
    137: Does THIS Count As Cheating? + What It Means To Be Loyal In A Relationship

    enOctober 22, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of Social Media on Loyalty and Micro-CheatingCommunication and trust are crucial in maintaining a strong and healthy relationship, even when standards and interpretations of loyalty vary. Social media can complicate these issues, but open and honest conversations can help prevent misunderstandings and difficulties.

      Loyalty in relationships is a complex issue with varying standards and interpretations. During this episode, Steven Arce and Matthew discussed the impact of social media on loyalty and the concept of micro-cheating. They explored questions such as whether it's acceptable for someone to like their ex's photo or follow them on social media. The conversation also touched upon the challenges of maintaining loyalty when both individuals have different criteria and standards for the value of loyalty. The episode emphasized that these issues are not unique to modern relationships and that it's essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your expectations and boundaries. Despite having the same value, expressing it differently can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of open communication and trust in maintaining a strong and healthy relationship.

    • Social media fuels jealousy in relationshipsOpen communication and trust are essential in relationships to overcome jealousy and anxiety caused by social media activity or past relationships.

      Social media activity can fuel jealousy and insecurity in relationships, even if the relationship history is unclear. The woman in this situation became obsessed with her partner's ex after finding a heartfelt post on Instagram, leading to constant comparisons and anxiety. Despite reassurances from her partner, she couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't the priority. This situation highlights the importance of open communication and trust in relationships, especially when it comes to past relationships and social media activity. It's essential to address any underlying issues and work together to build trust and move forward. If you find yourself in a similar situation, try having an open and honest conversation with your partner about your concerns and work together to find a solution.

    • Communication and Understanding in Social Media UsageFind a balance in social media usage that respects both partners' values and standards, communicate openly, and maintain trust and loyalty in the relationship.

      In relationships, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to social media usage and loyalty. It's important to communicate openly with your partner about your individual standards and values, as they may not be the same. While some people might find it disrespectful or disloyal for their partner to like pictures of other attractive people on social media, others might not see it as a big deal. It's essential to find a balance that works for both parties and avoid creating unnecessary conflict. However, it's also important to remember that everyone has different standards, and it's a primary source of conflict in relationships. Therefore, open communication and understanding are crucial in navigating these situations. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance that allows both partners to feel respected and valued while maintaining trust and loyalty in the relationship.

    • Understanding and aligning on values in relationshipsCommunicating about and respecting each other's values and standards can prevent misunderstandings and strengthen bonds in relationships.

      When it comes to building a strong and healthy relationship, it's essential to not only share synergistic values with your partner but also align on the definition and standard of those values. Misunderstandings and disagreements on the manifestation of values, such as loyalty, can lead to conflicts. Communication is key, especially during the early stages of dating. For instance, ignoring potential issues or bringing them up in a destructive way won't help. Moreover, social media interactions, like liking someone else's post, can be a complex issue in relationships. Unlike passing by a magazine stand, liking a picture on social media puts you on someone's radar and opens up the possibility for two-way communication. While some people might not mind their partner liking a picture of an influencer or celebrity, others might find it disrespectful, especially if it's an ex. Ultimately, understanding and discussing each other's standards and boundaries around values can help prevent misunderstandings and strengthen the bond between partners.

    • Understanding Intentions in Social Media EngagementBe aware of motivations behind social media actions, ensure they align with values and goals, and build trust through consistent behavior and transparency.

      The intent behind our actions, especially in the context of social media engagement, is important to consider. Liking someone's photo, for example, may seem harmless, but it could be seen as shallow if it's only based on their looks. However, if the context is clear, such as building professional connections, it may be more acceptable. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of our motivations and ensure they align with our values and goals. Trust in relationships, whether personal or professional, is built gradually, and understanding someone's intent is a crucial part of that process. The beginning of a relationship is often uncertain, and trust must be earned through consistent behavior and transparency. Over time, as we get to know someone better, we can grow more comfortable and develop a deeper understanding of their intentions.

    • Perception of boundaries and moving on from past relationshipsIt's important to acknowledge past emotions but focus on present and potential of new relationships, not letting past hurts consume or negatively impact current one.

      Our perception of boundaries and what constitutes moving on from a past relationship can change over time. It's not always a clear-cut issue, and the presence of residual emotions doesn't necessarily mean that one cannot form a new relationship. However, it's important to be honest about these emotions and not let them consume or negatively impact the current relationship. The intention behind wanting to be with someone new is crucial, and focusing on past hurts can be detrimental. Instead, it's recommended to acknowledge past emotions and move forward, focusing on the present and the potential of a new relationship.

    • New relationship insecurities triggered by past experiences and partner's actionsClear communication and transparency are crucial for building trust and security in a new relationship, especially when past experiences and external factors create doubts and insecurities.

      The early stages of a relationship can be fragile, and external factors or past experiences can significantly impact the security and trust between partners. In this situation, the woman is questioning the depth and commitment of her new relationship due to her past experiences and the actions of her partner and his friend. The lack of communication and transparency from her partner, coupled with his past toxic relationship and his friend's clumsy comment, have left her feeling insecure and uncertain. The discovery of his liked picture of an ex only added to her doubts and mistrust. It's important to remember that feelings and intentions are not always clear-cut, and communication and transparency are essential for building a strong foundation in a new relationship.

    • People can change, but past actions require considerationEvaluate the context and frequency of past actions before judging someone's readiness for a committed relationship.

      While past actions, such as lying or seeing a picture of an ex, can be concerning in a relationship, they don't necessarily indicate that the person will always behave that way. People have the capacity to grow and change. However, it's essential to consider the context and the frequency of these actions. If the evidence points to a pattern of deceit or disregard for the relationship, it may be a sign that the person is not ready for a committed relationship. It's also important to remember that our brains are wired to associate past experiences with current situations, which can sometimes lead to unnecessary fear or mistrust. Ultimately, each relationship is unique, and it's crucial to evaluate the situation as a whole before making a decision.

    • Impact of past experiences on new relationshipsPast experiences can cause unnecessary anxiety in new relationships. To distinguish true intuition from false alarms, consider recalibrating and gathering more information, while reducing anxiety by focusing on personal desire.

      Past experiences can significantly impact our perception of new relationships and trigger unnecessary anxiety. Using the metaphor of a "rustling bush," which represents false danger based on past trauma, the speaker discusses the challenge of distinguishing true intuition from false alarms. When faced with a situation that triggers anxiety, individuals may choose to either cut and run or stay and ignore, but a third option is to recalibrate and gather more information. However, this process can be emotionally taxing and may require managing anxiety in the meantime. To reduce anxiety, individuals can lower the stakes of the relationship by focusing on whether they truly want to be with the person, rather than making a decision based on fear of potential harm.

    • Assess new information and recalibrate expectationsRegularly evaluate your relationship, avoid comparisons, and remain open to new discoveries to foster a healthy and growing connection

      In relationships, it's important to recalibrate your expectations and assess new information as it arises, rather than holding onto preconceived notions. This can help reduce anxiety and allow the relationship to unfold naturally. It's also important to remember that relationships are a continuous learning process, and you'll always be making new discoveries about your partner. Additionally, avoiding comparisons to others can help prevent unnecessary insecurity and improve the overall health of the relationship. Remember, every relationship is unique and requires open communication, understanding, and flexibility.

    • Join the Love Life Club for support and guidance on improving confidence and relationshipsImprove confidence, relationships, and overall well-being through interactive webinars and coaching sessions in the Love Life Club community.

      The Love Life Club is an exclusive community where individuals can work on improving their confidence, love lives, and overall sense of well-being through monthly coaching sessions and webinars. These interactive webinars, led by experts, provide practical and specific advice on various aspects of love and relationships, as well as emotional management and self-confidence. By joining the Love Life Club, members gain access to a supportive community and the opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized guidance. The club functions as a "workout" for the mind and emotions, helping individuals to build resilience, enhance their relationships, and ultimately, lead more fulfilling lives. Try it out for free for 14 days by visiting askmh.com and signing up for a trial membership.

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