

    Explore " tibetan" with insightful episodes like "Indestructible Ease and Joy", "E58: Lobsang Chunzom - The joy in Helping Others", "The Sweet Joy of the Way", "SYO18 How To Be An Agent Of Healing In The World" and "SYO17 How To Cope When People Do Not Understand Your Journey" from podcasts like ""Wisdom and Compassion", "Back2Basics: Reconnecting to the essence of YOU", "Wisdom and Compassion", "Sort Yourself Out" and "Sort Yourself Out"" and more!

    Episodes (47)

    E58: Lobsang Chunzom - The joy in Helping Others

    E58: Lobsang Chunzom - The joy in Helping Others

    Lobsang Chunzom’s philosophy integrates wellness with social engagement.       She helps people realize the connection between their own health and how  they treat others [care for others, support others, kindness towards  others]. She guides people in partnering with others to reduce conflict  nd create healthy spaces in which everyone can thrive.

        She designs Limitless Health Institute programs, grounded in Eastern philosophical principles, that enable participants to recognize the  power of their thoughts and actions to affect their lives at home, at work, and in the world. Her customized curricula include programs for  individual happiness, family harmony, and organizational effectiveness.   Participants leave the programs with practical tools that they can  immediately use to improve their lives and the lives of their coworkers,  friends, and loved ones.

        A New York State Licensed Creative Arts Psychotherapist for more than 30 years, Chunzom specializes in dance and theater. She has degrees in movement therapy from NYU and UCLA and has provided therapeutic services in hospital settings as well as created programs to help substance abusers, incarcerated youth, and families in crisis. She has been a leader in many ADTA associations.
        An ordained Buddhist nun, she completed a 3-year meditation retreat. For  more than 20 years, she has been teaching meditation and philosophy in the Je Tsongkapa Tibetan tradition. She incorporates Western theories of learning, methods of analysis, and ethics with an Eastern understanding of the body and mind. The result is a unique approach to health through helping that unites self-care with social justice.

        In order to help more people realize the power of helping others,  Chunzom founded Limitless Health Institute in 1997. It is a nonprofit  organization that collaborates with other caring organizations in NYC to  help people experience the link between their own health and happiness   and how they care for others. The LHI workshops she designs and  facilitates are used worldwide.
    Learn more about The Limitless Health Institute at: 


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    The Sweet Joy of the Way

    The Sweet Joy of the Way

    Live in joy, in love,
     Even among those who hate.

    Live in joy, in health.
     Even among the afflicted.

    Live in joy, in peace,
     Even among the troubled.

    Look within. Be still.
     Free from fear and attachment,
     Know the sweet joy of the way.

    —The Buddha, from the Dhammapada

    When things pile up and when we get overwhelmed, it’s easy to leave our natural state of ease and joy and to enter into a constricted state. We might even mistakenly identify this as virtue if we do it during a solemn time. But to do this is is not in accord with the teachings of the Buddha. 

    Here we tell how to practice this advice right here, right now. 

    SYO18 How To Be An Agent Of Healing In The World

    SYO18 How To Be An Agent Of Healing In The World

    This week we’re discussing a topic that is dear to my heart, How To Be An Agent Of Healing In The World.

    And I know that this is a topic that concerns many of you as well. And maybe you, like many people I know, feel that you’ve got so much to offer the world, but maybe you just don’t quite know yet what that is, or where to start? Or perhaps you're giving in to imposter syndrome, thinking who am I to think I can change anything or make a difference in the world?

    And I totally understand this, as I have thought this myself, many, many times. I still do from time to time! But, I don’t let it stop me anymore. Because I understand this:

    We are here to share our skills and talents and our own unique beauty for the upliftment of the world!

    There’s only one of you, and there’s only one of me, and according to the Ageless Wisdom, we have been developing our skills, talents and qualities across countless incarnations. We each have our own unique interests and perspectives and speciality, and it is up to us to unfold them, and share them with the world. 

    In this episode:

    • Why you may already be an agent of healing, even though you do not consider yourself one.
    • How to boost your own power and potential.
    • The transition phase that is causing world upheaval.
    • Why it’s so important to sort yourself out.


    SYO17 How To Cope When People Do Not Understand Your Journey

    SYO17 How To Cope When People Do Not Understand Your Journey

    Do you ever feel that the people around you just don't get you anymore, as you travel your path of personal growth?

    This dynamic can happen on many levels. They see us changing, and unless they’re jumping up and down saying “At last!”, then we’re probably making them somewhat uncomfortable, as we upset the apple cart and bring all sorts of unknowns into the relationship.

    Significant Others may even feel threatened by this new person they’re now living with.

    And from YOUR side, you may feel that you're no longer on the same wavelength, or that you're leaving them behind.

    It's a complex issue that snags most of us who are into personal and spiritual growth: how do we deal with the people in our lives who don’t understand our journey.

    In this week's podcast episode I offer my tips, ideas and insights to help you make the best of it and achieve harmony, as you navigate this new terrain.

    In this episode:

    • How to counter the perverse side-effect that often kicks in as we grow and raise our consciousness.
    • Attitudes to foster balance in yourself and harmony in your relationships.
    • The one thing to definitely give up doing!
    • What many complacent-seeming peeps already know.
    • How to understand the deeper significance of conflict.


    SYO16 How To Get Through Your Chores From Hell

    SYO16 How To Get Through Your Chores From Hell

    Have you got a hell-chore? I sure have! In fact I've got several, but one of them winds me up waaaay more than the others.

    For me it's the vacuuming. Maybe for you it’s the laundry, the dusting or the hundreds of other thankless tasks we do to stop our homes from becoming a pig-sty!

    This week on the podcast we’re discussing the ages old problem of all that household drudgery. This topic comes up with alarming frequency among all my female friends and is probably one of the biggest sources of disharmony and conflict in family life.

    In this episode I’m offering my top tips for how to get through those life-sucking household chores from hell, including one very helpful practice that will help you to reframe the whole damn thang!

    Plus, I tell the story of how my vacuum got me back! 

    Whatever your hell-chore is, I hope my suggestions will go some way to lighten your load, and make it, well, if not exactly enjoyable, at least more bearable, and not quite so sh*tty!


    SYO15 If You Believed In Karma, How Would You Live Your Life

    SYO15 If You Believed In Karma, How Would You Live Your Life

    This is something I find fascinating to think about: how would we, humanity, act, if we all believed in karma and reincarnation?

    I think it would be very differently from how we act now. The world would be a totally different place!

    The Karma-Fest wraps up this week with the final episode in my 3 part series on Karma, as we ask "What would the world look like if we all believed in karma and reincarnation?

    We'll be looking at the stuff we learned in parts 1 and 2, and giving it a more practical spin.

    As always, we’ll be looking at the bigger picture, and we’ll also be taking it down to the individual level to look at things you can do, or NOT DO, to have a big influence on your karmic load.

    I’ll be sharing ways to really walk the talk of believing in karma, so that you can begin to free yourself of your karmic bonds and obligations, and lighten the world karmic load as well. NICE!

    In this episode:

    • The perspective we need to foster to begin to wrap our heads around karma.
    • The one principle that underpins the law of karma.
    • The 3 types of karma that affect humanity.
    • The nature of thought as a force of creation.
    • A fun trick to keep your thoughts harmless.
    • How to pay attention to karmic slaps in the face.
    • The attitude we need to cultivate in order to start living more consciously.

    If you missed parts 1 and 2, you might want to check them out before you listen to this one, as they each build on the one before.


    Links mentioned in this episode:

    SYO14 How To Work Off Your Karma

    SYO14 How To Work Off Your Karma

    The Karma-Fest continues! In part 2 of our 3 part series on karma, we’re discussing how to work off your karma.

    We’ll be getting into some deeper karmic principles so we can appreciate how we’re generating our karma, and delving into some qualities that we need to cultivate, in order to work it off. And I’ll be sharing a really quick and easy practice that has a big impact on reducing the karmic implications of all the stuff you get up to!

    Most people think that you have to create good karma, and this is true to an extent. However, according to the Ageless Wisdom, in order to experience liberation from the cycle of rebirth, (the law of karma and the law of rebirth or reincarnation are inextricably linked), we need to achieve neutrality of karma. This means we’re no longer creating bad karma, and no longer creating good karma either. 

    So this week we look at ways that we can balance our karma, and ultimately get off of the wheel of rebirth.

    We dig deep into the Ageless Wisdom teachings to make sense of this profound and mysterious law of nature.

    In this episode:

    • Two main ideas that humanity needs to understand at this point in our evolution.
    • The perspective we need to foster to begin to wrap our heads around karma.
    • The 4 D’s that will help us to balance our karma.
    • The spiritual practice that will help us to cultivate the 4 D’s. 
    • Why we do not want to be “glamourous”.
    • The no. 1 quality to cultivate to work off your karma. 

    In part 1 in our karma series we discussed what karma is, and how it operates in our lives. I recommend listening to this first if you haven’t already!

    And in part 3, we’ll be answering the question, “If You Believed In Karma, How Would You Live Your Life?” so make sure to look out for the next episode too.


    Links mentioned in this episode:

    SYO13 Karma 101: How Does Karma Affect Your Life?

    SYO13 Karma 101: How Does Karma Affect Your Life?

    Have you ever wondered about the bigger picture of life, about karma and reincarnation and how it all works?

    Well, bung on your earphones, because for the next 3 episodes, we're discussing all things Karma, one of my favourite topics!

    Karma is one of life's deep mysteries, but in this 3 part series, based on over a decade of study and fascination, I demystify its inner workings, and discuss how our understanding of the nature of karma can improve our lives, individually and collectively. And not just in the here and now, but in our future incarnations!

    This week in part 1, Karma 101, we’ll be looking at what karma is, and how it operates in our lives. 

    In this episode:

    • I’ll be sharing insights on karma from the Ageless Wisdom.
    • What karma is, as well as what it isn’t.
    • The BIG elephant in the room when it comes to believing in karma.
    • The two main principles governing the Law of Karma.
    • A glimpse into the Akashic Records.
    • The three types of karma that affect humanity.
    • Personal and group karma.
    • How karma ties in with reincarnation.
    • How the ancient karma of the animal kingdom and the human kingdom is still working out today.
    • What we need to do to really appreciate the nature of karma.

    In part 2 in our karma series we’ll be discussing How To Work Off Your Karma.

    And in part 3, we’ll be answering the question, “If You Believed In Karma, How Would You Live Your Life?” so make sure to look out for the next couple episodes too.



    Nepalese cuisine with Barkha Limbu Daily of the cheel

    Nepalese cuisine with Barkha Limbu Daily of the cheel

     Opening a new restaurant is tough work. But it’s even more difficult when you’re also introducing your dining audience to a cuisine with which they're unfamiliar. On this week’s podcast, we chat with a restaurateur who’s successfully done both.

    In this fascinating podcast, we talk with Barkha Limbu Daily, co-owner of the cheel, about her journey to restaurant ownership. During our chat, she speaks frankly about both the joys and challenges of opening a restaurant, from restoring an historic building to introducing diners to the unique flavors of the Nepalese, Burmese and Tibetan dishes she serves. Along the way, we discuss a variety of related topics from misconceptions about the value of global cuisine to attitudes about Nepalese women in the kitchen. 

    en-usNovember 13, 2019

    Dali Lama. On being human. How can we be more compassionate, loving and mindful?

    Dali Lama. On being human. How can we be more compassionate, loving and mindful?

    "When I speak about love and compassion, I speak I do so not as a Buddhist, nor as a Tibetan nor as the Dali Lama, I do so as one human being speaking with another, and I hope that you at this moment will think of yourself as a human being rather than as an American, an Asian, a European and Africa or a member of any particular country." Dali Lama
    How can we live our life with compassion, love and be more inclusive rather than exclusive. Travel gives us a view that almost nothing else can

    Find new ways of looking at people. Why it's good to stop judging and help others, it helps us live a more fulfilling and joyous life

    Find new ways of looking at people. Why it's good to stop  judging and help others, it  helps us live a more fulfilling and joyous life

    Find new ways of looking at people. Why not judging and helping others helps us live a more fulfilling and joyous life.
    "Research has found many examples of how doing good, in ways big or small, not only feels good, but also does us good. For instance, the well-being-boosting and depression-lowering benefits of volunteering have been repeatedly documented. As has the sense of meaning and purpose that often accompanies altruistic behavior. Even when it comes to money, spending it on others predicts increases in happiness compared to spending it on ourselves. Moreover, there is now neural evidence from fMRI studies suggesting a link between generosity and happiness in the brain. For example, donating money to charitable organizations activates the same (mesolimbic) regions of the brain that respond to monetary rewards or sex. In fact, the mere intent and commitment to generosity can stimulate neural change and make people happier." Marianna Pogosyan PhD.

    Finding happiness within suffering, finding new ways to change your life. Tibetan Buddhism

    Finding happiness within suffering, finding new ways to change your life. Tibetan Buddhism

    Finding happiness within suffering, finding new ways to change your life. Tibetan Buddhism
    Dorje shares how he finds happiness within suffering, why it works and how he does it.
    Having climbed across the Himalayas in sub (30 degrees below F) zero conditions for thirty days to reach a better life.
    He explores how he sees people suffering and gives wisdom and ideas to help move beyond. Join us as we chat with Dorje and listen to his wisdom.
    www.mandalarestaurantllc.com, check out their website for info on their Tibetan Foundation.

    Walking over the Himalayan mountains from Tibet in the snow for thirty days, in 30 degree below freezing to find a better life!

    Walking over the Himalayan mountains from Tibet in the snow for thirty days, in 30 degree below freezing to find a better life!

    Walking over the Himalayan mountains from Tibet in the snow for thirty days, in 30 degree below freezing to find a better life! In this amazing and inspiring story, Dorje shares how he almost froze to death, his struggle, his ability to survive, his wisdom and the power of Tibetan Buddhist teachings.
    This is a podcast not to miss, how story grabs us, inspires us and makes us take a new look at our own life and how we live it.
    Visit Mandala restaurant in Ojai California to meet Dorje and to have some wonderful food.

    [Unedited] Thupten Jinpa with Krista Tippett

    [Unedited] Thupten Jinpa with Krista Tippett

    [Unedited] Thupten Jinpa with Krista Tippett

    Esoteric teachings on reincarnation and consciousness; simple teachings on compassion and ethics. Geshe Thupten Jinpa is a man who finishes the Dalai Lama’s English sentences. Meet this philosopher and former monk, now a husband and father of two daughters, and hear what happens when the ancient tradition embodied in the Dalai Lama meets science and life. This is Krista Tippett’s unedited, unabridged interview with Thupten Jinpa that took place at Emory University. See more at onbeing.org/program/translating-dalai-lama/235

    Thupten Jinpa — Translating the Dalai Lama

    Thupten Jinpa — Translating the Dalai Lama

    Thupten Jinpa — Translating the Dalai Lama

    Esoteric teachings on reincarnation and consciousness; simple teachings on compassion and ethics. Geshe Thupten Jinpa is a man who finishes the Dalai Lama’s English sentences. Meet this philosopher and former monk, now a husband and father of two daughters, and hear what happens when the ancient tradition embodied in the Dalai Lama meets science and life.


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