
    213: Battle is The Most Magnificent Competition in which a Human Can Indulge. Patton's General Orders.

    enJanuary 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Americans' love for competition and respect for winners fuel their desire to win in warsAmericans' determination to win, rooted in their love for competition and respect for winners, has led to their success in wars. Fear of death should not hinder one's sense of duty, honor, and manhood. Teamwork and unity within the army are crucial for success, and every soldier has an essential role to play.

      Americans have a strong desire to fight and win, rooted in their love for competition and respect for winners. Fear of death is natural, but it should not outweigh one's sense of duty, honor, and manhood. Americans have always been victorious in wars because they refuse to accept the idea of losing. The enemy may be frightened as well, and the teamwork and unity within the army are crucial for success. Every soldier has an essential role, and everyone must do their part to contribute to the greater good. Fear and self-interest should not hinder the progress of the army and the nation.

    • General Patton's Message of Courage and TeamworkGeneral Patton emphasized the importance of bravery, teamwork, and completing tasks in the face of adversity during war. He encouraged his men to stay on the offensive and fight fiercely, emphasizing that war is a brutal business but necessary for victory.

      Bravery and teamwork are essential for success, even in the face of great adversity. The quote from the text comes from General George S. Patton, who shares stories of soldiers demonstrating extraordinary courage and dedication during war. He emphasizes the importance of completing tasks, no matter how seemingly insignificant, and the value of teamwork. He also highlights the importance of staying on the offensive and not giving the enemy a chance to regroup. Patton's belief was that the quicker they could defeat their enemies, the sooner they could return home. He encouraged his men to fight fiercely and without mercy, emphasizing that war is a brutal business. Ultimately, Patton's message is one of resilience, determination, and the importance of staying focused on the mission at hand.

    • Effective communication with eloquent profanityUse profanity wisely in military contexts for impact, but lead by example and be present on the front lines to truly understand the situation.

      Effective communication, even if it includes profanity, is essential for leading and motivating soldiers in a military context. As demonstrated by General George S. Patton, the use of eloquent profanity can help make important messages stick and create a sense of intensity and focus. However, it's important to remember that there is a time and place for such language, and excessive use can diminish its impact. Additionally, leaders must lead by example and be present on the front lines to observe and understand the situation firsthand, while also being seen by their troops. As Patton wrote in a letter to subordinate unit commanders, "Your primary mission as a leader is to see with your own eyes and to be seen by the troops while engaged in personal reconnaissance."

    • The Real Challenge of Leadership: Execution and Follow-upEffective leadership requires clear communication, active engagement, and efficient management. Prioritize execution and follow-up, hold regular staff meetings, prioritize rest, and consider the location of command posts for optimal efficiency.

      While communicating orders is an essential part of leadership, it only accounts for a small percentage of a leader's responsibilities. The real challenge lies in ensuring proper and vigorous execution of those orders through personal supervision and active engagement on the ground. This means that leaders should not only issue orders but also follow up and provide guidance to their teams to ensure tasks are completed effectively. Another key takeaway is the importance of efficient staff meetings. These meetings should be held regularly and attended by key personnel to discuss important matters and make decisions. It's important for attendees to be prepared and focused, keeping discussions brief and to the point. Rest is also crucial for optimal performance, and while the exact amount of sleep required varies from person to person, it's essential to prioritize rest and create a routine that allows for adequate rest. Finally, the location of command posts can significantly impact efficiency. Placing command posts closer to the front lines can save time and resources by reducing the need for travel. Overall, effective leadership requires a balance of clear communication, active engagement, and efficient management. By focusing on these areas, leaders can ensure that their teams are well-equipped to carry out their missions and achieve success.

    • Importance of physical presence in military operationsEffective communication and visible leadership require physical presence for improved decision-making and response times in military operations. Physical maps, charts, checklists, and whiteboards can be more effective than virtual tools for certain tasks.

      Effective communication and visible leadership are crucial for military operations. The proximity of command posts and the ability to physically observe the battlefield can significantly improve decision-making and response times. While technology has advanced and virtual data can offer many benefits, having a physical map or chart available for discussion and interaction can be valuable for some individuals. Physical checklists and whiteboards can also be more effective for certain tasks compared to digital alternatives. Overall, the importance of face-to-face interaction and the tangible nature of physical materials should not be overlooked in favor of virtual tools alone.

    • The importance of physical tools for understanding complex informationPhysical tools like maps, magnets, and whiteboards provide a clearer and more tangible understanding of projects or tasks, fostering better communication and memory retention.

      While digital tools like lists and apps have their advantages, such as convenience and portability, they can also create a sense of virtual separation or barrier between users and the information they're trying to understand. On the other hand, physical tools like maps, magnets, and whiteboards can provide a clearer and more tangible understanding of projects or tasks, fostering better communication and memory retention. The speaker's experiences in the SEAL teams, where physical tools were used extensively, highlight the importance of having a physical representation of information, especially during complex missions. The simple, rudimentary tools, like magnets with names, became cherished memorabilia, serving as reminders of the team's experiences and accomplishments. Overall, the use of physical tools can lead to a deeper connection with the information and a stronger sense of team cohesion.

    • Considering Physical Alternatives to Digital ToolsDigital tools like Photoshop have barriers to use due to their interface and learning curve. Physical tools offer instant feedback and a more natural experience, but come with their own costs and limitations.

      The interface and learning curve of digital tools like Photoshop can be a barrier to use, and switching to physical tools or methods, such as magnets or books, can provide instant feedback and a more natural experience. This was discussed in relation to Photoshop, but the principle can be applied to other digital tools and even reading methods. The cost and learning curve of digital tools were highlighted as potential obstacles, especially for those with financial constraints or limited time. However, the benefits of physical tools, such as instant feedback and a more tangible experience, were seen as worth the investment. From a leadership perspective, if virtual methodologies are not working, considering a physical alternative could be a potential solution. This could be applied to various situations, such as using physical magnets instead of digital task management tools or reading physical books instead of e-books. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of considering the interface and learning curve of digital tools and the potential benefits of physical alternatives.

    • Simplify and adapt plans for complex situationsKeep plans brief and flexible, prioritize facts over opinions, and give clear, concise orders.

      Effective planning in complex situations requires simplicity and flexibility. The commander emphasizes that plans should be brief and serve as a foundation for adjustments as necessary or opportunities arise. Overly detailed plans can hinder progress and cause unnecessary complications. Reconnaissance is another crucial aspect, with the importance of gathering facts rather than opinions and being aware of potential misinformation. Orders should be clear and concise, focusing on what needs to be done rather than how it should be done. These principles, derived from military strategy, can be applied to various situations, including business and leadership contexts.

    • Confirm messages with written communicationEffective communication requires a mix of verbal and written methods. Use both to clarify messages and build trust.

      Effective communication requires a combination of both verbal and written methods. While face-to-face and voice communication are often seen as the most clear and direct forms, misunderstandings can still occur. Following up with a written confirmation, such as an email, can help ensure that everyone is on the same page. Conversely, written communication alone can lack tone and context, leading to confusion. Therefore, it's important to use both methods and be open to clarifying any misunderstandings. General Patton emphasized this importance of clear communication in the military, encouraging his team to write down and repeat back orders to avoid errors. In our daily lives, this practice can help prevent misunderstandings and build trust.

    • Expertise and Confidence in the Service IndustrySkilled professionals can make dining experiences more enjoyable by remembering and delivering on specific requests, creating a personalized and efficient service.

      The level of expertise and confidence displayed by professionals in the service industry can make a significant difference in the dining experience. The speaker shares their personal experience of feeling more comfortable and confident when ordering from experienced waitstaff, even if it means making specific requests. They note that these professionals often remember and deliver on such requests without issue, and that their efficiency and attentiveness can make the experience feel more personalized and enjoyable. The speaker also acknowledges that there can be a fine line between confidence and arrogance in the service industry, and that mistakes can still happen despite the best efforts of the staff. Overall, the takeaway is that the ability of skilled service industry professionals to anticipate and meet customer needs can lead to a more satisfying and memorable dining experience.

    • Clear communication and preparation in leadershipEffective leadership requires clear communication, following instructions, memorizing orders, warning others, and taking ownership to maintain efficiency, prevent misunderstandings, and create interlocking fields of success.

      Effective communication and preparation are crucial for successful leadership. The speaker shares his experience of being a difficult customer in a service industry setting and how his actions disrupted the system. He emphasizes the importance of following instructions and memorizing orders to avoid confusion and maintain efficiency. The speaker also highlights the significance of warning orders and keeping troops informed to ensure readiness and prevent misunderstandings. Lastly, he discusses the importance of both parties taking ownership of supply delivery to create interlocking fields of fire, leading to fewer missed opportunities and increased success. Overall, the speaker's message underscores the importance of clear communication, preparation, and teamwork for effective leadership.

    • Shared sense of ownership and accountability for problem-solvingEffective leadership requires individuals to take responsibility for different aspects of a problem, fostering a unified team effort towards its resolution, with discipline, pride, attention to detail, and mutual respect playing key roles.

      Effective leadership requires a shared sense of ownership and accountability for solving problems. This concept is illustrated in a military context through the idea of overlapping fields of fire, where individuals in a chain of command each take responsibility for different aspects of a problem, ultimately leading to its complete resolution. Another essential component of successful leadership, as emphasized in the discussed military letters, is the importance of discipline, which is rooted in pride, attention to detail, and mutual respect. Additionally, recognizing and rewarding good performance promptly is crucial for maintaining morale and motivation within a team. Ultimately, these principles underscore the importance of strong leadership and a unified team effort in achieving success.

    • Exploring fear, discipline, and the human condition in a militaristic societyThe movie 'Soldier' showcases the importance of fear and discipline in a militaristic society through intense training, obedience, and the deep-rooted habit of following orders even in the face of death.

      That the movie "Soldier," starring Kurt Russell, is a surprising and well-executed sci-fi film that explores the themes of fear, discipline, and the human condition within the context of a militaristic society. The first half hour of the movie is dialogue-free, showcasing the intense training soldiers undergo. The protagonist, a veteran soldier, is sent to a space junkyard where he encounters a society of discarded soldiers. When asked if he feels anything, he responds with "yes, sir," emphasizing the importance of fear and discipline in his life. The movie's portrayal of discipline as a deeply ingrained habit that surpasses even the fear of death resonates with the words of General George S. Patton. Officers are described as having an "awful obligation" to their men and their country, and discipline is essential for producing alertness and preparing soldiers for battle. The movie's use of formal ceremonies and smart appearance adds to the overall sense of discipline and readiness.

    • Military Discipline and FormalitiesMaintaining discipline in daily routines and responsibilities leads to success and personal growth.

      Discipline and formalities play a significant role in military organizations, from the SEAL teams to the 3rd army. Even the simplest tasks, like waking up and having dinner, have established procedures and routines. Officers hold a high level of responsibility, extending their duty to every individual under their command. Discipline is crucial to prevent cowardice and maintain morale. The consequences of misbehavior before the enemy can be severe, with potential punishment up to and including death. This emphasis on discipline and formalities is not just for military personnel, but a valuable lesson for life in general. We all have daily routines and responsibilities, and maintaining discipline in these areas can lead to success and personal growth.

    • Encouraging people to step out of their comfort zonesEffective leadership pushes individuals to overcome fears and doubts, creating a winning culture through high standards and growth.

      Effective leadership involves pushing people out of their comfort zones to help them reach their full potential. The speaker shares an experience of encouraging a young boy to train in jiu jitsu despite his initial hesitation. The boy's fathers were trying to convince him, but he needed a stronger push from the speaker to take the next step. This illustrates how sometimes people need a little extra motivation to overcome their fears and doubts. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting high standards and not settling for mediocrity, as this can create a winning culture in various contexts, from sports to business. However, it's crucial to strike a balance and avoid going overboard with this approach. Overall, the story highlights the role of leadership in helping individuals grow and succeed.

    • Balancing firmness and compassion in leadershipEffective leadership requires a balance between firmness and compassion. Maximize damage to enemy, minimize losses through cover and rapid attacks, prioritize attacks, and never yield ground.

      Effective leadership involves a balance between firmness and compassion. General George S. Patton emphasized the importance of nipping cowardice in the bud while also showing love and respect for his soldiers. In combat situations, the principle of inflicting maximum damage on the enemy in the shortest time remains constant. Casualties are directly related to the time exposed to enemy fire, and using cover while moving and rapid attacks can minimize losses. Battles are won by attacking the enemy's flanks and using indirect attacks. Fire from the rear is more effective, but requires holding the enemy in place with frontal fire. Prioritizing the execution of attacks and focusing on maximum force is essential. The German enemy is known for their digging abilities, and larger forces and more violence in attacks result in smaller proportional losses. Never yielding ground and holding positions until the final objective is reached is crucial. In mountainous terrain, securing the heights is essential. The effects of fear are largely mental, but not the only cause of casualties. Preparation and clear plans are essential for successful attacks, but excessive preparation can hinder progress. In battle, small forces can only go forward, halt, or run, and retreating from fire is not an option. Overall, Patton's teachings emphasize the importance of quick, decisive action, effective communication, and maintaining morale in the face of adversity.

    • Preparation is key in combat situationsEffective preparation includes hardening soldiers, maintaining physical fitness, using simple tools for communication and planning, and being ready for any situation.

      Preparation and physical readiness are crucial in combat situations. This preparation includes hardening soldiers and officers, maintaining physical fitness, and being able to execute attacks in the dark. Additionally, effective communication and planning through the use of simple tools like sand tables can greatly improve combat effectiveness. Another important aspect is being ready for any situation, even if it means sharpening your shovel or being prepared to dig a hole. The overall message is that being prepared and ready can make a significant difference in the outcome of a battle.

    • Using hands-on experience and visual aids for better understandingClear communication, concise orders, and examining prisoners separately enhance effectiveness in military operations. Eliminate nonessential tasks and remember challenges faced during training to avoid unnecessary traditions.

      Hands-on experience and visual aids can greatly enhance understanding and effectiveness, especially in military operations and training. The speaker shared anecdotes from his experience in the SEAL teams, where using physical models and conducting long marches helped officers and men gain a better grasp of their equipment and situations. He emphasized the importance of clear communication, concise orders, and examining prisoners separately for accurate information. The speaker also touched upon the tendency for excessive demands from the chain of command and the need to eliminate nonessential tasks. Ultimately, he highlighted the value of remembering the challenges faced during training and avoiding unnecessary traditions.

    • Traditional military practices build confidence and prepare soldiersYelling builds confidence, paperwork builds relationships, and seemingly mundane tasks enhance military training, preparing soldiers for real-world situations

      Traditional military practices, such as doing paperwork or yelling during training, may seem unnecessary or even annoying, but they serve important purposes. For instance, yelling helps build confidence and make shy individuals more comfortable speaking up. Overseas, Jocko tried to minimize paperwork to build a better relationship with his boss. Similarly, at Officer Candidate School, seemingly pointless tasks, like yelling or shooting in certain areas, have real benefits. For example, yelling builds confidence and eliminates shyness, while shooting in certain areas increases accuracy and reduces enemy effectiveness. Additionally, practices like sharpening bayonets can have psychological benefits, making soldiers feel more prepared and confident in their abilities. Overall, these seemingly mundane tasks play a crucial role in military training and should not be dismissed as unnecessary.

    • Leadership goes beyond strategy and tactics, it's about moraleEffective leaders prioritize preventative maintenance, keeping weapons sharp, and ensuring vehicles are operational to boost morale and increase team safety and success.

      Effective leadership involves not only strategic planning and tactical execution, but also psychological boosts for troops. This is evident in the quote from an unnamed military leader discussing the importance of maintaining and sharpening weapons, including knives and rifles. The leader understands the psychological impact of a sharp weapon on an enemy and the morale-boosting effect it has on his own troops. Furthermore, the leader emphasizes the importance of maintaining vehicles and ensuring they are always operational, as a breakdown could leave the team vulnerable during potential quick reaction force (QRF) missions. The leader's focus on preventative maintenance and the importance of keeping the team's gear in top condition demonstrates his understanding that taking care of the team's equipment is essential for their safety and success in the field.

    • Balancing rules and team needsEffective leaders consider both rules and team needs, balancing emotional and physical well-being with task completion.

      Effective leadership involves a balance between enforcing rules and considering the emotional and physical well-being of the team. This was illustrated through discussions about denying dessert during the week and responding to a QRF situation. The leader, in both instances, weighed the importance of following rules against the needs of the team. In the first instance, he ultimately allowed for a small deviation from the rule due to emotional circumstances. In the second instance, he considered the team's effectiveness and the potential danger of a hasty response. The leader's ability to balance these competing priorities demonstrates the importance of caring for the men under his command, as emphasized in the leadership strategy and tactics manual. This care extends beyond just physical safety, but also includes emotional and mental well-being. These moments of consideration, even in high-pressure situations, can have a significant impact on morale and team cohesion.

    • Putting team before self in leadershipEffective leaders prioritize team's needs and well-being over their own, fostering trust, positive work environment, and better outcomes.

      Effective leadership involves putting the needs and well-being of your team before your own. As General Patton emphasized, officers are responsible for the conduct and care of their men, both on and off the battlefield. This means prioritizing their health, comfort, and resources, even if it means sacrificing your own. This may seem counterintuitive, but Patton believed that by taking care of your team, you ultimately save lives and increase overall success. This principle applies not just to military leadership, but to any leadership role. By focusing on the needs of your team, you build trust, foster a positive work environment, and ultimately lead to better outcomes for everyone involved.

    • Jiu Jitsu: More Than Just Physical ExerciseJoin the jiu jitsu community for personal growth and unique camaraderie. Consistency is key, even on off days.

      Jiu jitsu goes beyond just physical exercise; it's a community and an experience that leaves an impact. The speaker shared a personal story about recognizing a trainee's readiness and the significance of stepping onto the mat. He emphasized that everyone, regardless of skill level, should join the jiu jitsu community and embrace the unique energy and camaraderie it offers. The speaker also highlighted the importance of consistency, acknowledging that not every day will be perfect but the practice will always be there. In essence, jiu jitsu is not just about learning techniques, but also about personal growth and connection with others.

    • Distribution of Martial Arts Experience Levels follows a Bell CurveEmphasis on functional clothing for MMA training, with a significant number of students having trained for 3-5 years, and the possibility of hidden talents among new students.

      The distribution of experience levels in a large martial arts school follows a bell curve, with a significant number of students having trained for 3-5 years and a smaller percentage at the bottom (new students) and the top (advanced students) ends. However, it's important to note that not all advanced students may be known to us, and there may be hidden talents among the new students. Additionally, the school places a strong emphasis on high-quality, functional clothing, including jeans, made in America through the brand Origin. The importance of functional clothing for MMA training is emphasized, with no room for non-functional or designer elements. Origin also offers supplements like joint warfare and krill oil to maintain joint health and keep students in the game.

    • Maintain Discipline and Care for Your JointsMaintain discipline, keep joints healthy with supplements and exercise, focus on long-term benefits, avoid short-term pleasures with negative consequences, and commit to personal growth through the podcast.

      Maintaining discipline and taking care of your body, particularly your joints, is crucial for pushing through challenging situations and performing at your best. Joint warfare supplements and regular exercise can help keep your joints healthy. Discipline is essential even when faced with long hours, lack of sleep, and limited food. Instead of giving in to short-term pleasures that may harm your health, focus on the long-term benefits. Jocko's white tea and protein supplements like Molk can provide energy and nutrients to help you power through. Remember, the "deal with the devil" refers to short-term pleasures that come with long-term consequences. Instead, make choices that benefit your health and well-being in the long run. Finally, representing the path and committing to personal growth can create a sense of connection and community. Subscribing to the podcast is a symbol of that commitment and can provide motivation and inspiration to continue on your journey.

    • Subscribing to a podcast goes beyond just a symbolic commitmentSubscribing saves effort, offers in-depth discussions, personalizes content, and enhances the experience with no ads

      Subscribing to a podcast goes beyond just a symbolic commitment. It makes the content easily accessible and integrates it into your daily life. Functionally, subscribing saves you the effort of having to search for new episodes. Content-wise, podcasts offer in-depth discussions that can't be fully grasped in short commercial-filled TV shows. Moreover, subscribing to a podcast's YouTube channel can personalize your content consumption and eliminate intrusive ads. Investing in YouTube Premium further enhances the experience by eliminating ads altogether. Overall, subscribing to a podcast and its related channels is a practical step towards immersing yourself in valuable content.

    • Maintaining Discipline for Personal and Professional GrowthEffective leadership and discipline are crucial for growth. Use tools like Flipside Canvas, books, and online training to maintain discipline and follow up on leadership principles. Military veterans can find opportunities to lead in the business world through organizations like EF Overwatch and EF Legion.

      Effective leadership and discipline are essential for personal and professional growth. To help maintain discipline, resources like Flipside Canvas and books such as the "Leadership Strategy and Tactics Field Manual" and "Way of the Warrior Kid" series can be utilized. Leadership training is an ongoing process, and tools like efonline.com's interactive leadership training can help in following up and drilling the principles learned. For military veterans transitioning out of the military, organizations like EF Overwatch and EF Legion can provide opportunities to lead in the business world. And, everyone plays a vital role in ensuring safety and security, so it's important to stay focused and dedicated to your responsibilities. As Patton said, "Every man is a vital link in a great chain. Everybody has a job to do. Every man is a vital link in a great chain. Every man does his job."

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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