
    170: What The Hell Is "The Ick" (And Why Does It End Relationships)?

    enJune 22, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Emotional Connections to ObjectsOur experiences and objects from different places can evoke strong emotions and feelings of nostalgia, known as 'the ick'.

      Our experiences and connections to different places can evoke strong emotions and feelings of nostalgia, even when seemingly insignificant items like sand or seashells are brought back home. This concept, known as "the ick," is a term used to describe the unexplainable yet powerful feelings that arise when we come into contact with something that holds a deep emotional significance to us. During this episode of the Love Life Podcast, hosts Matthew and Steven Hussey, along with Audrey, discussed their personal experiences with the ick and how it relates to travel and collecting mementos from different places. They shared stories of bringing sand, seashells, and other items back home from their travels and the sense of wonder and connection they felt towards these objects. The ick is a reminder that even the smallest things can hold profound meaning and can transport us back to memories and emotions that shape our lives.

    • Understanding the 'ick' in relationshipsRecognizing triggers of the 'ick' feeling can help make better relationship choices, and attending a virtual retreat offers personal growth and emotional healing.

      The "ick" is a feeling of being completely turned off in a relationship with no hope of return. This sensation, while popularized on TikTok, predates the platform and is a common experience for many women. It's a strong aversion that can destroy attraction, and understanding what causes it is essential for personal growth and healthy relationships. The feeling might be triggered by various factors, and recognizing these triggers can help individuals make better relationship choices. Additionally, the speakers mentioned the importance of their upcoming virtual retreat, which offers a transformative experience for those seeking confidence, emotional healing, and personal growth. Early bird tickets are available with special bonuses until the end of the month, making it an excellent opportunity for those interested in attending. Lastly, the speakers shared a heartfelt review from a listener who has benefited significantly from their content, emphasizing the positive impact their work has on people's lives.

    • Understanding the 'ick' in relationshipsThe 'ick' is a feeling of disinterest or turnoff in a relationship, often caused by overly enthusiastic or trying-too-hard behaviors, such as putting hands up on a roller coaster or playing cricket.

      The "ick" is a feeling of sudden and irrevocable disinterest or turnoff in a relationship, often experienced in the middle stages. It can stem from genuine incompatibility or just pet peeves. During a discussion on the podcast "Sunday Funday," the hosts analyzed various examples of the "ick" shared on TikTok, including putting hands up on a roller coaster and playing cricket. The theory is that these behaviors are seen as overly enthusiastic or trying too hard, and can be perceived as uncool or even posh. The roller coaster and trampoline examples are similar in that they suggest the person is enjoying themselves too much, which can be off-putting to some. Overall, the "ick" highlights the importance of being authentic and respecting boundaries in relationships.

    • Understanding Cultural Differences in First ImpressionsBeing aware of potential cultural biases and striving for open-mindedness when interacting with people from diverse backgrounds is crucial for positive connections.

      First impressions can be heavily influenced by cultural differences and non-verbal cues. The discussion highlighted various examples of this, including standing in lines, body language, and personal preferences. For instance, some cultures may find the idea of standing in a long line offensive, while others may find certain body language or postures childish or feminine. Additionally, certain professions or interests can be perceived negatively, leading to biases and assumptions. It's essential to be aware of these potential biases and strive for understanding and open-mindedness when interacting with people from different backgrounds. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of recognizing and respecting cultural differences to foster positive and meaningful connections.

    • Understanding Partner Quirks: Contempt or Attraction?Personal experiences and emotions shape reactions to partners' vulnerabilities, highlighting the importance of acceptance and understanding in relationships.

      Everyone has their unique "icks" or pet peeves when it comes to their partners, and these quirks can stem from various sources such as past experiences or unconscious biases. The discussion revolved around the idea that observing a partner in vulnerable moments, like showering, can bring out contempt or attraction depending on individual perspectives. It's essential to remember that these reactions are often influenced by personal experiences and emotions, making them subjective and unique to each person. The comforting aspect of shared experiences, even in moments of forgetfulness or vulnerability, can help individuals feel less alone and more connected. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and accepting our partners' quirks and vulnerabilities as part of their individuality.

    • The 'ick' factor is more prevalent among younger individuals due to insecurities and desire for social acceptanceYounger people are more judgmental and contemptuous towards others due to their heightened sense of insecurity and desire for social acceptance, resulting in the 'ick' factor, a deeper, more primal response to certain people or situations.

      The "ick" factor, which is a primitive emotional response to certain people or situations, is more prevalent among younger individuals due to their heightened sense of insecurity and desire for social acceptance. When we're younger, we're more judgmental and contemptuous towards others because we're trying to fit in and be cool. We're more likely to be repulsed by people who we perceive as weak or uncool, as these traits could potentially make us feel inferior. As we get older, however, we become more comfortable in our own skin and realize that people have flaws, and we learn to make allowances for their quirks in order to find a partner. The "ick" factor is a deeper, more primal response than superficial things like TikTok trends, and it's intertwined with our insecurities and desire for social acceptance.

    • Understanding our personal icksRecognizing our icks can reveal deeper themes about what matters to us in relationships and help us grow and mature.

      An "ick" is a deeply personal and visceral reaction to something that we find unattractive or unpleasant. It can be triggered by various things, from chaotic behavior to specific actions or traits. An ick is not just limited to the early stages of dating but can also occur in long-term relationships. It's important to note that an ick is not a superficial judgment but a reflection of our values, experiences, and emotional responses. The ick serves as a gateway to understanding what we find unattractive or unpleasant in ourselves and others. It's a reminder that our reactions to certain situations or people can reveal deeper themes about what matters to us in relationships. Ultimately, recognizing and understanding our icks can help us grow and mature, leading us to gravitate towards what truly matters in life.

    • The 'ick' in relationships: dealing with feelings of discomfortMaintain independence and authenticity to prevent feelings of discomfort in relationships, appreciate positive qualities, and avoid taking them for granted.

      The "ick" is a primitive response that can occur in relationships when we feel too close and comfortable with someone, often focusing on small imperfections that may have been overlooked earlier. It's a natural response, but it can be combated by ensuring that we don't give someone too much power in our lives too early in the relationship. Instead, maintaining a sense of independence and authenticity can help prevent the "ick" from setting in. In a long-term relationship, it's essential to continue appreciating and valuing our partner's positive qualities and avoid taking them for granted. This can help prevent the deeper "ick" that can arise from complacency and familiarity. Overall, being mindful of our own emotional bandwidth and maintaining a healthy balance of independence and connection can help us navigate the complexities of relationships and avoid the "ick."

    • Maintaining Attraction in Long-Term RelationshipsMake efforts to look and feel your best, set boundaries, and create new experiences to keep the sense of attraction and mystery alive in long-term relationships

      In long-term relationships, it's essential to maintain the sense of attraction and mystery between partners. This can be achieved by making an effort to look and feel your best regularly, setting boundaries, and creating new experiences together. It's easy to fall into a comfortable routine and take each other for granted, but remembering that your partner still finds you attractive and desirable is crucial for keeping the relationship strong. While it may not be practical to maintain the same level of mystery and separation as in the early stages of dating, making small efforts to keep the spark alive can make a big difference. Whether it's getting ready separately before going out or simply making an effort to dress up and go out on dates, these small actions can help prevent the relationship from becoming too comfortable and predictable.

    • Rediscovering Attraction in RelationshipsIn relationships, it's important to recognize and appreciate transformations in our partners, and continue making an effort to keep the attraction alive to prevent a decline.

      In relationships, we can become so accustomed to our partners' everyday lives that we may overlook their transformations and the attraction that initially drew us to them. This can be compared to not noticing a man's transition from awkwardly putting on socks to looking polished and attractive. The contrast and allure of this transformation is often rediscovered when we see our partners in public, reminding us of their desirability and rekindling a sense of danger and competition in the relationship. However, if a relationship deteriorates, it may not be solely the partner's fault, but rather a result of both partners' actions or lack thereof. In the beginning of a relationship, individuals strive to impress and make an effort to win their partner's affections. Over time, it's essential to continue making an effort to keep the attraction alive and not let life become too comfortable, potentially leading to a decline in the relationship.

    • Expressing concerns and expectations in relationshipsClear communication is essential for a healthy relationship. Have challenging conversations, set boundaries, and show compassion to maintain motivation and investment.

      Effective communication is crucial in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. If we fail to express our concerns and expectations to our partners, we may unintentionally enable negative behaviors. It's essential to have challenging conversations and set clear boundaries, while also showing compassion and understanding during difficult times. By communicating openly and consistently, we can help our partners feel motivated and invested in the relationship, just as we were when we first started dating. Remember, relationships require effort, compromise, and leadership from both parties. If you're struggling with a particular issue in your relationship or have a story about overcoming a "Nick," we'd love to hear from you. Email us at Matthewhussie.com for a chance to be featured on the podcast. Lastly, if you're looking for personalized coaching and support, consider joining the Love Life Club, where you'll receive guidance from Matthew and Steven in real-time.

    • Unlocking Personal Growth with Mentoring and Coaching in the Love Life ClubJoin the Love Life Club for expert access, master classes, and a focus on self-security to improve dating experiences and offer grace to others.

      Personal growth can be taken to the next level through mentoring and coaching, as offered in the Love Life Club. This exclusive community provides access to experts and master classes, including on confidence. At the beginning of dating, it's important to be open-minded and focus on fun and connection rather than judgment. The tendency to feel judgment and contempt towards others often stems from insecurity within oneself. By being secure and comfortable in oneself, one can give grace to others' shortcomings and allow them to be who they are. The Love Life Club offers a 14-day free trial for those interested in experiencing this immersive level of coaching and growth.

    • Judging Potential Partners Based on 'Ick' FactorIt's important to recognize when our feelings of insecurity and past pain cloud our judgment, causing us to reject desirable traits in potential partners. By identifying these patterns and taking a compassionate lens towards ourselves and others, we can develop a more positive perspective and give more grace in relationships.

      The "ick" we feel towards certain people may not always be an accurate reflection of their worth as a potential partner. Our feelings of insecurity and toxic patterns can sometimes cloud our judgment and cause us to reject people based on their qualities that are actually desirable in a partner, such as openness, vulnerability, and kindness. It's important to identify and correct these patterns by asking ourselves why we feel repulsed by certain behaviors and reminding ourselves of the pain we've felt in the past when we didn't experience these qualities. By taking a compassionate lens towards our own insecurities and the traits we find unattractive in others, we can give more grace and become more compassionate over time. Additionally, focusing on the opposite of the things we fear being judged for can help us develop a more positive perspective. Remember to check out Matthew Hussey's virtual retreat and the free guide on 3 habits for a love life full of opportunity at 3 secondretstolove.com.

    • Emphasizing the good in people and seeking understandingLooking for the best in each other can lead to positive interactions. The importance of feeling seen and acknowledged was also highlighted.

      Focusing on the good in people and seeking to understand them can lead to positive interactions. This was emphasized during the podcast by Matthew's personal story. This message resonated with me, as I have recently been moved by the book "Humankind: A Hopeful History" which also highlights the inherent goodness in people. The podcast's encouragement of looking for the best in each other is a powerful and timely message. I want to express my gratitude to the Love Life Podcast team for their thoughtful and insightful discussions. Additionally, the importance of feeling seen and acknowledged was touched upon during the podcast. This sentiment was beautifully expressed in the context of an email, which made the recipient feel valued. The podcast's hosts, Harry and Steven, brought their unique perspectives and humor to the conversation, adding to the overall enjoyment of the episode. The use of alliteration, although unplanned, added an entertaining element to the discussion. Audrey's participation in the podcast added to the lively and engaging atmosphere, making for a fun and enlightening listening experience. Overall, the Love Life Podcast continues to provide thought-provoking and inspiring content, leaving me looking forward to the next episode.

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    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

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    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
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    Sober October is around the corner which means Dry Boot Camp is starting soon on October 4. Join this mini coaching program and work with Karolina and an incredible group of women for 22 days. Take a break from alcohol and discover how to care for your emotional needs in healthy, beautiful and luxurious ways. Learn more and register today!

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

    Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram

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    Website: conniezweig.com

    Twitter: @innerworkofage



    02:33 Dr. Connie’s interest and expertise 

    06:17 What is “the shadow”? 

    12:54 How to confront the shadow

    14:22 The inner ageist

    18:44 Letting go of “doing” 

    24:01 Elder is a stage, not an age

    28:00 The purpose of a life review

    32:09 Emotional repair

    34:37 Depth psychology

    39:50 Spiritual repair

    47:12 From role to soul

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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