
    lamb of god

    Explore "lamb of god" with insightful episodes like "Gun Drummer | Standard Capacity Podcast #24", "The Eucharistic Fast How Much Does It Mean - Sermons 02/01/24", "Art Cruz: The Making Of A Metal Drummer", "Revelation 5" and "EP. 42 Pantera & Lamb of God Live Recap with more M.M.D." from podcasts like ""Standard Capacity", "Sermons For Everyday Living", "The Drum Department", "NUCLEAR PASTOR: Into The Word" and "PODcore - Metal on Metal"" and more!

    Episodes (64)

    Art Cruz: The Making Of A Metal Drummer

    Art Cruz: The Making Of A Metal Drummer

    We often assume that metal drummers eat, breathe, and sleep metal music. While that might be true for some drummers, it's far from it for Art Cruz, Lamb of God's drummer, one of the best metal drummers in the world today, and our very special guest on this episode of The Drum Department. Join us as we stroll down memory lane with Art and discover how he became the drummer he is today.

    EP. 42 Pantera & Lamb of God Live Recap with more M.M.D.

    EP. 42 Pantera & Lamb of God Live Recap with more M.M.D.

    On this new installment of PODcore the boys recap the Pantera/LOG show they attended in August. They also discuss all kinds of other topics such as formula one racing, football, and of course heavy metal including new songs they are listening to that might intrigue your musical taste. Add in a few laughs and you have an hour of topics to get you ready for the fall season and the build up to another clash of the albums discussion coming soon.  Sit back and enjoy!

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    Lamb of God - John 1:29-31

    Lamb of God - John 1:29-31

    Jesus the Messiah is called the "Lamb of God" and what exactly does that mean?  The symbolic nature of being the Lamb of God is filled with countless Old Testament imagery and practices that are crucial to understanding who Jesus is and what he does for the world.   

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    EP. 39 M.M.D. VOL 7 (Talkin' Final Metal Takes)

    EP. 39 M.M.D. VOL 7 (Talkin' Final Metal Takes)

    PODcore is back with the last installment (for now) of their Misc. Metal Debris series on all of the metal topics they missed while away during their long hiatus, summing up the last few months of metal talk. The discussions on this episode cover Guitar Gods such as Eddie Van Halen, Jeff Beck, and Randy Rhodes. Why metal is so overlooked by the Rock & Roll H.O.F. As well as some new music from Exhorder, and Dave Lombardo.  Also, a special announcement from Fast Vinny and some sports talk to cap this episode off. Dig into the end of the three part series the boys needed in order to catch up on all topics.  Be sure to check the feed for more upcoming episodes coming fast and furious in the next few months.  Enjoy!

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    Check out the You Tube channel and Facebook pages for live video content and photos.

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    "Behold the Lamb." | A statement to enter wonder and worship

    "Behold the Lamb." | A statement to enter wonder and worship

    Stephanie shares what happened as she researched for this episode: "Let me tell you. I was NOT expecting what happened when I did my research. I think the Lord kindly likes to surprise us with glimpses of glory when we don’t expect them. So let’s say I wasn’t expecting to find myself in tears, flat on my face in my dining room, and almost breathless in awe of who Jesus is, as I saw Him through the research I did around this statement, "Behold the Lamb." I discovered fresh from the familiar pages of the New Testament an angle, a new depth that took my breath away. And I want to share the holiness of this moment with you today." Stephanie aims today to show us that, when we proclaim Jesus as the Lamb of God, from the standpoint of the New Testament, we proclaim his glory as the Lamb of God that will be revealed in the future. There is a future dimension that is clearly stated, but somehow overlooked. And it is glorious. So, let's dig together into Scripture for fresh tastes of glory!

    What do you think of when you hear the statement, “Behold the Lamb of God”? If you are somewhat familiar with the Old Testament and the history of Scripture, you know it’s a reference to the Passover lamb that was sacrificed annually as a covering for sins. Since they exited Egypt in about 1600BC, Moses and the Israelites were commanded by God to remember His salvation which He made happen by protecting all the people who had the blood of a freshly killed lamb on the door of their house. If there was blood on your door that night, the angel of death would pass over your house – thus the name “pass-over” – and would not come in to kill the firstborn male of your household. If you didn’t have that blood, then the firstborn male was killed. It didn’t make sense except by faith because God said so. And God did so.

    We love to remember that Jesus is the Lamb of God – meaning at least two things. First, He is fully God. And second, He willingly, voluntarily did this. God the Father didn’t force God the Son in some kind of cosmic tyranny to suffer for us. This was a decision that the Son made in full knowledge, and full power and love for us. “For the JOY set before Him He endured the cross” – that’s Hebrews 12:2. This is true power. Only absolute, ultimate power that has nothing to prove can so excruciatingly disrobe itself of power and become a helpless lamb. Philippians 2:5-8 tells us that He humbled Himself by going from heights of power we cannot even begin to remotely have a faint wisp of an idea of, to depths of humility that, similarly, we just cannot fathom because these depths are literally fathomless, bottomless, infinite – only an infinite being can go from infinite height to infinite depth and retain His wholeness. That is Christ. That is the Lamb of God. And it is glorious. And that is where we usually stop. For most of us, this is the meaning of the Lamb of God. And it is awesome and should cause us to fall in worship, to be sure. But there is more.

    Stephanie adds, "my most sincere prayer is that I can somehow convey what I saw and that you too will find yourself worshipping. I usually have it as a rule to never ever hype a lesson, so here is me breaking my own rules but then it’s not about me, it’s about you and the very Spirit of God at work in you to reveal to you unspeakable beauties about the One He delights in, the Son of God, our very precious Lord."

    We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    Identity in the battle | Ephesians


    Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience


    Shades of Red | Against human oppression


    God's glory, our delight 




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    Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support.

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    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

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    Lamb Of God's Randy Blythe v Czech Republic | 1 of 1

    Lamb Of God's Randy Blythe v Czech Republic | 1 of 1

    In this mini, we explore Lamb of God vocalist Randy Blythe's run in with the Czech judicial system - one that saw him spend 39 days in prison, and contemplate a 10 year prison sentence. 


    Written, recorded, produced, and narrated by Steve Glaveski.

    Battle of the Bands is a No Filter Media production. 


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    For advertising inquiries contact: hello@steveglaveski.com 



    Blabbermouth, Rolling Stone, and Loudwire.


    Quotes heard throughout this were AI-generated recreations of words said on the record by band members and other participants. 



    After nearly a year since the last episode Vinny & Byrne are back and better than ever. This new episode will discuss where they have been, who they have seen, and what the future of the podcore metal on metal podcast will look like. Hot topics and hot metal discussions about all things podcore.

    Byrne & Vinny want to thank their fans for sticking with them through their hiatus, and to get ready for new episodes coming fast and furious until next winter season (which they will explain).  

    Get ready, strap your seatbelts and enjoy the metal ride.

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    An Agnostic's Guide to Heaven with Tim Bedore Episode 93

    An Agnostic's Guide to Heaven with Tim Bedore Episode 93

    Just in time for Easter--He IS Risen or He HAS Risen?  If we're banning books in schools should we start with THE HOLY BIBLE?  I read parts of it that are Hitchcock/Tarantino/50 Shades of Grey territory so you can decide. Can vegetarians opt out of the Lamb of God portions of the liturgy? Should there be peanut butter and mint jelly sandwiches? Are nuns the most vicious women on Earth? I discuss a psych experiement I remember that proved they just might be. You have problems, I have solutions. And in this episode I've taken the overuse of sound effects to an all new level. Best of all, it's all over in 17 minutes. So, who am I hurting? Subscribe and THRIVE!!!

    Hope Over Darkness

    Hope Over Darkness
    As we look towards Easter next weekend, we follow along Jesus’ path towards the cross. After his entry into Jerusalem, things turn dark quickly. It’s easy to misdirect our hope like the disciples did. Or to misunderstand hope based on our circumstances. But we learn from scripture that because of Jesus, we have true and redeeming hope that restores us through the cross. 1 Peter 2:24 says “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” We have healing because of Jesus’ sacrifice, and we look to celebrate Easter because he has risen, indeed.

    Behold the Lamb - Dan Shutt

    Behold the Lamb - Dan Shutt

    When John the Baptist pointed to the Lamb of God and cried, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”, there was no question as to who he was talking about. There stood before all the people a unique and sinless man who, by baptism, identified Himself with the rebellious nation of Israel, indeed the whole world. He came to stand in the place of sinners. He was God’s great solution to the universal problem of sin. And He was willing and able to be the Lamb, the perfect offering to satisfy the justice and righteousness of God.  Have you taken this Lamb of God as your own? You need to. 

    Satansplain #033 - Satanism and "journalists"

    Satansplain #033 - Satanism and "journalists"

    Gabriella Swerling of the Telegraph contacts the Church of Satan for an article on the "rise of Satanism", only to completely ignore what we said and print bullshit instead. A look at Satanism vs. the world of incompetent clickbait journalists (including Vice, of course). Also, The Satanic Temple rightfully and expectedly loses another frivolous lawsuit against its ex-members.

    The One - Audio

    The One - Audio
    In this sermon Pastor Chris explains that Jesus came to save. He does this by exploring the claims of John the Baptism made about Jesus in the first chapter of John's Gospel. In this chapter, John the Baptist claims that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. he also claims that Jesus is God's chosen one. This leads several of John's disciples to check Jesus out, and when they do one comes to the conclusion that Jesus is the Messiah. Pastor Chris explains that all of this helps us understand Jesus' identity and mission. As God's chosen one, Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed one of God, who has come to save the world. As the lamb of God, Jesus is the new Passover Lamb who has been led to the slaughter that all peoples of the world might be saved. lambof God, #godschosenone #messiah #jesus #johnthebaptist #gospelofjohn #john #sermon #epiphanysermon

    LE COIN KOROZIF S3E17 - Choc des Titous Janvier

    LE COIN KOROZIF S3E17 - Choc des Titous Janvier

    Prêts à dérouiller ?
    Dans son Coin Korozif, Thierry vous propose des interviews, des découvertes, et un déferlement de décibels métalliques....
    ça va swinguer  slammer dans les chaumières ! COME ON !!!! https://www.radiolocalitiz.fr/le-coin-korozif/

    Titres diffusés :

    Avatar – The Dirt I'm Buried In : https://music.apple.com/fr/album/the-dirt-im-buried-in/1650504064?i=1650504522

    Waking The Misery – In a Heart Beat https://music.apple.com/fr/album/in-a-heart-beat/1632635711?i=1632635956

    Deathless Legacy – Ora Pro Nobishttps://music.apple.com/fr/album/ora-pro-nobis/1644731782?i=1644731789

    Spirit War – Spirit Warhttps://www.facebook.com/spiritwar.heavyrockband

    Carnivora – Cosmic Throne : https://music.apple.com/fr/album/cosmic-throne/1651447113?i=1651447115

    Alter Bridge – This is War : https://music.apple.com/fr/album/this-is-war/1633480580?i=1633480584

    Heroes And Monsters – Raw Powerhttps://music.apple.com/fr/album/raw-power/1650302518?i=1650302723

    Five Finger Death Punch – Welcome to the Circushttps://music.apple.com/fr/album/welcome-to-the-circus/1619239613?i=1619239614

    Obscura – Heritagehttps://music.apple.com/fr/album/heritage/1571804497?i=1571805496

    Lamb of God – Omenshttps://music.apple.com/fr/album/omens/1626466079?i=1626466324