
    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Stagnancy and Finding Personal GrowthEmbrace life-changing moments as opportunities for self-reflection and redirection. Seek advice and wisdom from others, be of service to others, and use your experiences to inspire and help others.

      We all struggle with feeling stagnant at times, especially in our twenties. This podcast episode highlights the importance of seeking personal growth and finding ways to make positive changes in our lives. The host's personal experience of feeling lost and uncertain after the 9/11 attacks serves as a reminder that life-changing moments can lead to self-reflection and redirection. By being open to advice and wisdom from others, we can navigate through these challenging times and find our path to happiness and fulfillment. It is also essential to recognize the value of being of service to others and using our experiences to help and inspire others.

    • Embracing Discomfort for Personal Growth.Confronting challenges and navigating through difficult times leads to personal growth and transformation, providing opportunities for self-discovery and a shift towards a more fulfilling life.

      Growth and personal development often come from facing and navigating through difficult times. It is not the absence of challenges that leads to growth, but rather the willingness to confront and learn from them. These challenging moments, whether they are sudden crises or gradual feelings of dissatisfaction, provide powerful opportunities for self-discovery and transformation. It is important to acknowledge and sit with these uncomfortable emotions, as they can uncover valuable insights and inner wisdom. Choosing to embrace the discomfort and see it as a catalyst for growth can lead to meaningful change and a shift towards a more fulfilling life. Exploring these feelings and seeking clarity on what truly brings happiness and dissatisfaction is a crucial step in moving towards a new chapter in life. Whether through therapy or journaling, it is important to embark on a journey of self-exploration to understand what drives our desire for change and take steps towards a more fulfilling future.

    • Understanding ourselves and our desires for a happier lifeTrue fulfillment comes from understanding ourselves, recognizing our pain points, and aligning our values with our desired life. It's not just about changing external circumstances, but also doing the internal work.

      It's crucial to first understand ourselves and what we truly want in order to pave the way for a happier life. This involves recognizing any pain points and gaining clarity about our identity and desires. Once we have this clarity, we can then envision a life that aligns with our values and make changes accordingly. However, it's important to note that dissatisfaction and unhappiness can stem from both external circumstances and internal factors. It's not solely about changing our environment or circumstances, but also about doing the internal work. This involves exploring our thoughts, beliefs, and the way we talk to ourselves. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that achieving external goals will bring us lasting happiness, but it's essential to address our internal emotional thermostat for true fulfillment.

    • Managing Expectations and Inner Dialogue: Finding Satisfaction in LifeEmbrace life's ups and downs, appreciate the ordinary, and avoid comparing ourselves to online highlight reels to find long-term satisfaction and inner peace.

      Managing our expectations and our inner dialogue is crucial for finding satisfaction in life. Many of us in our twenties have this false belief that everyone else is happier and that something should be a certain way. This social comparison, fueled by platforms like social media, steals our joy and robs us of appreciation for what we have. The reality is that life is a mix of ups and downs, with a lot of neutral moments. Embracing this fact and finding gratitude in the ordinary can bring long-term satisfaction and inner peace. It's important to remember that the highlight reels we see online don't reflect the reality of day-to-day life. By managing our expectations and shifting our thoughts to a better place, we can overcome feelings of dissatisfaction and find contentment.

    • Gaining a Realistic View of Life for a Fulfilling New ChapterReflecting on personal patterns and themes is essential for making lasting changes in life, while acknowledging and addressing personal traits can contribute to a transformative new chapter.

      In order to start a new chapter in life and have a different and more fulfilling experience, it is crucial to gain a realistic view of what life actually is. Changing external factors or seeking constant excitement will not bring lasting satisfaction. It is important to reflect on personal patterns and themes through journaling, counseling, or coaching. Identifying repeating experiences, such as persistent dissatisfaction in relationships or grass is greener mentality, can help uncover inner changes that need to be made. Understanding how one usually feels on the inside in day to day life is key to determining substantial changes for the next chapter. Acknowledging and addressing personal traits or conditions, such as ADHD, can also contribute to a more transformative new chapter.

    • Finding Clarity and Intention in Life Choices.Understand the importance of self-reflection, differentiate between external circumstances and internal feelings, and align actions with personal goals and values to create meaningful change.

      Understanding the common themes and patterns in our lives can help us make more intentional decisions and create the outcomes we desire. Lisa Marie Bobby shares her experience of feeling disorganized and chaotic until she realized that it wasn't the environment, but her practices and ways of being that were contributing to her experiences. Jemma Sbeg also reflects on how moving always brings excitement and a sense of challenge, but wonders if it's a genuine desire or just a temporary fix for feeling stagnant. Lisa suggests that taking risks aligned with our goals and values is important, but it's crucial to differentiate between changing circumstances and expecting them to change how we feel. She encourages journaling and reflection to gain clarity on the changes we truly desire in our lives.

    • Deeply exploring our feelings and emotions for better decision-making.Reflect on our inner selves before blaming external factors, find balance by aligning our values and pushing beyond comfort zones.

      It is important to deeply explore our feelings and emotions when making decisions about our career, relationships, or location. We should ask ourselves how we would feel and why, and connect it to our values and meaning in life. Often, people make major changes without truly understanding what is going on within themselves. Instead of blaming external factors like jobs or relationships, we should reflect on how we are operating in these situations. Additionally, there is a fear of stagnation and wasting our lives, which can lead to self-sabotaging behavior and pursuing a version of ourselves driven by fear. To find balance, we need to identify our values and what truly matters to us, and ensure that we are living in alignment with them, while also pushing beyond our comfort zones when necessary.

    • Discovering Personal Meaning and Values for Confident Decision-MakingBy identifying our core values and aligning our choices with them, we can make decisions that bring us greater happiness and fulfillment in the long run.

      Finding personal meaning and values is essential for making confident decisions and living a fulfilled life. This can be sparked by moments of crisis or reflection on mortality, pushing us to question the worth and impact of our lives. Identifying what truly matters to us, such as being of service to others or prioritizing financial security, allows us to compare and align our choices with these values. It may require deep self-appraisal and a shift away from societal expectations and fairy tale visions. By clarifying our values and their importance, we can navigate new chapters, take calculated risks, and make decisions that are in line with our authentic selves, ultimately leading to greater happiness and satisfaction in the long run.

    • prioritizing values for a fulfilling life journeyUnderstanding our motivations, values, and purpose helps us make decisions that align with our authentic selves and create a meaningful life journey.

      When entering a new chapter in life, it is crucial to prioritize our values and make decisions based on them. This requires deep introspection and self-clarity. Often, people may contemplate ending a relationship, changing careers, or leaving a dream job, but it is important to question whether these choices are simply a proxy for avoiding internal change that will ultimately leave us dissatisfied. By getting clear on our meaning, values, and purpose, we can make decisions that align with our authentic selves. This valuable insight emphasizes the importance of understanding our motivations and embarking on personal growth to create a fulfilling and meaningful life journey.

    Recent Episodes from The Psychology of your 20s

    208. Let's talk about coping mechanisms

    208. Let's talk about coping mechanisms

    Very few of us ever receive an education on coping. We are taught bad things happen, we are taught pointless math equations, we are taught to grin and bear it, but not effective psychological ways of integrating stressful, painful, frustrating experiences. In this episode, we break down the psychology of coping mechanisms, including: 

    • Problem focused vs. emotion focused coping
    • Maladaptive vs. adaptive coping 
    • Our most common defence mechanisms 
    • How to stop numbing ourselves to our experiences 
    • How to consciously deal with hard things in life 
    • Our coping statements 
    • Freud, Carl Jung and many more 

    Listen now for a comprehensive deep dive into coping in your 20s and beyond. 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    207. How to have better conversations

    207. How to have better conversations

    Conversations seem like they should be the easiest thing in the world, but we all know that sometimes that is not the case! Mental distractions, running out of things to talk about, feeling a bit off, all some of the roadblocks we face. In today's episode we break down FIVE tips to have better conversations: 

    1. The 2:1 question ratio
    2. The fast friends protocol 
    3. Story topping and bright siding 
    4. The 5 minute urge 
    5. The liking gap 

    Listen now for more so we can all be having better conversations in whatever area of life!

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    206. The psychology of love bombing

    206. The psychology of love bombing

    Love bombing has been a hot topic as of recent, but what does it ACTUALLY mean or entail? In today's episode we are breaking down all of the psychology of love bombing, including: 

    • The cultish origin of love bombing
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    • Why people love bomb?
    • The interaction between narcissism and love bombing 
    • Intensity addiction and love bombing 
    • The five questions for determining: is it love or lovebombing? 

    We also dive into why it can be so easy to get swept up by these individuals and behaviours, how to know it when you see it and the strength it takes to walk away. 

    Listen now! 

    For online help: https://whiteribbon.org.au/helplines/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    205. A mental health update

    205. A mental health update

    Since the beginning of this show I've been super open about my mental health so I thought I'd share an update (the bad, the good and the really good). Let's normalise talking openly and honestly about what we're going through even when its not pretty  or aesthetic. Thank you for all the support!

    Mental Health support in your area: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    204. Should we be thinking about kids in our 20s?

    204. Should we be thinking about kids in our 20s?

    The thought of having children in our 20s feels like an incredibly adult decision, and is one a lot of us probably don't consider. We want to protect our youth and our freedom a little bit longer, or perhaps have decided we probably will never want children.

    But whether you want to have children or not, having a clear understanding of your future intentions or choices, your reproductive health, the kind of person who might make a good partner, and therefore parent, is important. More information, more foresight actually equals greater freedom and sometimes time to decide. 

    We break down: 

    • Why you should be thinking in your 20s
    • The pros and cons of having children in your 20s 
    • The argument for NOT having children 
    • Fertility
    • Milestone anxiety and the pressure to find someone 
    • Your stories of pregnancy, parenthood and fertility in your 20s

    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    203. Why do we feel unloveable?

    203. Why do we feel unloveable?

    Struggling with our self worth can often impact how deserving we feel of love. This sense that we may be 'unloveable' causes us to miss out on healthy, fulfilling relationships, self sabotage and stay with people who don't deserve us. In today's episode, we discuss: 

    • The origins of why we feel unworthy of love
    • Childhood wounds 
    • Early romantic scripts and teen romance 
    • Repeated rejection and shame
    • The consequences of feeling unloveable 
    • Repetition of toxic relationships
    • How to restore or rediscover your sense of self worth and self love 

    And so much more. Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    202. Body dysmorphia

    202. Body dysmorphia

    All of us have insecurities when it comes to our appearance, but what happens when these become obsessive and a point of fixation? In today's episode we break down the psychology and pathology of body dysmorphia, including: 

    • The origins in childhood experiences
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    • The differences in expression between men and women
    • The relationship between body dysmorphia and cosmetic surgery 
    • The influence of toxic gym, diet culture and 'bigorexia'
    • How false beliefs influence behaviour 
    • Dating with body dysmorphia, and more

    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    201. 5 scientific ways to ACTUALLY be happier

    201. 5 scientific ways to ACTUALLY be happier

    We all want to be happier, but are probably sick of hearing about 'exercising more, eating better, sleeping 8 hours'. In today's episode we break down FIVE evidence based tips that are simple, accessible, actionable and inexpensive for becoming a happier person and the research that proves it: 

    1. Focus on platonic love over romantic love
    2. Small acts of kindness + how we are spending our money wrong and why its making us less happy 
    3. The importance of a project 
    4. The healing power of nature + what bacteria and dirt have to do with it 
    5. Let yourself wallow 

    Listen now! 

    Buy notebooks here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast Instagram here: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    200. Going 'no contact' and why it works!

    200. Going 'no contact' and why it works!

    Going 'no contact' after a breakup or relationship breakdown is promoted as one of the best ways to move on from an ex. But why is that the case, and what is the psychology? Is it always that easy?

    In today's episode we break down the psychology of going 'no contact': why it works, the science, when it's necessary and how to stay committed, even when it feels impossible. Listen now!

    Our notebooks are OUT NOW: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    199. The struggles of job hunting in our 20s

    199. The struggles of job hunting in our 20s

    You're not imagining it! The job market is getting harder, especially for 20-somethings who are entering the job market for the first time and trying to find their path. In today's episode we break down the psychological toll that the job hunt takes on us, the constant rejections, unrewarded effort, resentment and frustration. We also discuss why our generation has it tougher and it's not just a you problem but also how to improve your odds and keep your head up! All that and more, listen now :) 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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