
    104: "He STILL Doesn't Want Kids After 8 Years. What Should I Do?"

    enApril 14, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Commitment issues and starting a familyCommunication and trust are essential when dealing with commitment issues in relationships regarding starting a family. Prioritize personal goals and happiness, but remember, everyone's situation is unique.

      Commitment issues in relationships can lead to difficult decisions, especially when it comes to starting a family. In the discussed email, a woman has been with her partner for nine years and wants to have a child, but he is afraid of commitment. Despite his assurances that they would have a child together, he is now backpedaling due to his age. The woman is considering leaving the relationship and even considering in vitro fertilization to fulfill her desire to start a family. The decision to leave or stay is not an easy one, and it depends on individual circumstances. At any age, being in a long-term relationship with someone who is uncertain about having children can be challenging. Trust and communication are essential in such situations, but ultimately, it's important to prioritize personal goals and happiness. The woman in the email is at an age where the likelihood of fertility problems increases, and her partner's indecision may force her to make a difficult choice. It's essential to remember that everyone's situation is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. The key is to communicate openly, be honest with oneself, and make decisions based on what feels right for each individual.

    • Should you stay in a relationship where one partner can't commit to having children?Consider the impact of personal uncertainty on both parties and make a decision based on what brings long-term happiness, not just convenience or fear of the unknown.

      Imposing your personal uncertainty and indecision on someone else, particularly in matters that could significantly impact their dreams and goals, is not fair and could potentially cost both parties. In the context of the discussion, a person is considering whether to continue a relationship with someone who has consistently expressed a desire to start a family, but has not followed through on that commitment for the past 9 years. The speaker argues that given the evidence, it is unlikely that this person will be able to fulfill both their own desire for a family and the relationship, and that the person should consider whether they would be content staying in the relationship without having children. Ultimately, the decision comes down to whether the person can be happy without having children in the relationship. If the answer is no, then it may be best to move on.

    • Honesty about partner's views on having childrenIf staying in a relationship where your partner doesn't want children, consider potential costs and decide if single parenthood is worth it.

      If having children is a significant goal in your life, it's essential to be honest with yourself about your current situation and the potential consequences of staying in a relationship where your partner does not share the same goal. These questions are not to be taken lightly, as they involve important decisions about your future. If you choose to stay in the relationship, be aware of the potential costs and don't rely on your partner to help you achieve your goal. Ultimately, you must decide if the challenges of being a single parent are worth enduring to achieve something that's important to you. It's crucial to remember that there's no guarantee that your partner will be in your life in the long term, and you could end up without both the children and the man. It's important to assess your priorities and make decisions based on your values and goals, rather than living in a fantasy about what your relationship might become.

    • Recognizing when a relationship no longer serves your needsIf a relationship becomes stagnant and fails to offer new experiences or growth, it may be time to consider moving on for personal growth and new opportunities.

      Being in a relationship where both parties have fundamentally different desires and goals can be detrimental if one person continues to invest time and energy into it, while the other does not. It's essential to recognize when a relationship is no longer serving one's needs and to have the courage to move on. This can be a difficult process, but ultimately, letting go can lead to new opportunities and personal growth. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and there is no set timeline for when one should settle down or have certain life experiences. However, if a relationship becomes stagnant and fails to offer new experiences or growth, it may be time to consider starting a new chapter. It's essential to have support during this process, and know that there will be new opportunities and experiences ahead.

    • Leaving on time means recognizing different pathsRecognize when relationships no longer serve your happiness or goals, prioritize your own journey, and leave on time to prevent years of resentment and wasted energy.

      It's important to leave relationships when they no longer serve your happiness or goals. Kate's experience of ending a two-and-a-half-year relationship, where her desires for marriage and kids were not aligned with her partner's, is a common one. While it's natural to feel sadness and even anger, wishing someone well and leaving on time can help prevent years of resentment and wasted energy. Leaving on time means recognizing that people have different paths in life and focusing on your own journey. It's essential to prioritize your happiness and future goals, even if it means parting ways with someone you once loved. As Kate wisely said, "The kind of anger that people stew on for years is the resentment that comes from wasted time because they didn't leave on time." So, leave on time, wish the other person well, and focus on your next steps. Remember, it's okay to have different desires and priorities, and it's essential to honor them for the sake of your own happiness.

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    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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