
    253: The Ceiling You Can't Break Through is Made By You. Guidelines for the Leader and Commander pt. 3

    enOctober 28, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Checking on operations is crucial for an organization's successEffective leaders inspect operations to identify neglected areas, ensure accountability, and maintain standards.

      Importance of inspections in ensuring the success of an organization. According to General Bruce Clark, an organization thrives only when the boss checks on its operations. Inspections help identify neglected areas and ensure accountability. To be an effective leader, one must be a competent inspector, which requires study, planning, and practice. Jocko Willink, who has had success leading without relying heavily on inspections, emphasizes that effective leaders should create an environment where inspections are unnecessary because team members understand the "why" behind their tasks and take ownership of their work. However, inspections remain an essential tool for leaders to maintain standards and address any issues that may arise. Overall, the conduct of inspections is a crucial aspect of leadership, and effective leaders must be proficient in this skill to ensure their team's success.

    • Effective inspections: Finding opportunities to compliment and improveInspections should focus on finding opportunities to compliment and improve, not just finding fault. Inspectors must be knowledgeable, prepared, and practice noticing important things. Using a checklist can help ensure nothing is overlooked, but it's important to prioritize critical items.

      Effective inspections require a systematic and focused approach. According to General Clark, it's not about finding things to nitpick, but rather finding opportunities to compliment. However, to do this, inspectors must be knowledgeable, prepared, and practice noticing important things. Using a checklist can help ensure nothing is overlooked, but it's important to remember that the checklist should emphasize the most critical items. General Clark emphasizes that inspections are about emphasizing what's important, not getting bogged down in trivial matters. Additionally, inspectors should aim to correct mistakes promptly and notice good things for which someone should be complimented. In summary, effective inspections require a thoughtful and deliberate approach, with a focus on finding opportunities to compliment and improve, rather than just finding fault.

    • Prioritize and Focus on What MattersLeaders should prioritize a few tasks to check each week, ensuring thorough completion and inspiring their team to do their best work.

      Effective leadership involves prioritizing and focusing on what truly matters, rather than trying to micromanage every aspect of an organization. According to the discussion, a squadron commander should make a list of all the items or phases of his responsibility and select a few to check each week, ensuring a thorough job is done on those selected items. By doing so, he will cover all aspects of his job over time and become a master of it. Additionally, this approach humanizes the leader and inspires his team to do their best work, as opposed to creating fear through frequent inspections. The leader's ultimate goal should be to create a team of committed individuals who prioritize the safety and operation of their equipment. It's essential for leaders to consider how they would feel if the roles were reversed and choose the approach that makes the most sense for achieving the desired outcome.

    • Evaluate your own leadership through inspectionsInspections should foster accountability and continuous improvement, not be used to criticize team members, and effective leaders focus on clear communication, setting expectations, and empowering their team.

      Effective inspections are not about criticizing those under your leadership, but rather evaluating your own performance as a leader. The idea that "an organization does well, only those things the boss checks" can shift your mindset to understand that any shortcomings are a reflection of your leadership. By adopting a fair and thorough approach to inspections, you can foster a culture of accountability and continuous improvement. Additionally, it's important to recognize that not everything can be inspected, and relying too heavily on inspections can be an ineffective use of resources. Instead, focus on clear communication, setting expectations, and empowering your team to take ownership of their work.

    • Finding the right balance between accountability and trustOveruse of inspections can undermine trust and morale, but effective communication and trust are crucial for maintaining standards and ensuring accountability.

      Inspections can be an effective tool for ensuring accountability and maintaining standards, but overuse can undermine trust and morale. The speaker shared an experience from his military command where he found that frequent inspections were seen as a lack of trust and could even lead to important issues being overlooked. Instead, he advocated for a balance, where leaders pay attention to their teams and signal what matters through their actions, while also trusting them to do their jobs. The speaker also shared a personal anecdote about inspecting an airplane before flying, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and trust in these situations. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of finding the right balance between accountability and trust in leadership.

    • The importance of inspections for accountability and team moraleInspections should be viewed as a positive way to ensure everyone is on the same page and focused on critical tasks, boosting team morale and accountability.

      Inspections are an essential tool for accountability and confirmation that important tasks are being completed, rather than a negative experience. The speaker shares an experience where he failed to prioritize checking his team's range safety officer qualifications, assuming it was someone else's responsibility. Fortunately, his team had already taken care of it. However, he missed an opportunity to take credit for their good work and boost morale. Inspections should be viewed as a positive way to ensure everyone is on the same page and focused on critical tasks. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of learning from both military and civilian management practices. In the 1990s, there was a trend of military personnel learning from civilian companies, and vice versa. Both sides had much to offer each other, and this exchange of knowledge led to improved operations.

    • Effective management principles for contractors and militaryDefine problems, issue clear directives, monitor progress, make adjustments, maintain relationships, keep updated on costs and plans, and be an expert on timing. Underlying principles of effective management remain consistent.

      Effective management in both civilian contracting and military operations relies on similar principles. A successful contractor, like a military commander, must define the problem, issue clear directives, monitor progress, and make necessary adjustments to ensure successful completion. The contractor, or commander, should also maintain good relationships with their team, keep up-to-date on costs and plans, and be an expert on timing. The speaker in the discussion emphasized the importance of creating a culture where everyone understands their role and the importance of their contributions. While the specific tasks may vary, the underlying principles of effective management remain consistent.

    • The importance of building a culture of ownership and excellenceLeaders should create a culture where team members take ownership of their responsibilities and strive for excellence, using inspections as opportunities for connection and recognition.

      Effective leadership involves creating a culture where team members take ownership of their responsibilities and strive for excellence, even without constant inspection or oversight. The speaker in this discussion learned this lesson the hard way when he failed to inspect his admin department's record-keeping and was caught off guard during an unannounced inspection. However, he realized that inspections can also serve as opportunities to recognize and appreciate the hard work of his team members. Ultimately, the most important factor is building a strong culture where everyone understands their role and is committed to performing it to the best of their abilities. The Marine Corps, as an example, instills this mindset in its members, and leaders can adopt similar practices to foster a similar culture within their teams. Inspections should not be viewed as a negative, but rather as a tool for connection and recognition.

    • Making Inspections a Positive Experience for SoldiersFocus on soldiers' strengths during inspections to reflect positively on leaders, while areas for improvement reflect negatively. Understand the differences between leadership, commandership, and generalship, and effectively utilize subordinate commanders and staffs during the transition from leadership to commandership.

      Inspections should be a positive experience for soldiers, with the focus on highlighting what they're doing right rather than what they're doing wrong. The speaker argues that the things soldiers do well reflect positively on their leaders, while areas for improvement reflect negatively. This perspective challenges the traditional view of inspections as negative evaluations. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the differences between leadership, commandership, and generalship. He notes that while leadership is a specific art, commanders and generals hold different roles and require different skill sets. The speaker encourages students at the Command and General Staff College to appreciate the transition from leadership to commandership and to effectively utilize subordinate commanders and staffs.

    • Leadership transitions to commandership and generalshipEffective leaders adapt and learn new techniques as they transition from leading a team to commanding and directing subordinate commanders and staffs in larger organizations.

      Effective leadership transitions to commandership and eventually generalship as an organization grows. Leadership involves guiding a team as a platoon commander, while commandership and generalship require directing and organizing subordinate commanders and staffs. This transition can be challenging for some leaders, like the CEO in the example given, who excelled in building a business but struggled to grow it. The techniques used also change, with leadership being more about following and leading from the front, while commandership and generalship involve using aids, such as reins and a whip, to direct the team towards a goal. It's important for leaders to adapt and learn these new techniques as their roles evolve. Additionally, the nature of leadership can change over time, with the need for more decentralized command as organizations become larger and more complex.

    • Balancing Chain of Command and RelationshipsEffective leaders establish a clear chain of command while fostering strong relationships to ensure clear directives and motivated troops.

      Effective leadership involves both establishing a clear chain of command and fostering strong relationships. Leif, a former assistant platoon commander, reflects on his experiences and acknowledges that while things might have been different if he could go back knowing what he learned later, the importance of these two elements remains constant. As leaders ascend the ranks, they become increasingly removed from their troops, and their influence is carried down through their subordinate leaders. It's crucial for these leaders to nurture personal relationships with their troops to ensure the commander's will is felt on the front lines. Establishing a clear chain of responsibility is essential for ensuring every soldier knows who they work for and who works for them. This concept, known as the chain of command, is fundamental to military leadership. However, relationships should not be overlooked, as they can strengthen an organization and help create a sense of purpose within the ranks. Ultimately, successful leaders find a balance between the two, ensuring their directives are clear and their troops are motivated.

    • Effective communication and understanding of goals are crucial for successLeaders must clearly communicate intentions and objectives, be open to questions, make consistent progress, and value input from team members.

      Effective communication and understanding of goals are crucial for success in any leadership role, whether military or civilian. The leader must clearly communicate their intentions and objectives to their team, and be open to asking questions when unsure. Improvement comes from consistently making small progress in all areas and avoiding the temptation to seek headlines or attention that can lead to turbulence and ultimately hinder the unit's effectiveness. Additionally, the use of channels of suggestion, rather than relying solely on the chain of command, can be an effective way to build strong relationships and gain the cooperation of subordinates. In essence, listening to and valuing the input of others is a powerful tool for successful leadership.

    • Effective leadership involves giving and receiving suggestions and being a good followerEffective leaders listen to and learn from those around them, resulting in better ideas and a decentralized command structure. Continuous growth and equal opportunities are essential for individual and societal progression.

      Effective leadership involves both giving and receiving suggestions, as well as being a good follower. As Hackworth demonstrated, listening to and learning from those around us, including our subordinates, can lead to better ideas and a more decentralized command structure. Additionally, our development as individuals and leaders is shaped by a lifetime of following and learning from others. The best organizations and individuals are those that excel in multiple areas, not just one. Ultimately, success in life should be measured by the progress we make up the pyramid of opportunities, rather than our final destination. This concept of equal opportunities and continuous growth is a crucial step in the progression of individuals and society as a whole.

    • Following is the foundation for leadershipContinuous learning and critical evaluation of experiences are essential for growth and advancement, regardless of obstacles.

      Being a good follower is essential for becoming a successful leader. According to the speaker, everyone in a leadership position is also a follower, as they have gained knowledge, ideas, and concepts through years of following. The ability to react quickly and effectively to emergencies and critically evaluate experiences is what allows individuals to progress and move up the hierarchy of life. However, not everyone starts with equal opportunities, and some face significant challenges. Despite these obstacles, continuous learning and critical evaluation of experiences are key to advancing and growing in judgment and balance. The speaker emphasizes the importance of debriefing, whether in a military context or in everyday life, to learn from experiences and improve.

    • Self-imposed limitations in lifeAcknowledging self-imposed limitations, such as wrong decisions, wasted opportunities, poor ethics, and lack of self-control, can help us break through ceilings and reach our full potential.

      Each person's journey in life is unique, and we all face various limitations or ceilings that hinder our growth. Some of these limitations are inherent, while others are self-imposed. The speaker mentions a list of factors that can lead to self-imposed limitations, including wrong decisions, wasted opportunities, poor ethics, lack of self-control, and more. These factors are largely within our control, and acknowledging them can help us break through the ceilings we've set for ourselves. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes that external factors, such as poor associations and unfortunate family situations, can also contribute to ceiling formation. Ultimately, extreme ownership of our lives and the choices we make is crucial for overcoming limitations and reaching our full potential.

    • Understanding our self-imposed limitationsReflecting on past mistakes and taking ownership of them can lead to growth and improvement, allowing us to make positive changes in our personal and professional lives.

      Many of the limitations we face in life are self-imposed, and reflecting on past mistakes, such as wrong decisions and wasted opportunities, can lead to growth and improvement. General Wesley Clark's introspection on his own life, including his military career, highlights the importance of understanding why we make certain choices and learning from them. By taking ownership of our mistakes and shortcomings, we can gain control and make positive changes, whether in our personal lives or in a professional setting. The concept of Extreme Ownership emphasizes this idea and encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own growth and development, rather than blaming external factors for their challenges.

    • Start with self-leadershipImprove self through habits, avoid bad ones, learn from resources, and commit to personal growth for effective leadership

      Effective leadership begins with self-leadership. As Jocko Willink emphasizes, we cannot lead others if we cannot lead ourselves. To improve ourselves and make better decisions, we can adopt good habits and avoid bad ones. Jocko's company, Origin, offers various supplements, gear, and resources to support personal growth and self-discipline. Additionally, Jocko's podcasts, books, and consultancy, Echelon Front, provide valuable insights into leadership and offer opportunities for learning and growth. Ultimately, leadership is a continuous process, and it requires dedication, self-reflection, and a commitment to personal and professional development.

    • Empowering ourselves and supporting those who serveWe can overcome self-imposed barriers and become our best selves by taking responsibility, learning from mistakes, and supporting those who keep us safe.

      We have the power to control our own destinies, but often the barriers we face are of our own making. Mark Lee's mother's charity, AmericasMightyWarriors.org, serves America's warriors, and we can support them through donations or involvement. For more from Mark Lee and Dave Burke, follow them on social media. We also owe a debt of gratitude to military personnel, first responders, and others who keep us safe. General Bruce Clark's lessons remind us that we create many of the obstacles that hold us back, including poor decisions, wasted opportunities, and bad habits. Instead of giving up, we should own our mistakes and work to break through those ceilings. By taking responsibility and putting in the effort, we can become the best versions of ourselves. So, keep pushing forward, and remember, you have the power to make a difference.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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