

    Explore " synergy" with insightful episodes like "The Synergy of the Saints", "Horny Husbands", "Beyond Gaming #15 | The Limits Of Being A Soloplayer ft Lan Oribello (iitalix plays)", "The role of active listening and mental health in teens sharing their challenges with guests Patty Sproule and Hanna Mughal" and "Vedic Astrology and Love Windows with Indian Matchmaker's Sophie Won" from podcasts like ""Faith in Five", "The Amazing Clarks", "Equipped: In-Game & In Real Life", "Unpacked Podcast" and "Yoga Magic"" and more!

    Episodes (78)

    The Synergy of the Saints

    The Synergy of the Saints

    The Scriptures use the word saint to describe those who are saved or who have been made holy by the blood of Jesus Christ. If you have asked Jesus to forgive you for you sin and be your Savior, you are a saint.

    Not every believer has the same gifts and callings. The beauty of those within the church is the diversity of our gifts and calling. God made each of us different. He didn't make some better and others worse. He just made us different.

    The Apostle Paul illustrates how this applies to the body of Christ (the church) through the human body. The hand and the foot are both necessary but different in their functions.  Likewise for our eyes and ears. The same is true within the church. Every successful church is filled with different people playing different roles  and making an impact together.

    1 Corinthians 12
    13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
    14  For the body is not one member, but many.
    15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
    16 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
    17 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?
    18 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
    19 And if they were all one member, where were the body?
    20 But now are they many members, yet but one body.
    21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
    22 Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:
    23 And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
    24 For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:
    25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.
    26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.
    27  Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

    Send questions and comments to info@faithinfive.org.

    Faith in Five is a ministry of the Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremont, Ohio.

    Be sure to like, subscribe and give a five-star rating to the Faith in Five Podcast.

    Horny Husbands

    Horny Husbands

    How can women manage having a horny husband or partner?

    In this episode, The Amazing Clarks explore sexuality and the differences between how men and women deal with their sexual urges. Listen in as Melanie and Anthony teach you how to be aware of the meanings behind your partners urges and how to give each other grace. Because when you pour into yourself enough you'll have more love and time with your partner.


    Click Here if you are interested in being coached for The Amazing Clarks Podcast!


    Do you have a question for The Amazing Clarks? Let us know by filling out our form!


    Are you interested in becoming a life coach or want more tips and tricks from The Amazing Clarks?  Head over to the Law of Attraction Life Coach Academy!

    If you want more tips and tricks from The Amazing Clarks, pick up your copy of Crack The Code: The Secret To Achieving Your Happily Ever After


    Black Love is Forever! While the docuseries has taken its final bow you can still find all things Black Love on the Black Love+ app This includes our original series Couch Conversations! This season Kevin and Melissa Fredricks are bringing their 18 years of marriage experience, rawness, and friendship to Couch Conversations Season 4✨, now streamingon the Black Love+ App!

    Black Love’s #CouchConversations is presented in partnership with @Target!

    Connect with us:

    @blacklove on Instagram

    @blacklovedoc on Facebook

    @blacklovedoc on Twitter

    Beyond Gaming #15 | The Limits Of Being A Soloplayer ft Lan Oribello (iitalix plays)

    Beyond Gaming #15 | The Limits Of Being A Soloplayer ft Lan Oribello (iitalix plays)

    The podcast is back and we’re kickstarting things with a returning guest, Lan Oribello, also known as iitalix plays.

    Our conversation took a few twists and turns but we got to talk about how Lan and I share pieces of ourselves in the single-player games we play, the pros and cons of going solo in real life, and soooo much more! Our epiphany at the latter half of the episode was just 🤯🤯🤯 so we hope you tune in!

    When was a time that you were on the helping end of someone reaching their potential?

    Streams & Socials: wlo.link/@iitalix
    Podcast: https://linktr.ee/90dayfiancewtf



    New episodes are out every Sunday on all major podcast platforms.

    For feedback, suggestions, or possible collaborations, feel free to send an email to equippedpodcastph@gmail.com.

    The role of active listening and mental health in teens sharing their challenges with guests Patty Sproule and Hanna Mughal

    The role of active listening and mental health in teens sharing their challenges with guests Patty Sproule and Hanna Mughal

    This week on Unpacked we are chatting with guests Patricia Sproule and Hanna Mughal. Patricia or Patty as we know her is the President and CEO of Sproule Consulting, Executive Director with Synergy, an amazing advocate for youth in Chestermere. Hanna Mughal, University Student Research and Synergy employee and long time advocate for youth in Chestermere. We chat with Patty and Hanna about the need to listen and ask questions on youth safety and how to best serve the physical, emotional, social and mental health well being of the young people in our city. The need comes out of a response to a tragic suicide of a local youth and this group of community leaders were desperate to prevent this from happening again. Patty and Hanna share with us the process and their heart break and walk us through the survey results.  The data may be specific to Chestermere, the common thread of challenges for our teenagers affects all of our neighbourhoods. 

    Unpacked is a podcast exploring life as messy people. It’s conversations with counsellors, leaders, storytellers discussing the experiences of being human. We talk about the strength that comes from big messy failures and vulnerable moments so we can learn to live more authentically. Subscribe and leave us a review!

    -Youth Survey Report
    -Community Coalition
    -Project Rewrite Restorative Justice in Chestermere
    Distress Centre: 403.266.4357
    Kids Help Phone: 1.800.668.6868
    Mental Health Helpline: 1.877.303.2642

    Support the show

    Unpacked is a podcast exploring life as messy people. It’s conversations with counsellors, leaders, and storytellers discussing the experiences of being human. We talk about the strength that comes from big messy failures and vulnerable moments so we can learn to live more authentically. Subscribe and leave us a review!


    Support the show

    *music by Bensound

    Vedic Astrology and Love Windows with Indian Matchmaker's Sophie Won

    Vedic Astrology and Love Windows with Indian Matchmaker's Sophie Won

    Did you know there are many different types of Astrology? Today we sit down with Vedic Astrologer Sophie Won to chat dating, manifestation and how she landed herself on Netflix's Indian Matchmaker! 

    Sophie Won is a Korean-American, world-renowned Vedic astrologer of high profile entrepreneurs, TV personalities (Netflix’s Indian Matchmaking Season 2). She is the Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Astrologer of Reha App. 

    The Reha app is FREE and can be downloaded here


    Learn more:

    Follow Sophie on Instagram: @sophieswon

    Learn more about the Reha App: www.rehaapp.com

    Follow along on Instagram: @yogamagicpodcast and @ashley.sondergaard

    Learn more about Ashley and Yoga Magic at www.ashleysondergaard.com


    Next Yoga Magic Community Event:

    Using Astrology for Calendar Planning | 11/1 12:00 PM CT | Zoom | $10 | Planning your 2023? Tune into this hour long interactive session to learn the basics of calendar planning guided by the stars. Discover what to avoid, what to lean into, and how to utilize your birth chart and personal rhythm.


    Let's stay connected! 

    Get the Cosmic Self-Care Mini Course for FREE when you sign up for our email list HERE. 


    Let's Work Together:

    Book a Joint Astrology and Human Design Reading with Ashley & Sarah Leverett | During these 1 hour joint readings, Sarah will cover the basics of your Human Design chart including type, strategy, & authority. Then, Ashley will cover the key components of your natal chart & how you can work with the energy of your chart in your life today.

    Book a 1:1 Cosmic Self-Care Session with Ashley  | Learn how to use your astrological birth chart to personalize your self-care routines, rituals and practices with this 60 minute session and customized self-care plan. 

    Book a Birth Chart Reading with Ashley | Learn about the key components of your natal chart and how you can work with the energy in your life today during this 30 minute reading.

    Working With New Teams | Ghostbusters (1984)

    Working With New Teams | Ghostbusters (1984)

    What are the best ways to build a new team, organization, or business? The right mixture of personality and experience can be a powerful foundation for building new teams that get the job done. Ghostbusters (1984) illustrates how the right team in the right emerging organization can lay the groundwork for success. (*Spoiler Warning*)


    The best things in life are meant to be shared! Our podcast is available on all great podcasting apps.


    In Episode#25 I talk about how to be who you truly are in these hard times, and how to be the radiant light that you really are. When we adjust our perspective and sync up our heart and mind, this allows us complete freedom in pursuing our passion and purpose. We dive into not identifying ourselves in the wrong things so we can stay focus in our dreams! Enjoy this 20 minute episode and see everlasting changes!

    Working With Diverse Teams | Independence Day

    Working With Diverse Teams | Independence Day

    In this episode, we review the teamwork that saved the world in the 1996 classic, Independence Day. (*Spoiler Warning*) We also talk about getting the right information, anticipating work problems, creating synergy and even do a post-mortem on COVID. Working with a diverse team can be challenging but it might also be the reason you're able to save the world!

    The best things in life are meant to be shared! Our podcast is available on all great podcasting apps.

    E160: Leighton Boyce - Follow where Happiness Takes You

    E160: Leighton Boyce - Follow where Happiness Takes You

    Learn more about Leighton:  About Us | SYNERGY HomeCare of Longmont  

    An Arkansas native, Leighton started her caregiver career at the young age of 12, taking care of her grandmother who suffered from dementia. She loved the time she spent with her grandmother, learning that the best way to keep calm was to not disagree or try to correct her when she didn’t know where she was or what day it was. She met her grandmother where she was, and it made all the difference in her grandmother’s quality of life.

    She went to college where she studied political science and economics – a far cry from caregiving.

    She was working at Whole Foods in a customer service capacity and moving up the management ladder thanks to her drive to be successful and do what needed to be done. She and her husband had transferred to a new Whole Foods in Colorado in 2015, where her husband had family.

    But one day she had an epiphany. She no longer wanted to be a part of people’s obligatory errands. She wanted to be involved in something more meaningful. Like caregiving. She craved it. So she gave her notice, not knowing what she was going to do, but knowing she needed to do something different.

    In 2017 she started working at SYNERGY HomeCare of Longmont as a caregiver and scheduler. She felt fulfilled and kept asking to learn more aspects of the business. After about two years, the owner approached her and said she wanted to sell her business and wanted Leighton to buy it.

    “I should have been scared, terrified, even, but for some reason I wasn’t,” she said. So at the end of 2019, just before the pandemic, she became the new owner. She attacked the business from all ends and doubled the company’s revenue in the first year.

    She takes a strong interest in memory care clients because it is so personal to her.

    She feels that each of her clients have a wealth of experience and memories that are important to preserve and pass along to families who may not have the time to solicit themselves.

    She says when we lose a life, we lose a wealth of knowledge.

    Her husband works in the business with her as a caregiver.

    Even as an owner, she takes shifts caregiving and can fill in when a shift is uncovered. She finds it keeps her close to the business and evens the playing field with her employees.

    She believes that she and her caregivers create a symbiotic relationship with their clients. The caregivers benefit by learning from them, understanding their lives and history, while the clients benefit from highly personalized and engaged care. She also believes this connection strengthens communities by creating a shared understanding. In that regard, she says her business philosophy is to focus on community rather than the competition.

    She calls her caregivers heroes and angels, but the reality is that she has provided many of them with the opportunity to excel in a career that is not often regarded highly or even seen as a career. She once helped a caregiver get a car because that was what she needed to be excellent in her job. Someone she hired was living in hotels at the time – today she is applying to be a homeowner. She hires people of all types, but the common denominator is kindness. She often finds that the people she interviews lack confidence and she encourages them to brag about themselves.

    She offers a flexible and supportive work environment that recognizes that caregivers have a life and a family and hobbies outside of work. Leighton happily covers shifts if her employees have a pressing issue and can’t come to work. She has an employee value proposition:

    Caregivers are whole people, with families, hobbies, and lives outside of work. We work to keep non-traditional hours and use unlimited flexibility to create a work-life fit for us and the people we love. Giving caregivers the freedom and flexibility to create their own work-life balance builds trust in our company, but it’s also just the right thing to do. That’s why flexibility is at the core of our benefits and culture.

    She is also very tactful when she thinks caregiving is not the right calling for an employee. She prints out multiple job postings and suggests they look into them because she thinks they might make the employee happier. Her feeling is that if you aren’t happy in your job, it will affect your caregiving.

    Leighton and her two sisters were raised by a single dad. He always told her you don’t have to go to college – be an artist, be a dancer. He saw the joy about her and never wanted her to lose that.

    Family has always been important to Leighton, from caring for her grandmother to today caring for her family of caregivers. She says she has created a family in her business, in which she and her caregivers become part of the client’s family. 

    Please leave a review or send us a Voice note letting us know what you enjoyed at:

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    The Empowered Voice

    The Empowered Voice

    Did you forget that you actually have a voice that matters babe?

    Because I know that you know that you do.

    But are you using it?

    In this weeks episode we talk about the 7 energy centers, our masculine and feminine energy, and specifically tune in to that throat chakra baby!

    Creation wants to hear you love.

    I want to hear you.

    Speak! Sing! Serve!


    Connect with me:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/freetobe_anelene/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2vOoG3Wv7a5r0QTLfv7O_w

    Support this podcast: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=YA6VDNQXA5WNY


    Many blessings and thank yous' to you!

    Episode 102: From Left to Libertarian, A Pro-Human Perspective in the Twin Cities... with Dan Garscia

    Episode 102: From Left to Libertarian, A Pro-Human Perspective in the Twin Cities... with Dan Garscia

    As many of the regular listeners know, I love organizations that are all about bringing people together, promoting unity and community while also recognizing that we are all individuals with our own thoughts and ideas. This is why I truly adore and respect organizations like FAIR (Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism), Braver Angels and so many others that I have highlighted on the podcast. My friend Rick of Braver Angels recently introduced me Dan Garscia who is a spokesperson for the local Twin Cities chapter of FAIR.

    The conversation in this episode was not originally meant to be one for broadcast, but just an introductory conversation between Dan and myself to find out more about FAIR Twin Cities. During the conversation, things were clicking with incredible synergy, so Dan and I decided this would be something of value to the DTH listeners. I have once again found a great collaborator for the Derate the Hate podcast in my new friend Dan Garscia of FAIR Twin Cities. Share this episode with your network, and more importantly, seek out and get involved with local chapters of great organizations like FAIR, Braver Angels and so many others doing great work to bring people together...

    Dan Garscia of FAIR Twin Cities

    Dan lives in Maplewood, Minnesota with his wife and two spirited children. Dan has been active in his community for over a decade, starting when he first noticed that the freedoms he values so highly were beginning to erode. Dan joined FAIR because, as a partner in an interracial marriage, and father of bi-racial children, Critical Race Theory threatens the values and principles he and his wife have worked so hard to instill in their children. Dan has witnessed firsthand the damage that CRT can cause young minds, and is willing to do whatever he can to help bring the focus back to the “content of character” approach that treats all humans with equal dignity.

    What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

    Please follow The Derate The Hate podcast on Facebook, MeWe,

    What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us as individuals. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

    Please follow The Derate The Hate podcast on:

    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter(X) , YouTube

    Subscribe to us wherever you enjoy your audio or directly from our site. Please leave us a rating and feedback on Apple podcasts or other platforms. Not on social media? You can share your thoughts or request Wilk for a speaking engagement on our site’s contact page: DerateTheHate.com/Contact

    If you would like to support the show, you’re welcome to DONATE or shop Amazon by going through our Support Us page and I’ll earn through qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    Part 2 of The Magical Foo Foo Dust of Mediocre Managers: Teamwork

    Part 2 of The Magical Foo Foo Dust of Mediocre Managers: Teamwork
    In this cast we move beyond the ignorance of mediocre managers clumsily wielding the teamwork moniker and actually explore the design and implementation of a high performance work team. We walk through the Tuchman model of group development and how you as a leader can optimize the groups development into a high performance team. We also explore how through leveraging the power of meaning, the power of belonging, and the power of value can fuel your team to the highest performance levels.Be careful! If you follow my advice here there is no telling how powerful your project / process team will become!I invite you to join my mailing list at Developing Leaders Inc, where you will not only receive a free copy of my ebook on delegation but you will also get a free leadership course. Finally we are creating a community of leaders eager to learn and grow. To join us click this link and join us at Mentoring Leaders

    The Magical Foo Foo Dust of Mediocre Managers: Teamwork

    The Magical Foo Foo Dust of Mediocre Managers: Teamwork
    I am regularly amazed by managers who think they lead teams. Everywhere you look here's a team, there's a team, everywhere a team team. and yet, are they? Really? I think not! I have thought a lot about this, observed many managers and come to the conclusion that many managers are operating from a myth. The myth is that if you call your employees a team, a magical transformation occurs and performance increases. This is #stupid thinking. Teams are specialized form of organization that requires significant investment, empowerment and development to achieve. In this cast you will learn what it means to form a high performance work or project team. in our who does what by when i challenge you to pay attention to how you refer to the word team...I invite you to join my mailing list at Developing Leaders Inc, where you will not only receive a free copy of my ebook on delegation but you will also get a free leadership course. Finally we are creating a community of leaders eager to learn and grow. To join us click this link and join us at Mentoring Leaders

    Multi-faceted, Poly Dave Schlossberg tells his story on Episode 96

    Multi-faceted, Poly Dave Schlossberg tells his story on Episode 96

    Multi-faceted, Poly Dave Schlossberg tells his story on Episode 96. Bringing the energy, experience, and education to build things that are more than the sum of their parts, Synergy and Poly Performance are running at full steam. Be sure to listen on your favorite podcast app.

    4:24 – …he wrapped his whole house in tin foil

    15:04 – I had passed out and spilled some Goldschlager on my chest, and this bear…

    18:34 – I kinda subscribe to the philosophy that there’s always an angle, right?

    21:09 – just got to follow the wind, there are doors open

    28:01 – I made sure little Johnny left with more than just a skateboard

    34:17 – I can speak Hillbilly, so I’d get on and help these guys…

    38:25 – if I could sell a pair of shocks a day, I’d be set for life

    53:00 – guys want to sit in their underwear and order parts from their living room while they’re pounding beers and watching NASAR, you know what I’m saying?

    1:07:19 – as long as my guys want to work, I’ll be there to open the doors.

    1:19:04 – there’s no silver bullet and magic, you’ve got to put in the work

    We want to thank our sponsors Maxxis Tires and 4Low Magazine.



    Be sure to listen on your favorite podcast app.

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    TSL S1E26 - "Plant Before You Harvest" - Scott Miller, Franklin Covey (2/2)

    TSL S1E26 - "Plant Before You Harvest" - Scott Miller, Franklin Covey (2/2)

    This episode is sponsored the International Collegiate Sales Competition (www.icsc-fsu.com). Every November, Florida State University hosts the world's largest sales roleplay and sales management case competition in sunny Orlando, Florida. If you're a student looking to differentiate yourself and secure your dream job in sales, a marketing or sales professor looking to show off your students and connect them with great opportunities, or a sales manager or recruiter looking to acquire top sales talent, come join us!

    Visit The Sales Lab at https://thesaleslab.org and check out all our guests' recommended readings at https://thesaleslab.org/reading-list

    To listen to The Sales Lab Podcast on your favorite apps, visit https://thesaleslab.simplecast.com/ and select your preferred method of listening.

    Connect with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/saleslabpodcast

    Connect with us on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/company/thesaleslab

    Subscribe to The Sales Lab channel on YouTube at  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp703YWbD3-KO73NXUTBI-Q

    TSL S1E25 - "More is Not Better, Better is Better" - Scott Miller, Franklin Covey (1/2)

    TSL S1E25 - "More is Not Better, Better is Better" - Scott Miller, Franklin Covey (1/2)

    This episode is sponsored the International Collegiate Sales Competition (www.icsc-fsu.com). Every November, Florida State University hosts the world's largest sales roleplay and sales management case competition in sunny Orlando, Florida. If you're a student looking to differentiate yourself and secure your dream job in sales, a marketing or sales professor looking to show off your students and connect them with great opportunities, or a sales manager or recruiter looking to acquire top sales talent, come join us!

    Visit The Sales Lab at https://thesaleslab.org and check out all our guests' recommended readings at https://thesaleslab.org/reading-list

    To listen to The Sales Lab Podcast on your favorite apps, visit https://thesaleslab.simplecast.com/ and select your preferred method of listening.

    Connect with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/saleslabpodcast

    Connect with us on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/company/thesaleslab

    Subscribe to The Sales Lab channel on YouTube at  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp703YWbD3-KO73NXUTBI-Q

    Sacred Balance and Synergy: Remembering yourself as the whole damned cake

    Sacred Balance and Synergy: Remembering yourself as the whole damned cake

    As we continue our deep dive into the topics covered in The Divine Feminist book, Ceryn invites you to consider the ideas of sacred balance and synergy, and how these affect your own life and the wider world.

    Together we talk about the power of breaking out of the dualistic boxes that have, for so long, been imposed upon us and about the power that can be found in embracing wholeness - not only for a sum of its parts but for the synergy that comes in bringing those parts together.

    Along the way we consider how to go about that and what such an approach could mean for each of us - and for the whole world too.  And together we remember that we are not simply a list of ingredients but are, and always have been, the whole damned cake.

    Episode notes 

    • If you'd like to learn more about The Divine Feminist and the topics Ceryn speaks about on today's episode, check out The Divine Feminist book. Click here to learn more and order your copy today.
    • Within the episode Ceryn mentions Glennon Doyle's book Love Warrior. Learn more about that here.
    • Elsewhere in the episode, Ceryn mentions the current sale on her Soul Integration Readings, running throughout January. Visit her website to learn more.
    • If the journey of your own aligned expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit www.divinefeminist.com/community
    • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, including the forthcoming book of the same name, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here.

    Stress Factor Podcast 277 - DJ B-12 - December 2021 Drum & Bass Christmas Special Mega-Mix

    Stress Factor Podcast 277 - DJ B-12 - December 2021 Drum & Bass Christmas Special Mega-Mix

    Hello, Merry Christmas and welcome to episode 277 of the Stress Factor Podcast. For our last show of the year, we have DJ B-12 with a very special 2-hour Christmas Special Mega-Mix for December of 2021. This set is jam packed with 66 of the best drum & bass tracks around at the moment. We'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas 2021 and a Happy New Year 2022. Our 12th birthday is coming up on January 1, 2022. Thanks so much to everyone who has supported us and listened throughout the last 12 years. Thanks also to Feed Spot for ranking us the #3 drum & bass podcast in the world.

    This epsiode contains tracks and remixes by these artists and released on these labels: High Contrast, Bou, Gossip, Subview, RAM Records, Fred V, Hospital Records, S.P.Y, Metrik, Pola & Bryson, Hugh Hardie Shogun Audio, Cursed Sun, Salaryman, Ukroniq Music, Bladerunner, Hi Resolution, R1C0, Intrigue Music, Alb, Technimatic, Liquicity Records, Friction, Poppy Baskcomb, Elevate Records (UK)], Unglued, Macca, Skankandbass, Drumsound, Bassline Smith, Innerground Records, Grafix, LIN000, The North Quarter, Camo, Krooked, Mefjus, UKF, Snowtek, Ferice, Rosie Botham, Celsius Recordings, Gravity, Totally Liquid, Viridity, Streetz Of Rage, Formation Records, Zero T, Symmetry Recordings, T & Sugah, Ayah Marar, Kove Remix, Liquicity RecordsHi Resolution, Break, Symmetry Recordings, Bredren, FD, Demand Records, InTake, LW Recordings, Kumo, Sub-liminal Recordings, NCT & Dualistic, Telomic Remix, Stereotype, Intrigue Music, Unknown Artist, Kit, Fokuz Recordings, Auris, Sydney, Goldfat Records, Qumulus,  Warm Roller, Celsius Recordings, Hadley, Balearic Breaks, Moonshadow, Flowidus, Jonny L, Ed Solo,  Dope Ammo, Kniteforce Records, L.A.O.S., Mystery City,Dunk, Collette Warren, DJ Marky, CW Music, HLZ, Integral Records, Synergy, Tasha Baxter, Sleepless Music Ltd., Pendulum, Kove, Earstorm Records, Amoss, Visages, Flexout Audio, Hadley, Sahala, Balearic Breaks, Pyxis, Makoto, Melinki, Low-R, Thread, Kin_etic, Context Audio, Riya, Spearhead Records, imo-Lu, Disrupta, V Recordings, Phil Tangent, Integral Records, Aydn, Wagz, Influence Records, Phace, Blackout Music NL, Hyroglifics, Critical Music, Alb, AL/SO, Synth System, Viper Recordings, Future Engineers, Black Barrel, Dispatch Recordings, Air.K & Cephei, and Lottie 


    01. High Contrast, Bou - Don't Need You [Gossip]
    02. Subview - Run It [RAM Records]
    03. Fred V - Skyscraping [Hospital Records]
    04. S.P.Y - Illusion of Time [Hospital Records]
    05. Metrik - Utopia [Hospital Records]
    06. Pola & Bryson - Vetur ft. Hugh Hardie [Shogun Audio]
    07. Cursed Sun - e-Motion (Salaryman Remix) [Ukroniq Music]
    08. Bladerunner - Who We Are [Hi Resolution]
    09. R1C0 - Dead Too [Intrigue Music]
    10. Alb - Problematic [RAM Records]
    11. Technimatic - Lightwave [Liquicity Records]
    12. Friction, Poppy Baskcomb - I Need To Feel [Elevate Records (UK)]
    13. Unglued - Magnetosphere [Hospital Records]
    14. Macca - Regeneration [Skankandbass]
    15. Drumsound & Bassline Smith - Sanctuary 93 [Innerground Records]
    16. Grafix - Alone [Hospital Records]
    17. LIN000 - LIN003 [The North Quarter]
    18. Camo & Krooked & Mefjus - U [UKF]
    19. Snowtek & Ferice - Underwater feat. Rosie Botham [Celsius Recordings]
    20. Gravity - Ritual [Totally Liquid]
    21. Viridity - The Open [Hospital Records]
    22. Streetz Of Rage - Down [Formation Records]
    23. Zero T - Come & Reprazent [Symmetry Recordings]
    24. T & Sugah - Be There (feat. Ayah Marar) (Kove Remix) [Liquicity Records]
    25. Bladerunner - Emergency System [Hi Resolution]
    26. Break - Release Me [Symmetry Recordings]
    27. Bredren - The Sewers (FDs Dank Drank Refix) [Demand Records]
    28. InTake - With You [LW Recordings]
    29. Kumo - My Selecta [Sub-liminal Recordings]
    30. NCT & Dualistic - Lost & Found (Telomic Remix) [Liquicity Records]
    31. Stereotype - On the Table [Intrigue Music]
    32. Gravity - Dusty [Totally Liquid]
    33. Gravity - Lost In [Totally Liquid]
    34. Unknown Artist (Kit) - Between Us [Fokuz Recordings]
    36. Auris - Evergreen feat. Sydney [Goldfat Records]
    37. Qumulus and Warm Roller - Never Forgotten [Celsius Recordings]
    38. Hadley - Dirty Things [Balearic Breaks]
    39. Qumulus and Warm Roller - Rays Of Light [Celsius Recordings]
    40. Moonshadow - Opium [Goldfat Records]
    41. Flowidus - Find Your Love (Flowidus Remix) [Elevate Records (UK)]
    42. Jonny L - Hurt You So (Ed Solo & Dope Ammo Remix) [Kniteforce Records]
    43. L.A.O.S. - Give Me (Instrumental) [Mystery City]
    44. Dunk, Collette Warren - Black Rainbow (DJ Marky Remix) [CW Music]
    45. HLZ - Orbit [Integral Records]
    46. Synergy, Tasha Baxter - Lust [Sleepless Music Ltd.]
    47. Pendulum - Nothing for Free (Kove Remix) [Earstorm Records]
    48. Amoss, Visages - Long Island [Flexout Audio]
    49. Hadley - I Don't Know You (feat. Sahala) [Balearic Breaks]
    50. Pyxis - Truth [Goldfat Records]
    51. Makoto - Another Star [Hospital Records]
    52. Melinki and Low-R - What's Real [Fokuz Recordings]
    53. Thread, Kin_etic - Charmed [Context Audio]
    54. Riya - Intimacy [Spearhead Records]
    55. imo-Lu - Circle [Hospital Records]
    56. Disrupta - Play It Cool [V Recordings]
    57. Phil Tangent - Lately [Integral Records]
    58. Aydn - No Ride Home [Goldfat Records]
    59. Wagz - Rotations [Influence Records]
    60. Phace - LEWK [Blackout Music NL]
    61. Hyroglifics - Waiting [Critical Music]
    62. Alb - Stay [RAM Records]
    63. AL/SO, Synth System - Extra [Viper Recordings]
    64. Future Engineers, Black Barrel - Beyond [Dispatch Recordings]
    65. Air.K & Cephei - Shadows [Spearhead Records]
    66. Fred V featuring Lottie Jones - Atmosphere [Hospital Records]