
    The Debrief w/ Jocko and Dave Berke #1: Telling Your Employees The Truth

    enSeptember 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Leadership during uncertainty: Honesty and transparency matterEffective leaders acknowledge and address challenges during uncertain times to build trust and find solutions with their teams.

      Honesty and transparency are crucial elements of effective leadership, especially during times of uncertainty. The Jocko Debrief podcast, hosted by Jocko Willink and Dave Burke, aims to share insights and solutions to real-life leadership challenges faced by companies. During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations struggled with the truth about the situation and its impact on their workforce. Some leaders tried to keep their teams calm by downplaying the severity of the situation, but this approach ultimately proved to be ineffective and misleading. The truth, no matter how difficult, is essential for building trust and maintaining a strong organizational foundation. By acknowledging and addressing the challenges, leaders can work together with their teams to find solutions and overcome obstacles.

    • Acknowledging uncertainty and being truthful during crisesLeaders should acknowledge the uncertainty of crises and be truthful to build trust and confidence among teams, enabling effective navigation of challenges

      During times of uncertainty, it's crucial for leaders to be truthful, not only to their teams but also to themselves. During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, some leaders may have initially believed that the crisis would run its course quickly, allowing them to "breathe hold" and return to normal business operations in a few months. However, acknowledging the uncertainty and making proactive adjustments is a more effective approach. Leaders should remember that viruses, like the one affecting the world, do not have antibiotics. They run their course, and it's essential to prepare for various scenarios. By being truthful about what we know and don't know, we can make informed decisions and take necessary actions to ensure the long-term success of our organizations. The importance of truthfulness during crises was evident in the conversations with various companies and their leaders. They acknowledged the uncertainty and the need to keep their teams calm while making adjustments to their business strategies. By being truthful and transparent, they built trust and confidence, enabling their teams to work together effectively to navigate the challenges.

    • Leading with transparency and honestyHonesty builds trust and allows teams to work together towards finding solutions. Leaders who make mistakes should own up and communicate reasons to maintain trust and avoid harder decisions later.

      Transparency and honesty are crucial in leadership, especially during challenging times. Deferring the truth and making false promises can lead to more problems down the line, such as having to explain past inaccuracies and making harder decisions. When leaders make mistakes, it's essential to own up to them and communicate the reasons behind them to your team. Being truthful builds trust and allows everyone to work together towards finding solutions. As demonstrated by the examples given, companies that pivot and adapt in response to changing circumstances are more likely to succeed than those that refuse to face reality.

    • Communicating openly and honestly during tough business decisionsLeaders should explain reasons behind decisions and put team first to retain trust and inspire team members to contribute during challenging times

      During difficult business decisions, it's crucial for leaders to communicate openly and honestly with their team. This means explaining not only what is being done, but also why. When leaders fail to do this, they risk losing trust and respect from their team, making it harder to navigate through challenging times. The truth is, letting someone go is never easy, but if leaders can demonstrate their care and commitment to their team, they may find that team members are willing to go above and beyond to help the company survive. In fact, during tough economic conditions, it's often the companies with strong team dynamics that weather the storm best. So, put your team first, explain the reasons behind your decisions, and be open to adjusting roles and responsibilities as needed. This approach may not only help you retain your team, but also inspire them to contribute even more to the success of the business.

    • Leadership during challenging times requires authenticity and mutual respectLeaders must share hardships, make tough decisions, foster open communication, follow through on advice, and value team input to build trust and collaboration

      Effective leadership requires authenticity and mutual respect. During challenging times, leaders must demonstrate their commitment to their team by sharing in their hardships and making tough decisions. In the context of interpersonal relationships, it's essential to foster open communication and follow through on advice given. Ignoring advice and then blaming the giver can lead to resentment and a breakdown in trust. To build and maintain strong leadership capital, leaders must be transparent, lead by example, and value the input of their team members. By doing so, they can create a culture of collaboration and trust that will help them navigate even the most difficult situations.

    • Considering if the problem lies within yourselfReflect on your approach and ego before assuming others are the problem in relationship issues

      In situations where you feel exhausted from helping someone who repeatedly ignores your advice, it's essential to consider if the problem lies within yourself. It's common for people to assume that others are the cause of their relationship issues, but often, it's our own ego that creates a barrier to effective communication and growth. If you find yourself in a situation where you're no longer willing to offer help, consider the potential consequences for all involved and reflect on whether your advice could be improved or if you're communicating it effectively. Remember, if your advice doesn't resonate, it may be time to reconsider your approach rather than assuming the other person is the problem. Ultimately, recognizing the role of our ego in relationship issues can lead to healthier, more productive interactions.

    • Shift from giving advice to seeking others' opinionsAsk open-ended questions, elevate others' viewpoints, take responsibility for reactions, and adjust mindset for deeper conversations and stronger connections

      Effective communication and understanding in relationships, be it personal or professional, requires a shift from giving advice to seeking others' opinions. By asking open-ended questions and elevating others' viewpoints, we can foster deeper conversations and build stronger connections. Moreover, taking responsibility for our reactions and adjusting our mindset can lead to more productive interactions and resolution of conflicts. As Charlie Plumb's experience in the Hanoi Hilton illustrates, focusing on our role in the situation and adapting our perspective can lead to positive outcomes and increased control over our relationships.

    • Effective communication and ownership in relationshipsCommunicate effectively, take ownership, and approach conflicts with a solution-focused mindset to build stronger relationships.

      Effective communication and ownership are key to building strong relationships and resolving conflicts. In the first conversation discussed, the other person's immediate understanding and acceptance of the issue made it easier for both parties to move forward. However, in the second scenario, an aggressive and unconstructive email from a subordinate to a superior led to misunderstanding and reinforced a power dynamic rather than resolving the issue. It's important to communicate effectively and take ownership of our actions when we make mistakes. Additionally, it's crucial to approach conflicts with the intention of finding a solution rather than winning an argument. By doing so, we can build stronger, more productive relationships.

    • Responding to Subordinate's ApologyWhen a subordinate takes responsibility for their mistakes and apologizes, the boss should acknowledge and accept the apology to maintain healthy relationships and move forward.

      In a professional setting, taking ownership of mistakes is crucial for building and maintaining healthy relationships between subordinates and bosses. However, the response from the boss is equally important. When a subordinate takes responsibility for their actions and apologizes, the boss should acknowledge and accept the apology instead of blaming or attacking. This approach can help defuse tension, elevate the conversation, and move the situation forward. It's essential to remember that trying to force the submission of someone's ego through offensive or authoritative tactics is ineffective and can lead to further conflict. Instead, focus on open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to learn and grow from mistakes.

    • Humble leadership for stronger team relationshipsEffective leadership involves putting team needs above personal feelings, rebuilding relationships with superiors, and using disagreements as opportunities to learn and grow.

      Effective leadership often requires subordinating one's ego to better support the team and build stronger relationships with superiors. This doesn't mean being a doormat or compromising values, but rather recognizing the importance of putting the team's needs above personal feelings. It can be a challenging and uncomfortable process, but it can ultimately lead to better outcomes and more productive working relationships. As the speaker in the discussion emphasized, it's important to accept that sometimes, even when we disagree with our bosses, they may still be right. Rather than digging in our heels and refusing to budge, we can choose to use these moments as opportunities to learn and grow. By taking a humble and open-minded approach, we can begin to rebuild and strengthen our relationships, making us more effective leaders in the long run. If you're looking for guidance on leadership and team building, consider checking out the resources offered by Echelon Front, including their leadership consultancy and various podcasts and books. By focusing on the principles of extreme ownership and the dichotomy of leadership, you can develop the skills you need to lead your team to success.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    475: Transforming Culture: Addressing the Real Issues that Create Change with Dan Tocchini

    How do you navigate tension within your company and use it to create positive shifts?  

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    Get ready for a deep dive into the world of transformation. Learn about identifying common traits in us all, understanding why conflict can actually benefit organizations, and discovering the keys to lasting cultural change within companies.

    This conversation isn't just for executives. It's for anyone eager to understand what genuine leadership looks like and how to tackle hurdles in today's ever-evolving business world.

    In this episode with Dan Tocchini is a valuable resource for anyone seeking practical wisdom on personal leadership and organizational impact.

    What We Discuss in this Episode

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    • Why is conflict the yellow brick road to success?
    • What is a primary failure that shaped you?
    • What is the #1 reason corporate cultures don’t change?
    • How does this principle apply to social cultures?
    • What does it mean to be a courageous leader?
    • What would you tell a leader who is working on the wrong issues – and doesn’t know it?
    • How do we deal with conflict in a healthy, transformative way?
    • If you could wave a magic wand and change the marketplace overall, what would you focus on?

    Complete Show Notes:  https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/leadership/475-transforming-culture-addressing-the-real-issues-that-create-change-with-dan-tocchini 

    Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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