
    176: How To Stop Fear Of Abandonment Ruining Your Relationship

    enAugust 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Fear in relationships and destructive patternsRecognizing and stopping negative patterns that stem from past fears is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. Embrace new experiences and opportunities to step out of comfort zones.

      Our fear in relationships can manifest in negative patterns that push people away, even if the original fear is no longer present. This was a topic discussed on the Love Life podcast, where hosts addressed retroactive jealousy and the destructive behaviors that can occur when we're afraid of being hurt or abandoned. They shared personal experiences and stories from listeners, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and stopping these patterns. Additionally, the hosts encouraged saying "yes" to new experiences and opportunities, as they had done during the preparation for a "How to Meet Men" masterclass. These actions helped them step out of their comfort zones and engage more in social situations. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of self-awareness and intentional actions in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Unique ways couples express affection and humorCouples have special inside jokes and terms of endearment that hold significance and meaning for them, despite seeming odd to outsiders. Communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining a healthy and loving relationship.

      People have unique ways of expressing affection and humor in their relationships. In the discussion, the speaker shares an example of how her partner calls her a "little pig" as a term of endearment. She explains that this is an inside joke between them, and she finds it cute and adorable. They also share another inside joke involving raptor noises. These quirks may seem odd to outsiders, but they hold significance and meaning for the couple. It's essential to remember that everyone's relationship dynamics are different, and what may seem strange or unusual to some may be a source of joy and connection for others. The couple's conversation also highlights the importance of communication and understanding in maintaining a healthy and loving relationship. They respect each other's boundaries and continue to find joy in their shared inside jokes. Ultimately, these quirks serve as reminders of the unique bond they share and the importance of embracing the little things that make a relationship special.

    • Discussing self-care and leaving iTunes reviewsPrioritize self-care for long-term happiness, take intentional actions, and leverage resources like the summer self-care special for productivity and growth.

      Self-care goes beyond momentary pleasures and requires intentional action for long-term happiness and fulfillment. During the discussion, Jennifer asked about leaving a review on iTunes for the podcast "Love Life with Matthew Hussey." The hosts encouraged listeners to leave reviews and shared steps on how to do so. The topic of the episode was fear of abandonment, and a listener named Tara asked for advice on dealing with this fear in relationships. Additionally, the hosts announced a summer self-care special for the virtual retreat, which includes a $100 discount and three special bonuses: the daily momentum formula, Momentum Week, and a special Q&A session with Matthew Hussey. These bonuses aim to help individuals focus on productivity and self-growth. So, in summary, the takeaway is to prioritize self-care as an essential aspect of personal growth, and not just limited to momentary pleasures. The hosts emphasized the importance of taking intentional actions for long-term happiness and encouraged listeners to leave reviews for the podcast. Furthermore, the summer self-care special for the virtual retreat offers valuable resources to help individuals focus on productivity and self-growth.

    • Realizing the common factor in past relationships is oneself and fear of abandonmentStay present and focus on the current situation instead of potential future problems to break negative relationship patterns. Self-awareness is key in recognizing and addressing personal fears and behaviors.

      Self-awareness is crucial in recognizing and breaking negative relationship patterns. Tara's question touched on her realization that the common factor in her past relationships was herself and her fear of abandonment. This fear can manifest in different ways, from a fear of rejection leading to premature exit, to a reluctance to put in effort due to inconvenience. Elaine de Botton's idea that our reactions to present actions are often fueled by projecting catastrophic futures into our relationships highlights the importance of staying present and focusing on the current situation instead of potential future problems. The MH Virtual Retreat, available until August 7th, offers resources for personal growth and self-awareness.

    • Understanding Fear's Impact on RelationshipsFear of abandonment or not being good enough can cause extreme reactions in relationships. Addressing the root cause of fear and providing reassurance or support can help build stronger connections.

      Fear and self-protection can lead to extreme reactions, both in romantic relationships and in professional contexts. When people feel threatened or insecure, they may respond with anger, defensiveness, or a desire to leave first. This behavior often stems from a fear of abandonment or a fear of not being good enough. To address this issue, it's essential to recognize that the root cause is fear and to find ways to make the person feel safe. In a romantic relationship, this might involve reassuring them of your commitment or providing emotional support. In a professional context, it could mean creating a more positive work environment or offering constructive feedback rather than criticism. By understanding that fear is driving these reactions, we can respond with compassion and work towards building stronger, more effective relationships.

    • Understanding the Power of Fear of AbandonmentBe aware of fear's potential downsides, remember people leave, find balance, heal from rejection, focus on growth and connection.

      Fear of abandonment can be a powerful instinct that drives our actions in relationships, but it's important to be aware of the potential downsides of letting that fear control us completely. Our instincts may have served us well in some cases, but they can also lead us to jump to conclusions and end relationships prematurely. It's essential to remember that we only see a small fraction of what goes on in our partners' minds and that people can and will leave us at times. However, the fear of abandonment is often linked to an insecure attachment style and can result in extreme reactions, such as running away or ending things prematurely. It's crucial to find a balance between trusting our instincts and being open to the complexities of human relationships. The fear of being left or rejected can be debilitating, but it's essential to remember that we will eventually heal and move on. The meaning we ascribe to rejection is crucial, and focusing on our pride instead of the potential growth and connection in a relationship is a losing proposition.

    • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growthViewing challenges as opportunities for growth instead of burdens can help us overcome fear and expand our emotional capacity.

      In the space between stimulus and response lies our power to choose our response, and in doing so, we can grow and find freedom. However, fear can prevent us from holding this space and instead trigger a protective response, often leading to rejection or avoidance. To overcome this fear, it's important to view challenging experiences, including relationships, as opportunities for growth and expansion, rather than burdens or sources of trauma. By consciously choosing to face discomfort and process emotions, we can create new reference points for ourselves and develop a greater capacity for handling difficult situations.

    • Choosing vulnerability over destructive patternsWhen faced with fear or discomfort, communicate openly instead of reacting destructively to build stronger, more resilient relationships and personal growth.

      When we're faced with fear or discomfort in our relationships, instead of reacting with destructive patterns like fighting or fleeing, we should choose the uncommon path of vulnerability and open communication. This means acknowledging our fears and having conversations that help us discover more about our partners and the situation, rather than manipulating the outcome with extreme reactions. By being vulnerable, we can reveal whether someone is truly right for us, while destructive patterns only create uncertainty and self-sabotage. The key is to recognize that our fear is driving these patterns and to find the courage to communicate that fear in a healthy and authentic way. This not only allows us to build stronger, more resilient relationships, but also helps us grow as individuals.

    • Speak your truth in relationshipsRecognizing and expressing emotions in relationships instead of reacting impulsively can lead to personal growth, new conversations, and deeper understanding between partners.

      Recognizing and vocalizing your emotions in relationships, instead of feeding the fear and acting on impulse, is a significant step towards personal growth. This can help change the nature of your relationships and lead to new, productive conversations. By acknowledging your patterns and trying to break them, you can experience different results and open up new possibilities for understanding yourself and your partner. This openness also allows others to truly know and understand you, reducing misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Essentially, speaking your truth can lead to a more fulfilling and exhilarating relationship experience.

    • Expressing fears and insecurities leads to deeper connectionAcknowledging and expressing fears and insecurities during arguments or misunderstandings can help defuse tension and lead to greater understanding and connection in relationships.

      Effective communication and vulnerability are key components of building a strong and intimate relationship. During arguments or misunderstandings, people often see each other's defensive or angry behaviors without understanding the underlying emotions or fears driving them. By acknowledging and expressing our fears and insecurities, we can defuse tension and open up a deeper conversation, leading to greater understanding and connection. Additionally, being aware of our own triggers and reactions, and recognizing when our actions might be causing harm, can help us respond in a more compassionate and supportive way. Effective communication and vulnerability may be challenging, but they are essential for building and maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships.

    • Comparing ourselves to others through social media can lead to unhealthy thoughts and feelingsInstead of comparing ourselves to others on social media, we should focus on accepting ourselves and others for who we truly are.

      Comparing ourselves to others, especially through social media, can lead to unhealthy thoughts and feelings of insecurity, known as retroactive jealousy. We often imagine past partners' current relationships and compare ourselves to them, forgetting that people are complex and constantly changing. It's important to remember that social media often presents a distorted view of reality and that everyone has their own struggles and insecurities. A good reminder comes from the moment in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" where Jason Segel's character meets Aldis Snow and realizes that he's not the only one with issues. Instead of focusing on comparisons, we should strive to accept ourselves and others for who we truly are.

    • Social media and past relationships fuel jealousy in today's digital ageFocus on present relationship, practice acceptance and equanimity to reduce jealousy, recognize everyone has flaws and vulnerabilities, avoid comparison game, build strong, healthy relationship based on respect, trust, and love.

      Social media and the ease of access to information about our partners' past relationships can intensify feelings of jealousy and retroactive jealousy. This phenomenon, while not new, can be particularly challenging in today's digital age. It's important to remember that everyone has their own issues and insecurities, and focusing on these can lead to unnecessary pain and suffering. Instead, focusing on the present relationship and practicing acceptance and equanimity can help reduce feelings of jealousy and improve overall relationship satisfaction. It's also crucial to recognize that no one is perfect or all-powerful, and that everyone has their flaws and vulnerabilities. By keeping this perspective in mind, we can avoid getting trapped in the comparison game and instead focus on building a strong, healthy relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and love.

    • Everyone has struggles, even those who seem intimidatingRecognizing that intimidating figures have their own struggles can help reduce feelings of jealousy and promote empathy.

      No one is perfect and everyone goes through struggles, even those who may seem intimidating or have it all together. The movie "Crash" serves as an example of this, as the character Matt Dylan, who is portrayed as a menacing and intimidating figure, is shown to have a sad and pathetic personal life in the film. This realization can help reduce feelings of jealousy by taking the person off their pedestal and seeing them as a human being with their own struggles and insecurities. Additionally, joining the Love Life membership provides access to exclusive resources, including master classes and Q&A sessions, to help navigate various aspects of relationships and personal growth.

    • Explore fearless relationship growth with Love Life ClubLove Life Club offers a 14-day free trial for listeners to discover programs, gain insights from Audrey, and share their thoughts with the community, fostering a safe space for fearless relationship growth.

      Fear can be tamed and there are no monsters in life, as proven in the Love Life Club. The club offers a 14-day free trial for those interested at askmh.com. During this trial, listeners can explore various programs and gain insights from Audrey, who has seen some of them. One such program might be named "Audrey's Picks," where she shares her favorite tidbits from the catalog. Another interesting discovery was the origin of the term "Jams," which stands for Jamieson, Audrey, Matthew, and Steven. It was a collective effort, but Steve took the opportunity to make it seem like it was an accidental discovery. This plot twist adds an amusing element to the podcast. Additionally, the creators of the podcast are inviting listeners to share their thoughts and feelings about the show by recording voice notes and sending them to podcast@matthewhussie.com. The podcast aims to play some of these voice notes on the air. In essence, the Love Life Club provides a safe space to explore relationships and personal growth, with fearless discovery and a touch of humor.

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    >>> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

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    So we ignore the conversation and silently suffer.

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    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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    Don’t miss these, and once you’re done, be sure to send an email to podcast@matthewhussey.com with a question you’d like me to answer next time!

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
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    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    Read the episode transcript

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    Portuguese: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/2023/04/23/vamos-falar-sobre-bandeiras-vermelhas/ 

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is a weekly podcast focused on helping you improve your mental health, with practice and simple ideas for better mental health that draws on quality research as well as the personal experiences of writer and host Jeremy Godwin. 

    This is a mental health podcast about much more than just talk; each new episode focuses on practical and simple things that you can do every single day to improve and maintain your mental health and wellbeing. Jeremy offers mental health tips that are straightforward and easy-to-digest, so that you can take better care of yourself while also building your general mental health awareness. Discover the podcast all about improving your mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide. 

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    14. Why Nice People Finish Last

    This episode is going to rework your mindset and perspective around "being nice." 


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