
    Podcast Summary

    • Managing Weight Amidst Pandemic ChallengesDespite pandemic-related challenges, it's essential to celebrate weight management achievements and reflect on lessons learned for continued success.

      The year 2020 presented unique challenges for many people, particularly in managing weight and overall health due to the pandemic and lockdown measures. According to research by Slimming World, nearly 70% of the general population and their members found managing their weight during the first lockdown difficult. Many people turned to fatty, sugary foods and alcohol as comfort measures. However, despite these challenges, it's essential to celebrate the great choices we've made this year and the things we've achieved, even in the midst of a pandemic. As we approach the holiday season, it's a time to reflect on the lessons we've learned and the wins we've had, no matter how strange or bizarre the year may have been. Remember, we're all in this together, and we'll continue to make the best of the situation.

    • Lockdown Challenges and BenefitsDespite the difficulties of lockdown, many found benefits such as more time for meal planning, cooking from scratch, and starting new exercise routines.

      The first lockdown brought about various challenges for people, including difficulty accessing shops, increased snacking due to boredom and stress, and decreased physical activity. However, some individuals also reported benefits such as more time for meal planning, cooking from scratch, and starting new exercise routines. During the second lockdown, many people have been more determined not to repeat past habits and have focused on maintaining a routine to avoid weight gain. While the experience of lockdown was different for everyone, it's important to remember that there were positives, such as increased family time and opportunities for personal growth. As we reflect on the year, it's essential to acknowledge the good experiences and accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.

    • Slimming World Community Thrives Amidst ChallengesDespite the pandemic, the Slimming World community has grown stronger, with members forming new connections and consultants receiving crucial support. The importance of this community and consultants' roles have been highlighted.

      The Slimming World community has shown incredible resilience and support during the challenges of 2020. Members have formed new connections and shown kindness to each other, creating a stronger sense of community. Consultants, who are self-employed, have also received crucial support from Slimming World head office, allowing them to continue serving their members. The importance of this community and the role of consultants has become even more apparent during the pandemic, as people have relied on their groups for motivation and connection. The challenges faced this year have led to a renewed appreciation for the job consultants do and the impact they have on their members' lives.

    • Staying motivated in weight loss journey during pandemicPersevere and find acceptance in eating habits, carry valuable lessons into new year, keep momentum going, support each other safely and meaningfully.

      The pandemic has led many people to find new ways to connect and stay motivated in their weight loss journey, whether it be through virtual group meetings or finding acceptance and moderation in their eating habits. Slimming World members have shared inspiring stories of perseverance and self-acceptance despite the challenges of the year. As we move forward, it's important to acknowledge the progress made and carry these valuable lessons into the new year. For consultants, the support and encouragement from their members has been invaluable, and for members, expressing gratitude and appreciation can go a long way. The key is to keep the momentum going, take it one day at a time, and continue to support each other in a safe and meaningful way.

    • Finding Joy in AdversityDespite challenges like a back injury and a paralyzed dog, the speaker found joy in simple things and encourages others to react positively to life's adversities. Focusing on everyday activities can help us grow and find happiness.

      Even in the face of adversity, it's possible to find happiness and positivity. The speaker reflects on her year, which was filled with challenges, including a back injury and a paralyzed dog. However, she chose to look at these situations in a positive light and found joy in simple things, such as spending time with loved ones and learning to cook. The speaker's resilience and ability to adapt are inspiring, and she encourages others to choose how they react to life's challenges. Another key takeaway is the importance of finding joy in everyday activities, such as cooking and spending time with loved ones. The speaker found that focusing on these things helped her to push past her comfort zone and to grow as a person. Overall, the speaker's story is a reminder that even in difficult times, there is always the opportunity to find happiness and to embrace new experiences.

    • Finding Consistency and Community in Fitness JourneyCommitting to gym classes brings accountability, support, and new milestones. Moderation in food choices and consistent sleep pattern enhance overall well-being.

      Consistency and finding the right community can make a significant impact on one's fitness journey. Claire shares her experience of committing to gym classes and how it has helped her stay accountable and stronger. Despite not seeing noticeable weight loss, she has achieved new milestones and feels more confident in her body. The fear of not being able to do certain exercises has been overcome with time and the support of others. Additionally, Claire emphasizes the importance of moderation and not viewing food as all or nothing, which has led to a decrease in cravings. Overall, her life has changed with the elimination of night shifts and the establishment of a consistent sleep pattern.

    • Lifestyle changes impact cravings and well-beingCompleting a year as a vegan led to new cooking skills, whole foods approach, support group, managing triggers, and improved health and confidence.

      Making changes to your lifestyle, such as sleeping patterns and diet, can significantly impact your cravings and overall well-being. The speaker shared her experience of completing a year as a vegan and how it led her to learn new cooking skills and adopt a whole foods approach. She also emphasized the importance of staying committed to a support group and learning to manage triggers to maintain her progress. The speaker's confidence grew as she learned to incorporate "sins" like nuts and avocado into her meals instead of binging on unhealthy foods. Overall, her journey shows the value of being curious, staying accountable, and making long-term commitments to improve one's health and lifestyle.

    • Staying Connected for Weight Loss and Emotional SupportDuring challenging times, maintaining weight loss and emotional wellbeing can be achieved through staying connected to a supportive community like Slimming World. Personal stories of determination and self-compassion inspire us to overcome obstacles and thrive.

      Even during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic, people can still make great choices and achieve their goals with the right mindset and support system. The speaker shared her experience of staying connected to her community through Slimming World, which helped her maintain her weight loss and provided emotional support. She also highlighted the stories of two inspiring individuals, Jess and Hailey, who turned adversity into opportunities for growth and transformation. Jess, despite facing personal losses and working from home, managed to complete a virtual marathon and maintain her weight loss with the help of her Slimming World group. Hailey, a pregnant consultant, shared her commitment to never giving up on her goals and learning to be kind to herself. Both women's stories serve as reminders that with determination, self-compassion, and a strong support system, one can overcome obstacles and thrive.

    • Acceptance and self-compassion are crucial for a successful weight loss journeyAccept change, learn new habits, and practice self-compassion are essential for a successful weight loss journey, as shared by Anna, Billy, Ed, and Mina's experiences.

      Acceptance and self-compassion are key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight loss journey. The speakers in this discussion, Anna, Billy, and Ed, all shared their experiences of gaining confidence, learning to cook healthier meals, and adapting to new circumstances. Anna emphasized the importance of accepting body changes and learning from past experiences, rather than dwelling on guilt. Billy spoke about his achievements in gaining confidence, eating healthier, and earning awards. Ed shared how the pandemic led him to adapt to new circumstances, such as walking to work and avoiding trigger foods like bread and microwave meals. Mina started her journey before the pandemic and reached her half-stone milestone before lockdown hit. Through their stories, it's clear that accepting change, learning new habits, and practicing self-compassion are essential components of a successful weight loss journey.

    • The importance of self-care and community in personal growthConsistent self-care practices like body magic and healthy eating can improve mental health and physical wellbeing. Community and shared experiences can help maintain motivation and achieve personal goals.

      Consistency in practicing self-care, such as body magic and healthy eating, can lead to significant improvements in mental health and physical wellbeing. This was exemplified by the speaker's journey with Slimming World, which helped her lose weight, adopt a more ethical lifestyle, and start her own health business. Additionally, the power of community and shared experiences was highlighted as a crucial factor in maintaining motivation and achieving personal goals. The speaker's story is a testament to the transformative impact of staying committed to self-improvement, even during challenging times.

    • Approaching new beginnings with a mental growth mindsetFocus on mental growth, avoid unrealistic resolutions, enjoy festive seasons in moderation, and learn from past mistakes for a healthier new year

      It's essential to approach new beginnings, such as the start of a new year, with a mental growth mindset instead of unrealistic resolutions that often lead to failure. Rebecca, a supportive friend, shares this perspective and will be discussing tips on making habits stick and being kinder to ourselves with a behavioral psychologist on the next episode of the podcast. Additionally, it's important to avoid overindulging during festive seasons like Christmas, as it can lead to regret and discomfort. Instead, focus on enjoying the experience in moderation and learning from past mistakes, such as piling up food on plates or getting trapped in conveyor belts. So, let's aim for a mentally and physically healthier 2021 by embracing change and being mindful of our actions.

    • A supportive community during uncertain timesFind motivation, escape stress, and enjoy camaraderie through this podcast, spreading positivity and joy during challenging times.

      This podcast serves as a supportive community for individuals during uncertain times. It aims to be a "safe space" where people can find motivation and escape the stressors of life, including the "c word." The podcast offers a sense of comfort and positivity, spreading "chocolate" or love into the lives of its listeners. So, if you're looking for a source of encouragement and camaraderie, consider tuning in to this podcast. It could be an invaluable resource for helping you navigate the challenges of life and find joy in the journey. Merry Christmas and happy listening!

    Recent Episodes from Slimming World Podcast

    229: Taking Healthy Habits Home

    229: Taking Healthy Habits Home
    Slimming World’s Woman of the Year 2023, teacher Kelly Barker, shares how she’s passing on the good habits she learnt during her journey to her family and the children at her school.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Slimming World Podcast
    enJune 21, 2024

    228: Let's Talk Men's Health

    228: Let's Talk Men's Health
    Anna and Clare meet Aaron Walker, Slimming World’s Man of the Year 2023 to swap stories about how losing weight has helped to improve his health – and to discover the barriers he’s overcome on his slimming journey.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Slimming World Podcast
    enJune 10, 2024

    227: Grow Your Own Free Food

    227: Grow Your Own Free Food
    There are few things more satisfying than growing your own – apart from, perhaps, enjoying the fruits of your labour! Our hosts give gardening a go, with the help of Slimming World member Hilary Sard, who has a Free Food-filled allotment!

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan.
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    226: Letting Go of Yesterday

    226: Letting Go of Yesterday
    Old clothes, old photos, old habits... what are you ready to let go of to truly embrace how far you’ve come on your journey? Anna and Clare celebrate members’ non-scale victories and mindset shifts.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    225: One Blip Doesn't Mean You've Blown It

    225: One Blip Doesn't Mean You've Blown It
    Anna and Clare meet James Stubbs, professor of appetite and energy balance at the University of Leeds, to find out how a flexible mindset can help with long-term weight loss.
    Read more about the latest Slimming World research here: https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/overcoming-setbacks/

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    224: Keep On Running!

    224: Keep On Running!
    If you’ve ever thought about lacing up your trainers but don’t know how to take that first step, this is it! Packed with inspiration from Slimming World’s 2024 London Marathon team, we hear how our runners have learnt to embrace the benefits of activity. 

    Plus, Anna and Clare have a little announcement to make about Slimming World sponsoring this year's Race For Life events!

    Interested in signing up to a Race For Life event? Find out more here! https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/race-for-life/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions.
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    223: Why Food Is Your Friend

    223: Why Food Is Your Friend
    Slimming World’s Mr Sleek 2024, Mark Marsden, joins Anna and Clare to share how he changed his mindset around food, his confidence and his life for the better – so he can enjoy the food he loves (like burgers and chips!) and lose weight.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    222: Diabetes: What You Need To Know

    222: Diabetes: What You Need To Know
    Slimming World and Diabetes UK have joined forces... and both can help if you have type 1, type 2 or prediabetes. Anna and Clare chat to two special guests – Slimming World dietitian Carolyn Pallister and Stephanie Kudzin, nutritionist at Diabetes UK – to find out how.
    For specialist information and advice on all aspects of living with diabetes, call the Diabetes UK helpline on 0345 123 2399. To find out your risk of type 2 diabetes, visit

    If you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World and the support we offer people living with diabetes, head to slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Read about how Food Optimising can help you manage type 2 diabetes here: slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/slimming-world-and-diabetes-uk-partnership/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions. Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    221: Fitness...With Benefits

    221: Fitness...With Benefits
    Building an active lifestyle is not only a great way to support weight loss, it also has all sorts of added wellbeing bonuses – some of which might surprise you. Evie Lovell, a registered nutritionist at Slimming World tells us more.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

    220: Fire-up Your Motivation

    220: Fire-up Your Motivation
    If your good intentions at New Year are starting to wane, how do you get back your motivation to keep going? 

    This week Anna and Clare meet the newly crowned Miss Slinky 2024 - Leanne Hemming! We find out how she lost over 7 stone with Slimming World and how she's managing to keep the weight off with healthy new habits.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    Have you ever wanted to start a journaling practice? Visit www.adriennecrowley.com/podcast/046 to get your FREE journal prompt and download Free Yourself To Be Yourself Journaling: Unlock the Secrets to a Deeper Connection With Yourself. Discover the transformative power of journaling and take the first step to a more authentic you!


    Helpful Links:

    Follow me on Instagram @MissAdrienne_C

    Follow the podcast on Instagram @LiveYourTruthLoveYourLife

    Visit https://www.adriennecrowley.com/shop to find apparel that will enable you to look how you want to feel.


    Subscribe now to "Live Your Truth Love Your Life," and don't forget to leave a review. Your support means the world to me! 🌟

    Pressing RESET on MINDSET

    Pressing RESET on MINDSET

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    LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: Intuitive Souls Podcast

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    *CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE: http://www.ericarusso.co


    *BUY MY BOOK ON AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0645280887


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    These sessions are for anyone who's looking to gain clarity, find direction, or simply take that next step towards a dream that’s on your heart. 

    Have you been honoring your deepest desires? What if one hour could change everything? Let's make that hour count!

    Please be cool and only schedule one session!



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    Have you ever wanted to start a journaling practice? Visit www.adriennecrowley.com/podcast/047 to get your FREE journal prompt and download Free Yourself To Be Yourself Journaling: Unlock the Secrets to a Deeper Connection With Yourself. Discover the transformative power of journaling and take the first step to a more authentic you!


    Helpful Links:

    Follow me on Instagram @MissAdrienne_C

    Follow the podcast on Instagram @LiveYourTruthLoveYourLife

    Visit https://www.adriennecrowley.com/shop to find apparel that will enable you to look how you want to feel.


    Subscribe now to "Live Your Truth Love Your Life," and don't forget to leave a review. Your support means the world to me! 🌟


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    205: End of School Year Report!
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    Presented by Clare Freeman and Anna Mangan. 

    Produced by ASFB Productions. 

    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.