

    Explore " 음주운전" with insightful episodes like "술 마시고 운전하면 그 자체로 살인 아닌가요? [최종의견]", "도망치다가 음주운전 처벌받나요? 긴급피난과 오상피난 [최종의견]", "354회 코로나19에 재활용업계 난항 / 경찰 음주운전 단속 재개", "327회 수능 응시인원 역대 최저 / 음주단속 연말까지" and "306회 문무일 총장 검찰 과거사사과 / '제 2윤창호법' 단속 첫 날" from podcasts like ""SBS 골라듣는 뉴스룸", "SBS 골라듣는 뉴스룸", "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트", "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트" and "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트"" and more!

    Episodes (5)

    술 마시고 운전하면 그 자체로 살인 아닌가요? [최종의견]

    술 마시고 운전하면 그 자체로 살인 아닌가요? [최종의견]
    그야말로 대낮인 지난 8일 오후 2시 20분쯤, 대전 서구 둔산동의 어린이 보호구역에서 만취 상태였던 운전자 66살 A 씨가 몰던 차량이 도로 경계석을 넘어 인도로 돌진해 길을 걷던 9살 배승아 양을 치여 숨지게 했습니다. 함께 있던 친구들도 큰 부상을 입었다고 합니다. 잊을 만하면 벌어지는 음주사고, 거기다 스쿨존이었다는 점이 또 다시 충격을 줬는데요. 며칠 뒤 경기도 하남시에서도 떡볶이 배달을 가던 가장이 음주운전을 하다 중앙선을 넘어 온 SUV 차량과 충돌해 숨졌습니다. 음주운전 사고는 여전히 반복되고 경찰은 또다시 음주운전과 스쿨존 법규 위반 특별단속에 나섰으며 경찰청장은 검찰과 협의해 음주운전 사고 가해자에 대해서는 최고 형량을 받게 할 것이라는 입장을 밝히기도 했습니다. 윤창호법 등 잦은 음주운전 사고 이후 있었던 법 개정에도 여전히 음주운전에 대한 형량이 너무 낮다는 지적이 많은데요. 술을 마시고 운전하면 그 자체로 (고의성이 있는) 살인이라고 봐야 하는 건 아닌지 의견도 나옵니다. 우리 법과 사회가 음주운전을 어떻게 다루고 있는지, 오늘 집중적으로 얘기 나눠 봅니다.

    354회 코로나19에 재활용업계 난항 / 경찰 음주운전 단속 재개

    354회 코로나19에 재활용업계 난항 / 경찰 음주운전 단속 재개
    진행자: 임정요, Paul Kerry 1. Recycling centers face desperate battle to survive [1] The global coronavirus pandemic is threatening the future of plastic recycling in South Korea, as major recycling centers are incurring mounting losses amid a collapse in global demand. *incur: (비용을) 물게되다 *mounting: 쌓이는 *collapse: 붕괴 [2] Many are being forced to cut costs, work hours and head counts just to stay afloat, but a quick turnaround appears unlikely, industry insiders and government officials said. *afloat: 간신히 빚은 안 질 정도로 *turnaround: 만회, 호전 *unlikely: 있음직하지 않은 [3] “(Local) recycling centers are largely dependent on exports of collected recyclables, but trade is not happening these days,” said Ban Sung-tai, head of the resources recycling division at the Seoul Metropolitan Government. *dependent: 의존적인 *recyclable: 재활용할 수 있는 [4] “These centers are having a hard time, but there’s not much that can be done at this point. It’s not like borders will reopen tomorrow as if nothing happened.” *as if nothing happened: 아무일도 없던 것 처럼 기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200525000650 2. Police adapt to COVID-19 era, introduce non-contact DUI testing [1] Life is getting back to some semblance of normality in South Korea, with people out and about on the streets and in parks, students returning to school in stages, and public transportation crammed during rush hours. *semblance: 겉모습 *normality: 정상상태 *in stages: 단계적으로 [2] Also getting back into gear is the police’s war against drunk driving. Police, who in the past months could only sparingly test drivers’ breath for alcohol due to virus fears, are now employing a new tool -- non-contact DUI testing equipment that does not require drivers to directly blow into breathalyzers, a practice at high risk for spreading the novel coronavirus. *get back into gear: 정상화하다 *drunk driving: 음주운전 *sparingly: 드물게 *practice: 행위, 관행 [3] At first glance, the new device resembles a selfie stick. A sensor that detects airborne alcohol content is attached at the end of a 60-centimeter-long stick, which is placed some 30 centimeters in front of drivers’ face for about five seconds through the window. *resemble: 닮다 *selfie stick: 셀카봉 *airborne: 공기중의 기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200526000294

    327회 수능 응시인원 역대 최저 / 음주단속 연말까지

    327회 수능 응시인원 역대 최저 / 음주단속 연말까지
    [팟캐스트] (327) 수능 응시인원 역대 최저 / 음주단속 연말까지 1. Koreans sit for national college entrance exam 기사요약: 응시자가 역대 최저였던 수능 스트레이트 기사. [1] Nearly half a million people sat for the annual state-administered college entrance exam Thursday, with the number of test-takers marking an all-time low. *nearly: 거의 *sit for an exam: 시험을 치르다 *administer: 주관하다 *test-takers: 시험 응시자 *an all-time low/high: 사상 최저/최고치 [2] The College Scholastic Aptitude Test, locally known as Suneung, began at 1,185 exam venues across the country at 8:40 a.m. and ended at 5:40 p.m. Some 482,000 people had sat for the exam for academic year 2020 as of 2:20 p.m. A total of some 549,000 people applied to take the nine-hour back-to-back exams, down some 46,000 from the previous year. *venue: (특정 행사 등이 진행되는) 장소 *across the country: 전국에 걸쳐 *academic year: 학년도 *back-to-back: 연이어 이어지는 [3] The Suneung, which has been held only once a year since 1993, covers five subjects, including Korean, math and English. *subjects: 과목 [4] The level of difficulty for this year’s Suneung was in line with the high school curriculum -- easy enough for students who faithfully attended classes, said Shim Bong-seop, head of the exam committee. *difficulty: 난이도 *in line with: -에 따라 *curriculum: 교과 과정 *faithfully: 열심히, 최선을 다해 *attend classes: 수업을 듣다 [5] This year’s test results are scheduled to be released on Dec. 4. *be scheduled to: -할 예정이다 *release: 발표하다, 공개하다 [6] Two students were expelled from the exam, for submitting the exam answer sheet late and having a laptop, respectively. Electronic devices are not allowed inside the exam venues. Airplane landings and takeoffs were banned from 1:05-1:40 p.m. during the English listening test portion of the exam. *expel: 쫓아내다 *answer sheet: 답안지 *electronic devices: 전자 기기 *landing: 착륙 *takeoff: 이륙 기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20191114000733 2. Police bust 10,000 drunk drivers in 50-day crackdown 기사요약: 제2 윤창호법 시행으로 음주운전에 대한 처벌이 강화되었음에도 불구하고 50일 단속기간 동안 1만건의 음주운전이 적발됐다. [1] More than 10,000 people were caught driving under the influence of alcohol during a 50-day nationwide crackdown on reckless driving, the National Police Agency said Sunday. *be caught -ing: -하는 중에 잡히다 *driving under the influence of alcohol/driving while intoxicated: 음주운전 *nationwide: 전국적인 *crackdown/clampdown on: -에 대한 단속 [2] During the clampdown between Sep. 9 and Oct. 28, 11,275 people were caught for dangerous driving acts, including 10,593 drunk drivers and 662 reckless drivers. *dangerous driving acts: 위험운전행위 *reckless driver: 난폭운전자 [3] Among those caught, 13 have been arrested with detention, including a driver who had his license revoked in the past for DUI but was again caught at the wheel with a blood alcohol level of 0.105 percent. Those found driving with a blood alcohol level of over 0.08 percent have their licenses canceled in South Korea. *be arrested with detention: 구금되다 *have one's license revoked/canceled: 면허가 정지되다 *caught at the wheel: 운전대를 잡은 상태에서 잡히다 *blood alcohol level: 혈중 알코올 농도 [4] Six others were caught for abetting drunk driving and four for disturbing traffic by driving abnormally slowly. *abet: 방조하다 *disturb: 어지럽히다 *abnormal: 비정상적인 [5] The authorities will extend the crackdown period until Dec. 27, mobilizing undercover patrol cars and drones, in light of the upcoming year-end season when the number of drunk drivers tends to surge. Repeat offenders caught during the period will be detained and their vehicles will be seized, police added. *extend: 연장하다 *mobilize: 동원하다 *undercover patrol cars: 일반 차로 위장한 경찰차 *tend to: -하는 경향이 있다 *surge: 오르다 *repeat offenders: 재범자 *seize: 압수하다 기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20191117000164

    306회 문무일 총장 검찰 과거사사과 / '제 2윤창호법' 단속 첫 날

    306회 문무일 총장 검찰 과거사사과 / '제 2윤창호법' 단속 첫 날
    [팟캐스트] (306) 문무일 총장 검찰 과거사 대국민 사과 / '제 2윤창호법' 음주단속 첫 날 1. Top prosecutor apologizes for prosecution’s past misdeeds 기사 요약: 검찰 과거사위원회가 지난 1년 6개월간 과거 검찰의 부실수사 등에 대한 조사를 마치고 지난달 활동을 종료했는데 과거사위가 지적했던 검찰 과오에 대해 반성하며 사과했다. [1] Prosecutor General Moon Moo-il on Tuesday apologized for the prosecution’s past abuses of power and human rights violations in connection with politically sensitive investigations, vowing to make the law enforcement body transparent and politically neutral. * past abuses of power: 과거의 권력 남용 * human rights violoations: 인권 침해 * politically sensitive: 정치적으로 민감한 * law enforcement body: 법 집행 기관 * transparent: 투명한 * politically neutral: 정치적으로 중립을 지키는 [2] In a news conference, Moon said he “repents” the prosecution’s past failures to do its duty to protect people’s basic rights and fairly exercise its investigative powers. * repent: 회개하다, 뉘우치다 * do one's duty: 의무를 다하다 * fairly excercise: 공평하게 행사하다 * investigative powers: 수사권 [3] Moon admitted that the prosecution had blocked attempts to uncover cases which involved human rights violations and had failed to filter out fabricated evidence and false testimony -- often the result of torture by the state authorities. * Admitted: 인정하다 * Uncover: 밝히다, 적발하다 * Filter out: 걸러내다 * Fabricate evidence: 증거 조작 * False testimony: 위증 [4] “Taking the past wrongdoings as a lesson, the prosecution will improve the institutions and procedures to prevent itself from abusing its power and to make sure its political neutrality and fairness in investigation are not violated,” Moon said, pledging measures to prevent any recurrence. * Take A as lesson: A를 교훈으로 삼다 * Procedures: 절차, 과정 * Pledge: 약속, 맹세, 서약 * Recurrence: 반복, 재발 본문 기사: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190625000732 2. 153 caught drunk driving nationwide on first day of toughened DUI law 기사 요약: 음주운전 단속기준을 강화한 '제2 윤창호법' 시행 첫날인 25dlf 전국에서 153명이 음주운전 단속에 적발됐다. [1] Police caught 153 people for drunk driving nationwide between midnight Monday and 8 a.m. Tuesday, when the toughened drunk driving law came into effect, according to the National Police Agency. * Drunk driving: 음주 운전 * Come into effect: 시행되다 [2] Of the 153 drunk drivers, 57 had their licenses suspended and 93 had their licenses revoked. Three refused to have their blood-alcohol levels checked, police said. * Licenses suspended: 면허 정지 * Licenses revoked: 면허 취소 * Blood-alcohol level: 혈중 알코올 수치 [3] The revised law stipulates a lower blood-alcohol level limit for drivers and stricter punishments for those driving under the influence. * Revised law: 개정안 * Stipulates: 규정하다, 명기하다 * Driving under influence: 음주 운전 [4] Previously, those found driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.05 percent and above had their licenses suspended, while a level of 0.1 percent and above led to revocation of the license. The corresponding limits are now 0.03 percent and 0.08 percent. * Revocation of license: 면허 취소 [5] The maximum penalty for drunk driving was also raised from a three-year jail term or 10 million won ($8,650) fine to a five-year term or 20 million won fine. * Maximum penalty: 최고형 * Fine: 벌금 본문 기사: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190625000693

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