
    211: TACTICS. Leadership Strategy and Tactics Review. Pt 2. with Dave Berke

    enJanuary 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Rules for Successful LeadershipHumility, asking questions, listening, respect, ownership, passing credit, hard work, integrity, balance, decisiveness, relationships, and getting the job done are crucial for effective leadership. Seek feedback to improve and prepare for future opportunities.

      Becoming a successful leader involves humility, asking questions, listening, treating people with respect, taking ownership of failures, passing credit for success, working hard, having integrity, being balanced, being decisive, building relationships, and getting the job done. These rules may be simple, but they can be challenging to implement in a leadership role. When not chosen for a leadership position, it's essential to assess oneself and ask for feedback from supervisors to improve and prepare for future opportunities. Remember, these principles apply to both new and experienced leaders.

    • Focus on self-improvement, not just goalsAssess self before seeking feedback, detach from ego, and continuously learn to improve in jiu jitsu and life.

      In both jiu jitsu and life, the focus should be on self-improvement rather than just achieving a specific goal or position. Getting a promotion or a belt is not the end goal, but rather a sign that one has improved enough to take on new responsibilities. When faced with unexpected outcomes, it's essential to take a step back and assess oneself before seeking external feedback. The ability to detach from one's ego and recognize areas for growth is crucial for continuous improvement. Additionally, when receiving feedback, it's important to listen and learn rather than getting defensive. The correlation between jiu jitsu and life is not deviated, as both require self-reflection, determination, and a willingness to adapt and improve.

    • Overcoming grudges in leadershipAppreciate former peers' experience, seek input, build trust, practice humility, avoid offensive attitude

      Having an ego can hinder personal growth and effective leadership. The ego can prevent individuals from listening to feedback and improving, as well as causing strife in professional relationships. In the book "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink, there is a section on overcoming a grudge when being promoted into a leadership role above former peers. Willink advises not trying to force your rank down their throats, but instead appreciating their experience and seeking their input. By letting them lead and trusting them, you can mitigate negative attitudes and build a stronger team. Additionally, Willink emphasizes the importance of humility and self-awareness in leadership, as individuals who lack these qualities may struggle to be promoted in the first place. Another key takeaway is the importance of subtle leadership, avoiding an offensive attitude that can offend others' egos and potentially sabotage your leadership.

    • Filling Leadership VacuumsEffective leaders know when to step in and provide clear direction during a leadership vacuum, but it's important to assess the situation and consider the reactions of others before doing so.

      Leadership is crucial on the battlefield, but it's important to recognize when it's the right time to step up and lead. When a leadership vacuum occurs and no one is taking charge, it's essential for someone to jump in and provide clear direction. However, if people aren't expecting leadership, they might be taken aback or offended by sudden orders. It's crucial to hesitate a moment and assess the situation before taking charge. Leadership is subtle and often requires careful observation and timing. It's not always about being loud or overbearing. Effective leaders know when to step in and when to let others take the lead. The ability to recognize and fill leadership vacuums is a valuable skill for any team or organization.

    • Assess before taking chargeEffective leaders assess situations before acting and empower team members to lead, leading to more sustainable solutions and stronger teams.

      Effective leadership often requires subtlety and patience rather than aggressive action. While it can be tempting to rush in and fill a perceived leadership void, it's important to assess the situation and consider the actions of others before taking charge. The best leaders know when to step back and let their team members take the lead, and they do so without seeking credit or attention. This subtle approach can be challenging, as it requires strong self-control and the ability to put the team's needs above one's own ego. However, when done correctly, this approach can lead to more effective and sustainable solutions, as the team feels empowered to take ownership of the problem and the solution. Additionally, waiting before jumping into a leadership vacuum can prevent unnecessary conflicts and allow others to emerge as leaders, ultimately strengthening the team as a whole.

    • Assessing situations and knowing when to leadEffective leaders assess situations, take charge when needed, defer when appropriate, avoid leadership vacuums, and maintain an objective mindset.

      Effective leadership involves assessing situations, recognizing when to step up and take charge, and knowing when to defer to others. However, it's important to avoid getting stuck in a leadership vacuum or allowing too many people to try and lead at once. Additionally, it's crucial to not take things personally and maintain an objective mindset when receiving feedback or criticism. By practicing humility and learning from others, regardless of their experience level, you can improve your leadership skills and make your team more cohesive and productive.

    • Avoid digging in and keep an open mindLeaders should be open to alternative perspectives to make better decisions and foster a collaborative work environment

      Leaders should avoid digging in and becoming overly committed to their ideas or opinions. Instead, they should keep an open mind and be willing to consider alternative perspectives. This approach not only allows for better decision-making but also fosters a more collaborative and supportive work environment. As General George S. Patton wisely advised, "Don't dig in." By avoiding this mindset, leaders can advance their ideas and adapt to new information, ultimately leading to better outcomes for their teams and organizations. Additionally, this approach can help build trust and respect among team members, as leaders demonstrate their willingness to listen and consider new ideas. Overall, being open-minded and avoiding the urge to dig in can lead to more effective and successful leadership.

    • Be open to adjusting decisionsEncourage open communication, make small decisions based on new info, and adjust as needed for effective leadership and a more agile team.

      Being inflexible and unwilling to maneuver or change direction, even when faced with new information, can limit a leader's ability to effectively lead their team. Instead, leaders should encourage open communication and iterative decision making, making small decisions based on new information and adjusting as needed. This approach not only allows for better decision making but also fosters a more agile and adaptive team. Additionally, the more experienced a leader becomes, the more they should lean towards iterative decision making, as it becomes a more effective tool for strategic thinking. It's important to remember that being decisive doesn't always mean being inflexible. Instead, it means making informed decisions and being willing to adjust course when necessary.

    • The importance of conforming to influenceConform to influence when necessary for team unity, even if it means sacrificing personal preferences. Humility and considering others' perspectives are valuable skills.

      It's essential to make decisions and take actions, even if they're small, in the direction you believe is right. Feedback and learning come from the experience of moving forward. However, in the discussed scenario, the author learned the importance of conforming to influence when he was a new SEAL. Despite his eagerness and motivation to prepare for war, his unconventional training methods were not appreciated by his experienced teammates. Instead of causing a rift within the platoon, the author chose to conform and work with the team, understanding that team unity is crucial for operational readiness. This experience taught him the value of humility and the importance of considering the perspective of others.

    • Conforming to Influence: Teamwork and LeadershipIndividual importance should not overshadow team unity. Conforming to a team fosters influence, credibility, and trust. Both new and senior team members must conform to effectively lead and achieve team goals.

      Conforming to a team is essential for having influence and achieving the team's mission. The speaker shares his personal experience of learning this lesson, emphasizing that individual importance should not overshadow the team's unity. He explains that having no relationship or influence within the team hinders any attempts to move it in the right direction. The concept of conforming to influence is crucial for both new and senior team members, as it builds credibility and trust. The speaker encourages leaders to be tactically smart about conforming, even if they hold more senior positions, to maintain team cohesion and effectively lead their team towards their goals.

    • Perception vs Reality in Group SettingsBe mindful of how your actions are perceived, even if your intentions are pure, to build trust and cohesion within a team.

      Our intentions may not always align with how others perceive us. A retired lieutenant colonel, who was trying to prepare for SEAL training, found himself being perceived as showing off, despite his genuine intentions. This perception created tension within the group and made it difficult for him to fit in. It's important to remember that how we are perceived is reality, regardless of our intentions. In sports or any group setting, trying too hard to prove ourselves can backfire and hinder our ability to build relationships and trust with others. Conformity and fitting in are essential for the success and cohesion of a team.

    • Finding balance between individuality and teamworkMaintain individuality while building relationships and influencing change, but stand up against detrimental group behavior.

      While it's important to maintain your individuality and unique perspective in a team, it's equally important to build relationships and influence rather than being antagonistic. Conforming to the group's norms can help you gain the trust and respect of your team members and superiors, making it easier for you to influence positive changes. However, if the group's behavior is illegal, unethical, or detrimental to the mission, it's crucial to stand up against it, even if it means being the outsider. Ultimately, the goal is to find a balance between being true to yourself and being a valuable team player. The speaker's personal experiences, from his military days to his construction job, illustrate the importance of this balance in various contexts.

    • Empowering individuals to overcome challengesEffective leadership involves assigning tasks to build confidence and using influence to help individuals overcome challenges, rather than confronting their egos directly.

      Effective leadership involves using influence and empowerment to help individuals overcome their weaknesses and build confidence. The speaker shared an experience where he was tasked with moving blocks with a man who looked like Robert De Niro and had just gotten out of prison. Despite the man's negative attitude, the speaker was able to complete the task quickly and impressively. Instead of confronting the man's ego directly, the speaker put him in charge, which helped him gain confidence and perform better. The speaker also discussed the importance of using leadership to teach humility and confidence, rather than simply telling someone to have more of it. He emphasized that people often lack these qualities because they don't believe in themselves, and that assigning them tasks they can succeed at can help build their confidence. Overall, the speaker's message was that effective leadership involves using influence and empowerment to help individuals overcome their challenges and reach their potential.

    • Leading with people's strengthsEffective leaders assign responsibilities to team members based on their strengths, helping them grow and benefit the team, rather than criticizing or punishing perceived weaknesses.

      Effective leadership involves using people's strengths, even if they have perceived weaknesses like a big ego or lack of confidence, to build a successful team. Instead of criticizing or punishing, a good leader can assign them responsibilities that challenge and grow them, ultimately benefiting both the individual and the team. The leader's genuine care and desire for their team's success is the driving force behind this approach. It's important to remember that the hindrances, such as ego or lack of confidence, are obstacles preventing the person from reaching their full potential. Direct conversations may not be enough to overcome these hindrances, but real-world experiences and leadership can help individuals evolve and contribute to the team.

    • Building strong relationships with peers is key to effective leadershipEffective leadership among peers involves suppressing ego, supporting ideas, and using influence to guide teams, rather than relying on direct feedback and competition.

      Effective leadership, especially when dealing with peers, requires subtlety and the suppression of ego. Direct feedback and competition among peers can lead to destructive outcomes, so it's crucial to build strong relationships and use influence to guide teams. Supporting peers' ideas and letting them take the lead can help subdue egos and foster collaboration. Remember, influence is the preferred method of leading, and it's essential to develop it when working with peers. Additionally, competition among peers can make leading even more challenging, so it's important to recognize and navigate these dynamics. The foundational skills for good leadership start earlier in your career than you might think.

    • Maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on the mission is crucial in any team settingAs a junior team member, focus on the mission, avoid ego traps and petty conflicts, and use soft language with difficult bosses to boost their confidence and navigate team dynamics.

      In any team setting, especially as a junior member, it's crucial to maintain a positive attitude and focus on the mission. You're "on the clock" from the moment you join, and being absorbed in the team culture and learning from your peers is essential for future success. However, it's important not to get sucked into the ego trap or petty conflicts. Instead, continue to do great work and let your actions speak for themselves. When dealing with difficult bosses, be cautious and avoid offending their egos. Instead, use soft language and frame things in a way that boosts their confidence. Remember, even the weakest bosses have egos and can bite back if provoked. By taking a supportive role and focusing on the mission, you can navigate any team dynamic and contribute to the success of your organization.

    • Maintain respect for your superior, even if you disagreeFocus on executing decisions effectively, build a strong relationship, and acknowledge imperfections while emphasizing the importance of the mission.

      As a subordinate leader, it's essential to maintain respect for your superior, even if you disagree with their decisions or leadership style. Undermining a leader not only hurts their morale but also negatively impacts the morale of your team and your own reputation. Instead, focus on executing decisions as if they were your own, even if you don't fully agree. Building a strong relationship with your boss and influencing them positively is a more effective approach than complaining or disparaging them. Remember, the goal is to accomplish the mission, and finding common ground with your boss can help achieve that goal more effectively. Additionally, acknowledging the imperfections of your boss but emphasizing the importance of the mission and the support they provide can help maintain a positive team dynamic.

    • Effective leadership: Doing a good job, supporting team, minimizing punishmentGood leaders clearly guide, provide consequences, and adjust 'never quit' attitude when necessary, ensuring team success and minimizing resistance

      Effective leadership involves doing a good job, supporting your team, and minimizing the need for punishment. Good leaders provide clear guidance and consequences, and their teams should carry out their tasks accordingly. If the team is resisting, the problem may be with the leader's communication or direction. Punishment should be rare, and a leader is ultimately responsible for the actions of their subordinates. Additionally, while the mantra "never quit" may apply during intense training, it's important for leaders to adjust this attitude in the real world and be willing to assess when it's time to move on from a situation or role.

    • Understanding Quitting Tactics for Success and SurvivalKnowing when to quit tactically can be crucial for survival and success, while maintaining maneuverability and focusing on the bigger strategic picture.

      Knowing when to quit or disengage in a tactical situation can be crucial for survival and success. This concept, often referred to as quitting tactics, is about making interim decisions when a particular course of action isn't working towards your overall goal. The speaker provides examples from military history and aviation, emphasizing that anchoring or digging in can limit your options and make you vulnerable. Instead, it's essential to maintain maneuverability and focus on the bigger strategic picture. This may not always align with the popular narrative of never giving up, but understanding the difference between tactical and strategic quitting can be the key to making the right decisions in high-pressure situations.

    • Effective communication crucial in air combat and organizationsSharing info and coordinating efforts among pilots is vital in air combat. In organizations, transparency and open communication prevent rumors and foster better outcomes.

      Effective communication is crucial in both air combat and organizational settings. In air combat, having superior technology and maneuverability is important, but being able to share information and coordinate efforts among pilots is equally vital. The idea of detaching mentally from the situation and having a broader perspective is also essential. In organizational contexts, rumors can quickly spread and cause damage if information is not shared openly. Therefore, it's essential to keep employees informed and foster a culture of transparency to prevent rumors from taking hold. Leadership, at its core, is about communicating with others and ensuring that everyone understands the situation and their role in it. Effective communication can help prevent misunderstandings, improve morale, and ultimately lead to better outcomes.

    • Communication is key in leadership, balance truth and trustEffective communication involves truth, trust, and empathy in leadership. Balance transparency with security concerns and deliver criticism tactfully.

      Effective communication is crucial in any leadership role, especially during challenging situations. It's essential to keep your team informed and tell them the truth, even if it's difficult. However, there are exceptions when you can't reveal information due to legal or security reasons. In those cases, transparency must be balanced with trust and the understanding that the information being withheld is not significant enough to cause undue concern. When delivering criticism, it's important to do so tactfully and with care for your team's feelings. By prioritizing openness and empathy, you can build strong relationships that help overcome obstacles and foster a positive work environment.

    • Leading with care and ownershipEffective feedback and communication in leadership involves genuine care for team success and safety, taking ownership of issues, and using tactics of extreme ownership to deliver truthful feedback

      Effective feedback and communication in leadership roles require genuine care for your team and taking ownership of the issues at hand. The speaker shared personal experiences of giving "savage debriefs" to his team members but never receiving a negative response. He attributed this to the fact that the team knew he cared about their success and safety. To deliver truthful feedback, the speaker recommended using tactics of extreme ownership, such as focusing on what support you could have provided instead of placing blame, and ensuring that your team understands the mission objectives. However, the ultimate goal is not just to control your subordinates but to truly believe in and communicate the issues at hand with sincerity and care.

    • Effective leadership through indirect communicationClear communication, support, and thoughtful responses are key. Indirect methods like subtle gestures can be effective, but direct confrontation is necessary at times. Reflect on actions and strengthen relationships through every interaction.

      Effective leadership involves clear communication, providing necessary support, and addressing issues in a thoughtful and considerate manner. The indirect approach, such as that of a subtle correction or a simple nod, can often be more effective than a direct confrontation. However, there are times when a direct approach is necessary. In these cases, it's essential to reflect on one's own actions and consider what might have contributed to the issue. The ideal situation is to have a close relationship with team members where a simple word or glance can resolve any issue. The escalation of counseling can begin with no words, just a look or a subtle gesture. Effective leaders understand that communication is key and that every interaction is an opportunity to strengthen relationships and improve team dynamics. And remember, sometimes the most powerful interactions are the ones that go unsaid.

    • Use ultimatums sparingly in leadershipEffective communication and solid leadership should be the first approach. If all else fails, an ultimatum can be considered a last resort. Be clear about requirements and consequences, and communicate openly if unable to meet them.

      Ultimatums should be used sparingly in leadership as they limit flexibility and can make people feel trapped. Effective communication and solid leadership should be the first approach to get team members to fulfill their responsibilities. However, if all other efforts have failed, an ultimatum can be considered as a last resort. When making an ultimatum, be clear about the requirements and consequences, and ensure the individual fully understands. If you're on the receiving end of an ultimatum, assess the situation honestly, communicate with your team, and do everything in your power to meet the requirement. If it's impossible, communicate openly with your boss and provide alternative solutions. Ultimatums are not a guarantee of success and may result in negative consequences, so it's essential to maintain dignity and morale during the process.

    • Effective leaders listen activelyAllowing team members to express thoughts freely provides valuable insights and promotes informed decision making

      Effective leaders understand the importance of active listening. Rather than dominating conversations, they allow others to express their thoughts and ideas freely. This approach not only gives team members a sense of trust and respect, but it also provides the leader with valuable insights and knowledge. By listening carefully and absorbing the perspectives of others, a leader can make more informed decisions and develop a deeper understanding of the subject at hand. This strategy is particularly effective during conflicts or debates, where it can help to defuse tension and promote productive dialogue. Ultimately, the less a leader talks, the more their team listens.

    • Effective listening is key to successful leadershipListen more than speak, ask thoughtful questions, avoid harmful words, deliver constructive criticism, put team interests first

      Effective leadership involves listening more than speaking and using words carefully. The less you talk, the more people listen and are open to your insights. Listening attentively and asking thoughtful questions can reveal missing pieces of the puzzle and lead to profound solutions. As a leader, be mindful of the weight of your words, both positive and negative, as they carry more impact than you might realize. Avoid gossip, sarcasm, and flippant remarks, as they can harm morale and damage relationships. Constructive criticism, delivered privately and respectfully, can help the team learn and grow. Ultimately, leadership is about the team, not about you. Put the team's interests and mission first, and use your leadership strategies and tactics to help them succeed. Remember, if you use them for personal gain, you will ultimately fail as a leader.

    • A practical guide for improving leadership skillsUnderstand and apply principles of discipline and freedom for effective leadership. Find actionable strategies and tactics in this invaluable resource. Easy to use with short chapters and extensive index.

      "Leadership Strategy and Tactics" is more than just a book; it's a practical field manual for navigating life's challenges. The authors emphasize that effective leadership comes from understanding and applying the principles of discipline and freedom. The book is filled with actionable strategies and tactics, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills. With its short chapters and extensive index, it's easy to find specific solutions to various situations. The authors suggest that having this book on hand could help detach you from emotional conflicts and provide immediate guidance. Overall, "Leadership Strategy and Tactics" is a must-read for anyone seeking to become a more effective and successful leader.

    • Emphasizing Extreme Ownership as the Ultimate Leadership StrategyTaking full responsibility for everything in your sphere of influence is the key to successful leadership as per 'Extreme Ownership' by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. Effective communication and caring for your team are crucial tactics for implementing this strategy.

      That the book "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin emphasizes the importance of extreme ownership as the ultimate strategy for successful leadership. This strategy means taking full responsibility for everything in your sphere of influence. The cover of the book, with its military symbols, represents this concept with elements such as support fire, attack fire, and enemy headquarters with an X through it. Each situation or index in the book can be traced back to this fundamental strategy. Effective leadership is not about the leader themselves, but about taking care of their people and communicating effectively with them. The book provides tactics and strategies for how to do this, including taking the onus on communication and ensuring your team understands that you care about them. By focusing on extreme ownership, leaders can create a cohesive team and lead them to success.

    • Embrace challenges and stay disciplined for personal growthDiscipline in facing fears and challenges leads to personal growth, but it's important to keep routines interesting to avoid monotony and maintain progress.

      Discipline, which can be associated with facing fears and challenges, is crucial for personal growth and improvement. This was emphasized through the speaker's experiences with exercise, where he discussed the importance of pushing through despite monotony or setbacks. The speaker highlighted how getting after it, or being disciplined, leads to more discipline and progress. Exercise was suggested as a universally effective step towards self-improvement, but it's important to remember that routines can become monotonous and less effective over time. To continue seeing results, it's essential to switch up workouts and keep things interesting, while still maintaining the discipline to stick with it. Overall, the message was to embrace challenges, stay disciplined, and continuously strive for improvement in all areas of life.

    • Keeping workouts interesting with variety and consistencyInvest in high-quality gear, focus on joint health, consider RTDs or powders for supplements, and indulge in treats for a balanced fitness routine

      Variety and new experiences keep workouts interesting and prevent boredom. However, having a consistent routine in activities like jujitsu, which offer constant change, can also prevent monotony. When it comes to fitness gear, investing in high-quality items, such as an Origin gi for jujitsu, can enhance the experience. Regarding supplements, focusing on joint health through products like joint warfare and krill oil is essential for optimal performance. In the debate between RTDs and powders for discipline use, both have their advantages, with RTDs offering convenience and powders delivering better taste and consistency. Lastly, indulging in treats like molk, a dessert-like protein, can be a rewarding part of a healthy lifestyle.

    • Speaker's dessert preferences and recommendationsThe speaker prefers mint chocolate chip desserts but also appreciates strawberry. He recommended listeners to check out Jocko's certified organic white tee and mentioned several podcasts including Grounded and Warrior Kid. He also shared about Irish Oaks Ranch and their goat milk soap made by young Aiden.

      The speaker has strong preferences when it comes to desserts, with mint chocolate chip being his go-to choice, but he also appreciates strawberry as a dessert option. He had considered favoring strawberry over other flavors during a tasting, but ultimately decided against it. The speaker also shared his thoughts on Jocko's certified organic white tee and encouraged listeners to check out Jocko's store for merchandise. He also mentioned several podcasts, including Grounded and Warrior Kid, and recommended listeners to subscribe to them. Additionally, he mentioned a farm called Irish Oaks Ranch where young Aiden makes soap from goat milk and the availability of video content on their YouTube channel. Overall, the speaker's preference for desserts and promotion of various podcasts and merchandise were the key takeaways from the discussion.

    • Timeless messages from early Jocko Podcast videosEffective leadership is crucial for problem-solving and achieving success. Check out resources like 'Psychological Warfare' and books 'Warrior Kid' and 'Field Manual 1'. Echelon Front offers leadership training and consulting, and EF Overwatch helps businesses hire military leaders.

      The early Jocko Podcast videos, despite being simpler in production, still hold timeless messages that are relevant today. The first enhanced excerpt, in particular, is a timeless example of effective leadership. The speakers also encourage listeners to check out their other resources, such as their YouTube channel, "Psychological Warfare," and their books, including "Warrior Kid" and "Field Manual 1." They also offer leadership training and consulting through Echelon Front, and have a talent acquisition firm, EF Overwatch, that helps businesses hire military leaders. Overall, the speakers emphasize the importance of leadership in solving problems and achieving success.

    • Exploring Job Opportunities for Veterans with EF OverwatchVeterans can utilize efoverwatch.com for job listings and resources, with a focus on leadership and team growth

      For veterans looking for job opportunities, checking out eflegion.com is a great first step. The website offers access to various job listings and resources for getting hired. The founders of EF Overwatch, Dave Burke, Echo Charles, and Jocko Willink, encourage veterans to take charge of their career advancement. They also expressed gratitude towards military personnel, first responders, and other protectors for their service in safeguarding our way of life. A key leadership message from the speakers was that being a leader is about taking care of your team and focusing on their growth, rather than just personal achievements. EF Overwatch is available on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for further information.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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