
    119: A Detailed Guide How to Live Life The Gentle Way. "Mind Over Muscle", by Jigoro Kano

    enMarch 28, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Passengers on United Flight 93 share vital information and demonstrate courage during hijackingDuring the United Flight 93 hijacking, several passengers made phone calls to provide crucial information to loved ones and ground operators, while also bravely attempting to overpower the hijackers, becoming symbols of courage and determination.

      During the United Flight 93 hijacking on September 11, 2001, several passengers made phone calls to loved ones and operators on the ground, sharing vital information and demonstrating courage. Mark Bingham, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Glick, among others, provided details about the hijackers and their supposed bomb, urging their loved ones to contact authorities. These passengers, despite the imminent danger, resolved to fight back. Glick, Burnett, and Beamer, all physically strong and determined, rallied others to confront the hijackers. Their actions, which included relaying information and attempting to overpower the hijackers, were pivotal in the passengers' brave resistance. The phrase "let's roll," which Beamer used to encourage action, has since become a symbol of courage and determination. These passengers' quick thinking and bravery have left a lasting impact on the national memory.

    • The heroism of Jeremy Glick on Flight 93Jeremy Glick's martial arts background and selfless act exemplified judo principles during the September 11 attacks, earning him a posthumous promotion to the highest judo rank.

      Learning from the discussion about the events on Flight 93 during the September 11 attacks is the extraordinary bravery and heroism of Jeremy Glick, a martial artist and judoka on board. His background as a competitive wrestler and judo champion added to his ability to respond during the crisis. The principles of judo, which emphasize mutual welfare and benefit, were exemplified by Glick's selfless act of sacrificing his life for his country. The United States Judo Association recognized his heroism by promoting him posthumously to the highest rank of black belt. This story serves as a reminder of the power and importance of living the principles of martial arts, particularly in times of adversity.

    • From Jiu Jitsu to Judo and Brazilian JujitsuJudo and Brazilian Jujitsu share a common origin in jiu jitsu and emphasize similar principles, providing valuable lessons in ingenuity, courage, and composure that extend beyond the mat.

      The martial arts of judo and Brazilian jujitsu share a common origin in jiu jitsu and embody similar principles. Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, began his journey with jiu jitsu and saw its potential as a comprehensive method for physical, intellectual, and moral education. He later established the Kodokan judo school with the vision of refining jiu jitsu and ensuring its students applied its lessons beyond the mat. These martial arts require ingenuity and the development of traits like courage and composure, making them valuable for various aspects of life. By recognizing their shared roots and principles, we can learn from them and apply their lessons to broaden our perspectives.

    • Judo: A Way of Life for Jigoro KanoJudo, founded by Jigoro Kano, is more than just a martial art for combat. It's a holistic approach to personal growth through physical education, mental training, and moral development.

      Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo, did not just create a new martial art for combat, but rather a complete way of life. He researched and adapted traditional Jiu Jitsu techniques, discarding what he deemed harmful and focusing on the "way" or "doh" which means "the path" or "the method." Judo, for Kano, was more than just fighting; it was a means of personal growth, physical education, mental training, and moral development. He emphasized that Judo was not a violent or dangerous sport, but rather a gentle and effective way to put an opponent on the ground. The essence of Judo, according to Kano, was still present even as it evolved into a more aggressive and competitive sport. Kano's vision for Judo was not just limited to the mat; he encouraged its application to everyday life, making it a comprehensive system for personal growth and development.

    • Understanding an opponent's vulnerabilityFlanking, or attacking an opponent's weakness, is crucial in both jiu jitsu and leadership for gaining an advantage.

      In both jiu jitsu and leadership, it's essential to understand the concept of flanking - attacking an opponent's weakness or vulnerability. This concept was a game-changer for the speaker when he first started training jiu jitsu, and it also applies to leadership and human interactions. The speaker's friend made the mistake of always targeting the speaker's arm, but the speaker advised him to target something else. This advice proved effective when the friend got the speaker in their next training session. In jiu jitsu, there are two methods of instruction: kata (form) and randori (free practice or rolling). When establishing Kodokan Judo, the founder emphasized randori, leading to the natural understanding of kata during practice. However, as the number of beginners increased, it became impossible to teach kata and randori at the same time. As a result, the founder created 15 kata for throws and 10 kata for self-defense. The speaker emphasizes the importance of both drilling (kata) and rolling (randori) in martial arts training. Drilling helps one get a hold of what they do with their body, while rolling gives better skill in dealing with other people. It's essential to have balance and train both ways. The concept of flanking is crucial in both jiu jitsu and leadership, as it allows one to attack an opponent's weakness and gain an advantage.

    • The importance of mastering throwing techniques first in martial artsEffective martial arts training requires a balance of techniques, but mastering throws first can hinder grappling progress. Judo and jiu jitsu differ in focus, with judo emphasizing stand-up techniques due to its automatic win rule for throws.

      Effective training in martial arts, such as judo, requires a balance between various techniques, including grappling (katamiwaza) and throwing (nagawaza). The speaker in the text emphasizes the importance of mastering throwing techniques first because it hinders progress in grappling if learned the other way around. He also highlights the different rules and focus in judo and jiu jitsu, with judo placing more emphasis on stand-up techniques due to its automatic win rule for throws. Overall, the key takeaway is that a well-rounded martial arts education requires a thoughtful approach to training, considering both the techniques themselves and the reasons behind their order and emphasis.

    • Learning principles behind techniques leads to greater successUnderstanding why techniques matter and how they fit into a larger strategy leads to effective use and success in various contexts.

      Understanding the principles behind techniques, whether in jujitsu or business, leads to greater success than just learning the mechanics. This concept was discussed in relation to jujitsu, where teaching concepts rather than just moves allows students to truly grasp the art. In the business world, this means explaining why certain techniques are important and how they fit into a larger strategy, rather than just telling employees what to do. This approach helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and can effectively use the techniques. The idea of "softness controlling hardness" was also discussed, which can be applied to various situations where one party has more power than another. Instead of resisting this power, it's more effective to adjust and adapt, causing the stronger party to lose balance and reducing their effective power. This principle can be used to help weaker opponents defeat stronger ones. It's important to note that the numbers used in the example are not absolute, and there is a lot of gray area. The key is to use as much of the stronger party's power as possible, while minimizing your own expenditure. This principle can be applied in various contexts, including relationships and strategy. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of understanding principles and adapting to situations, rather than just relying on brute force.

    • Maximizing Energy in Martial ArtsEffective use of mental and physical energy is crucial in martial arts. Modern approaches emphasize efficiency and discipline, with Judo being more structured than Jujitsu. Adapt techniques to specific situations and body styles.

      Effective use of mental and physical energy is crucial in achieving goals, especially in martial arts like Jujitsu and Judo. While size and strength can be factors, knowledge and application of principles are more important. However, the lack of a standardized curriculum in the past led to confusion and variation in techniques. Modern approaches emphasize efficiency and discipline, with Judo being more structured and orderly compared to Jujitsu. Ultimately, it's essential to learn from various sources and adapt techniques to specific situations and body styles.

    • Maintaining composure and sportsmanship in sportsControlling emotions and following rules is essential for success in sports. It instills discipline, teaches valuable life skills, and adds intrigue to competition.

      The importance of controlling emotions and displaying sportsmanship, even in the heat of competition, is a valuable lesson that can be learned through various sports experiences. Whether it's wrestling, football, or mixed martial arts, the consequences of not adhering to the rules and letting emotions get the best of you can result in penalties or negative attention. Learning to keep calm and composed, especially as a young athlete, can help instill discipline and teach valuable life skills. Additionally, the contrast between the hype and excitement of some athletes and the cold, calculated performances of others can add intrigue and appeal to the competitive landscape. Ultimately, it's important to remember that sports are a form of entertainment, and the ability to put on a show while maintaining composure and control is a valuable asset.

    • Versatile Approach to Learning and ExerciseFind a balanced approach to learning and exercise by incorporating various methods and making them meaningful and engaging.

      Effective goal achievement requires a versatile approach to learning, absorbing multiple methodologies and adapting them to your needs. The speaker shares his experience of learning various teaching methods and how he came up with principles to maximize energy usage. He also discusses calisthenics, a form of exercise often based on physiology and anatomy, but lacking in secondary benefits and practical use. To address this, he suggests incorporating defensive movements into calisthenics workouts or adopting dance-style calisthenics to make it more engaging and effective. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding fun and practical ways to learn and exercise, drawing examples from breakdancing, judo, and capoeira. In essence, the key takeaway is to find a balanced and adaptable approach to learning and physical training, incorporating various methods and making them meaningful and engaging.

    • Capoeira: Dance or Martial Art?Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art disguised as dance, promotes fluid movements, flexibility, and resilience. Its origins as a means for resistance and the incorporation of jujitsu make it a valuable addition to physical education.

      Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art disguised as dance, offers unique benefits, particularly its fluid movements and the ability to yield and roll into the next move instead of sticking the landing. This art form, which originated as a means for slaves to resist their captors, has roots in jujitsu and can be incorporated with other martial arts. The importance of physical education and mental and physical training for a nation's vitality and prosperity is emphasized, and the need to promote hardcore physical education in schools is suggested. The conversation also touches on the grading system in schools and the potential shift towards a more holistic approach to education.

    • The importance of wisdom and moral educationWisdom goes beyond knowledge; it's the ability to reason and judge. Moral education is crucial, combining intellectual knowledge and the ability to discern right from wrong.

      While knowledge is important, it is not the only factor in determining a person's abilities and character. The discussion emphasized the difference between having information and having wisdom, which is a combination of reasoning and judgment. Moral education was also highlighted as crucial, requiring both intellectual knowledge and the ability to discern right from wrong in various complex situations. The societal standard plays a role in determining what is right or wrong, but it can be subjective and context-dependent. Ultimately, it is essential to teach children to distinguish good from evil and to develop both knowledge and wisdom to become well-rounded individuals.

    • Understanding Morals: Intellect and EmotionDevelop strong willpower, emotional attachment to good, intellectual understanding of values, and good habits to distinguish good from evil and live a virtuous life.

      Moral education is essential for distinguishing good from evil, and it involves both intellectual and emotional development. Intellectually, we must understand the value system, while emotionally, we must be trained to like what is good and dislike what is evil. However, even with this knowledge, a weak willpower can hinder our ability to do good and reject evil. Moreover, habits play a significant role in our actions, and developing good habits is crucial for putting our intentions into practice. Ultimately, the way we live every day shapes who we are, and if we don't train correctly, we may not be able to execute when faced with challenging situations. In summary, we must focus on developing good habits, strong willpower, and emotional and intellectual understanding of moral values to achieve positive results.

    • Applying Judo principles to lifeSelflessness, instinctive action, and effective energy use can improve individual and societal well-being. Practice selflessness for group harmony, instinctive action for quick responses, and effective energy use for productivity and positivity.

      The principles of selflessness, instinctive action, and effective energy use, as exemplified by Judo, can be applied to all areas of life to improve individual and societal well-being. Selflessness is essential for group harmony and the best use of energy. Instinctive action, like reacting to danger, requires regular practice and training. Effective energy use means carefully choosing where to focus and avoiding waste through diligence and avoiding unnecessary complaining. By living these principles, individuals can be satisfied with their lives and contribute positively to society.

    • Embrace the Principle of Judo for Maximum EfficiencyPractice judo to find true value and happiness through contributing to society, perfecting oneself, delayed gratification, and serious advice/kindness towards others.

      Everyone, regardless of background or belief system, can benefit from the principle of judo. This principle, which can be practiced through the martial art and embodies maximum efficiency, encourages individuals to consider what is the right thing to do and proceed in that direction, regardless of feelings or circumstances. By focusing on contributing to society and perfecting oneself, individuals can find true value and happiness in life, rather than relying on material gains or temporary pleasure. Additionally, the principle of delayed gratification and the importance of serious advice and kindness towards others are essential components of this philosophy. Practicing judo and absorbing this principle can lead to maximum efficiency in life and help individuals make the most of their mental and physical energy.

    • Effective criticism requires ownership and non-defensivenessOwn your criticisms, communicate them constructively, focus on functional strength, prioritize health, and remind others of self-care.

      Giving constructive criticism is most effective when we take ownership of the problem and communicate it to the person in a non-defensive manner. This approach puts the person in an open-minded state, making them more receptive to listening and implementing the suggestions. The speaker in the discussion emphasizes the importance of functional strength, which is the ability to perform tasks effectively, rather than just focusing on physical appearance. He also stresses the importance of taking care of one's health and being mindful of one's actions, as neglecting these aspects can hinder progress in any area of life. Additionally, the speaker encourages reminding others of the importance of health and self-care as a duty.

    • Embodying virtues in judoJudo is more than physical training, it's about embodying virtues like loyalty, faith, honor, and restoring public morals. These virtues are crucial in counteracting negative influences and giving people a moral compass.

      According to the speaker, practicing judo goes beyond just physical training. It's about embodying virtues like loyalty, faith, honor, and restoring public morals in today's society. The speaker believes that these virtues are crucial in counteracting the negative influences that push us towards a "slippery slope" of moral decay. He emphasizes that even though most people may know what's right and wrong, not emphasizing these virtues enough can leave people on the fringes without a moral compass. The speaker's conviction on this matter is clear, and he encourages a proactive approach to teaching and practicing these values.

    • The importance of moral education in a changing societyIn a society where traditional moral guidance is declining, it's crucial to teach moral values to young people through practical experiences like judo, which instills valuable character traits and helps navigate complex social situations.

      As society shifts away from traditional sources of moral guidance, young people are increasingly looking to social media and popular culture for cues on right and wrong behavior. However, these sources can be misleading or even harmful, leading to a need for clear and consistent moral education. The speaker emphasizes the importance of teaching moral values, even if most people seem to have a good understanding of them. He uses the example of judo, which not only teaches physical skills but also instills valuable character traits like quick decision-making, calmness under pressure, and respect for others. These traits are essential for navigating complex social situations and can be better acquired through practical experience than abstract lessons. Ultimately, the speaker argues that it's up to adults to provide guidance and set a positive example for the next generation.

    • Beyond the Mat: Lessons from Jiu JitsuJiu Jitsu offers valuable life lessons like humility, sportsmanship, adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Reflecting on these lessons can help us grow beyond the mat.

      Jiu jitsu, a martial art known for its creativity and evolution, should not be seen as just an isolated sport for defeating opponents. Instead, it's essential to recognize the broader lessons it offers and apply them to life. These lessons include humility, sportsmanship, and adaptability. By understanding that defeating someone in jiu jitsu doesn't make you a better person, we can foster a healthier attitude towards competition and growth. Moreover, the creativity and problem-solving skills developed on the mat can be invaluable in everyday life. Therefore, it's crucial to reflect on these lessons and connect them to our daily experiences. Otherwise, we risk missing out on the opportunity to truly benefit from the practice of jiu jitsu.

    • Effective assessment and adaptation are crucial for progress in judoBe aware of mistakes, expand imagination, communicate clearly, be open-minded, and emphasize memory for progress in judo and life

      That effective assessment and adaptation are crucial for progress in various aspects of life, including the practice of judo. This involves being aware of small mistakes and making corrections, as well as expanding one's imagination and creativity to come up with new solutions. Clear and logical communication is also essential, as is being open-minded to new ideas and the ability to unify complex concepts. Additionally, the practice of judo emphasizes the importance of memory, both for remembering techniques and for observing and learning from experiences. Overall, the teachings of judo can be applied beyond the mat to help individuals make daily progress in their personal and professional lives.

    • Find balance in action and reflectionJudo: Balance aggression and assessment, maintain integrity, prioritize self-care, and contribute to society

      In both judo fighting and life, it's essential to find the balance between action and reflection. Anticipate and act aggressively when necessary, but also know when to stop and reassess. Win or lose, maintain integrity and contribute to society. Develop good habits and prioritize self-care before helping others. While judo may seem contradictory with performance-based sports like wrestling or boxing, it's crucial to remember that judo contests should never be commercialized but rather serve as research opportunities. Ultimately, the study of judo is about perfecting oneself and benefiting society.

    • Focusing solely on defeating an opponent hinders progress in martial artsIn martial arts and life, focusing on learning and adapting, even if it means losing, is crucial for growth

      The mindset of focusing solely on defeating an opponent in martial arts, such as Judo, can hinder progress and limit growth. Gene LeBelle's rigid thinking in the early days of MMA, where he insisted on strict rules, is an example of this mindset. However, the true purpose of Randori practice in Judo is not to beat someone in that moment, but to learn and adapt, even if that means losing. This approach not only applies to martial arts but also to life, encouraging individuals to focus on their weaknesses and stepping out of their comfort zones. While training with a competitive mindset is important, taking risks and trying new techniques, even if it means losing, is essential for growth.

    • Jiu Jitsu: A Journey of Continuous ImprovementFocus on improvement, harness emotions for growth, maintain balance, prioritize daily practice, and embrace the research process in jiu jitsu.

      In jiu jitsu, the focus is not just on winning against an opponent, but on continuously improving one's skills through dedicated training. The use of techniques and even emotions like anger can be harnessed for a brief moment to help overcome mental barriers or push through physical challenges. However, the ultimate goal is to maintain a balance between the desire to win and the commitment to constant learning and growth. As the speaker emphasized, every day of training counts, and even on challenging days, it's essential to prioritize jiu jitsu practice to progress and stay competitive. The mindset of wanting to win and improve is driven by a positive ego, which keeps individuals motivated and focused on their goals. Ultimately, jiu jitsu is a research process, and every training session provides valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

    • Push yourself outside of your comfort zone for growthContinuously strive for improvement by learning from mistakes and training with challenging partners.

      Progress in jujitsu, or in life, doesn't come from avoiding challenges or focusing solely on defeating others. Instead, it's about pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, learning from mistakes, and continuously striving for improvement. As the speaker noted, after 25 years of practicing jujitsu, he could have stopped after becoming good enough to defend himself. But he didn't, because there was always someone else to learn from and surpass. Similarly, in life, we can't prevent losses or setbacks, but we can choose how we respond to them. Instead of giving up or dwelling on what could have been, we can use those experiences to grow and become better versions of ourselves. The speaker also emphasized the importance of training with partners who challenge us and pushing ourselves to keep improving, even when we feel we've reached our limits. By focusing on progress and growth, rather than on defeating others or avoiding losses, we can make the most of our time on the mat and in life.

    • Learning from martial arts competition and adaptationCompetition and learning from various martial arts can lead to personal growth and effective strategies. Keep an open mind, question theories, and adapt to new techniques while understanding the value of traditional moves.

      The competition and learning from each other in martial arts, such as Judo and Jujitsu, can lead to personal growth and effective strategies not just on the mat but in life. It's essential to question theories, keep an open mind, and apply various principles from different martial arts to create something powerful. The evolving nature of MMA and martial arts in general requires adaptability and a willingness to learn new techniques. However, it's also important to understand that not every new move or technique should be applied without consideration, and some traditional techniques, like the double leg takedown in Judo or the heel hook in Gi Jujitsu, should not be outlawed as they can be effective and valuable.

    • Exploring the reasons behind rules in martial artsQuestioning the rationale behind rules can lead to growth and improved skills in both martial arts and life.

      Understanding the reasons behind rules and limitations, rather than blindly following them without question, can lead to growth and improved skills in both martial arts and life. For instance, in the context of the discussion, the prohibition of heel hooks in gi jiu jitsu competition is often seen as a rule set in stone. However, upon closer examination, it might be due to tradition or the perceived risk of injury. By opening ourselves up to learning the reasoning behind such rules, we can challenge ourselves to expand our skillset and adapt to various situations. This mindset applies not only to martial arts but also to other aspects of life. It's essential to question and understand the rationale behind rules and limitations to make informed decisions and continue growing.

    • Limiting Jiu Jitsu with a Linear MindsetFlexibility and openness to new ideas, clear communication, and learning from other martial arts can lead to a more effective and enriching jiu jitsu experience

      The traditional view of jiu jitsu as a linear sport with a focus on progressing past the legs to reach upper body submissions can limit its growth and evolution. This mindset can lead to resistance when new techniques or rules are introduced, as some practitioners may view them as detrimental to their game. However, allowing for flexibility and openness to new ideas, as well as clear communication and agreement on rules before training, can lead to a more enriching and effective martial arts experience. Additionally, learning from other martial arts, such as judo, can provide valuable insights and skills that can enhance one's abilities in jiu jitsu and in life. It's important to remember that there is always room for growth and improvement, and a willingness to adapt and learn can lead to new discoveries and advancements in one's martial arts journey.

    • Investing in quality jujitsu gear and recovery supplementsInvesting in a high-quality gi and supplements like Jocko's Super Krill Oil, Joint Warfare, and Discipline can enhance jujitsu training by improving performance, reducing injury risk, and symbolizing community support.

      Investing in high-quality jujitsu gear, such as a gi from Origin, and prioritizing recovery through supplementation can significantly enhance your jujitsu training experience. The Origin gi, made in America, is not only a symbol of support for the jujitsu community but also a reminder of the hard work and craftsmanship that goes into creating it. Furthermore, supplements like Jocko's Super Krill Oil and Joint Warfare can aid in physical recovery and joint maintenance, allowing for better performance and reduced risk of injury. Additionally, the importance of mental focus and cognitive enhancement in jujitsu training led to the creation of Jocko's Discipline supplement, offering both physical and mental benefits in one convenient package.

    • New Sweetener 'Molk' Made with Monk FruitMonk fruit sweetener, 87,000x sweeter than sugar, offers health benefits, low glycemic index, and no insulin spikes or jitters. New product 'Molk' available soon.

      Monk fruit, a natural sweetener 87,000 times sweeter than sugar, is being used in a new product called "molk." This sweetener, which has a low glycemic index and only 15 milligrams of caffeine, offers health benefits and does not cause insulin spikes or jitters. The focus on monk fruit is to make the product taste good without relying on artificial sweeteners. The molk, which tastes delicious and is easy to digest, will be available soon. Another key point is the importance of subscriptions to ensure a consistent supply of supplements, and the comfort and quality of compression gear from Origin.

    • A week-long jujitsu training camp in MaineImmerse in jujitsu techniques, engage in Randori, kata practice, and drills. Build strength through jujitsu practice, not boot camp workouts.

      The Maine jujitsu immersion camp offers a week-long intensive training experience for those looking to deepen their jujitsu skills. The camp includes instruction in various techniques, with optional additional sessions available. While calisthenics, such as sit-ups and push-ups, are still advocated for building strength, the focus is on learning jujitsu and practicing techniques without the pressure of boot camp-style workouts. Participants can expect to engage in rolling Randori, kata practice, and other jujitsu drills during their time at the camp. The camp runs from August 26 to September 2, 2023. Additionally, the importance of varying workouts and avoiding monotonous routines, even if they include unconventional exercises like Bulgarian bag workouts, was emphasized.

    • Keep your workout routine interesting and challengingTry new movements, equipment, or switch up your routine for enjoyment and effectiveness. Support Jocko and gain resources through his podcast, YouTube channel, and reviews. Embrace discipline and push through workouts. Use functional strength training tools and daily life items for fitness goals.

      Keeping your workout routine interesting and challenging can help make it more enjoyable and effective. This can be achieved by trying out new movements or equipment, or even switching up small aspects of your current routine. For example, Jocko recommends checking out audit.com/jocko/jocko for new equipment like kettlebells, maces, or steel bells. Additionally, subscribing to his podcast, YouTube channel, and leaving a review are great ways to support him and gain access to additional resources. Jocko also emphasizes the importance of discipline and pushing through workouts even when you don't feel like it, as these can lead to unexpected improvements. Finally, incorporating functional strength training tools like battle ropes, and purchasing items like leaf blowers, weed whackers, and sunscreen can support both your fitness goals and daily life.

    • The Power of Resilience: A Man Named SnickerdoodleEmbrace challenges, stay motivated, and learn from setbacks to fuel improvement. Support creators like Jocko for resources to enhance personal growth.

      Our mindset and motivation significantly impact the effectiveness of various experiences, including workouts and learning. A memorable example was given of a man named "Snickerdoodle," who experienced a humiliating moment during a marketing event but went on to inspire others with his resilience. This incident underscores the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and being fully engaged in our activities. Additionally, supporting creators like Jocko through purchasing merchandise or listening to psychological warfare tracks can enhance our personal growth journey. The key takeaway is to embrace challenges, stay motivated, and make the most of every opportunity. Don't let setbacks discourage you; instead, learn from them and use them as fuel for improvement. And, if you're interested, check out Jocko's YouTube channel and store for resources to help you on your journey.

    • Exploring resources for personal and professional growthExplore motivational music, books, and consulting services to enhance emotional control, focus, and leadership skills

      There are various tools and resources available to help individuals overcome challenges and stay disciplined, whether it's listening to motivational music like "Discipline" on music platforms or reading books that teach valuable life principles. For example, the book "Way of the Warrior Kid" can help children and adults understand important concepts like emotional control, hard work, frugality, and dealing with bullies. Additionally, consuming jocko tea, which contains caffeine and antioxidants, can provide an energy boost and focus. For those looking for leadership consulting, Echelon Front offers services to train and align business teams for effective leadership and teamwork. Overall, these resources can support individuals in their personal and professional growth and help them stay on the path to success. You can find these resources on various platforms like Apple Music, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

    • Muster Events by Extreme Ownership TeamThe Extreme Ownership team is hosting two muster events this year, almost sold out, with team interaction and ongoing engagement on social media.

      The Extreme Ownership team is hosting only two muster events this year, in Washington D.C. (May 17th-18th) and San Francisco (October 17th-18th). Both events are almost sold out, so those interested are encouraged to register as soon as possible at extremeownership.com. Unlike typical events, the team will not be backstage, but out front, interacting with attendees, answering questions, and engaging in activities together. The team can also be found on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and their website for ongoing engagement. The team expressed gratitude to those in uniform and first responders for their service and encouraged everyone to stay prepared and vigilant, focusing on discipline and adhering to principles to ensure strength and freedom.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Improving your position when an unexpected tragedy happens.

    Getting out of an environment that does not set you up for success.

    Not feeling like a man because he doesn't contribute financially to the household.

    In Jiu Jitsu, I might be a danger to myself and others.

    Getting a good routine when work hours are really odd.

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    Jocko Podcast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    46. Travel Tips While Training or Competing

    Do you train when you travel for work or vacation? Or are you considering traveling specifically to cross train and/or compete? If so, this episode is for you.

    Mark your calendars for April 19-21, 2024 as we host the next Lez Roll Queer Grappling Camp in Fishers, Indiana at KruFit. All members of the LGBTQ+ community are welcome to attend.  You can find more information (including registration) on our website: www.lezrollradio.com/camp

    You can find the podcast on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook @lezrollradio. You can find Andrea on all platforms @schoeneggea and Kelly @kellyschoenegge.

    Merchandise: lezrollradio.com/shop

    Lez Chat: 2024 Queer Camp Date Announcement!

    Lez Chat: 2024 Queer Camp Date Announcement!

    We are happy to annnounce that next year's Lez Roll Queer Grappling Camp will be held at KruFit in Fishers, Indiana April 19-21. Join us for a weekend full of no gi and gi Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, as well as Judo and Muay Thai! Camp Registration: lezrollradio.com/camp 

    You can find the podcast on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @lezrollradio. You can find Andrea on all platforms @schoeneggea and Kelly @kellyschoenegge.

    Merchandise: lezrollradio.com/shop