director of The brand new Hip Hop Theatre Academy – which opens at the new Sadlers Wells East venue in 2023.

    Lou spoke to Jonzi in May 2022, and they talked about the changes he has seen across the years of Breakin Convention; his hopes for the new Sadler's Wells Hip Hop Academy and the philosophy of 'Each one teach one' – that informs his own life, and the Hip Hop sector more widely.

    All Work And No Play Means Time For A Vacay

    All Work And No Play Means Time For A Vacay
    Taking time off shouldn’t be stressful, but it is for many, so much so that millions of vacation days go unused each year. Where is the line between being a hard worker and working all the time? It’s vacation time where the living is easy. Or it should be and can be, if we are flexible and plan properly. Do you take that trip to Europe we’ve put off that last 2 years or do we stay local to save money as gas prices continue to rise? This week’s episode, we dive into the idea of embracing flexibility this summer (and we don’t just mean on the yoga mat), having grace with ourselves and how life now (or what we at Ends with Z like to call Life: 2.0) is an opportunity rethink the idea of working hard, while taking necessary downtime to relax and recharge. How do we attain it? Hint: the answer may be in a 4-day work week and the convergence of traditional European ideals and American work ethic.

    How Slowing Down Speeds Up Success (and Happiness!)

    How Slowing Down Speeds Up Success (and Happiness!)

    We live in a society that glorifies “the grind.”  We’re proud of our hustle and hard work to make things happen. Setting goals and going after them is a good thing, the trick is to pace yourself; and to take time to "stop and smell the roses" on the way. We know that constantly pushing ourselves and rushing around can lead to burnout both physically and mentally, but  many of us continue at a breakneck pace because we think it’s necessary to achieve our goals and dreams. The reality is, adopting a slower more deliberate pace can deliver better results and enhance our quality of life.  In this episode, we’ll look at both the benefits of taking time to pause and rest…and ways to realistically do it.

    For more info, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com
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    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

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    #086 - The Life-Changing Magic Of Time Off

    #086 - The Life-Changing Magic Of Time Off

    When was the last time you came up with an interesting idea? If you’re like many new entrepreneurs, your schedule rarely allows time for your mind to wander off topic.   

    Research shows that some of our most creative inspiration happens when we allow our brains to rest and stop working so hard, which is why co-hosts Lori Vajda and Nola Boea set out to discover how downtime can not only be great for business, it might just help you come up with your next great idea.  

    Thanks for Listening!

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    In This Episode You’ll Learn 

    • Why boredom is considered a “seeking” state of mind.
    • How mundane tasks and creativity are deeply linked.
    • 8 Ways to embrace daydreaming to improve thinking and creativity.

    Key points Lori and Nola are sharing in this episode:

    (03:15:78) The mindblowing percentage of U.S. employees that don’t use their time off.

    (05:20:52) What the research shows is the link between boredom and creativity. 

    (07:04.35) Why resisting feel-good distractions and the high we feel from dopamine inducing activities are actually good for our minds

    (9:40.70) The eight components that make a trip transformational. 


    You can subscribe to Lori and Nola's show, (we love you and want to make it easy) on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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    Downtime: Ideen und Möglichkeiten für die Pausen zwischen Abenteuern

    Downtime: Ideen und Möglichkeiten für die Pausen zwischen Abenteuern
    In diesem nicht Nicht-ganz-so-Schnellschuss stellen euch Patrick und Matthias Ideen für die Downtime eurer Kampagne vor: Magische Waffen schmieden, Fähigkeiten trainieren, wertvolles Wissen sammeln, ein Gasthaus führen, das Raumschiff aufrüsten, eine Familie gründen … alles ist möglich. Das Ganze diskutieren sie für euch im Hinblick auf Mechaniken und Storytelling: Wie viel Zeit kann in „Spielpausen“ in der Welt vergehen? Wo lohnt es sich ranzuzoomen für Rollenspiel und Würfelwürfe? Wie lassen sich Fortschritte visualisieren? Was wird möglich mit 1-on-1-Sessions oder Chat-Spiel?

    Viel Spaß beim Hören!

    Dungeon Starter gefällt euch? Wir freuen uns mega über eure 5 Sterne auf Spotify und Apple Podcasts, eure selbst geschriebene Review oder ein "Folgen" auf Instagram!       

    Episode 80 | 5 Tips on How to Use Social Media Optimally and Prevent Doomscrolling

    Episode 80 | 5 Tips on How to Use Social Media Optimally and Prevent Doomscrolling

    Time to talk about a nasty habit that many of us have scummed to… Doomscrolling… a common habit of scrolling on social media, which could contribute to unintentionally looking for negativity.

    In this episode, we speak about how to avoid this nasty phenomenon and ways to use social media constructively for our businesses! 

    1. Contribute by posting on social media before you scroll and consume. It is easy enough to jump on social media and start consuming but as a business, you need to show up and contribute at a regular cadence. Your cadence could be once a week, once a day, or 2 times a day. Regardless of the cadence, you need to keep up with it, to ensure your audience and the algorithms know that you’re still around as a participant. Attempt to create a habit where you only consume when you post. Engage with the content you are seeing, so you are consuming the content with intention. Your attention is the most valuable resource and when you engage with the content, you not only make a real connection with another person, but you’re also telling the algorithm that you like that type of content and the algorithm will then present similar content and perhaps more opportunity to make real connections.

    2. Schedule the time you will engage with social media and using the tips above, ensure you are actively engaging when you do jump on social media. If you can create a schedule to post, then create “social media engagement time” before and after the created content has been posted. This will help keep your account active around posting time.

    3. Remove the social media apps from your phone's Home Screen. If clicking on the social media app has become a compulsion, then you should consider removing the apps from your home screen or deleting them from your phone and only using the desktop version.

    4. Find an app that will put a time control on your usage. I know it can become difficult to stop the compulsion of scrolling and if you find yourself going over the time allotted to social media engagement, then a time-limiting app for social media might be your answer.

    5.  Replace your scrolling habit with another activity that will give you the same level of “downtime” or “transition time”. Consider journaling or reading as a replacement for social media scrolling. The activity you select should be something that will uplift you and provide you with positive energy!

    Take one or two or all of these tips and apply them to your own situation to ensure you’re not succumbing to Doomscrolling!

    Remember you got this! Head to bossitclub.com/podcast to find more fantastic episodes! 




    A Team Dklutr Production

    Relax, Don’t Do It

    Relax, Don’t Do It

    Things You Should Stop Worrying About This Week

    I’ll stop worrying about the French “Noise radar” (a.k.a. ‘Noise police’).

    REALLY bad chicken lo mein

    The increase in traffic deaths caused by an increase in assholes on the road

    Nuclear holocaust

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    Is your technology induced ADHD thwarting your mental wellness?

    Is your technology induced ADHD thwarting your mental wellness?

    Research shows that it is very beneficial to slow down, disengage from our constant connection with technology, and strengthen our creativity and goal achievement by taking a break from our devices. 
    Sarah Hohmann and I discuss our challenges with harnessing our use of technology. 
    For example, our first thing in the morning can be to start with 20 to 30 minutes of quiet time. Learn more how this practice allows you to refresh your mental wellness. As a result, you will (re-)discover your voice and sanity.

    You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity.

    Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for vitality.com where you can subscribe to the show. We would appreciate it if you would tell a friend about the podcast

    What are your questions about your mental wellness, tools for vitality, or any other topic that comes up for you?

    Email me: toolsforvitality@pm.me .

    Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness

    Ep. 13 - A Little Downtime

    Ep. 13 - A Little Downtime

    The big day is right on the horizon, but for now we have some time to relax and recuperate after a hard mission.

    Help us keep the lights on and upgrade our equipment!: https://ko-fi.com/abstractadventures

    The DM is played by: Lee Baldwin https://twitter.com/Lemonseed05

    Drucilla is played by: Jenna Marie → https://www.instagram.com/chaotic_click_clacks/

    Paddler is played by: Jason Cassidy → https://www.instagram.com/dungeoneeringwithjason/

    Acheron is played by: Brent Markee → https://www.instagram.com/brent_markee/

    Dust is played by: Hannah Davies → https://www.instagram.com/bananedavies/

    Stay updated and contribute your own ideas by following us on Twitter or Instagram:



    5 Behaviors that can Damage your D/s-M Relationship

    5 Behaviors that can Damage your D/s-M Relationship

    Relationships are challenging. How to have a close and meaningful relationship with your partner is not something that most or probably any of us were ever taught in school, and some of us have few, if any, good role models to emulate. 

    It has been said that how we behave in our intimate relationships today is often a reflection of our parents and how they behaved towards one another in their relationship.  This statement will vary from individual to individual but for myself, in some instances at least, it is alarmingly accurate.  Through the years I have demonstrated many of the same marital blunders as my father.  

    My father is not to blame, however, and neither is his father or his father’s father.  And if you are in a similar situation your father isn't at fault either.  Remember, most of us have never been specifically taught how to have a successful and fulfilling marriage including your father.  

    Powerful relationships don't just happen by chance.  And the couples living them don't take them for granted.  They are fully present, all of the time, and they have learned the skills that are required to succeed in a relationship.  When you see a married couple that has a healthy meaningful relationship, the odds are if their happiness is authentic, that they will have many other powerful relationships in their lives as well.  It is almost as if they have cracked the code on relationship skills.

    If you are listening to this podcast you are most likely here learning or honing those very skills, never taught to us anywhere else.  Those skills are required to have a successful, meaningful, and purposeful relationship.

    Understanding the most common behaviors that damage relationships can be a good first step to having a powerful lasting marriage.

    See how many of these behaviors seem familiar, either in yourself or your partner.  Which ones of these do you excel at and which ones should you focus more attention on?

    Leading with integrated masculine energy!

    Ep#42 Shinrin Yoku: An Interview with A Forest.

    Ep#42 Shinrin Yoku: An Interview with A Forest.
    In this episode, I invite you to beat the January Blues by sharing my shinrin yoku experience in the pristine forests of North Eastern Slovenia. Shut off the notifications, and just give your attention to the sounds of the forest. Notice how this slowing down makes you feel. Ask yourself how comfortable you are with that. And don't forget, you can come back anytime!

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