
    250: Giving Up VS Holding On Just a Little Longer. Lessons Under Stress. NO F**KING SLACK. "About Face" pt.2

    enOctober 07, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected Chinese offensive during the Korean WarDespite lacking proficiency, the sheer numbers of Chinese soldiers armed with spears and bayonets made them a formidable enemy, leading to the largest and most bitter retreat in US army history. Prepare for unexpected challenges and adversity.

      Learning from this episode of the Jocko Podcast is the unexpected and brutal nature of the Chinese offensive during the Korean War. The author, Colonel David Hackworth, recounts his experience of being attacked by a human wave of Chinese soldiers, many of whom were armed with only spears and bayonets. Despite their lack of proficiency, their sheer numbers made them a formidable enemy. The US forces, who had been making progress in the war, were taken by surprise and suffered a significant retreat. This event marked the start of the largest and most bitter retreat in US army history. Another key point is the importance of being prepared for unexpected challenges and adversity, as the US forces were caught off guard by the Chinese offensive. The author's account serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made during the Korean War and the importance of remembering and honoring those who served.

    • Disappointed to miss combat in Inchon, David Hackworth felt powerful during first firefight in Korea, but was caught off guard by muddy ammo clips.First combat experiences can be thrilling but also come with unexpected challenges. Preparation is crucial for success.

      David Hackworth, a soldier in the Korean War, was deeply disappointed to miss out on the combat action during the Inchon landing, having already experienced the thrill of combat during his training in Europe. He earned the nickname "sergeant combat" despite being in a non-combat role. When he finally encountered enemy troops in Korea, he felt an immense sense of power and took pride in his marksmanship during the ensuing firefight. However, he was caught off guard when his ammunition clips became clogged with mud, leaving him unable to participate fully in the battle. This experience highlights the importance of being prepared for combat conditions and the steep learning curve that comes with experiencing something new, such as one's first firefight.

    • Lessons from first combat experienceEncountering enemies in combat requires preparation, quick decision-making, and understanding the gravity of the situation. The harsh realities and intense pressures of combat can dehumanize enemies and civilians, emphasizing the importance of maintaining moral compass.

      Combat situations require preparation and quick decision-making. The speaker's first experience in battle demonstrated the importance of being ready and rehearsed. He encountered a North Korean soldier alone and knocked him out, but later, they were ambushed and the speaker had to make a split-second decision to kill an enemy soldier to protect his patrol. These experiences showed him that combat was not a training exercise, and the stakes were high. Another sobering experience was discovering the remains of American soldiers killed earlier in the war, which further solidified the reality of the situation and fueled their determination to fight. The military's need to dehumanize enemies is a delicate balance, as it can also potentially dehumanize civilians in the area. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlighted the harsh realities and intense pressures of combat.

    • American soldiers faced a formidable enemy during the Korean WarDuring the Korean War, American soldiers struggled to distinguish between humans and combatants due to the Chinese army's brutal tactics, leading to low morale and challenging moral dilemmas.

      During the Korean War, American soldiers faced an enemy, the Chinese, who seemed to have no sense of personal peril, leading to difficult moral dilemmas for the soldiers. The Chinese army's brutal tactics towards civilians and other soldiers dehumanized the enemy, making it challenging for American soldiers to distinguish between humans and combatants. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, American soldiers had to delay, deceive, and disorganize the Chinese advance, trading ground for time. The Chinese soldiers' disregard for their own lives made them a formidable and relentless enemy, leading to low morale among American troops during the retreat. It's essential to remember that when leading in any scenario, whether it's in war or business, morale is crucial, especially during setbacks or retreats.

    • Overly optimistic attitude led to lack of preparation in Battle of Chosin ReservoirNegative attitude and planning for worst-case scenario are crucial for success in logistics and supply chain management.

      Underestimating the challenges and requirements of a situation, and having an overly optimistic attitude, can have serious consequences, particularly in the realm of logistics and supply chain management. This was evident during the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, where US forces were caught off guard by the harsh winter conditions and the Chinese advance. The belief that they would be home before Christmas led to a lack of preparation and prioritization of essential supplies, resulting in soldiers freezing and the eventual surrender of the US army 10 corps. This is a reminder that a negative attitude and planning for the worst-case scenario can be crucial for success. It's also an illustration of how culture, as the highest form of decentralized command and commander's intent, can significantly impact the effectiveness of an organization.

    • Be Prepared for Unexpected CircumstancesEvaluate future scenarios responsibly and carry necessary supplies to avoid discomfort, inconvenience, or even severe consequences.

      Being prepared for unexpected circumstances is essential, especially when it comes to weather and resources. The speaker's experience of forgetting jackets for his family during a unexpected cold spell at an outdoor restaurant serves as a reminder of the importance of planning ahead. This lesson was emphasized in the book they were discussing, where an army was reduced to foraging and living off the land due to food shortages, and the bitter cold made survival a constant challenge. The consequences of not being prepared could be severe, from discomfort and inconvenience to frostbite and even loss of limbs. So, it's important to evaluate future scenarios responsibly and find a balance between carrying necessary supplies and not overloading oneself.

    • Adapting to Survive in Harsh Winter Conditions during WarSoldiers endured the horrors of war and adapted to survive, using unconventional methods to keep weapons functioning and stay warm, while also destroying enemy structures and enduring unforgettable sights and smells of death.

      War is a brutal and soul-destroying experience, especially during harsh winter conditions. Soldiers had to adapt to survive, using unconventional methods to keep their weapons functioning and stay warm. Destruction was a necessity, as they burned down enemy structures to prevent the enemy from using them. The frontline experience was vastly different from that of pilots or those who flew on the deck, as they lived with the horrors of the battlefield every day and night. The soldiers endured the unforgettable sights and smells of death, and their mission was to fight a rearguard action in the midst of the chaos. Despite the hardships, they found moments of relief, such as discovering a bank vault filled with Korean notes and sharing the spoils of war with their comrades. The experience left a deep impact, reminding them of the horrors of war and the importance of adaptation and survival.

    • Surviving the Moment in the Korean WarSoldiers focused on survival, prioritized necessities, and found joy in shared hardships during the Korean War

      During the Korean War, the soldiers' focus was on surviving the moment rather than the larger political context or risks of combat. Wealth and supplies were seen as necessities, and even looting became a way to help their comrades. The soldiers' age and maturity level added to the unpredictability of their decisions. Despite the harsh realities, they found moments of joy and camaraderie, like sharing meager resources and making the best of their situation. Ultimately, their experiences highlight the human side of war and the resilience of young soldiers facing unimaginable challenges.

    • Leaders should engage with frontline troopsEffective leaders engage with their teams, understand challenges, and admit when they don't have all the answers to make informed decisions and provide resources.

      Effective leadership requires firsthand knowledge and admission of challenges. During the Korean War, soldiers faced harsh conditions, but their leaders often remained detached, relying on optimistic reports rather than experiencing the frontline reality. This lack of moral courage to truthfully communicate the situation led to poor decision-making and ineffective responses. To be an effective leader, it's crucial to engage with the frontline troops, understand their challenges, and admit when you don't have all the answers. By doing so, you can make informed decisions and provide the necessary resources to overcome obstacles. In any organization or situation, honest communication is essential for successful leadership.

    • A small platoon's surprise attack succeeds but tanks remain unusedEffective use of all resources in battle is crucial, hesitation from leadership can lead to missed opportunities and frustration among troops.

      During a battle in Soowon, a small platoon was able to successfully ambush and repel a much larger enemy force using surprise and initiative. However, the platoon's tanks did not fire their weapons, which could have resulted in a complete destruction of the enemy. The platoon leader, a young and inexperienced lieutenant, refused to give away their positions by using the tanks' firepower. The sergeant, frustrated by the lack of action, considered going AWOL. This incident highlights the importance of using all available resources in battle and the potential consequences of hesitation or caution from leadership. Despite the small victory, the frustration and disappointment among the soldiers were palpable, leading one to question the effectiveness and courage of their commanding officer.

    • Military formation of soldiers in rowsIn military terms, 'in ranks' refers to soldiers arranged in rows, but metaphorically it can describe any disciplined group. Elite troops, like the 8th Rangers, who go against the rules to fight, are highly valued.

      The term "in ranks" refers to a specific military formation where soldiers are arranged in rows, typically with four across and thirty deep. This formation is efficient for marching but not for fighting, as it makes soldiers vulnerable to machine gun fire. The term can also be used metaphorically to describe any organized group of people. However, it's important to use the term accurately and not misapply it to small groups or situations where the term doesn't fit. In the military context, being "in ranks" signifies a level of discipline and organization, and volunteers or elite troops who are willing to go against the rules to fight are highly valued. The 8th Rangers, an elite military unit, were known for their daring feats and were often tasked with special missions that conventional troops were not equipped to handle. Despite their history of being misused, they remained motivated and ready for battle.

    • Impact of unconventional leadership on military unitsUnconventional leadership, driven by understanding soldiers' motivations and encouraging a no-nonsense approach, can significantly boost military unit effectiveness.

      Unconventional leadership and morale can make a significant impact on the effectiveness of a military unit. The 27th Infantry Wolfhound Regiment, with its renegade soldiering style and rebellious attitude, was a prime example of this. Their commander, Colonel John Iron Mike Michalis, understood what motivated soldiers to fight and encouraged a no-nonsense approach. Despite their unconventional methods, the Wolfhounds had a proud combat record and were highly respected for their abilities. Joining a new unit as an individual replacement, especially as an NCO or officer, can be challenging. Hackworth's experience of being demoted to an assistant squad leader and being caught in a mortar attack on his first night with the unit didn't help his cause. However, he eventually proved himself in battle and became an integral part of the Wolfhounds. This experience underscores the importance of earning the trust and respect of a new unit through actions rather than words.

    • Importance of trust and mindfulness during harsh conditionsDuring stressful situations, be mindful of your actions as they can impact others' perceptions and trust in you

      During the harsh conditions of the Korean winter, soldiers had to rely on each other for survival, trusting one another to fulfill their duties during long, tiring guard shifts. The honor system was the only means to ensure relief when needed, and every action, no matter how small, could impact a new soldier's reputation. One night, a new soldier, in his exhaustion and confusion, accidentally bayonetted his own trousers instead of an enemy. While the incident was not intentional, it left a lasting impression on his squad. This experience underscores the importance of being mindful of one's actions, especially when in a new environment or under high-stress situations, as they can significantly impact how others perceive us. It's essential to consider the potential consequences of our actions and plan negatively to avoid making mistakes that could lead to embarrassment or misunderstandings.

    • Learning from FailureAssess risks before taking action, especially for new individuals. Courage to try new things, but consider potential consequences and be prepared for failure.

      Even in failure, there are valuable lessons to be learned. Using the example of a failed prank video where a girl jumps onto thin ice and gets hurt, the speaker reflects on the importance of assessing risks before taking action, especially for new individuals who may not have the leadership capital to recover from mistakes. This concept is further illustrated through the speaker's experiences in the military, where the harsh realities of war desensitize soldiers to the horrors of battle. Ultimately, it's essential to have courage and try new things, but also to consider the potential consequences and be prepared for the possibility of failure.

    • Focus on short-term relief despite long-term consequencesHumans prioritize instant gratification over long-term benefits, leading to negative consequences. To overcome this, establish new standards and work towards maintaining them.

      During times of stress and hardship, humans tend to focus on short-term relief and gratification, even if it means sacrificing long-term benefits. This was evident in the discussion about soldiers in the infantry, who would discard heavy gear for immediate comfort, despite knowing the consequences. This behavior is not limited to military situations, as people often make similar decisions in their daily lives. The craving for instant gratification can be compared to addictive behaviors, such as eating unhealthy foods or buying unnecessary items, which provide temporary relief but can lead to negative consequences in the long run. To overcome this, it's important to establish new standards and actively work towards maintaining them, rather than accepting a lower standard and constantly fluctuating between it and the old one. This requires effort and discipline, but ultimately leads to greater stability and overall improvement.

    • Subjective experiences of suffering and the importance of enduring hardshipsSuffering is subjective and can manifest in various ways. Enduring hardships in the short term can lead to long-term gains.

      Suffering is subjective and can manifest in various ways, even if some may seem trivial compared to more life-threatening situations. The speaker shares his experience with addiction and the intense cravings that come with it, comparing it to suffering. However, he emphasizes that not all suffering is equal, and it's essential to distinguish between immediate desires and true necessities for survival. The anecdote about the soldiers in the cold further illustrates this concept. They resorted to extreme measures to keep warm, including stuffing hay in ponchos, sleeping with hot coals, and even considering self-inflicted injuries. While these actions provided temporary relief, they also carried significant risks. The soldiers' experiences highlight the importance of enduring hardships in the short term for long-term gains. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of perspective and resilience in the face of adversity. It's crucial to recognize that suffering comes in various forms and that holding on through difficult times can lead to eventual relief and progress.

    • Maintaining hope and positivity during tough timesDespite difficult circumstances, never give up and focus on the belief that better days are ahead. Adapt and seize opportunities when they arise.

      No matter how tough or seemingly insurmountable the situation may seem, there is always hope for a better tomorrow. This was exemplified in the account of a military trainee enduring a long, cold, and wet night during seal training, who found solace in the knowledge that the sun would eventually rise. Similarly, Lieutenant General Matthew Ridgeway, leading his troops in combat, refused to give up and instead focused on plans for attack, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds. The importance of maintaining a positive mindset and refusing to retreat, both mentally and physically, was a recurring theme throughout the text. Additionally, the unexpected arrival of Ridgeway on the battlefield and his recognition of the enemy's weaknesses led to a successful attack, demonstrating the importance of adaptability and seizing opportunities when they arise.

    • Formative Experiences Shape Personality and ValuesEarly experiences and environments can significantly impact one's personality and values, shaping who they become.

      The experiences and environments individuals encounter during their formative years can significantly shape their personality and values. The speaker shares an example from the military, where different SEAL teams had distinct cultures and personalities based on their deployments and rotations. The speaker, Hack, joined the army post-World War II and describes the transformation from a wild and lawless unit to a disciplined and military one. Despite the hardships and rigorous training, Hack learned valuable skills and discipline that stayed with him. This experience highlights how the early days in one's career or life can leave a lasting impression and influence one's development.

    • Leadership in Harsh Environments: Instilling Discipline and Preparing for CombatEffective leadership in harsh environments involves pushing individuals to learn and grow through challenging experiences, instilling trust and high standards, and preparing soldiers for combat through physical training and demanding tasks.

      Effective leadership in harsh environments, such as war, requires instilling discipline and pushing individuals to learn and grow through challenging experiences. The speaker shares his experience of instilling trust and high standards in his soldiers, using physical training and demanding tasks as a means to prepare them for the rigors of war. He acknowledges that this approach may be unpopular or even painful, but believes it is necessary for readying young soldiers for the realities of combat. The speaker's own experience of being shot in the head and surviving due to his physical conditioning underscores the importance of this approach. The harsh environment and demanding nature of war require a no-nonsense approach, and the trust and respect earned through this type of leadership can make all the difference in the heat of battle.

    • A soldier's account of the harsh realities of warWar is a brutal experience with unimaginable horrors and moral dilemmas, leaving lasting impacts on soldiers' spirits

      War is a brutal and unforgiving experience, where even the strongest soldiers can be faced with unimaginable horrors and difficult moral dilemmas. The narrator, a soldier named Hackworth, recounts his harrowing experience during a battle, where he encounters unexpected challenges and encounters both compassion and cruelty from his comrades. Despite making it out of the battle alive, he is then put back into harm's way, leading him to question the very nature of war and its toll on the human spirit. Through this firsthand account, it becomes clear that the realities of war are far removed from the glorified images often portrayed, and that the consequences of military conflict can be devastating for all involved.

    • A soldier's commitment to his comrades during warDespite injuries and risks, a soldier's loyalty to his unit drives him to return to the front lines and rise through the ranks.

      Profound impact of leadership and the deep connection to one's comrades in times of war. The narrative follows a soldier's journey from a head wound in Korea, his recovery, and his unwavering desire to rejoin his platoon. Despite the challenges and risks, he felt a strong sense of duty to his brothers-in-arms. This commitment to his unit led him to return to the front lines, where he continued to serve and eventually rose through the ranks. The book, which documents his experiences, offers valuable insights into leadership, human nature, and the complexities of war. It's a powerful reminder of the importance of loyalty, resilience, and the bonds formed in the crucible of combat.

    • Consistent patterns contribute to personal growthMaking small, consistent habits a priority can help maintain momentum and continue developing as leaders and better versions of ourselves.

      Developing consistent patterns, such as working out every day, can significantly contribute to personal growth and staying on the path to self-improvement. Colonel David Hackworth's miscommunication in Pidgin English about being "one big war hero" instead of "two big war heroes" serves as a reminder that subtle differences in language can have significant impacts. The discussion also emphasizes the importance of mental well-being and the role it plays in overall health and who we are as individuals. By making small, consistent habits a priority, we can maintain momentum and continue to develop as leaders and better versions of ourselves.

    • Recognizing Rationalization to Maintain ConsistencyRecognizing when we rationalize and pushing through discomfort helps establish a consistent workout routine, benefiting mental and physical health.

      Developing a consistent workout routine is crucial for both mental and physical health. It's easy to find reasons to skip workouts or take rest days, but making exercise a daily habit can help establish a pattern and make it a non-negotiable part of your day. Rationalization can be a powerful force, leading us to find excuses to avoid challenges, but recognizing this tendency and being aware of it can help us overcome it. The TV show "Alone" provides an interesting example of how people rationalize their way out of challenges, and it's a reminder that we all have the capacity to do the same. Ultimately, the key is to recognize when we're rationalizing and to push through the discomfort and uncertainty, knowing that the benefits of consistency and perseverance far outweigh the temporary convenience of giving in to our excuses.

    • The Importance of Rest in FitnessListen to your body, prioritize rest for muscle growth and overall health, and maintain discipline to avoid skipping workouts with alternatives when needed.

      Rest is just as important as diet and exercise in achieving fitness goals. The speaker shares his personal experience with the value of rest and the tendency to rationalize working out despite minor injuries or fatigue. He emphasizes the importance of discipline and not letting excuses get in the way of sticking to a routine. The speaker also suggests having alternatives, such as a MetCon instead of a regular workout, to combat the temptation to skip a workout entirely. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of listening to your body and ensuring adequate rest to support muscle growth and overall health.

    • Consistency is key for workout improvement and joint healthPush through workouts for noticeable results, consider supplements like Jocko Fuel's joint warfare and vitamin D, and maintain a positive mindset for continued progress as we age.

      Consistency in workouts, whether it's every day or several times a week, is crucial for improvement and maintaining joint health. The speaker emphasizes the importance of pushing through and not slacking, as the results are more noticeable when you commit fully. They also recommend supplements like Jocko Fuel's joint warfare and vitamin D to support joint health during intense workout routines. The speaker acknowledges that as we age, our bodies may feel the effects more, but with the right mindset and support, we can continue to make progress and stay in shape.

    • Echo Nutrition's Healthy Product Line and Expanded OfferingsEcho Nutrition offers a variety of health-conscious products, such as protein supplements, kid-friendly protein, and a long-lasting energy drink, all free from preservatives and artificial sweeteners. They also sell jiu-jitsu gear and American-made boots on their website.

      Echo Nutrition offers a range of health-conscious products, including protein supplements in dessert form, kid-friendly Warrior Kid protein, and a real energy drink called Discipline Go, free from preservatives and artificial sweeteners. The convenience of having these items readily available at stores like Vitamin Shoppe and Wawa adds to their appeal. Echo Nutrition also sells jiu-jitsu gis, jeans, hoodies, and American-made boots on their website, Originmain.com. In contrast to traditional energy drinks, Discipline Go provides long-lasting energy without a post-drink crash. By avoiding preservatives and artificial sweeteners, Echo Nutrition ensures the health of its consumers.

    • The significance of American manufacturing and its brandsDiscovering the importance of American-made goods, from Orjamaine.com to Jockostore.com, as symbols of freedom, excellence, and personal growth through various resources like podcasts and books.

      The preservation of American manufacturing, from producing the materials to creating the final products, is a vital thread that connects the country together. This was emphasized during a discussion about various brands and their offerings, from Orjamaine.com to Jockostore.com. These brands represent not just goods, but pieces of art and symbols of freedom and excellence. Additionally, the importance of staying clean was highlighted through Warrior Kids Soap, and the availability of various podcasts and books offered valuable resources for personal growth and leadership strategies. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of these businesses and their role in enhancing individual and collective experiences.

    • Take action and be proactiveEmphasize discipline and hard work, hold yourself to high standards, and utilize resources like Echelon Front for leadership training and support for military families.

      It's important to take action and be proactive, whether it's preordering books for your children or implementing leadership principles in your personal or professional life. Jocko Willink emphasized the importance of discipline and hard work, and encouraged listeners to hold themselves to high standards. He also highlighted the resources available through Echelon Front, including leadership training and support for military families through Mama Lee's charity, America's Mighty Warriors. Additionally, he expressed gratitude for those who serve and protect us, and encouraged everyone to be their own "sergeant Hackworth" and hold themselves accountable.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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