
    140: "If", by Rudyard Kipling: Analyzed. Not Liking to Fight. Personal Intelligence. Giving Tactful Feedback.

    enAugust 29, 2018
    What are the main themes of Kipling's poem "If"?
    How does the podcast emphasize self-control and humility?
    What connection is made between intelligence and physical strength?
    What skills from martial arts apply to military situations?
    How can personal experiences reshape understanding of Kipling's poem?

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the timeless wisdom of Rudyard Kipling's poem 'If'Embrace resilience, self-control, and humility. Maintain emotional control, take ownership, and trust yourself, even in the face of adversity or success.

      Learning from this podcast episode is the recital and analysis of Rudyard Kipling's poem "If." This classic poem offers timeless guidance on resilience, self-control, and perseverance in the face of adversity. The poem's lines encourage listeners to keep their composure when others are losing theirs, trust themselves despite doubters, and maintain humility in the face of success or failure. The podcast hosts emphasized the importance of understanding the depth and layers of the poem, as it offers valuable lessons beyond the surface. They also shared their experiences of discovering new meanings in the poem each time they revisited it. One of the main themes in the poem is the importance of maintaining emotional control and taking ownership of situations, even when others may be blaming or doubting you. The hosts related this theme to their own experiences and emphasized the importance of extreme ownership in dealing with challenges. Another theme is the importance of self-trust and maintaining humility, even when faced with success or the admiration of others. The hosts encouraged listeners to remember that no one is infallible and to remain grounded in their values and principles. In summary, the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling offers valuable guidance on resilience, self-control, and humility, and the podcast episode served as an excellent exploration of its themes and lessons.

    • The importance of trusting yourself and being patientBelieve in yourself, stay open to criticism, and learn from mistakes while also being patient and enduring difficult situations for growth and success.

      Trusting yourself doesn't mean being overconfident and dismissive of others' doubts. Instead, it means having the confidence to believe in yourself while also being open to constructive criticism and making allowances for potential mistakes. This dichotomy is important to remember, as it allows for growth and learning. Another key takeaway is the importance of patience. Waiting for something, waiting in line, or dealing with difficult situations can be trying, but being able to endure and not get tired by waiting is a valuable skill. The story of waiting in the chow line on a ship illustrates this, as it shows the importance of staying calm and accepting the situation, even when faced with authority figures who may try to assert their power. Overall, trusting yourself and being patient are essential traits for personal growth and success.

    • Responding to lies and hate with honesty and indifferenceHonesty and indifference are effective responses to lies and hate, helping maintain peace and focus on important matters.

      Honesty and indifference are the best responses to lies and hate. Lies can lead to a web of deceit that is not enjoyable, and hating back only fuels negativity. Instead, telling the truth and showing indifference to haters can help maintain peace and focus on important matters. The term "haters" refers to individuals who are filled with jealousy and dislike towards others due to their success or happiness. It's important to remember that the hate is coming from them, not you. The opposite of love is not just hate, but also indifference. Therefore, instead of engaging with haters, it's recommended to maintain a neutral attitude and move on. Embracing this mindset can help minimize the impact of negativity and allow for a more productive focus on work and personal growth.

    • Keep it real and relatableAuthenticity and humility in communication foster meaningful interactions and stronger relationships.

      Authenticity and humility are key to effective communication and building connections with others. The statement "Don't look too good nor talk too wise" encourages us not to put on airs or act superior to others, but rather to keep it real and relatable. This is important because when we try too hard to be perfect or overly wise, we can create a disconnect and come across as insincere or pretentious. Instead, we should aim to be genuine, empathetic, and open to learning from others. This not only makes for more meaningful interactions but also helps us build stronger relationships and foster a sense of community. Additionally, the example of podcasts resonating with listeners because of their normalcy highlights the importance of authenticity in media and communication.

    • Using diverse experiences to hone skills and engage in meaningful conversationsHoning skills through diverse experiences and applying knowledge to current situations leads to success and engaging conversations.

      Having a natural skill set and honing it through various experiences is key to success, as exemplified by Joe Rogan. Rogan's popularity stems from his ability to engage in meaningful conversations due to his diverse background as a comedian, actor, UFC announcer, and podcast host. He has honed his skills over thousands of hours of podcasting, allowing him to effectively communicate and provide valuable insights. Additionally, it's important to not let dreams or thoughts consume us, but rather use them as tools to take action and make things happen in reality. The broad concept of an idea is more important than getting lost in the details. Examples like Dan Carlin's Hardcore History demonstrate the power of applying knowledge to current situations and making it engaging for the audience.

    • Thoughts and aims can be actions tooPhilosophers and academics impact businesses through teaching, and triumph and disaster are temporary experiences in life

      Our thoughts and aims don't always have to result in direct action. Some people are more interested in understanding the mechanics behind things rather than physically engaging with them. For instance, a philosopher or an academic might not own a business but still teach about it, making their thoughts and aims their actions. Additionally, triumph and disaster are both impostors, as neither is permanent or all-encompassing. We may feel that triumph is the be-all and end-all, but it is fleeting, while disaster can seem insurmountable but is also temporary. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that both triumph and disaster are part of life and should be treated equally.

    • Staying centered and focused during challengesStay determined and use worn-out tools to rebuild and continue moving forward in the face of life's challenges. Don't get trapped in battles over twisted truths or personal attacks.

      Life is unpredictable and full of challenges, but these setbacks are not permanent. The speaker shared an experience of a building collapse caused by clogged drains, which resulted in significant damage but ultimately led to recovery and continuation of the business. Similarly, when faced with twisted truths or personal attacks, it's important to stay centered and not get drawn into unnecessary battles. Instead, focus on moving forward and rebuilding with worn-out tools, which can represent both physical tools and a worn-out, broken-down version of oneself. This resilience and determination to keep going despite adversity is essential for overcoming life's challenges. The speaker also emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and not getting trapped in battles over twisted truths or personal attacks. Instead, keep it simple, direct, and walk away when necessary. Additionally, the speaker mentioned a video game called Contra, which serves as a metaphor for life's challenges and the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. Overall, the key takeaway is to stay centered, focused, and determined in the face of life's challenges, and to remember that setbacks are not permanent. Instead, use worn-out tools to rebuild and continue moving forward.

    • The importance of perseverance and strategy in ContraStarting with limited resources, players must improve through determination and strategy to overcome challenges in Contra, a classic side-scrolling shooter game.

      The game Contra, despite its unrealistic elements, teaches players the importance of perseverance and effective strategy. Players start with a basic weapon, but as they progress, they can obtain more powerful weapons like the spreader, which makes it easier to advance through levels. However, if a player is killed, they lose the spreader and must start again from the beginning with only the basic weapon. To overcome this challenge, players can use a secret code to gain extra lives, increasing their chances of success. This concept of starting with limited resources and striving to improve through determination and strategy is a common theme in many video games and real-life situations. The game's use of a side-scrolling perspective and multilevel design adds to the challenge, requiring players to adapt and learn new tactics to progress. Overall, Contra's gameplay mechanics teach valuable lessons about persistence, problem-solving, and the importance of acquiring and utilizing effective tools.

    • Persevering through life's challenges like an end boss in a video gamePush through hardships, maintain balance, communicate effectively, and protect yourself emotionally to overcome obstacles in life

      Life, much like a video game, presents challenges and risks that require determination, resilience, and the ability to adapt. The concept of an "end boss" in gaming can be equated to the difficult obstacles we face in real life. Kipling's quote, "If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone," emphasizes the importance of pushing through hardships and continuing to persevere even when it seems impossible. Furthermore, it's important to remember that not everyone reveals their struggles or challenges, so it's crucial to maintain a balanced perspective and communicate effectively with people at all levels. Lastly, being able to withstand the negative actions of both friends and enemies requires emotional fortitude and self-protection.

    • Maintain Emotional Dettachment in RelationshipsRecognize people may not always be who they seem, be prepared for disappointment, learn from experiences, and move forward.

      It's important to maintain a level of emotional detachment in relationships to avoid getting hurt or betrayed. This doesn't mean being cold or uncaring, but rather recognizing that people may not always be who they seem and being prepared for the possibility of disappointment or change. The speaker suggests that once someone has revealed themselves to be dishonest or untrustworthy, it's essential to move on and not dwell on the past. This can be a challenging process, especially for those who have invested a lot of time and emotion into the relationship. However, developing emotional control and the ability to let go can help individuals navigate these situations more effectively and avoid getting stuck in the past. Ultimately, the goal is to learn from past experiences and use them to grow and move forward.

    • Three-day emotional protocol for moving forwardDefine a personal protocol to detach emotionally and focus on growth after emotional setbacks

      Having a defined protocol or set of actions to follow after experiencing emotional setbacks, such as a breakup, can help individuals move forward and eventually forget about the past. The speaker suggests a three-day protocol that includes activities like eating pizza, having a contrast bath, and fasting. This protocol can help individuals detach emotionally and focus on their normal routine, leading to personal growth and progress. However, the lack of a universally accepted emotional protocol in modern society, particularly in the context of dealing with death, highlights the need for individuals to define their own personal protocols for handling emotional challenges. Emotions are important, but when they become detrimental, having a plan to move forward can be beneficial.

    • Following a well-defined protocol can guide us through challenging situationsHaving a plan in place helps navigate emotional storms and progress towards goals, while understanding the value of every moment and intentional action is crucial.

      Having a well-defined protocol or plan in place can help guide us through challenging situations and provide comfort and direction when we feel lost or overwhelmed. This can include setting triggers for when to walk away from potentially harmful situations or people, and filling every minute of our lives with purposeful action towards our goals. By following a protocol, we can move past emotional storms and make progress towards a better future. Additionally, understanding that everyone's opinions matter, but none should have too much power to sway us from our path, is a crucial mindset to adopt. The unforgiving minute reminds us that time is precious and merciless, so every second counts. By maximizing each moment with intentional action, we can claim the earth and all it holds.

    • Being a man: handling challenges with composure, resilience, and integrityEmbrace perseverance, adaptability, and self-reliance to navigate life's challenges and foster personal growth

      Learning from Kipling's poem and the subsequent discussion is that being a man involves having the ability to handle various challenges in life with composure, resilience, and integrity. While some aspects, like the inclination to fight, may be common among many men, it's essential to remember that everyone's experiences and reactions are unique. Being reluctant to fight is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of wisdom and understanding of the potential risks and consequences. Embracing the spirit of perseverance, adaptability, and self-reliance can help individuals navigate life's ups and downs and ultimately lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Learning to fight makes you more confident and less likely to engage in physical confrontationsKnowledge and technique in self-defense can deter potential bullies or opponents, regardless of physical attributes

      Being reluctant to fight does not make you less of a person, but it's important to learn how to fight to increase your chances of avoiding physical confrontations. The best way to not have to fight is to know how to fight. This knowledge and confidence can deter potential bullies or opponents. While there's a stereotype that those who are more cerebral or less physically inclined may not excel in martial arts, the reality is that knowledge and technique are powerful tools that can lead to success in even the most physical of situations. Jiu Jitsu, for example, rewards those who understand the techniques and can apply them effectively, regardless of physical attributes. So, embrace your reluctance to fight, but also invest in learning the basics of self-defense to protect yourself and increase your confidence.

    • Importance of Intelligence and Physical StrengthSmart individuals should improve physical abilities to execute plans effectively, while both are crucial in various aspects of life including sports and military.

      Both intelligence and physical strength are crucial in various aspects of life, including sports and the military. Jiu-jitsu, for instance, often attracts smart kids who haven't tried many sports before, providing them with a sense of power and confidence. In the military, intelligence is vital because making mistakes can be life-threatening. However, physical strength is also essential in certain situations, such as escaping enemies or carrying heavy loads. A smart person will strive to improve their physical abilities to execute their plans effectively. When giving feedback, it's essential to focus on actions and work rather than attacking someone's character to avoid personal offense.

    • Asking questions for reflectionEncourage self-discovery by asking open-ended questions instead of giving direct criticism. Build a strong relationship for effective feedback exchange.

      Giving feedback to others can be a delicate process. Most people may not be open to direct criticism, even when they ask for it. Instead, it's more effective to ask questions that encourage the person to reflect on their own work and identify potential improvements. By guiding them to a mirror, you help them see their own issues and take ownership of the solutions. Building a strong relationship is also crucial for giving and receiving constructive feedback. Mutual criticism can make the process more palatable, but it's essential to ensure your ego doesn't get in the way. Remember, the goal is to help each other grow and improve, not to prove who's right or wrong.

    • Balancing self-discovery and direct guidance for growthEffective feedback requires a balance between guiding individuals to identify their own faults and directly addressing those they cannot see. Assuming best intentions, use criticism as an opportunity for growth.

      Effective feedback and self-improvement require a delicate balance between guiding individuals to identify their own faults and directly addressing those they cannot see. Criticism, when received with an open mind, can lead to significant growth. In the context of martial arts, combining striking and grappling skills is essential for well-rounded self-defense training. This can be achieved through practices like shoot boxing, where boxing gloves are used and grappling techniques are incorporated. The army's modern combatives training also emphasizes this combination, as soldiers need to be prepared for various threats in real-life situations. Remember, when faced with criticism or feedback, assume the best intentions and use it as an opportunity for growth.

    • Applying Martial Arts Skills to Tactical SituationsMartial arts skills, particularly MMA, can be effectively applied to tactical situations due to the transferability of fundamental concepts, such as closing the distance and controlling opponents. Additional training is necessary for gear and weapons retention.

      The skills learned in martial arts, specifically MMA, can be effectively applied to tactical situations, such as those faced by military teams. The fundamental concepts, like closing the distance, taking down an opponent, and controlling or subduing them, remain the same. However, additional training is necessary to account for the use of gear and weapons retention. The transferability of these skills is likened to the differences between gi and no-gi in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or between baseball and softball. While there may be some differences and adjustments needed, the overlap is significant. For instance, a skilled competitive rifle shooter would have a distinct advantage in combat shooting due to the crossover of skills. The speaker also emphasizes that experience in one area, such as civilian parachuting, can greatly improve performance in a related military application, despite the differences in equipment.

    • Well-rounded self-defense training involves various martial arts and tactical situationsEffective self-defense requires a versatile skillset, adapting to different martial arts and tactical scenarios

      Effective self-defense involves a well-rounded approach to combat training, incorporating various martial arts styles and military tactical situations. When training in jujitsu, wrestling, boxing, Muay Thai, or any other martial art, it's crucial to consider the tactical situations you might encounter and adapt accordingly. For instance, in a real-life situation, you may not have the luxury of choosing which martial art technique to use. Moreover, having a strong foundation in the fundamentals of MMA, created by experienced martial artists, can significantly benefit you in various combat scenarios. Army combatives, for example, offer a solid starting point. However, it's essential to recognize that no system is perfect and should be continually built upon. Training in MMA, with its striking and grappling elements, can help expose weaknesses in your game and increase your awareness of potential threats. It's essential to recognize that gaps may open up when people start punching and that taking some shots is inevitable. Ultimately, being adaptable and having a well-rounded skillset is crucial for effective self-defense. Whether you're facing an opponent who is a better striker or grappler, being able to use their strengths against them can give you the edge you need in a real-life situation.

    • Keep opponents guessing in combat or businessTo influence opponents, maintain relationships and communicate effectively to understand their reasoning

      In order to effectively deal with opponents in combat or challenging situations, it's crucial to make them doubt your intentions and keep them guessing. This can take time and requires patience, as they may initially defend against your tactics. Through consistent training, you'll gain a better understanding of their tactics and be able to take advantage of their weaknesses. In a business context, if you disagree with a decision made by leadership but cannot change it, it's essential to maintain relationships up the chain of command and seek to understand their reasoning. By asking thoughtful questions and articulating your perspective, you can effectively communicate and potentially influence future decisions.

    • Maintaining a positive work relationship with your bossApproach disagreements respectfully, understand the reasoning behind decisions, communicate perspective respectfully, build a collaborative and supportive relationship, and own up to your role in situations.

      Building a strong relationship with your boss is crucial for maintaining a positive work environment and having influence within your team. It's essential to approach disagreements with respect and understanding, rather than attacking their ego or questioning their decisions. While it's natural to want to stand up for your values, it's important to consider the context and potential consequences of speaking out. If a decision is made that goes against your beliefs, it doesn't necessarily mean your values have been compromised. Instead, try to understand the reasoning behind the decision and communicate your perspective respectfully. Remember, your goal should be to build a collaborative and supportive relationship with your boss, rather than creating conflict. And if you find yourself in a situation where you feel your boss has made a poor decision, own up to your role in the situation and work to build a better relationship moving forward. By taking ownership and focusing on building a strong relationship, you can effectively navigate disagreements and maintain a positive and productive work environment.

    • Balancing approachability and unapproachabilityApproachable but set boundaries, embrace challenges, and view setbacks as opportunities for growth.

      Effective leadership involves finding the balance between approachability and unapproachability. Being too approachable can make you an "easy button" for your team, but being too unapproachable can hinder communication and feedback. It's important to be approachable while also setting boundaries and maintaining a level of authority. Additionally, embracing challenges and learning from setbacks can help leaders grow and improve. When faced with adversity, it's essential to view it as an opportunity for growth rather than a defeat. As Jocko mentioned, every break can be a chance to fortify your will and become stronger, both physically and mentally. By striking this balance and continuously pushing yourself to improve, you can become an unbroken leader.

    • A diverse jiu jitsu learning communityThe Origin Immersive Camp in Maine welcomes jiu jitsu enthusiasts of all skill levels, offering customized instruction, high-quality merchandise, and behind-the-scenes factory tours.

      The Origin Immersive Camp, held in Maine, attracts a diverse range of individuals, from jiu jitsu beginners to experienced black belts. The event brings together people from all backgrounds and skill levels, creating a unique learning environment. During the camp, attendees are divided into groups based on their experience levels, allowing instructors to cater to the specific needs of each group. The camp offers various jiu jitsu-related merchandise, including the highly regarded Origin gis and rash guards, made entirely in America. Additionally, Origin produces supplements like protein powder and joint support supplements, which attendees can purchase. The camp also provides opportunities for attendees to visit the Origin factory and learn about the production process. Overall, the Origin Immersive Camp offers a comprehensive jiu jitsu experience for individuals at all stages of their training journey.

    • The importance of consuming 'mok' for optimal energy levelsTwo scoops or hits of 'mok' are recommended for optimal energy and performance, while one scoop or hit allows for quicker recovery and short-term engagement in activities.

      The speaker emphasizes the importance of consuming a sufficient amount of a certain substance, referred to as "mok," for optimal energy levels and performance. He suggests that two scoops or hits, which is equivalent to one drink, are the minimum for him, and that consuming one scoop or hit allows for quicker recovery and the ability to work out or engage in other activities shortly after. Additionally, the speaker discusses the use of joint warfare and krill oil for joint health, and mentions a store where related merchandise, including rash guards, can be purchased.

    • Explore Jocko Willink's resources for inspiration and motivationJocko Willink offers valuable resources including podcasts, YouTube videos, a website, and merchandise to inspire and motivate individuals to overcome challenges and improve their lives.

      Jocko Willink, a well-known figure in the world of fitness and self-improvement, encourages his audience to explore various resources he offers, including his podcast, YouTube channel, website, and merchandise. These resources provide valuable content, such as instructional videos, psychological warfare discussions, and motivational podcasts for kids. The Warrior Kid podcast, in particular, has received positive feedback from listeners of all ages. Additionally, Jocko's brand, JockoStore.com, offers workout gear and other products that can enhance one's fitness journey. Overall, Jocko's mission is to inspire and motivate individuals to overcome challenges and improve their lives through various mediums.

    • Learning Valuable Lessons from Jocko Willink's Warrior Kid BooksJocko Willink's Warrior Kid books teach children discipline, hard work, and the importance of healthy habits through engaging stories. Parents can also benefit from his leadership lessons in Extreme Ownership.

      The Warrior Kid books by Jocko Willink, particularly "The Way of the Warrior Kid" and "Mark's Mission," can serve as valuable outside sources for parents who want their children to develop good habits such as working out, eating right, studying, and doing well in school. These books emphasize the importance of discipline and hard work, and children are more likely to listen to and be influenced by them than their parents. Additionally, Jocko and Leif's book "Extreme Ownership" offers leadership lessons that can be applied to both business and personal life. The upcoming release of their "Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual" is also highly anticipated. Jocko and his team, Echelon Front, offer leadership consulting services for businesses and speak at conferences. Their premier leadership conference, "The Muster," is the best in the world (according to Jocko). For those interested in Jocko's books, it's recommended to order the first edition quickly to secure a copy.

    • Extreme Ownership events are inclusive and open to allExtreme Ownership welcomes everyone, including those with physical limitations, and offers opportunities for military personnel and first responders to connect with potential employers

      The Extreme Ownership events, including the muster and leadership seminars, welcome participation from anyone, regardless of physical abilities or profession. There are no minimum physical standards for the muster, and attendees can choose to watch or do the minimum they can do. Extreme Ownership is also connecting Spec Ops veterans with companies looking to hire them through EF Overwatch. Additionally, Extreme Ownership appreciates the service of military personnel and first responders, encouraging them to register for events and continue engaging virtually through social media. Life, according to Extreme Ownership, is a challenging test, and when we encounter setbacks, we should use them as opportunities to learn and grow, identifying weaknesses and developing plans to overcome them.

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Get the free Live the Impossible Playbook, here https://www.livetheimpossible.today/

    Oliver & Susanas mentoring programs: https://silverhoj.com/

    Pam the Health Genie: https://www.pamlob.com/

    Oliver & Susanas travel blog: https://www.conscioustravelfamily.com/

    Jon Century our household Magic Musician: https://www.joncentury.com/music