
    167: Lessons on War, Leadership, and Life, w/ SEAL Master Chief, Jason Gardner, Pt.1

    enMarch 06, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Ancient wisdom and timeless lessonsChoose wisdom over pride and learn from experiences to make the most of opportunities. Support from others can also play a crucial role in personal growth.

      The importance of wisdom and choosing the better part over pride, as depicted in the ancient poem "Beowulf." Jocko Willink emphasized the timelessness of these lessons, which can be found throughout history and different cultures. He also highlighted the experiences of his guest, Jason Gardner, who was inspired by the podcast and went on to join the Navy SEALs after being exposed to their training through a martial arts instructor. The conversation also touched upon the importance of having supportive figures in one's life, such as Jason's father, who encouraged him to pursue the Navy SEALs instead of the Marine Corps. Overall, the discussion underscored the enduring relevance of ancient wisdom and the importance of making the most of one's experiences and opportunities.

    • Military and music experiences shaping identityThe military's 'open loop' of constant change and music's rebellious nature influenced the speaker's personality and preferences.

      Both the military service and music experiences of the speaker shape his identity and desires. In the military, he was exposed to various deployments and roles, creating an "open loop" where he didn't stay in one job for the entire tour. This sense of restlessness and seeking new experiences carried over into his music exploration. He discovered punk rock and hardcore music at a young age and felt an immediate connection to it, leading him to attend live shows and immerse himself in the scene. The aggressive and rebellious nature of the music resonated with him, and he continued to explore different genres like metal. Ultimately, both his military and musical experiences influenced his personality and preferences.

    • Lack of clear guidance during Navy SEAL trainingClear communication and preparation are crucial in high-pressure environments to avoid misunderstandings and negative consequences.

      During his Navy SEAL training, the speaker found that there was a lack of clear guidance and preparation for the physical demands of the program. He watched a video beforehand with the assumption that he needed to look cool to be ready, but there was no instruction on specific training protocols for essential skills like pull-ups or swimming. The speaker also shared an experience where he accidentally ate an extra taco during pre-training, leading to intense punishment from instructors. These incidents highlighted the importance of clear communication and preparation in high-pressure environments. Despite the challenges, the speaker persevered and eventually succeeded in his training.

    • SEAL training: No room for vulnerabilitiesSEAL training pushes trainees to their limits, exploiting weaknesses and requiring emotional resilience. Vulnerabilities are not tolerated, and trainees must adapt and push through to succeed.

      SEAL training, specifically BUDS, is known for its aggressive and relentless approach, pushing trainees to their limits and beyond. Weaknesses are ruthlessly exploited, and emotional resilience is a must. Trainees are expected to hide their vulnerabilities or risk being "hammered" until they become numb. The training is physically and mentally grueling, and even small setbacks can lead to intense scrutiny and challenges. The speaker shared his own experiences of being a poor runner and how he pushed himself harder as a result. Despite the challenges, he finished his training and went on to old school airborne school, where he encountered a similar boot camp mentality. The speaker also shared how his cockiness was a compensation for his insecurities. Overall, the SEAL training experience is one of intense pressure, where vulnerabilities are not tolerated, and trainees must adapt and push through to succeed.

    • Owning up to mistakes leads to growthAdmitting mistakes and taking responsibility for actions leads to lighter consequences and personal growth

      Owning up to your mistakes is an essential part of moving forward in the military and in life. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way when he was punished for drinking beer before a jump training session. Despite receiving a harsh punishment from his peers and being brought before a military disciplinary hearing, he owned up to his actions and accepted the consequences. This honesty ultimately led to a lighter punishment and allowed him to continue his military career. The speaker emphasizes that making excuses only leads to more trouble, and encourages young military personnel to take responsibility for their actions. Throughout his military experience, he bounced around to different departments and eventually deployed on a ship with a great platoon. The experience taught him valuable lessons and shaped him into a stronger and more responsible individual.

    • Importance of camaraderie and building relationshipsBuilding strong relationships during challenging times enhances morale, productivity, and overall success.

      Building strong relationships with people, especially during challenging situations, can bring significant benefits. The speaker shared his experience of serving in the Navy SEALs and deploying for Operation Desert Shield and Storm. During this deployment, they conducted tanker boardings and various operations, but when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, their plans changed, and they were redirected to the Gulf War. The speaker highlighted the importance of camaraderie and building relationships, sharing an example of how Steve Hines, a fellow SEAL, brought the entire ship's crew together through physical training sessions. The speaker emphasized that these relationships not only made the deployment more enjoyable but also came in handy when resources were limited. The Gulf War was over in 72 hours, and while some platoons faced challenges, the importance of unity and teamwork shone through. This experience underscores the value of fostering strong relationships and the ripple effect it can have on morale, productivity, and overall success.

    • Theories and assumptions vs. real-world military operationsMilitary training should be based on real-world experiences to prepare recruits effectively for conflict zones.

      Military operations in the past were based on theories and assumptions, but the reality was often different. This was evident in the way tactics and drills were taught to new recruits, such as crawling in the hallway during a firefight. However, these theories were often challenged when put into practice, leading to changes in training methods. For instance, the use of simunition guns in the hallway resulted in multiple casualties, highlighting the importance of adapting to real-world situations. Similarly, in the nineties, there were few real-world operations, and recruits had fantasies of clandestine wars. However, the situation changed drastically, and now, wars are ongoing worldwide, and recruits are often deployed to conflict zones. It's essential to understand that theories and assumptions can only take us so far, and practical experience is crucial in mastering any skill, including military operations.

    • From traditional to practical martial arts and military tacticsAdapt and reassess strategies based on new information and circumstances, have a plan and rehearse it, and understand the specific situation to determine the best place for commanders.

      The effectiveness of martial arts techniques and military tactics can change over time, and it's essential to adapt and reassess strategies based on new information and circumstances. This was evident in the shift from traditional martial arts theories to more practical approaches, such as those used in the UFC. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having a plan and rehearsing it, even if it's not perfect, as it's better than having no plan at all. The discussion also touched on the role of leadership and the importance of understanding the specific situation to determine the best place for commanders to be. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for flexibility and adaptability in both martial arts and military tactics.

    • Adapting to new situations is key to successFlexibility and adaptability are crucial for success in high-pressure environments. Navy SEALs training teaches critical thinking and reacting accordingly. Long deployments build camaraderie and lead to personal growth.

      Flexibility and adaptability are crucial for success, especially in high-pressure and unpredictable environments. The speaker's experiences during his deployments with the Navy SEALs (NSW) emphasized the importance of being able to pivot and adjust to new situations. The training received prepared him not only for specific tasks but also for thinking critically and reacting accordingly. The long deployments with limited communication and entertainment led to unique experiences and camaraderie among team members. Despite the challenges, the speaker was able to learn and grow from each experience, eventually earning an advanced marksman qualification despite initial failure. Overall, the ability to adapt and remain open to new experiences is a valuable skill that can lead to success in various aspects of life.

    • Effective Leadership in Challenging SituationsEffective leadership, characterized by positivity, constructive criticism, and a sense of humor, can help individuals overcome adversity and succeed.

      The right kind of leadership can make all the difference in challenging situations. The speaker shared his experiences in the Navy SEALs, where the intensity of the training and the behavior of instructors played a significant role in his journey. Despite the toughest course ever, he managed to graduate with only two others. Later, he worked under a superior officer, Danny Carroll, who led by example, offering constructive advice, and maintaining a positive attitude. This approach had a profound impact on the speaker, helping him improve and thrive. The lesson here is that effective leadership, marked by positivity, constructive criticism, and a sense of humor, can help individuals overcome adversity and succeed.

    • Importance of being a good military operatorExceling in skills, taking training seriously, teaching others, and earning respect as a good operator are essential for success in the military.

      Being a good operator in the military, before it became a common term, meant excelling in various skills such as shooting, navigating, diving, and maintaining composure. Developing a reputation as a good operator required taking every training mission seriously and teaching others, even during difficult conditions. The respect earned from being a good operator allowed one to give advice without being condescending, making it valuable for others to absorb. The speaker shared his experiences at different military schools, including Sears School, where he encountered physical challenges and humbling moments that reinforced the importance of being a good operator.

    • Finding an observation point in sniper trainingPatience and understanding are crucial for mastering new skills. Listen to instructors and take your time to fully grasp concepts.

      Experience and patience are key to mastering new skills. The speaker, a former Navy SEAL, shares his story of learning the importance of finding an observation point (OP) during sniper training. He initially approached the task impatiently, but after taking his time to understand the process and listen to his instructors, he became more effective and efficient. This lesson can be applied to various aspects of life, including parenting and personal growth. The speaker also reflects on the satisfaction of overcoming challenges and the importance of learning from mistakes. He emphasizes that it's essential to fully understand the concepts being taught and to be patient with the learning process.

    • Observing others leads to personal growthDetachment during observation allows recognition of mistakes and learning opportunities. Embrace and seek out challenging roles to continually improve.

      Teaching and observing others can lead to significant personal growth and improvement. The speaker shares his experiences of instructing various military units and watching their actions unfold. He noticed that when he wasn't directly involved in the immediate action drills, he could observe minor mistakes and correct them. This detachment helped him learn and recognize errors in himself. Additionally, the mentality of transferring to challenging roles to get better at a job was instilled in him during his military career, and he believes the same principle applies to any field. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of stepping back and observing to gain a clearer perspective and improve both personally and professionally.

    • Unexpected deployment to SomaliaBe open to opportunities, even when they come with unforeseen challenges. Preparation is key.

      Sometimes opportunity knocks unexpectedly, and seizing it requires being ready and adaptable. The speaker shares an experience from the 1990s when he was unexpectedly deployed to Somalia with his platoon. They were there to provide the UN with a 50 caliber sniper capability, which the Marines had sold to them. The speaker's mentor, Monty TreeSize, who had real-life combat experience, was also part of the team. They spent only three days on the ground, and during that time, they were tasked with hydrographic reconnaissance near the infamous Mogadishu Airport, known for its shark-infested waters. Despite the potential danger, the speaker never considered the risk of shark attacks during his career, highlighting how we often fail to anticipate the unexpected. Overall, this experience underscores the importance of being prepared and open to opportunities, even when they come with unforeseen challenges.

    • Navigating shark-infested waters during a military operationUnexpected challenges during military operations can lead to chaotic situations, requiring adaptability and vigilance.

      During a military operation to secure an airfield in Mogadishu, the team had to navigate clear waters filled with sharks while conducting a hydra recon using zodiacs. They encountered unexpected challenges, such as a team member slipping into the water after spotting sharks, and a planned bunker position not working out due to the scope of their weapons obstructing the cement. The operation involved long planning cycles, multiple lifts on Elkacs and LCACs, and setting up a perimeter inside the UN perimeter. The first day was uneventful, but the following morning, the UN left, leading to chaos as different factions fought for resources, resulting in violent clashes. The team had to adapt and remain vigilant, covering down for potential attackers.

    • Urban Combat: Challenges and ComplexitiesUrban environments present unique challenges for military operations, including difficulty in identifying sources of indirect fire and the complexities of long-range shooting in densely populated areas.

      During a military operation in Mogadishu, two opposing factions were engaged in heavy fighting, resulting in indirect fire being directed towards the US military personnel. The urban environment made it challenging to identify the source of the gunfire, and the long range of the attacks further complicated the situation. Despite the rules of engagement allowing them to respond, the US soldiers found it difficult to locate a viable target. Eventually, they managed to engage and eliminate an enemy soldier with an RPG, but the experience left them questioning the effectiveness of their long-range shooting skills and the accuracy of their intelligence. Overall, the incident underscored the complexities and uncertainties of urban combat.

    • A harrowing firefight experienceDiscipline, focus, and adaptability are crucial in the unpredictable and brutal nature of war

      War is brutal and unpredictable. The speaker recounts a harrowing experience during a firefight, where they witnessed the death of an enemy soldier and engaged in a battle against an enemy vehicle. Despite the strict rules of engagement, they managed to disable the Jeep with a single shot. The enemy's response was organized and aggressive, leading to a tense standoff. The speaker also describes the surreal and chaotic nature of war, with moments of violence interspersed with periods of calm. The memory of the experience is still vivid, but the details have faded over time. Overall, the speaker's account underscores the importance of discipline, focus, and adaptability in the face of danger.

    • Encountering an enemy with our own weaponDespite missing a shot and hitting the wrong enemy, the team successfully neutralized the threat and completed the mission, demonstrating adaptability and resilience in combat situations.

      During a military operation, the speaker and his team encountered an enemy with an AT 4 weapon, which was unusual because it was one of their own weapons. They planned a sniper assault on the enemy, but the speaker missed his shot and hit a different enemy instead. Despite this, the team was successful in neutralizing the threat and completing the operation. The speaker expressed excitement about the experience and the unique opportunity to be in combat, leading him to participate in another military exercise. At the time, the speaker was married, but the exact timeline is unclear.

    • Monty's Calm Leadership During High-Pressure SituationsExperienced leaders can help teams stay calm, make sensible decisions, and build relationships during high-pressure situations, even for those with little to no combat experience.

      Having a calm and experienced leader during high-pressure situations can make all the difference in a team's performance, even for those with little to no combat experience. Monty, as a level-headed and experienced leader, taught his team the importance of staying calm, making sensible decisions, and building relationships. His mentorship allowed the team to handle unexpected situations effectively and successfully complete their mission. Monty's advice to "run for mayor" and be good to everyone, no matter where you go, also played a role in the team's success by fostering positive relationships and trust. The team's ability to stay calm and focused under pressure, despite having no combat experience, was a testament to Monty's leadership and the lessons he imparted.

    • Considering the Challenges of Military Life and TransitionThe military provides unique camaraderie and purpose, but transitioning out can be difficult. Consider the potential drawbacks before deciding to leave, as the military offers valuable support and stability.

      The military life, while challenging, can provide a unique sense of camaraderie and purpose that is hard to find in civilian life. However, the transition out of the military can be difficult, and it's essential to consider the potential drawbacks before making the decision to leave. The speaker shared his personal experience of a tumultuous marriage and divorce during his military service, which led him to reconsider his decision to leave. He realized that he found happiness only when he was serving in the reserve unit and decided to rejoin active duty. The speaker also emphasized the importance of the military community and how hard it is to adjust to civilian life after spending most of one's adult life in the military. He advised against making hasty decisions to leave and encouraged those considering it to keep his contact information in case they changed their minds. The military offers a level of support and stability that can be invaluable, especially during challenging times, and it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.

    • Unexpected events can lead to new opportunities and growthExperiencing setbacks can pave the way for valuable opportunities and growth. Expertise and experience are crucial in gaining respect and making significant contributions.

      Life can take unexpected turns, and sometimes these turns can lead to new opportunities and experiences. For instance, a man in the discussion shares his experience of training for a big game that didn't happen, leading to a loss of job satisfaction. However, this setback eventually led him to join a specialized sniper unit, where his real-world experience proved invaluable. This opportunity not only provided him with a sense of purpose but also allowed him to make significant contributions to the field of sniping. Moreover, the discussion highlights the importance of experience and expertise in gaining respect and influence. The man's ability to speak authoritatively about sniping techniques and tactics made people listen to him, and he was able to pass on his knowledge to others. Another significant moment in the man's career was when he was sent to Ramadi to augment Seal Team 7. There, he and his team tested new gear designed to detect enemy snipers and were able to use it effectively in combat situations. This experience not only helped them succeed in their mission but also gave them a unique perspective on the war. In summary, the discussion illustrates how unexpected events and experiences can lead to new opportunities and growth. It also highlights the importance of expertise and experience in gaining respect and making a meaningful impact.

    • Leadership and communication in military operationsEffective communication and clear instructions from leaders are crucial to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts in high-pressure military operations. Direct and assertive leadership helps establish order and sets the team on the right path.

      Effective communication and leadership are crucial in high-pressure situations, especially in military operations. The speaker shared his experiences in the Marine Corps and Seal Team 3, where they went on patrol to set up sniper overwatches to prevent IED attacks. The importance of these operations was significant as they saved lives and disrupted the enemy's plans. However, there were challenges, including tension between commanders that required decisive action from higher-ups. When the speaker joined Seal Team 3, he encountered drama between the platoon commander and the task unit commander that led to both being fired. The new task unit commander came in and gave clear directions to the team, which the speaker appreciated as it helped establish order in a chaotic situation. The speaker emphasized that when entering a challenging situation, it's essential for leaders to be direct and assertive to set the team on the right path. Additionally, effective communication and clear instructions are crucial to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of strong leadership and communication in military operations and in any high-pressure environment.

    • Effective communication and clear direction from leadershipA clear vision and ability to address issues directly can improve morale and productivity, but it's important to find the right balance and approach situations with sensitivity and understanding.

      Clear communication and direction from leadership can greatly improve morale and productivity in a team. Lack of direction can lead to uncertainty, frustration, and even conflict. However, it's important to find the right balance between asserting authority and being approachable. A new leader who comes in with a clear vision and the ability to address issues directly can bring much-needed clarity and relief to a team that has been feeling lost and uncertain for an extended period. This can lead to increased focus, motivation, and ultimately, better results. However, it's also important to be aware of potential resistance and to approach the situation with sensitivity and understanding. In some cases, it may be necessary to take time to observe and listen before making major changes. Overall, effective communication and clear direction from leadership are essential for creating a positive and productive work environment.

    • Staying focused on the mission and effective communication are keys to team successEffective communication and staying focused on the mission are essential for team success, even in challenging situations. Neglecting these aspects can lead to negative consequences.

      Prioritizing the mission and effective communication are crucial for team success, even in challenging and uncomfortable situations. The speaker shared his experiences in the military, where morale could dip due to long deployments and the desire for comforts. He emphasized the importance of staying focused on the mission and encouraging teamwork, even when it meant enduring difficult conditions. He also highlighted the negative consequences of poor communication and the importance of addressing issues directly. The speaker's anecdotes illustrate the importance of maintaining a strong team dynamic and the potential impact of leadership failures. Additionally, the proposal to reassemble task units to provide opportunities for those who hadn't been to combat showed the significance of ensuring fairness and addressing job dissatisfaction. Overall, the speaker's message underscores the importance of staying focused on the mission, effective communication, and teamwork for achieving success.

    • Making tough decisions in leadership and ensuring diverse experiencesLeaders must prioritize performance to select the best team, but also consider rules for fairness and the importance of diverse experiences. Continuous learning and personal growth are essential for well-rounded leaders, no matter the age.

      Leadership involves making tough decisions, even when it means not sending some team members to the frontlines. This was the case for a Navy SEAL team where a competition was held to determine which task unit would go to a war zone. The speaker recommended focusing on performance to ensure the best team went, and they ultimately won the competition. However, there were also rules in place to ensure that team members who had already been to certain regions could have a chance to go elsewhere. Throughout his career, the speaker emphasized the importance of having diverse experiences, including both combat and non-combat tours, to develop well-rounded SEAL leaders. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the importance of continuous learning and personal growth, even later in life. He started training in jujitsu, emphasizing that it's never too late to start new pursuits, no matter what age you are. The conversation touched on various aspects of the speaker's career, from his early days as a platoon chief to his later roles as an operations chief and command master chief. The conversation provided valuable insights into the mindset and experiences of a Navy SEAL leader.

    • Don't Spaz Out in BJJStay conscious, think, and use strength strategically instead of spazing in BJJ. Sparingly use spazing and focus on mental acuity and technique as you progress.

      In the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there are moments when you'll find yourself in a challenging situation, and your instinct might be to "spaz out" or flail around in an attempt to escape. However, this approach can be exhausting and may not always be effective. Instead, it's crucial to stay conscious, think through the situation, and use your strength strategically to increase your chances of success. Spazing should be used sparingly and only when necessary, as overuse can leave you drained and vulnerable. It's essential to remember that as you progress in your Jiu-Jitsu journey, you'll encounter fewer moments where spazing is necessary, and you'll rely more on your mental acuity and technique. Additionally, training in both gi and no-gi styles can help expand your skills and prepare you for various scenarios on the mat.

    • Jocko's Clothing Choices: Functionality Over FashionJocko prioritizes functionality and comfort in his clothing choices over following fashion trends.

      Functionality and personal comfort in clothing choices are more important to Jocko Willink than following fashion trends. During the discussion, Jason Gardiner highlighted the Origin gi as the finest gi in the world, which Jocko also endorses and uses. Jocko shared his preference for traditional clothing items like jeans and t-shirts, which he believes never go out of style due to their functionality. However, he initially resisted trying joggers due to their tapered, skinny fit, which he perceived as not matching his style. After trying them at camp, he discovered they were more comfortable for jogging than regular sweatpants. Jocko emphasized that his clothing choices are driven by functionality and comfort rather than following fashion trends. The Origin jeans, which Jocko is currently producing, also prioritize functionality and durability over fashion trends.

    • Personal Routines and Discoveries for Health and Everyday LifeSpeakers discuss their unique pockets-focused routines, homemade milk and pancake recipes, and the benefits of incorporating healthy fats and probiotics for improved energy and weight loss.

      The speakers in this discussion are sharing their personal routines and discoveries related to health and everyday life, including the importance of pockets for functionality, making their own versions of milk and pancakes, and the benefits they've experienced from adjusting their diets and incorporating healthy fats into their morning routines. For instance, they discussed the excitement of getting new items, such as joggers with pockets and boots, and their unique recipes for morning coffee and milk, which help them feel full and energized throughout the day. They also mentioned the importance of probiotics and protein, as well as their progress in improving their health and weight loss. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding what works best for one's individual needs and making small, intentional changes to enhance daily life.

    • Jocko Willink's Philosophy: Discipline, Health, and AdaptationRetired Navy SEAL commander Jocko Willink promotes discipline, health, and adaptation through supplements, exercise, mindset, books, podcasts, and merchandise.

      Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL commander, emphasizes the importance of discipline, adaptation, and maintaining good health through supplements, exercise, and mindset. He recommends his supplement line, Joint Warfare, and his book "Discipline Equals Freedom" for those seeking to improve their lives. His podcast, "The Jocko Podcast," and "Warrior Kid" series are also valuable resources for inspiring kids to adopt healthy habits and develop discipline. Willink's store, jockostore.com, offers various merchandise, including his books, supplements, and clothing, for those looking to represent his philosophy. Additionally, his organic tea, "Chocolate White Tea," is a unique and unexpected addition to his product line. Overall, Jocko Willink's emphasis on discipline, health, and adaptation continues to inspire and motivate individuals to improve themselves and their lives.

    • The impact of social media and technology on children's languageChildren often repeat phrases from YouTube videos, demonstrating the influence of social media on their language development.

      The influence of social media and technology on children is a recurring theme in everyday conversations. Aidan, the speaker, shares an amusing anecdote about his kids repeating phrases they hear from YouTube videos, such as "like, comment, and subscribe." This trend is not limited to Aidan's household, as his daughter sometimes watches YouTube videos and picks up similar phrases. The speaker also mentions their YouTube channel and encourages listeners to subscribe. There is a lighthearted discussion about the importance of liking and subscribing to YouTube channels, and the speakers express their amusement at the intensity of some viewers' reactions. The conversation then shifts to Star Wars and nerd culture, showcasing the speakers' shared interests and demonstrating the impact of pop culture on children and adults alike. Overall, this conversation highlights the role of technology and social media in shaping the experiences and interactions of families and communities.

    • Star Wars Costumes: More Than Just Movie PropsFans' dedication to Star Wars goes beyond watching movies, with intricate costumes worn for enjoyment and content creation. Validation ensures authenticity and quality.

      The creation and use of intricately detailed Star Wars costumes, whether homemade or purchased, plays a significant role in the passion and creativity of fans. These costumes, which can be quite expensive, are not only worn for personal enjoyment but also used in various forms of content creation, such as videos or stories. The validation process for these costumes is essential, ensuring the authenticity and quality. Additionally, books like "Mikey and the Dragons" can be an excellent tool for engaging and educating young children, incorporating new words and vibrant illustrations to broaden their horizons. Overall, the dedication and enthusiasm towards Star Wars extend beyond just watching movies or TV shows, but rather involves active participation and imagination.

    • Learn from Jocko Willink's team at Echelon FrontExplore resources like books, online training, and consulting services from Jocko Willink's team to enhance leadership skills and embrace discipline for greater freedom.

      Jocko Willink and his team at Echelon Front offer various resources and services to help individuals and organizations improve their leadership skills. This includes books like "Extreme Ownership" and "The Dichotomy of Leadership," online interactive training through EF Online, and consulting services through EF Overwatch. Willink also emphasizes the importance of discipline and the concept of "discipline equals freedom." He encourages listeners to check out their resources and consider seeking help if needed. Additionally, Willink and his team are active on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and are open to engaging with their audience.

    • Appreciating the daily sacrifices of uniformed personnelFocus on eternal rewards and live a meaningful, purposeful life, appreciating the sacrifices of those who serve and protect us.

      We should appreciate and be grateful for the daily sacrifices made by our uniformed personnel, including military personnel, police and law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics and EMTs, correctional officers, and border patrol. Their service allows us to live our lives and pursue our goals. Additionally, Hrothgar's advice to Beowulf in the podcast reminds us to focus on eternal rewards rather than short-term gains. This means living a meaningful and purposeful life, and keeping in mind that our time on earth is limited. So, we should strive to make the most of our time and make a positive impact on the world. Thank you to all the first responders and uniformed personnel for your service, and to all the listeners, keep striving for your eternal rewards.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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