

    Explore " #selfempowerment" with insightful episodes like "194 - How to Build A New Identity", "Empowering Women Through Spiritual Awakening: JJ DiGeronimo", "Mastering Weight Management Through Hypnosis: A Conversation with Rita Black", "Who’s in charge of you before you begin your day? (your pre-flight inner crew)" and "How to Build Yourself Up, in the Sea of Others Opinions." from podcasts like ""F* It!", "Michelle's Inspiration Hour", "Your Health Moment With Dr. Fitness", "Find Your Strength Inside" and "Too Deep"" and more!

    Episodes (34)

    194 - How to Build A New Identity

    194 - How to Build A New Identity

    Amy Ledin raises an intriguing question at the heart of today's discussion: 'What new habits are now a part of your daily life that weren't here before?' 

    In this thought-provoking episode, Amy discusses the journey of evolving one's identity to foster a healthier, more fulfilling life. She shares insights into the psychological shifts necessary for adopting new habits and the importance of belief in oneself. Through engaging narratives and evidence-based strategies, she provides listeners with the tools to shift their identity in alignment with their health and personal goals.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Understand the link between identity belief and behavior alignment.
    • How to achieve internal harmony through aligned beliefs and actions.
    • How environmental influences and social circles can impact your identity shift.

    “The more that you're really clear on this is, this is who I want to be, this is the identity I'm chasing, that becomes easier. Now, people are motivated to seek confirmation and validation of their self-concept. So, if an individual holds a belief about a particular aspect of their identity, they may actively speak that out.”  - Amy Ledin



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    Amy Ledin


    There's also like, the self-fulfilling prophecy. It's believing in a particular aspect of that identity, you perceive yourself in a certain way, and eventually, you come into it. This is why I do believe in playing the role, hence, building the health character. At first, you're not going to be there, of course, you're not going to be there. But you want to already be clear on the things that need to happen to be there and start playing aspects of that.


    Amy Ledin


    What are you doing to create your dream life or your best self? Why do we see some thrive through challenges while others struggle? Welcome to F* It!, a podcast where I talk about the main Fs in my life that have helped me in creating my best self: faith, family, forgiveness, food, fitness, and formula. Hi, my name is Amy Ledin and most would say that I've had my fair share of struggles. Whether it was placing my baby for adoption at 18, facing my marriage-ending affair, or battling stage four cancer for almost seven years, it's safe to say that I've been through a lot. Join me as I take you through my story, my journeys, and share with you the tactical strategies every single week that will help you thrive and overcome anything you face. That's right, I'm going to show you how to create a future self that you'll be proud of. So buckle up, get ready for the ride as I take you through my story and bring other guests on that have helped me along the way. 


    Amy Ledin


    Okay, if your old life looks similar to your new life, you're most likely just playing a role. And in fact, you've really just not changed your identity, you're just good at playing that part. Can you hear me out because today we're going to talk all about shifting your identity and what that really looks like. But the reason this came up and why I've been sharing this a lot on my Instagram stories is that research has shown once a person believes in a particular aspect of their identity, they're more likely to act in alignment with that belief. It's like the person that quit smoking and just starts to say, I'm not a smoker and then these are the behaviors of a nonsmoker, right? I don't take as many breaks anymore, or whatever it may be. This could also be someone going from being unhealthy to I'm healthy and what do those behaviors look like? And the more that you are able to believe in these particular aspects of your identity, you're just more likely to pull yourself towards that alignment and then it just makes those habits a lot easier to follow. You know, I'd shared on my Instagram stories, when we got up here to Canada, it was a real big change not just in my routine but in the weather and just getting into the habit of my first thing in the morning, getting a walk in instead, walk started to be kind of just whenever and then before you know what I was breaking my streak. And so I needed to get back to the core identity of I am someone that walks every day. Period. Right? I mean, I get it, things happen, life happens. But I wanted to my core for that to be similar to brushing my teeth in that it would just feel weird. It's just part of my identity of doing these things every day. And so it just got me thinking about when it comes to you becoming this new person, you should see, it's not going to be maybe necessarily overnight, but if I was to compare my life to five, seven years ago, it is completely different. I'm talking completely, like, I have changed my routines, like I've just my whole life has changed. And you know, that is always going to be evident in those things.


    Amy Ledin


    And this all came up because Erik had a returning client that's been with Lean Bodies Consulting over the years a couple of times, so not new to losing weight. And back, this person now is down like 30, or 40 pounds has probably about double that to go. So let's say like 70 to 80 pounds, but about halfway there. And this client's like, you know what? I got it from here. I'm good. You know what? I'm losing and so thanks for everything and I'll see you later. And you know, Erik and I have discussed this, this is very common with people in that they are seeing that measurable thing of the losing the weight is like their problem is solved, right? And so Erik replied, I'm sure it really surprised this person because Erik said, but you don't have it from here. Sure, you know how to lose weight. You've done this before. And back two years ago, you lost 40 pounds, but we're still back here, you've not changed who you are, what new habits are now a part of your daily life that weren't here before. And if you can't list off a ton of them, well, then you know what, you're just playing a role, you really haven't shifted that identity. Right?


    Amy Ledin


    So this, you know, comes up quite often and so I wanted to kind of go through some of these things just to maybe, hey, maybe they'll help you I know they've helped me. You know, for me, it used to be the test of how do I behave on vacations? And don't get me wrong, I know that when we're on vacation, at least when it comes to like my fitness and my eating, it is going to be a little bit different. But is it going to be a free-for-all where I don't even walk and I don't even go to the gym and I'm just eating my face off? No. Now, was I like that maybe 10 years ago? Yes. And that tells me that I haven't shifted my identity of becoming this person. And the reason why you want to do this is it becomes easier to live here. When we are always fighting it, we're fighting the alignment, we're gonna have that inner bitch really talking to us a lot, because we're just not showing up to the potential of where we need to be, right? And so, testing your weekends, testing vacations, testing these one-off days to just really see how you behave.


    Amy Ledin


    Now, I wanted to dive in deeper to why is it that we are more likely to act in alignment? Why does it make it easier? Well, there's a lot of areas, some key factors that come into play when we are working on that self-identity and one of them is consistency and cognitive dissonance. This is where humans have the natural inclination towards cognitive consistency. Hey, when our beliefs, our attitudes, and our behaviors are aligned we do experience this sense of internal harmony. This is really what we're chasing. We are chasing just feeling good. We may think that we're chasing, losing the weight or making all the money, but what we're really chasing is all the behaviors and processes that it takes to get there. It is the daily walks, it is the meal prepping, it is learning to say no to certain spending binge because you're trying to save. It's all of those things, whatever that goal is and then like, being aligned, we really were craving that internal harmony, right? Now, when we don't have cognitive, on the other hand, with cognitive dissonance, that discomfort arising from conflicting beliefs and actions, it doesn't make us want to go with, move towards that and this is where we will start to hear a lot of that inner bitch talking and complaining and saying things to us, because we're just not living there. Right?


    Amy Ledin


    So what you could do in this area, this is where you would want to get really clear on your beliefs, what you're chasing, your identity. For our clients, I always want them to build a health character. In fact, in the show notes, I believe, we would have a link where you can go sign up and do the free health character, because you've got to have some clarity on who you're trying to be. It's like with a client of mine, if we're a few months in, I'm going to continue to remind them, okay, well, who are we chasing here? And not just like a look not just a number, like, how does she behave? What does she do on a daily basis? What time is she getting up every day? Those details matter to our brain because here's the thing, the more that you start to align yourself with that you'll just be pulled towards it. The more that you're really clear on this is, this is who I want to be, this is the identity I'm chasing, that becomes easier. Now, people are motivated to seek confirmation and validation of their self-concept. So, if an individual holds a belief about a particular aspect of their identity, they may actively speak that out. So this is where building that health character and I have mine very detailed, she's someone that every day, does some form of meal prep, she has every day, some form of movement. And the more that I put that in writing, and really, I'm going to seek validation from those things that I've already deemed as being part of that identity, if that makes sense, right? So now you're like, well, this is what a healthy person would do. And then there's also like, the self-fulfilling prophecy. It's like believing in a particular aspect of that identity, you perceive yourself in a certain way, and eventually, you come into it. This is why I do believe in playing the role, hence, building the health character. At first, you're not going to be there, of course, you're not going to be there. But you want to already be clear on the things that need to happen to be there and start playing aspects of that. I really, when I'm going to the grocery store, I play that health character role, especially those first few times where maybe, it may be in the past going to Publix, for example, I love Publix grocery stores, and their cakes and their frosting are so amazing. And I really had to build this character, like my health character, she doesn't go over to the bakery to tempt herself, she's sticking to the perimeter of the grocery store and this is, when she goes to the grocery store, she makes sure that she doesn't buy things that are going to tempt her. And I just go into all that detail because it just makes it so much easier with just playing right into the role.


    Amy Ledin


    And then of course, there's other things that can help shift your identity. One would be around other people's influence. There is a huge power in your environment. In fact, in one of the books that I read, Willpower Doesn't Work, he talked about this phenomenon, that you can have the best strategy, you could have your diet laid out, your training laid out, but let's say no one around you is really supporting that or living that way, it's actually going to be harder for that person versus the person that has really no plan but their group of friends, their tribe, their family, their people, they live healthy lifestyles, that person is more likely to shift their identity to their tribe, than that person that had all the strategies on paper. And so what this tells you is you want to find other people that are living like you. We have in our Look Like You Train program, which it is actually getting ready to enroll, I don't know, by the time this one launches, we'll see. But at the beginning of December, we enroll for that, but one of the powers of our Facebook group, you've got almost 500 ladies in there, but we're all chasing similar goals, right? So when we start to align ourselves with these people, even if your habit isn't, as of yet to say walk daily, you better believe by the end of those 12 weeks in that group, you're walking daily. One of them is that we don't consume caffeine, the first two hours upon waking, and when people get in the group, that's one of the things they're like, oh my gosh, that's just so crazy. No way, I'm not gonna do it. And then as time goes on, they see their tribe, they see their people doing these things, and guess what, it starts to pull them towards that and they start to live in that way. So don't discount your friendships, your environment, your home in helping you shift your identity.


    Amy Ledin


    But the most important thing to ask yourself today is, is my life looking similar to what it looked like last year? And if it does look similar, well, then you know what, it's time to put some of these things in writing some of these habits, some of these behaviors that will truly help you get to the new identity that you're, you're so badly wanting to be at, and really start to measure those on a daily basis. You know, like I said, you'll see on my Instagram right now I'm back, you know, now it's probably three and a half weeks of walking straight. But it's, it's back to being my thing, that first thing in the morning, I go for a walk. And I want that to stay with me. And so I'm going to continue to really get that clarity around what that new identity looks like so I can continue to shift towards it. So I hope this one helps you in working on yours, feel free to download the How To Create Your Health Character, that's just one area of your life that you can build one in, but the email series that gets sent to you also will show you how to put this into other areas of your life and really just hope to continue to help you level up. So, have a great one.


    Amy Ledin


    Okay, I'm on a mission. As you know, if you've been following along, I have a goal to be at top 100 podcasts. And it's less about that top 100 and more about I want to make an impact. I want more people to hear F* It! and learn from all of the mistakes that I've made, along with me bringing on really special guests for you. So my ask here is this. I want you to screenshot this episode today and share it on your social media, share it with a friend, you know, tag me in it. Go give me a review, of course, if you're really feeling it, and rate me. You know, this is the only way things are gonna get seen here. And in a big world of tons and tons of podcasts, I'm hoping that you're going to choose mine and help me on my mission.

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    DISCLAIMER: The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed by the hosts and guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent or reflect the official policy, opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of Disenyo.co LLC and its employees.

    Empowering Women Through Spiritual Awakening: JJ DiGeronimo

    Empowering Women Through Spiritual Awakening: JJ DiGeronimo

    In this episode of Inspire Your Essence, host Michelle Henderson interviews JJ Geronimo, an award-winning author and tech trailblazer turned lightworker. JJ shares her transformative energy practices and empowering strategies drawn from her 20 years in the tech industry. She discusses her spiritual journey and the importance of aligning with one's life's work. JJ also talks about her third book, "Seeking: 74 Key Findings," which explores the illusion of success, the power of saying no, and the journey to align with one's life's work. She emphasizes the importance of changing one's relationship with money and discusses the concept of whispers and nudges as guidance in life. JJ also shares her YouTube channel, "Together We Seek," where she interviews energy practitioners and shares tools and techniques for spiritual growth. She encourages women to trust the process and embrace the lessons life has to offer.

    To reach JJ DiGeronimo go to: https://jjdigeronimo.com/

    Thank you so much for listening! To view all of the episodes on video, go to Michelle Henderson's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@michellesinspirationhour

    Mastering Weight Management Through Hypnosis: A Conversation with Rita Black

    Mastering Weight Management Through Hypnosis: A Conversation with Rita Black

    In this episode, Dr. Fitness talks with Clinical Hypnotherapist and author of "From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss," Rita Black. Listen in as Rita shares her personal experience of using hypnosis and discusses using it to manage weight and overcome habits and beliefs related to weight struggles. Stay tuned! The episode explores the importance of identity, inner communication, and focus in achieving long-term weight management… and Rita offers a free masterclass to all listeners on overcoming the weight struggle cycle.

    Rita Black C.Ht. is a clinical hypnotherapist and leading expert in both the arenas of smoking cessation and weight loss. She is the author of the best selling From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss and the host of the Thin Thinking podcast. She is a featured expert on Unplug Meditation and her hypnosis is featured on Beach Body Fitness. Her online hypnosis-based Shift Weight Mastery Process and Smokefree123 programs have helped thousands unlock the power of their subconscious to have powerful transformations into healthier and more powerful lives.

    • [4:17] Hypnotherapist Rita Black reveals how hypnosis can access 80% of the mind for change.
    • [6:59] Rita provides three ways to use one's brain today to shift out of the weight struggle mindset, starting with identity.
    • [14:48] Dr. Fitness emphasizes the importance of shifting one's mindset to learn from experiences and make progress towards goals.
    • [22:01] Rita discusses the vulnerability of people struggling with weight loss, and the tendency to seek quick, easy solutions rather than focusing on long-term transformation.

    For more information on the Your Health Moment podcast, visit: https://www.yourhealthmoment.com/

    Connect with Us!
    Max Sturdivant, Podcast Host & Health & Wellness Coach:
    Podcast Website: https://www.yourhealthmoment.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iam.drfitness
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamdrfitness/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@iamdrfitness1971

    Rita Black, Hypnosis-Based Weight Loss Expert, Author, Podcast Host:
    Website: https://shiftweightmastery.com/
    Rita’s Podcast Link: https://podcast.shiftweightmastery.com/
    Instagram: https://shiftweightmastery@instagram.com
    Facebook: https://shiftweightmastery@facebook.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ritablack/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShiftWeightMastery
    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0999678205
    RITA’S FREE OFFER: Free Weight Loss Masterclass with a light hypnosis session: How to Stop the 'Start Over Tomorrow' Weight Struggle Cycle and Start Releasing Weight for Good. This 75-minute masterclass will walk you through how to remove the subconscious weight barriers that keep you struggling.

    🤝 This podcast episode was brought to you by McGowan Spinal Rehabilitation Center
    🎙️ Podcast Production by Dandelion Media
    🔊 Audio Produced by Mountain Valley Media

    Who’s in charge of you before you begin your day? (your pre-flight inner crew)

    Who’s in charge of you before you begin your day? (your pre-flight inner crew)

    It's time to check-in before you begin your day.  
    Ready to take charge of your day like a seasoned pilot? Join our latest podcast episode where we explore the pre-flight checks necessary for a smooth journey through life. Discover the secret to staying grounded and addressing emotions as you navigate the skies of daily existence. Find out who your inner crew is and why your heart is the pilot of your life. Plus, we introduce a powerful tool to boost your energy and clear mental fog.

    In a relatable airport security analogy, we delve into the importance of setting boundaries and controlling who influences your story and how to prepare for your day. 

    Be sure to listen at the 20 minute mark, there is a breathing drill to add to your self-care toolbox to help you regain your energy and get grounded when you need to. 

    For more ways that I share & educate about movement, emotions and more I invite you to follow me… Find Your Strength Inside page coming soon.
    Subscribe and join the conversations...Remember your story matters and so does your journey... so make it your own.

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    IG @Positively.fitt

    How to Build Yourself Up, in the Sea of Others Opinions.

    How to Build Yourself Up, in the Sea of Others Opinions.

    Welcome to a candid and heartfelt episode of the Too Deep podcast with your hosts, Adonnis Barrera and Ianna Giselle. In today's conversation, we're diving into the complex waters of self-discovery and self-assertion in a world often dominated by the desires and expectations of others.

    We get it – life can sometimes feel like a constant struggle between what you want and what others want for you. It's not just about judgment or criticism; it's about navigating the subtle currents of external expectations and societal pressures. We've been there, and we're here to share our own experiences and genuine insights.

    Join us for an unfiltered discussion about building a sense of self that's firmly anchored in your own desires and dreams. We'll explore practical strategies to help you honor your authentic aspirations, even when the world around you seems to pull you in different directions.

    We'll delve into the importance of self-awareness and self-compassion, offering guidance on how to prioritize your own goals without losing touch with your true self. It's about finding the courage to swim against the tide of external expectations and embracing your unique journey.

    So, if you've ever felt like you're living someone else's script, this episode is your lifeboat. Join us as we navigate the complexities of balancing your desires with external pressures, helping you build a life that authentically reflects who you are and what you truly want.

    We All Have Our Moments of Weakness. Don't Be Defined to It.

    We All Have Our Moments of Weakness. Don't Be Defined to It.

    Welcome to a powerful and uplifting episode of the Too Deep podcast. In this enlightening episode we dive deep into the topic of embracing vulnerability and overcoming moments of helplessness and weakness.

    Join us as we explore the universal nature of these moments and challenge the notion that they should define us. We'll share inspiring stories and practical insights to help you find strength and resilience during times of vulnerability.

    In addition, we delve into the importance of speaking up and voicing our concerns or opinions, even if we feel shy or hesitant. Discover the transformative power of finding your voice and expressing yourself authentically, regardless of the fear or uncertainty that may arise.

    Through open and honest discussions, we'll provide guidance on how to navigate through moments of weakness and overcome self-doubt. We'll empower you to embrace vulnerability as a stepping stone to personal growth, empowerment, and connection.

    Join us on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we encourage you to rise above discouragement and let your voice be heard. Together, let's break free from the constraints of weakness and embrace the strength that lies within.

    Tune in to Too Deep for this empowering episode, and don't forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find our content valuable. Let's celebrate our moments of weakness as opportunities for growth and personal transformation.

    Regain Your Power: Unleash Your Vision & Stop Playing the Blame Game.

    Regain Your Power: Unleash Your Vision & Stop Playing the Blame Game.

    In this powerful episode of Too Deep, we dive deep into the transformative journey of regaining your power. Join us as we explore the profound importance of unleashing your vision and letting go of the destructive habit of playing the blame game.

    We delve into the compelling reasons why having a clear vision is vital for personal growth, success, and fulfillment. Discover how envisioning your desired future empowers you to set meaningful goals, make purpose-driven decisions, and create a roadmap towards your dreams.

    Furthermore, we challenge the damaging tendency to blame others and shift the focus inward. Taking full ownership and responsibility for our mistakes and errors is a game-changing mindset that empowers us to learn, grow, and make positive changes in our lives.

    Through inspiring stories, practical insights, and actionable strategies, we guide you on a transformative journey to regain your power. It's time to let go of blame, unleash your vision, and step into your true potential.

    Tune in to Too Deep for this empowering episode, and remember to subscribe and leave a review if you find our content valuable! 

    Why You're Stuck

    Why You're Stuck

    In this  episode we delve into the profound impact of past experiences on our present and future. Whether it was yesterday, this morning, or even just a few minutes ago, our past has a way of shaping our mindset and keeping us stuck. But fear not, for today's discussion is all about identifying the patterns that keep us trapped and discovering how to move past them, allowing our past to work for us, not against us.

    Join us as we unravel the deeper layers of stress and anxiety that stem from subconscious triggers. By recognizing whether our emotional responses are driven by present thoughts or past experiences, we can tailor our approach to breaking free from being stuck. Our nervous system plays a vital role in this process, and Marci will provide practical tips for regulating it effectively.

    Marci shares a personal experience of feeling paralyzed by triggers. This enlightening anecdote emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and self-care when dealing with the aftermath of past events. By acknowledging our patterns and understanding the root causes, we can nurture and provide the love and attention you need. 

    As the episode progresses, we explore techniques for grounding ourselves and returning to the present moment. The Triple A's approach (Awareness, Allow, Affirm) is introduced as a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing. By cultivating awareness, allowing ourselves to be present without judgment, and affirming our needs, we can gradually break free from the chains of our past experiences.

    Tune in to this thought-provoking episode of The Courageous and Confident Christian Mom and discover how to overcome the influence of your past, unleash your potential, and create a brighter future. Don't let your past define you—let it propel you forward.

    Episode Website

    96: Unleash Your Inner Champion: Discover the Benefits of Daily Affirmations

    96: Unleash Your Inner Champion: Discover the Benefits of Daily Affirmations

    Discover how a few simple words spoken with intention can shape your reality and transform your mindset.

    Join me as we explore practical techniques to effortlessly incorporate affirmations into your daily routine. Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to a life filled with unwavering self-assurance and limitless possibilities.

    Tune into our podcast now and join a community of like-minded individuals who are harnessing the power of affirmations to create extraordinary lives.

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    33_Abigail Manning, Founder of Create Awareness...Change Lives, Inc.

    33_Abigail Manning, Founder of Create Awareness...Change Lives, Inc.

    Abigail Manning, Founder of Create Awareness...Change Lives, Inc.

    Abigail’s Areas of Expertise Include:
    Think = Cognitive Skills
    Say = Social & Communication Skills
    Do = Behavioral Skills

    Social media/Links to work:

    Abigail Manning, Founder of Create Awareness...Change Lives, Inc., is an innovative voice in enhancing healthy workplace cultures & dynamic leadership. Through international workshops, keynotes & retreats, she delivers professional & personal development programs to companies, U.S. Military & Veteran non-profits.

    Abigail combines an Indiana University double major (Cognitive, Social & Behavioral), mental health studies, healing modalities research, and resiliency skills learned from overcoming childhood abuse, domestic violence and Post Traumatic Stress. She is an outdoor sports enthusiast who lives in Colorado, proud mom of U.S. Marines, and has a heart-felt passion for serving others.

    It was such a unique connection that led to this chat with Abigail but by this time in this journey I have to believe there is a higher purpose to all this. I really enjoyed this chat. Abigail has spent a long time researching and speaking to her story. She was able to articulate things in a way that really helped translate, for a lack of a better word, the dialogue within myself. She was able to express and articulate how she is thriving and that articulation helped me understand and connect pieces of thoughts and emotions within myself and understand myself better. I always try to grab a good quote here or something I find impactful to share but I would just put my quotations around the entire episode. I hope you find something impactful and meaningful in this chat. 

    Resources Mentioned:

    • To sign up to be a WWP alumni you need to go here: 


    Once you are signed up as an alumni, you'll be able to register for WWP events, including the one Abigail co-facilitates monthly. 

    We would really appreciate a share and like on IG, FB, Youtube and Twitter. I am always looking for veterans or first responders who have battled PTSD to share how you have raised the quality of your life to shorten that journey for others. Additionally if you support,  provide services for these groups, or have extensive knowledge of benefits available for these groups please reach out. I would love to have a chat and share that knowledge with the commun

    Follow Your Dreams : How I Created a Magazine | Eleanor Ward

    Follow Your Dreams : How I Created a Magazine | Eleanor Ward

    Lorene Roberts spoke to Eleanor Ward a "Woman of Wisdom" about following her childhood dream of creating a print magazine.   
    Have you ever had an un-pursued dream? Or are you working towards your dream? 
    No matter how old you are, it's never too late to pursue your dreams.
    If you're feeling stuck in a rut, or you’re unsure of what you really want to be doing with your life, then this episode is for you, as you will be inspired by a woman who has followed her dreams.

     Listen to this week's episode of Wow Love Light Inspire as our woman of wisdom guest, Eleanor Ward, shares her life journey to pursuing her dreams of creating a magazine at the mature age of 50 and the struggles she went through along the way.


    4:14 - How her magazine dream began.

    12:13 - How did she get readers? Promoting and advertising the magazine to women

    22:14 - Getting her focus back, starting from scratch on the project.

    29:29 - Redirection, how she found my way back to herself. 


    “People have to understand, sometimes you have to go back to some old types of thinking, in order to get things in a better place.”

    “We need to stop and think about what it is that’s changed, it’s about reflection on what’s changed. Where have we come from? Where are we trying to go? And what do we really want?”

    “Sometimes the things that we want don't always come to pass like we think.”

    About the Guest:
    Eleanor Ward is the founder of Prosperity Magazine. When everything wasn’t working out anymore as a business coach, she decided to pursue her dreams of creating a magazine. 

    Connect with Eleanor Ward:

    Want to visit their website and grab a copy of the magazines?


    Connect with Lorene Roberts:

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/wowlovelightinspire

    Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/544976036900008

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wowlovelightinspire/

    Website: https://lovelightinspire.com/  

    Get a copy of my book, Crazy Stupid Love – Unlocking Life’s Lessons, which is available for Kindle from Amazon.  


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    If you want more content like this and to help support this podcast, you can Buy Me a Coffee by clicking the link below:


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    Being an Old Soul | Tammy De Mirza

    Being an Old Soul |  Tammy De Mirza

    Not being understood, or feeling like you don't fit in with everybody? Maybe you also have an older soul like Tammy De Mirza, our guest for this episode.

    Listen to this week's episode of Wow Love Light Inspire as Tammy shares her life having an older soul, how she managed to fight the battles in life that she encountered, and how she's now making a way to help people like her.


    2:58 - When my life as an older soul began.

    10:50 - The catch of being different is that people don't understand what you easily understand.

    17:26 - Why you should stop denying who you are and become your authentic self.

    26:14 - How I'm going to help people with older souls.


    "I want to fit in, I never did fit in. And that's what older souls try to do. We try to fit in, and we don't."

    "Some of the symptoms of being an older soul is that your awareness is greater, your sensitivities are greater. And you don't know why you know it, and they don't."

    "Your impact is big, whether you're doing something that has a higher purpose, you're doing your life purpose, or you are living small, you're doing it a bit because that's who you are."

    About the Guest:

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loreneanneroberts/  

    Website: https://lovelightinspire.com/  

    Get a copy of my book, Crazy Stupid Love – Unlocking Life’s Lessons, which is available for Kindle from Amazon.  


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    Small Changes Lead to Big Wins | Ludwina Dautovic

    Small Changes Lead to Big Wins | Ludwina Dautovic

    Lorene Roberts speaks to Ludwina Dautovic, a true woman of wisdom in this week's episode of Wow Love Light Inspire as our guest, the inspirational Ludwina Dautovic, shares her journey from leaving home at 16, running multiple different businesses over the years, then, through finding herself  she goes on to becoming a successful artist, a skill she didn't know she had, at the same time establishing a new successful business helping people find and share homes on Australia's first verified house-sharing platform. 

    Handling multiple things at once is something most women have to do, but not knowing how to start can be a problem for all of us? It's tough when things come at you all at once, wondering when you'll ever get past anything or at least achieve something.  Ludwina talks about being a woman and how she achieves it all. 


    4:36 - What kept me moving forward to my success.

    6:58 - Why I break down and organize my daily tasks.

    14:58 - Getting focused on one thing at a time is preferable than multitasking.


    "Whatever it is that you're doing, do it well, and just gonna focus on one thing."

    "To be a successful woman you have to know about yourself, you have to understand who you are, and where you've come from, and how you get to where you are, and using those strengths."

    "As long as I'm achieving something every day, it invigorates me and it keeps me moving."

    About the Guest:

    Ludwina Dautovic is a seasoned entrepreneur. She has been building and running her businesses for 28 years and is currently the CEO and founder of The Room Xchange, Australia's first verified house-sharing platform. 

    Ludwina is also a professional artist specializing in charcoal portraits and landscapes in oil and pastel.

    Connect with Ludwina Dautovic:











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    Highlighting Patterns in Organisational Constellations.

    Highlighting Patterns in Organisational Constellations.

    Lorene Roberts speaks to the inspirational Jacqui Collie on this week's episode of Wow Love Light Inspire as this weeks woman of wisdom guest, Jacqui Collie, discuss what organizational Constellation is, how it works, the power it can have resolving personal, structural and business issues for individual businesses, and why it can be helpful for you if you are a business owner, a manager in business or even an employee by working through the hidden dynamics to obtain a favourable outcome.  

    Sometimes, we don't always get the job we are aiming for. Have you ever felt like the job you have isn't something you truly want to do? Or maybe you like your job but something doesn't feel right about it.  As women we often just put up with things, but finding out our own strengths, learning who we are and what makes us tick, so we know how to deal with the variety of problems and people, so we build good relationships and work through issues can make a difference in our lives.  Constellations can provide us with the answers to even the most basic of questions and put us on the right path in our careers, relationships and business.

    Jacqui inspires us by explaining how to achieve good outcomes using strengths in real examples combined with systemic structural organizational constellations.


    8:06 - What is an Organizational Constellation?

    13:21 - My experience over job and passion.

    16:25 - How Organizational Constellations can utilize the people in a workplace.


    "It was giving me the survival skills that I needed to survive in that job. But it wasn't actually fulfilling the passion that I had inside me, my strengths, where I can actually move has made a major difference to the direction I'm now going."  

    "Just like life, you've got so many different tools in your toolkit, and bringing them all together can actually change the whole direction."

    Connect with Lorene Roberts:

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lovelightandinspire  

    Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/lovelightandinspire/groups  

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loreneanneroberts/  

    Website: https://lovelightinspire.com/  

    Get a copy of my book, Crazy Stupid Love – Unlocking Life’s Lessons, which is available for Kindle from Amazon.  


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    Unsilencing the Silenced: Wounds and Words of Wisdom

    Unsilencing the Silenced: Wounds and Words of Wisdom

    Lorene Roberts speaks to our woman of wisdom guest, Dr. Monica Jackson on this week's episode of Wow Love Light Inspire as she addresses her mission to unsilence the silenced, the source of these wounds, and how to recover from them.

    Why do we have wounds? We develop mental, emotional, or physical wounds which may or may not be visible. No one is safe from getting these wounds, so how can we heal from them?  Sometimes it takes us until we are mature women to actually see what is happening all around us, and that is when our wisdom kicks in and we truly become inspirational women.  In this episode Monica explains why people are in our life and the lessons that they give us and the power of letting go.  


    4:11 - What are these wounds?

    10:40 - Why it's important that we don't carry all our baggage by ourselves.

    33:22 - Why sometimes letting people go is what's best for them.


    "If we are more caring about people, as opposed to looking at them as commodities, and machines, the world will be a lot better place."

    "When things happen in life, look for the lesson, the wisdom you can take away from that. And I say that because that's literally all you have control."

    "Sometimes friends are there for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."

    About the Guest:

    Dr. Monica Y. Jackson is the author of Wounds of Wisdom and CEO of Dr. Monica Y. Jackson Education and Design Services in California (USA). She is also a speaker, professor, and consultant. She designs and delivers courses at her Wholeness Academy to help women permit themselves to heal. She is committed to her message, mission, and movement to unsilence the silenced. Dr. Monica earned a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, MBA, BS in Computer Science, and two associate degrees.

    Connect with Dr. Monica Jackson:



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    Following your dream - writing a book | Dr. Dawn Menge

    Following your dream - writing a book | Dr. Dawn Menge

    Lorene Roberts speaks to this week's inspirational women Dr. Dawn Menge in Wow Love Light Inspire Podcast, as she shares her journey from taking a different path in life after the age of 50, redirecting her to reaching her dreams of gaining a PHD and writing her first children's book.
    Dreams, goals, don't we all have them? Things don't always go as planned, but what if at the end of the day, life still grants us the opportunity of achieving our dreams?  Dawn has done just that, writing and publishing a series of children's books, she truly is an amazing author and woman of wisdom.


    7:59 - How saying yes to opportunities gave me more opportunities.

    14:36 - When I wrote something about my life, it helped me get past it.

    16:34 - How coming out of your comfort zone will help you grow.


    "If it doesn't work the first time, try it again."

    "One opportunity leads to another opportunity, leads to another one."

    "You just have to say yes to different things, even if you're not sure you can do it."

    About the Guest:

    Dr. Dawn Menge is a mother of 3, grandmother of 6. She has a Ph.D. in Education, specializes in Curriculum and Instruction and holds a Master's degree, a Clear Credential in Moderate/Severe Disabilities, and a Bachelor's Degree in Human Development. She has taught students with severe cognitive delays for over twenty years, and mentors/lectures graduate students.

    Dr. Dawn Menge has won 70 International awards as the published author of the Queen Vernita's Educational Series and Dragon's Breath, including the Special Recognition Champion Award from Conquering Disabilities with Film, Best Written Word from Miracle Makers Film, Hollywood Dreams Film, and International Author Boss Award from Power Conversations Magazine. Published works include THE SIX FEDERAL INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLAN GOALS AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THEIR IMPLEMENTATION IN PREPARING FOR TRANSITION.

    Connect with Dr. Dawn Menge:









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    Finance for Women - Where to start | Juliann Gumulak

    Finance for Women - Where to start | Juliann Gumulak

    Lorene Roberts speaks  to this week’s inspirational woman Juliann Gumulak-Smith in Wow Love Light Inspire Podcast as our guest, Juliann, talks about her personal journey of transitioning mid-life from science to her passion of finances, her financial journey and she shares with us about personal finance, the importance of financial basics and learning investment which isn't taught to us at school.

    Personal financing is something we should all learn and do. It can be hard to save especially when for some earnings only cover making ends meet. Where and how do we start a secure financial foundation? Juliann knew there had to be a better way so she came up with a program that is accessible and approachable to all. 


    4:54 - Why I started the Investment Academy for Women.

    7:42 - Knowing where your money is.

    29:57 - Why spending some for yourself despite saving is okay.


    “The amount of stress people go through just not having that little bit of safety net… It almost feels like torture, when you don’t have that little bit of savings.”

    “Just assessing where you are right now, helps you with the future.”

    “You need to have a balanced life. You do need to be able to go out and do things but you just have to readjust things to suit the budget. “

    About the Guest:

    Juliann Gumulak-Smith empowers women to take a more active role in their financial life. Founder of the Investment Academy for Women, she combines her love of investing, technical analysis, and life coaching to make investing simple and strategic. The 5-pillar approach she uses to teach about personal finance and the stock market makes it accessible to everyone and approachable through education, mindset, technical analysis, resources, and community.

    Connect with Juliann Gumulak-Smith:



    Website: https://www.investmentacademyforwomen.com/ 

    I have a free pdf file called 5 Steps to Build a Strong Financial Foundation to accompany the podcast and it can be found on my website. https://www.investmentacademyforwomen.com 

    Connect with Lorene Roberts:

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    How accurate is our intuition? - Lynne Rivero

    How accurate is our intuition? - Lynne Rivero

    Lorene Roberts speaks to the inspirational Lynne Rivero in this week’s episode of Wow Love Light Inspire Podcast,  Lynne talks about why you should be listening to your intuition and how psychic abilities can help guide your future. 

    Don’t we all wonder about what the future holds for us? Lynne can see the answers and explains how our intuition is the most accurate way of us knowing what is true for us.  By listening to your intuition it makes it easier for you to at least be guided about your future. 

    Things like Astrological predictions, Numerology, Shamanic Astrology, and Tarot card readings Lynne knows about it all. You will get insights and gain a deeper understanding on how Lynne works and how your own gut works through this episode.

    6:55 - Why being mentored by different people is good for you.

    17:04 - Trusting your intuition may open doors for great things.

    25:25 - Why do you have to learn to let some people go.


    “To use your intuition, you have to be able to use your imagination, because you have to be able to imagine that you're in the place you want to be so that you can attract it.”

    “(your gut) is like a muscle, the more you use it, the better it becomes.”

    “When you can get to the point where you let go of control, that's when the real magic starts. Because what the universe can cut, compared to what we can think of, is extremely vastly different.”

    About Lynne Rivero

    Lynne Rivero is a clairvoyant and a natural healer running a successful online spiritual business, currently residing in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia.

    Her big passion is clearing blockages and showing clients how to integrate spirituality into their lives and business. She urges to help people create their success by trusting in the love, support, and guidance of the Universe.

    Connect with Lynne Rivero:

    Email: Lynnerivero@gmail.com 

    Website: www.lynnerivero.com 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lynne.rivero

    Connect with Lorene Roberts:

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/544976036900008

    Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/lovelightandinspire/groups  

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loreneanneroberts/  

    Website: https://lovelightinspire.com/  

    Get a copy of my book, Crazy Stupid Love – Unlocking Life’s Lessons, which is available for Kindle f

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    Understanding Gut Health | Kelly Minter Crandall

    Understanding Gut Health | Kelly Minter Crandall

    Lorene Roberts speaks to this week’s episodes woman of wisdom guest Kelly Minter Crandall, a registered nurse, and health coach as she talks about microbiome and gut health.

    Have you ever heard of the microbiome and gut health? Our gut affects our whole body, including our mind. As mentioned in this week’s Wow Love Light Inspire Podcast, our gut is what they call our second brain; so when the gut is unhealthy, there’s not any system in our body that is not affected by it.  Maybe somehow, this will help you switch to healthier food options. 


    7:53 - How do we really keep our gut healthy?

    10:55 - How does our gut work?

    32:03 - Fasting and how it works.


    “Our gut is what They call this our second brain. And so when the gut is unhealthy, there's not any system in our body that's not affected by it.” Kelly

    “The focus is always on, let's get you skinny. But if you're unhealthy skinny, have you really accomplished anything? Are we just looking at a number? Absolutely, and we aren't a number, we are a whole person.” Kelly

    About the Guest:

    Kelly is a wife, mom, health coach, and Registered Nurse. She has worked as an RN for 30 years specializing in adult and pediatric Intensive Care and currently Endoscopy. After healing from a mental and physical breakdown years ago, Kelly became passionate about helping women reclaim their health by taking their health back into their hands. You can find her outside in nature with her friends and family when she's not in the kitchen. Kelly lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Rob and their teenage son.  

    Connect with Kelly Minter Crandall:

    E-mail: coachkellycrandall@yahoo.com

    FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2178693635622526

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kellyminter.crandall/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachkellycrandall/

    Connect with Lorene Roberts:

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lovelightandinspire  

    Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/544976036900008 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loreneanneroberts/  

    Website: https://lovelightinspire.com/  

    Get a copy of my book, Crazy Stupid Love – Unlocking Life’s Lessons, which is available for Kindle from Amazon.  

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